My Husband Fucked Me Over Ch. 03

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Not pregnant, Samantha has third breeding, fucks Becky.
16.6k words

Part 4 of the 14 part series

Updated 05/06/2024
Created 07/27/2023
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Samantha finished her second breeding without success, and goes to her third, the one she anticipates will take. Her relationship with Robert and Pen deepens. She gives Pen herself as a birthday present, with great results. Samantha also has sex with her regular baby sitter, Becky. This chapter contains oral, anal, lesbian, and group sex, including MFF threesomes. It has some bondage, and spanking.

My Husband Fucked Me Over, Ch 3

My Third Breeding

When I woke up in the morning, I could still hear muffled moans and whimpers from Sylvia, who was apparently enjoying some more of the Taft's attention.

Later, I passed her in the hall when she was on her way to what would have been her room, if she hadn't spent the night with the Tafts.

"It sounded like you had fun," I said.

"Oh-my-God! Do those two know how to fuck."

"Tell me about it."

"Who am I kidding? Of course you know."

"Are you a pussy licker yet?"

Sylvia laughed. "Maybe."

"I'll take that as a yes."

"Could be," she said with a smile.


"Let's just say it doesn't gross me out."

"Anything else you want to share?"

"Not now. Got to run and you're flying out today too. They were talking of inviting me down to Naples in a month or so. I'll probably see you there."

"It depends. I only really spend much time with them if I'm fertile, with a quick dick fix every so often."

"What do you do the rest of the time for sex?"

"Suffer or masturbate. Thanks for shooting all that new masturbatory material last night. That should keep me going for a week, at least. It added a lot to my pleasure to have Pen with me instead of shooting."

"I never realized threesomes could be so much fun."

"That escaped my attention until recently as well. Thanks, Sylvia. Have a safe trip back. Where are you headed?"

"Denver is my home."

"Good bye."

She blew me a kiss. I went to wake up Emma for breakfast.

"Did you get a baby last night?"

"No, honey. Mommy can only get pregnant at certain times of the month. Yesterday wasn't one of those days. It could have happened a couple nights ago, but it will take two or three weeks before we know for sure."

We had a nice breakfast before packing to go back. Emma was looking forward to being on the plane again. I'd had a lot of great sex, but suffered a lot of missed sleep as a result, and I was looking forward to a little rest, but not before Robert and Pen both fucked me on the plane again.

When we arrived back in Fort Myers, Penelope handed me the box with the anal plugs in it. "Put the largest plug in every three or four days to keep your butt hole limber for anal sex."

"Maybe every time I masturbate, so Ransom remembers I've given my virgin ass to another man," I replied.

"Give it a couple of days before you give him another show. Let him stew awhile," she advised. "He'll probably have a million questions."

"What do you think about opening up your marriage to another woman? Sylvia mentioned you might have her down here in a month or so."

"I suppose it got easier once we'd already done it, but I don't think we're going to go totally open. I don't think Robert wants me fucking other men, and I don't really want him fucking other women either. It was okay him fucking you because you're going to give us children, and were willing to have sex with me too, and Sylvia did deserve something for helping out yesterday. It could happen again in the future, I imagine, but it should be few and far between. I can't say we haven't enjoyed having a third in our bed though."

It was already after eight when we got dropped off at home, due to the time zone difference, so I gave Emma a bath and put her to bed, reading her another story as she dropped off. Ransom was watching TV when we got home, and I ignored him and he ignored me until Emma was down.

"How much did you get fucked?" Ransom asked.

I still ignored him, opening up a book I'd started to read.

"Did Robert fuck your ass?"

"You act like you have a right to know what the fuck I do. I assure you, you don't. Not anymore. You gave up that right."

"Aren't you going to masturbate?"

"Don't feel like it. I'm kind of tired. Must be the time change."

"I was with a woman while you were gone."

"I should care, why?"

"Just want you to know I can fuck around too."

"Bravo. A magnificent achievement. You can shove your dick in a meat grinder for all I care."

"Do you want to know who it is?"

Actually, that might be something I did want to know, but not because I cared.

"Not particularly, but I suppose you're going to tell me anyway, instead of letting me read."

"It's a married woman."

"Good for you, an adulterer two times over."

"I'm making another man a cuckold, just like Robert is making me one."

"You made yourself a cuckold, don't fool yourself. If you think Robert would have gotten anywhere with me before you pulled your theft, you don't know anything about me at all."

"Admit it. You like fucking a rich guy and his lesbian wife, riding on a private jet, going out to fancy restaurants, staying in a big beach mansion."

I stood up. "What I admit to, is I like fucking a nice man, who didn't try to get me involved in a million dollar theft of charitable contributions, who could probably have legally raped me, but didn't, and who obviously cares for me and my daughter. The fact he has money is irrelevant, except that it allowed him to pay for your thefts and keep me out of jail, where you would have put me, you stupid shit. Grow the fuck up. God, I hate you, you pathetic worm. How I didn't know you were so pathetic before I married you, is totally mysterious to me, because it's as obvious as the sun on a clear day now. How any woman could consider being with you is an enigma. She'd be better off with her cuckold husband, even if he had no dick."

Ransom flushed red. I walked out of the room. I didn't slam any doors. A married woman, hmm? One step closer. I went outside and went across to Mrs. Kramer's house.

I knocked, and Edith opened the door. "Sorry to bother you so late, Mrs. Kramer. Is it okay if I come in for a couple of minutes?"

"Sure, hon. Are you doing okay?"

"Great. Went on a road trip to see the Mighty Mussel's play out of town, so I could be with my new man. God, the sex. If you ever want to have sex outside of your marriage, I have got to recommend a black man. He screwed me up one side and down the other. The dick on that man, not like my pitiful excuse of a husband. If he didn't impregnate me, it sure wasn't from lack of trying."

"Oh, my."

"My husband tried to make me jealous by telling me he was screwing someone else, as if I care that she's willing to settle for an inferior cock. I feel sorry for the poor girl. I do have one question though. Did she park in my driveway while I was gone?"

"She sure did."

"That explains the oil stain then. You didn't happen to notice her License Plate number, did you. She needs to be told to have her car checked."

"Can't Ransom tell her?"

"Probably can, but then I can't warn her about his unusual sexual proclivities. Ransom won't warn her about those."

"What sexual proclivities are you talking about?" Her eyes lit up.

"Well, Ransom tried to fuck me in the ass for years. Of course, I never let the man get close to my poop chute. I think it's despicable a man wants to put his dick where I shit out of, don't you?"

"Oh, definitely."

"Plus, he told me he liked to suck cock every so often, and who wants a half gay guy for a lover. Might be why he was so bad in bed, because he liked to sample sausages. It might explain why he wanted anal sex too. I'm not sure you can trust a guy like that. I think she should be warned. Ransom intimated she might be married, too. Be a shame he ruins another man's marriage the way he ruined mine."

"Oh, dear."

"Did you notice the license plate."

"I did. I've got it written down here somewhere."

"You're a peach, Mrs. Kramer. A peach. We're lucky to have a neighbor like you."

"Well, thank you, dear. Let's see. Here it is."

She handed me the paper. "I'll let her know what she's letting herself in for. Maybe she likes getting fucked in the ass and doesn't care. She would if her lover had a big dick like mine did. It would split that poor woman in two. Have a pleasant evening, Mrs. Kramer."

I smiled politely. More rumors would be flying around the neighborhood. She was headed straight to her phone as I left.

I went and sat in my backyard and texted Robert.

Ransom said he was with a married woman, and this is the license plate number provided by a nosy neighbor. You should be able to figure out who it is. I added the number and sent it.


I was admiring another bouquet of flowers that arrived from the Tafts, when Ransom rushed in from work. It was twice the size of the two previous bouquets. Maybe for that something special I did?

"Did you tell that busybody Kramer woman I liked to suck cocks?" Ransom asked when he barged in.

"I said you liked to sample sausages. She must have misunderstood me."

"What about the whole ass fucking thing?"

"You tried to fuck my ass at least ten times during our marriage. Just because I wouldn't let you, doesn't mean it was a lie."

"Did you say my girlfriend was married?"

"You told me that. Were you lying?"

"Fuck! Half of the neighborhood thinks I'm a cocksucker."

"Maybe it's a skill you should learn, in case you go to prison."

"You're a bitch, you know that?"

"Looks like we're stuck with each other. I married a thief. You married a bitch. Boo hoo."

Ransom glared at me and slammed his bedroom door, again.


I was making Emma supper, and Ransom came in to make himself cold cereal for supper.

"Mommy and Robert are going to have a baby," Emma said. Out of the mouths of babes. "They go to bed together to give me a half sister."

"Honey, we're trying, but I don't know if we will yet," I told her. "And it could be a half brother, not a sister."

"You told her that?" Ransom asked.

"She overheard a conversation we didn't think she'd understand. She's a smart girl. She must get that from me." I smiled sweetly. "I don't want to lie to her. She knows you're in a time out."

"What am I in a time out for?" Ransom asked Emma.

"For doing something bad that Mommy has to pay for. She has to give Robert and Pen two babies."

Later, Ransom asked, "You didn't tell her I was a thief?"

"I told her you took something that didn't belong to you. I'm not sure what she thinks of that, if she associates it with theft, or if it's like taking a friend's toy. You should tell her you're a thief, and apologize to her for being put in a time out. You're still her father, no matter what I think of you. You should also give the rest of the money back. That's what a decent man would do. You should teach your daughter what a decent person would do."

He looked at me for awhile, like he wanted to say something, but he didn't. Then he went to bed. I couldn't make Ransom be decent. Not that it would save our marriage, but maybe he could save a relationship with his daughter. He was running out of time to do the right thing.


I got a text back from Robert the next night. Your suspicions were correct. The woman is the wife of one on our sales associates who services large accounts and frequently travels for a week or two at a time. He's gone often, and we haven't found any problems with any of the accounts he services, nor found any unusual deposits in his financial holdings. We don't think he was involved in the thefts. We're still looking for information on the wife. Her name is Gina Weege.

Gina, huh. Now I could put a name to the face.

Thanks for the flowers. It's quite thoughtful.

Penelope. She's very good that way. You should receive another gift in a couple of days, a surprise. That one will be from me.

Thank you in advance.

I hope he didn't spend a lot of money. I didn't need it.


The following day, I got Becky to sit for me so I could hit the Y for a pickup game and other exercise, plus do more grocery shopping. It seemed that all Ransom was buying these days were frozen meals, cereal and milk.

"Ransom asked me out again," Becky said as I put away groceries. "I told him I wasn't interested."

"Smart girl."

"What are you doing, you know, for sex," Becky asked, "since you and Ransom aren't doing it anymore? You aren't, are you?"

"God, no. Won't touch him with a ten foot pole. The people he stole from are expecting me to give them two children. I have sex with them when I'm fertile, and masturbate most of the rest of the time."

"Are they any good?"

"Better than Ransom." I paused. "Actually, it's the best sex I ever had. If I wasn't doing it because I had to, I'd be doing it because I wanted to. Everybody should have sex like that at least once."

"Do you want to share?" Becky asked, laughing.

"I'll tell them you're interested, but I suspect they won't. They're pretty devoted to each other. I lick pussy now," I said. "Part of my obligation to them." I paused, considering. "Maybe you and I could, but only if you're interested, and I wouldn't have to masturbate as much? I can't have sex with men at the moment because I'm not on birth control, and I have to make sure any child is theirs."

"Oh, wow. What's it like?"

"I didn't think I'd like it, but it's pretty good if someone knows what they're doing."

"Let me think about it," Becky said.

"You don't have to. I just thought you might want to check it out some time. It's nice being with a person as opposed to an object."

"I'd probably try it out once, just to see what it's like, but no rush, right?"

"No rush. I've bought a fresh supply of batteries for my vibrator today." I held up the package.

Becky laughed and left.

Later that day, I got a package from Federal Express. I opened it up. It was a plaque.

"In honor of becoming an Exalted Member of the Mile High Club, on June 12, 2023, while flying at 36,000 feet over Missouri and Kansas, with both a man and a woman."

I laughed and hung it up in my bedroom.


I could tell Ransom was getting a little antsy about knowing what I'd done while I was away. Had I surrendered my ass to my new lover? What did our sex look like now? Every time he heard stirring around the house after Emma went to bed, he'd check to see what I was wearing, and what I was carrying. Until the third day after I returned, it was only the book I was reading, and some night clothes.

I got a text from Pen saying she was on watch. I went into the bathroom and lubed up the largest plug and pushed it inside of me. It was a little more resistant than it was the last time I took it out, but I got it in without too much difficulty. When I marched past Ransom's room, he stuck his head out. When he saw I was naked, and carrying a towel and my vibrator, he followed me to the family room, carrying a box of Kleenex and some hand lotion.

I turned on the TV and synced my phone, setting the towel down on the couch in case I leaked, which I probably would. When I leaned back and spread my legs, Ransom saw the plug in my ass.

"What's that?" Ransom asked, pointing to the plug.

"Keeping my ass stretched for my new lover. I need to put it in every three days or so, so it doesn't hurt as much the next time his big dick claims my ass. It also feels good having something big in my ass when I get fucked. I feel so full that way."

"So, he's fucked your ass?"

I didn't reply. I just changed the batteries in my vibrator. I started the movie of the recording Pen made of my second night in Aspen, just before I graduated to the second plug. Robert had made love to me for close to an hour as Pen recorded. With the movie playing, I started fucking myself with the vibrator, moaning and carrying on as if it was Robert fucking me.

"God, Robert! You feel so good with this plug in my ass," I said, stroking my vibrator in and out. "No one has ever fucked me like you do, you fucking stud."

Ransom released his cock from his pants and put some hand lotion on his hand, starting to stroke his hard cock. I climaxed.

"I'm cumming, lover. We've barely started, and I'm cumming already. You feel so fucking good. You're so deep. Fuck me."

And so it went. Three minutes later, Ransom groaned and shot off into a wad of tissues.

'Fuck, Robert. You last such a long time. My pathetic husband was usually good for ten to fifteen minutes. You fuck me forever. I can't believe you last this long. I'm cumming again," I whimpered.

Ransom added more hand lotion to his hand and started stroking again, already hard the second time, watching Robert make love to his wife and listening to me begging for it on the screen and right in front of him. Ransom climaxed two more times before we got close to the end.

I started playing with the plug a little while using the vibrator on my pussy. "I can't wait to feel you fucking my ass with your big, fat cock again, Robert. Will you make me squirt again? Will you make me ruin your sheets when I squirt all over them? Fuck me. Cum in me and give me your baby, Robert. I need your big dick so bad. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me. Please cum. I can't take any more, honey. Cum inside me now."

On the TV, Robert was pulsing another load of sperm into me. I had a monster orgasm, TV Robert and TV me were having a monster orgasm. Ransom dribbled out his fourth bit of sperm, completely drained, gasping.

I turned off the TV. "Man, I needed that. I didn't realize how much I could appreciate good sex, and how much I want it once I got it."

I pulled out the vibrator. It was coated in my pussy juice. I licked it clean like a lollipop as Ransom groaned.

"You weren't just fucking him. You were making love."

"Of course," I said. "You begin to appreciate the finer things in life once you start to get them. Penelope doesn't care. I make love to her like that too."

"Why don't you have any movies of her?"

"Who says I don't. This isn't a show I'm putting on for you, Rancid. I'm doing this for me. Pen doesn't want you lusting after her. Robert doesn't care if you watch him fuck me, because you're his cuckold. He prefers having you watch him breed me. I'm surprised he didn't insist on you watching him fuck as a condition of the contract, like raising his third kid. The fact you jack off to a superior male breeding your wife, says a lot about you, Rancid, none of it good."

He stood up and cocked his arm, looking like he wanted to hit me, his limp dick dangling out of his pants.

I was a little frightened, but I tamped it down, wiping the excess juices off my pussy with a corner of the towel, then I pointed at the dick hanging out of his pants.

"Oh, look, a dinky little limp dick. Maybe Edith Kramer was right about you being a limped dick lover. Go ahead and hit me, Rancid. Go to jail. I'd finally have you out of my life. Let your daughter see the man you really are."

"Aaaauuuugggghhhh! Fuck you!"

"We've already established I'm never fucking you again. I do so much better with a better man fucking me, limp dick."

He looked like steam would come out of his head. He finally lowered his arm.

"By the way, I had myself tested when I found out you were fucking Gina Weege. She fucks other men all the time when her husband is out of town. If I were you, I'd go get tested to make sure she didn't give you more than some loose pussy."

I walked back to my room, leaving him standing there with his dick hanging out and his mouth hanging open.


I thought for sure he was going to hit you, Pen texted when I was in bed.

I hoped he would. Better than being raped.