My Husband Fucked Me Over Ch. 05


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"Apology accepted. Do you want any of Ransom's clothes so he's not naked in the back of the squad car?"

Joe said, "I think that would be best."

I went into Ransom's room and got a couple pair of underwear and some sweat pants. I put them in a grocery bag and gave it to Joe. "I imagine that if this goes to trial, I'll have to see him again."

"In court, yes. If you intend to seek dissolution of your marriage, you might also have to appear before a judge for any divorce proceedings," Sharon said.

"That's about a thousand years too soon to see him, if you ask me. Can I get a retraining order. I don't want him coming near me again, in the event he can make bond."

"We'll ensure he's served with an order before he's released," Joe said.

"I'd appreciate that."

It was about 1:30 AM. when the police and security guys left. Their lights had been flashing outside my house for two hours, so some of the neighbors were still up, wondering what had happened, including Edith, across the street, and Bonnie and Bill.

Edith was the first to ask me what had happened. She wanted to beat the morning news.

"Ransom got arrested for attempted rape," I told her. "He might also get charged with Grand Theft as he violated the conditions of the agreement he signed which was keeping us out of jail."

"Oh, my! Are you all right?"

"He smacked me in the face a couple of times, but I'm doing okay."

Edith rushed into the house to light up the coconut telegraph.

Bill held my face up to the light of the street lamp. "Definitely looks like you'll have a shiner."

"Better than mashed balls," I said.

Bill grinned.

"Do you want to skip exercising with the kids tomorrow?" Bonnie asked.

"Due to the lateness of the hour, we might have to do it tomorrow afternoon, but no, I don't want to skip. I need to spend time with Emma, and I think going to the park will be just the thing. I'll need to tell her that her Dad got arrested. If you don't have to work tomorrow, Bill, you're welcome to join us."

He looked at Bonnie. "Maybe I will."

"I'll see you tomorrow then, I should probably make sure my parents, and maybe Ransom's parents, hear from me before they see the news."

"Thank you, Sam," Bonnie said. "I'm happy you still want to remain friends."

"We all have our moments of weakness, Bonnie. I blame Ransom more than I blame you. I should have made a better choice of husband, someone like Bill."

She immediately agreed with me. "Exactly like Bill."

I went into the house and immediately got called by Robert and Pen. "Are you okay?" Pen asked.

"I probably have a black eye, but on the whole, I'm fine. Ransom is gone, and hopefully, out of my life for good. Who was watching when he made his attack?"

"I was," Robert said. "Do you want to come down here?"

"At the moment, no. I've got plans for this weekend. It probably wouldn't look particularly good, if the second my husband gets arrested, I run down to your house. It might be better if we hold off. I'm sure this will get some media attention. I had to give your names to the police."

"Verne told us the outlines of what was in your statement. You're probably right."

"The way I look at it, we've got the rest of our lives to figure out what we're going to do. I need to keep this short. I'm going to call Ransom's and my parents to let them know. It's already late."

"Okay," Pen said. "I'm sorry for what happened."

"I'm not. It needed to happen. I couldn't continue to live like this."

"Call us when you have time," Robert said.

"I will."

I got some frozen peas and put them on my eye. My first call went to my parents. Mom was groggy. It was already after two.

"You might see something in the news tomorrow. Ransom just got arrested for attempted rape."

"Attempted?" Mom asked.

"It wasn't completed. Two huge security guys pulled him off me before he got anywhere," I said. "He did punch me twice in the face, so there's probably a battery charge in there as well."

"Oh, Samantha. I'm so sorry, baby." Mom said.

"Right now, I feel like my life is getting better, and not worse, so I'm not very sorry at all. I'm glad it's over. I hated staying with Ransom. This is going to be so much better. I'll see you tomorrow with more details. I just didn't want you surprised, or worrying about my condition. I'll pick Emma up around eleven. I'm going to call Ransom's parents too, let them know he got arrested."

"Are you sure you're all right."

"Just a black eye. I've had enough of them, I know what to do. Already have the frozen peas on my face."

"We'll see you tomorrow, Sam."

"Good night, Mom. Talk to you more then. Love to you both."

Beverly was the one who answered the phone when I called Ransom's parents.

"Sam, is there some kind of trouble? It's awfully late."

"Yes. Ransom was arrested for attempted rape. He'll probably also be charged with battery and Grand Theft, since he violated the terms of the agreement he signed, hoping to avoid prosecution."

"Are you okay?"

"He hit me in the face a couple of times. I have a black eye. Other than that, I'm fine. Emma wasn't home at the time. She was with my parents. I'm going to divorce him, Beverly. I quit loving him when he got me involved in this mess. He's been with other women, and the ones I knew about were both married. I don't have a shred of respect for him anymore. I no longer need to stay with him for the agreement, because he violated it. I'm done with him.

"I've thought it over, and I'm not going to shut Emma out of your lives. You were good grandparents to her, despite living so far away. You're welcome to visit any time. I'm sure you'll be here to see Ransom. If you knew there was something wrong with Ransom, I wished you'd told me, but it would probably be hard doing that to your own son, so I'll forgive you for it. Don't take his side against me, though. He's been a horrible and immoral husband and a bad, dishonest man. I want him out of my life forever."

"I understand. Thank you, Sam."

"Goodbye, Beverly. Give my best to Randy."

"I will. Thanks for calling."

I went to bed, and I think I had my best night of sleep alone since this whole thing started.


I woke up at 9:30, the latest I could remember sleeping in for a very long time. I took a shower, looked at my black eye as I brushed my teeth. It wasn't too bad, but it was certainly noticeable. I had some of Ransom's cold cereal and milk. He wouldn't need it anymore. I went to my parents to get Emma. She ran up as soon as I got there and hugged my legs. I squatted down to talk to her.

"Emma, honey, I have to tell you something. You see how I have a bruise around my eye?"


"Your Daddy hit me, honey. He was trying to force me to do something that I didn't want to do, and he hit me in the process. He's been arrested, and he's in jail now. He won't be living with us at our home anymore."

"He did another bad thing?"

"Yes, he did a very bad thing, but the people who were watching our house, sent someone in to protect me. They pulled your Daddy off of me, and put him on the floor, and the police came and arrested him. Even if he gets out of jail, he can't live with me anymore. I won't let him."

Emma touched my cheek very gently.

"Does it hurt?"

"A little. Not too bad. It feels a lot better, just seeing you." I hugged her. "Is all of your stuff packed up and ready to go. We're going to go to the park with Bonnie and Billy, and maybe Bill will come too."

"Was Bill mad at Daddy?"

"Very mad. Most men would be angry if their wives made babies with another man."

"Are we going to live with Robert and Pen now?"

"I'm not sure. I still have to divorce Daddy. We'll see them sometimes, but I think it won't be for a week or two. You might see Daddy on the news. Lots of times, when someone gets arrested, it's on the news."

I talked to my parents a little, letting them know more, being careful not to expose Emma to too much. I didn't even want her to know what rape was. Dad was furious. Ransom better hope my Dad didn't get any alone time with him, or crushed nuts might be the least of his worries. I called Bonnie and told her to meet us at Lakes Park at one. They had walking trails, paddle boats and a playground.

"I'll buy a bucket of chicken and fixings from KFC, so don't worry about food. We'll eat at one of the pavilions when we get there, then take advantage of the facilities. I was thinking of renting a couple of paddleboats and get some of our exercise, then let the kids play at the playground."

"It sounds wonderful," she replied. "We'll be there. I've got some great news."

"What is it?"

"I'll tell you when I see you."

"You sound happy."

"I am happy."

"I'll see you later then."

We swung by my place, which was on the way, to get into the appropriate clothes, swimming suits under shorts and tops, before heading for Lakes Park, with a stop at a KFC on the way. As soon as I got there, I found an open pavilion and texted the number to Bonnie. They arrived a few minutes later carrying an old sheet to use to sit down on the grass and two beach chairs.

Everyone was hungry, so we ate, using the sheet as a tablecloth. Billy and Emma were chatting amiably with one another.

"Your black eye looks a little worse in the daylight," Bill said.

"I imagine so."

Bill looked at Emma for a second, then asked, "Have you told Emma?"

"I told her Ransom was attempting to force me to do something I didn't want to do and hit me a couple times."

"What did you tell his parents?"

"The truth."

"Do they know you're pregnant with another man's child?"

"I told them that after it was confirmed. He hadn't said anything to them about our current circumstances. I filled them in on everything."

"What did they say?" Bonnie said.

"I got the feeling they knew Ransom was off kilter when I married him, and his mother said they thought I'd be good for him. I don't know what that means in terms of what they knew. I also told them he'd been having affairs, and that the women I knew of were married, and I'd be seeking a divorce. I said I wouldn't try to keep Emma from them, but they'd better not be taking his side over mine, or that could change. Bonnie, you said you had good news?"

She looked at her husband adoringly. "Bill has been sleeping the guest room. Last night he didn't. I know I still have a lot to make up for, but it's a start, and I'm so happy."

"That is good news," I said, squeezing her hand.

"How come you're not more angry at Bonnie?" Bill asked.

"I've been emotionally divorced from Ransom since I found out what he did to me. As far as I was concerned, we were both single. I wasn't sleeping with him, or making him meals, barely talked civilly to him, and having sex with other people already. What he did with others didn't matter to me, only if he did it in front of Emma. Bonnie wasn't hurting me, only herself and you, and for a man who didn't deserve it; didn't deserve a single thing of value. That reminds me, I need to call Becky. I was going to spend some time with her tonight, but can't, because I don't have anyone to look after Emma now."

"If you don't mind," Bonnie said. "Emma can have a sleepover at our house. You don't have to change your plans."

"Emma, honey, would you like to have a sleepover at Billy's house tonight?" I asked, raising my voice.

"Please, Mommy, please."

"Okay, dear. You be a good girl for Bonnie and Bill, okay?"

"Yes, Mommy."

"Thank you, Bonnie. That was very nice of you to offer."

"I've got to look after my new best friend, don't I?"

I smiled at her and her husband. We threw out what food we hadn't eaten. It wasn't much. We rented a couple of paddle boats. Since Bill was a big guy, I took both Emma and Billy with me, letting the two of them start to repair their relationship. I made sure the two kids had life vests on. We paddled lazily for about an hour, making a tour of the lake, pointing out different turtles, birds, and even a couple of small alligators.

Then I told Bonnie it was time to get our asses in gear, and challenged her and Bill to a race across the lake and back. It was the two of them paddling to my one, since neither of the kids could reach the pedals, but I knew I was in shape, and figured the distance might give me a slight advantage over their speed.

As I expected, they jumped into a pretty substantial lead which they held for the entire time across the lake the first time, and for half the return journey. I finally caught up to them following my slow and steady wins the race strategy, and from then on it was a tight battle, with them eking out a win by a foot, with Bill gloriously finding a second wind and furiously pumping like crazy. The kids were yelling and screaming because they wanted to be on the winning boat, and wanted to race again.

"Oh, hell no," Bill gasped. "I'm done. That last little bit almost did me in."

All of us adults were winded, so I was as eager to quit as Bill was. We grabbed the chairs and the sheet and headed to the playground where we watched the kids swing, slide, and otherwise have a good time. They had a Merry-go-round, and we put the kids on clinging to the bars in the middle and then spun them around so fast they were screaming in excitement. All in all, we had a pretty marvelous time.

"This was nice," Bill said. "I don't do this kind of thing enough."

"When is the last time you and Bonnie had a vacation; just the two of you?" I asked.

"Probably before Billy was born," Bill replied.

"Maybe, it's time to go on another one. I could look after Billy for you for a week. You know what they say, 'All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy.' You have to make time for your marriage."

"You're right," Bill said.

"Why don't you give me three months to turn Bonnie into a proper fox, then take her someplace where she wouldn't look out of place in a bikini and show her off."

Bill put his arms around her. "That sounds like a great plan."

"Oh, Bill," Bonnie said, "would you, after what I did?"

"I've neglected you long enough. I think it's time I stepped up, make sure you never have a reason to stray."

"I'll never do that to you again, no matter what happens."

They kissed and it was a hungry kiss. Billy sure looked happy to see it. The smile on his face was huge. We packed up our stuff and headed home.

On the way, I called Pen.

"I have a favor to ask," I said.


"I want you to stop surveillance on my house unless Ransom is released from jail. Is that possible?"

"Of course."

"Thanks. I'm sort of tired of putting on sex shows for other people."

"A date with Becky tonight?"


"Who's looking after Emma?"

"She's having a sleepover at Bill and Bonnie's place."

Pen was silent for so long, I thought she had hung up.

"Are you okay, Pen?" I asked. "Are you still there?"

"Yes. I'm ashamed to admit this, but I'm jealous."

"Why are you jealous?"

"Because you're with another woman; one younger and prettier than I am. I know I have no right to be jealous. We're not married. I have a husband. You have no obligation to us beyond giving us two children, but I can't help it."

"She's younger, but she's not prettier, Pen. I don't feel the same way about her that I feel about you, and Becky knows this. She knows that I'll probably end up with you. She's the friend with benefits, not you. I care a great deal for you and Robert. I want to end my current marriage and move in with you, but I don't particularly want to be alone right now. That's all this is; a stop gap for me. Don't worry so much."

"Thank you for saying so."

"Do you want to say Hi to Emma. We went to the park today with the Smiths."

"Hi, Emma. I've missed you," Pen said.

"I missed you, too, Pen," Emma replied. "Mommy said we have to wait awhile before we can see you. My Daddy got 'rested for being bad again."

"I know. I talked to your Mommy last night after it happened."

"She has a black eye."

"Your Mommy told me. Does it look bad?"

"A little bit. She says it doesn't hurt."

"It probably hurt when she got it."

It had. I'm sure it would have hurt more if I didn't have adrenaline pumping through my body when it happened.

"You be a good girl for your Mama, Emma. We'll see you as soon as we can."

"I will. Bye, Pen."

"Bye, Angel."

We arrived home and I told Emma to put some things on her bed that she wanted to take to Billy's, while I made her supper. I figured grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup would do well after the lunch she had.

I called Becky next while frying the sandwiches and heating the soup.

"Did you hear what happened last night?" I asked her.


"Ransom tried to rape me and he was arrested. He's finally out of my life."

"Are you okay?"

"I have a black eye. He slugged me in the face a couple of times."

"God, Sam. I'm so sorry."

"It's worth it just to have him gone out of my life, trust me."

"Does this mean we're not on for tonight?"

"It means the opposite. It means the cameras are off and we can spend the night without worrying if someone is watching."

"I didn't think you wanted Emma around when we were having sex?"

"I don't. She's having a sleepover at Bonnie's house. We have the house to ourselves tonight."

"What time?"

"Seven for dinner out, my treat. I'll pick you up. Dress up a little. It will be a nice place."

"Lovely. I'll be waiting."

"Gotta run. Talk to you later."

"Bye, Sam."

I hung up and called Emma to eat her supper. She came running out and I put her in her booster chair and gave her the food, while I checked what she'd put out to take with her. She had enough stuff that she could have stayed a week. I picked some pj's, and an outfit to put on tomorrow, one of her stuffed animals, (Bunny Rabbit), instead of the five she wanted, and packed it in a grocery bag, putting the rest of her stuff away. She hadn't gotten the important stuff like her toothbrush, so I added that. She was finishing up her food when I rejoined her in the kitchen.

"Honey you were only going to stay with Billy one night, so you get one set of pajamas, one animal, and a clean outfit for tomorrow, not half of your closet, and you forgot your toothbrush, so I packed that for you. It's all here in this bag. Are you ready to go?"

"Yes, Mommy."

"Put your dishes in the dishwasher."

Emma put her dishes away. I'd already washed the pot and pan. We walked down to Bonnie's house with Emma carrying her bag of stuff.

"We're going to watch a movie tonight, Emma," Bonnie said. "How does 'The Lion King' sound?"

"Wonderful, Ms. Bonnie."

"Have fun, Sam," Bonnie said to me, "and thanks for everything."

"I will, and you're welcome."

I rushed home, took a shower and put on a nice summery dress for my date with Becky. I drove to her house and picked her up.

"Where are we going?" Becky asked.

"There's this new restaurant in Fort Myers called 'Cooper's Hawk' near the Twin's Stadium, I've been dying to try. I originally thought Ransom and I would be going there for our anniversary. Since that's out of the question, I thought it might be a good place to take you."

"Does Ransom's arrest mean you can get divorced now?"

"It certainly does. I'm calling an attorney to start the process."

"Will that mean you're moving in with Pen and Robert?"

"Not until I'm divorced. Doing so before then wouldn't look good. I want to make sure I'm totally unencumbered."

"Will I see you again after you move?"

"I don't know, Becky. I obviously can't marry either of them, but I will be committed to them. I'm carrying one of Robert's children now, and will have another when all is said and done. I'd like the children to be raised together. Emma is so happy she's going to have a brother or sister. I wanted her to have one. I just can't say. Pen was jealous that I was doing something with you tonight. Right now, my life is so strange, I can't even imagine what I'm going to be doing in a couple of months, let alone a couple of years. You don't know what you're going to be doing after you graduate. What kind of job you'll have or where you'll be working. Trying to guess what our lives will be like in a year is kind of crazy. Do you really want to be tied up with a woman who's got three kids?"