My Husband Fucked Me Over Ch. 06


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They were silent for close to half a minute, so I thought maybe this was the end of it, but some buffoon finally worked up the nerve to speak.

"Do you feel that you were blackmailed into having sex with Robert and Penelope Taft?"

"No. When Robert and Pen devised this plan, they believed that I was as guilty of theft as Ransom. They gave me an option; give them two children for which I would receive compensation, or take my chances with the legal system and risk losing my daughter. I knew I hadn't committed a crime. I hadn't opened up any of the accounts that stolen money was found in. Later handwriting analysis proved that to their satisfaction. I could have chosen the legal system option, believing I'd be exonerated anyway. I don't blame them for wanting their own children. I love my daughter, and would have had more children with Ransom. We were supposed to be saving our money for a larger home, so we could have another child.

"No, I fully blamed Ransom for putting me into the position where I had to make a choice. That's why I wanted him gone from my life and would no longer have sex with him. He was the loser who put me in the position in the first place, not Robert or Penelope. When they discovered I wasn't a thief, they informed me that they wouldn't hold me responsible, and I could withdraw from my agreement. I chose to continue giving them two children, both because I cared for and respected them both, but because it was something they so desperately wanted. I don't feel forced by them in any way, for what happened. I chose to have Robert's baby."

"Are you pregnant now?"

"I am."

"Why did you give the money back, if as you say, you were being compensated for the children?"

"When the theft was first brought to my attention, the Tafts knew just under $500,000 had been stolen. They suspected more was taken, but only had proof of that amount, most of which was in the accounts Ransom had opened in my name. That was the amount I had agreed to when I signed the agreement. I didn't feel I was entitled to more than that, so I returned everything else that was eventually recovered. Ransom has still managed to hide a couple hundred thousand somewhere. If that is found, it will also be returned to the charities from which it was stolen. Robert and Penelope were making up the losses to the charities out of their own money. I agreed to have two children for $500,000, and that's the only amount to which I felt entitled. The charities will receive more money from the theft, as they are still receiving the compensation promised by the Tafts. The money I've returned is in addition to that compensation. I'm happy to donate it so they not only didn't lose money from his theft, they've actually profited more from it."

"Had you ever had sex with a woman before having sex with Mrs. Taft?"

"No. Let's get something straight. Penelope was letting me have sex with her husband in order for him to have children. As a bisexual, she felt it was only fair if I also had sex with her. But she never forced me to have sex with her. It was presented to me as an option. In fact, neither one of them forced me to have sex with them. I had to provide them with children, so was expected to have sex when I was fertile, which I was willing to do because I'd promised to do so when I signed the agreement. But I was never forced, or even coerced.

"They treated me with kindness and respect, and allowed me the opportunity to come to them on my own. They are both very accomplished lovers, so not only did I come to them willingly, I greatly enjoyed my time with them, to the point that I wanted to be with them as much as possible. It's been the best sex of my life. They could give lessons in sex, they're so good. Much better than the sex with my husband. He hated it that I'd no longer have sex with him, and ecstatically enjoyed the sex with the people into whose arms he'd forced me. But that was his problem. Let's not forget he forced me there."

"Are you a lesbian now? You're having sex with your daughter's babysitter," a woman reporter asked.

"How often do you have sex?" I asked.

"I'm not the one having a press conference."

"I wouldn't be having a press conference either, if you nitwits didn't broadcast my husband's lies and aspersions like they were some sort of gospel. As far as I'm concerned, my sex life is none of your damned business, so answer my question."

"Twice a week."

"I assume you enjoy it?"


"So imagine if you will, that for five days a month, I was having mind blowing sex with two lovely human beings, with multiple orgasms every day. And now imagine that for the other twenty-three days of my cycle, I have to go home to a husband I despise, and do without any sex at all except for masturbation. It was a lonely, miserable existence for all but five days a month. Even before this, when I was having sex with my husband, it was more than twice a week. I enjoyed sex, and having someone in bed with me, to be wrapped in the arms of someone I had loved. Now, I'm cut off from him, and the other people I'm beginning to care a great deal for. If I wasn't still married to that criminal, I would have lived with Robert and Penelope with my daughter, and been very, very happy.

"My babysitter knew what I was doing, and why, although not who. She knew I was having sex with a woman and that I enjoyed it. She was curious about what it would be like, and I was perfectly willing to show her, because it was better than being at home watching my cuckold of a husband wanking himself off as I masturbated. Since my daughter was now in my bedroom, I had to go into the living room and watch my deviant MF of a husband, jack off to a much better man having sex with me.

"The babysitter enjoyed it as much as I did, so now, I don't have to masturbate in front of my husband. I can enjoy actual sex with an actual, living, breathing, warm, lovely, generous, human being. I could have picked out another guy, I imagine, instead of a girl, but I'm only supposed to have children for Robert and Penelope. Kind of defeats the purpose of paying me for children if I let some other dick knock me up. So I picked a woman, and I enjoyed the sex with her, thank you very much. I prefer men, but my life isn't conducive to another man right now. Those are the only three people I'm having sex with, so if that makes me a promiscuous slut, then I guess I am, but I'm not having sex with anyone else, though I've gotten some inquiries once people knew I wasn't having sex with my husband anymore. Any other questions about my personal sex life, and if so, why don't we all share together who we're having sex with?"

"What does your daughter think about all of this?" Another woman asked.

"I told Emma that her father had done something bad and as a result, he was in a permanent time out, and that I didn't want to be with him anymore. She knew that I was 'making babies' with Robert, and was thrilled that she might have a brother or sister. She doesn't know what making babies is, except a baby ends up in my tummy. Emma greatly enjoys the company of Robert and Penelope, who treat her like their own child, and has expressed an interest in living with them permanently.

"I tried not to poison Emma's relationship with her father just because I can no longer stand his guts, but Ransom hasn't done anything to shore up his relationship since any of this happened. He doesn't pay attention to her at all unless I tell him to, whereas she gets lots of attention from Robert and Penelope when she sees them. They're like another set of real parents." I turned to Penelope and pointed to the necklace around her neck, "In fact, the necklace that Penelope is wearing now, was chosen by Emma all by herself, for Penelope for her birthday. She saw necklaces with names on them, and when she couldn't find one that said Penelope or Pen, she picked one that said Mom, because she knew Penelope would be a mother because of me."

Penelope fingered her necklace, tears in her eyes, showing it to the photographers and news cameras.

"Does Emma know Ransom attempted to rape you?"

"I only said he tried to force me into doing something I didn't want to do. I don't want a four year old child to even know what rape is. Look, everything that has happened to me, or happened between me and other people, is directly attributed to my lying, cheating, stealing, adulterous husband. I didn't ask for any of this, nor did I seek it out. I'm simply happy that considering how bad it could have been, that it's not been bad at all, and I've enjoyed everything I have done. Don't blame anyone else, for what Ransom caused. Any other questions."

No one else asked questions. Good.

"Then I guess we're done. Leave me the hell alone, and quit listening to a braying jackass who's trying to save his own miserable hide from prison."

I stepped back and Robert stepped up the podium. "I believe that Samantha did an excellent job of explaining the thoughts and motivations of me and my wife. I don't feel it's necessary to make a statement. Any questions?"

"What do you say to the allegations that you and Penelope are deviant blackmailers who took advantage of his naive wife to have sex with her?"

"I believe Samantha already answered that question. She strikes me as neither naive, nor did she feel she was blackmailed. At this point, she's a willing participant in our lives. I believe the press is giving far too much attention to a man who stole vast amounts of money, was going to escape any legal consequences for his actions until his attempted rape of his wife, smacking her in the face, the mother of his own child, while he did. I want you look at her black eye. He hit her twice in the face trying to force himself on her. This is not a man you should be listening to."

"What about you putting cameras up in their house. Did you use it to spy on them?"

"A security company monitored them, not me. It was something they agreed to, to ensure that Ransom wasn't trying to have unprotected sex with his wife in order to give us his child, instead of our own."

"So someone was looking at their four your old daughter, like child pornography?"

"The camera was shut down in any room where Emma was taking a bath, or changing clothes. There were never any images of Samantha's daughter being exploited. We would notify Samantha that we were shutting down the cameras so she could masturbate without watchers. I doubt that Samantha would care for us as much as she does, if we were intruding into her life as much as you think we were. Ransom wasn't told that we occasionally shut down monitoring, because it wasn't in our best interests for him to know, but we tried to avoid monitoring when it would have been embarrassing to Samantha. It's a good thing there were cameras in the house, because it was the reason Samantha didn't get raped."

"Do you and Penelope have threesomes with Samantha?"

"I think Samantha had the right idea. You tell me about your sex life on camera, and I'll tell you about mine. It's none of your damned business unless you're willing to do the same."

"Mrs. Taft, do you think this scandal will impact your fund raising efforts for the charities you support?"

"Probably, which would be a crying shame, because those charities are needed by our most vulnerable citizens, people without enough food, or shelter, or medical care. It would be a misfortune if those people were harmed because my husband and I want children, and went about it in this way. If those charities find themselves in need because of what I've done, they're certainly able to replace me with someone else. I won't fight it if they do. If they choose to use my help, I'll continue doing the very best I can, just as I've always done."

"What do you think of your husband having a baby with another woman?"

"I wish I could have given him a child myself. He would have had a child with his first wife, if a drunk driver hadn't killed both his wife and unborn child. Perhaps I wouldn't have felt so compelled to give him a child if he hadn't lost a child already. When this first occurred, I saw it as a chance for him to have a child who would look something like we both do. Samantha is taller than I am, but otherwise, quite similar in appearance. I was the one who conceived of this plan, not Robert. He would have gone without children if I didn't make this sacrifice for him. I didn't want him to have to do that.

"I didn't realize it at the time, thinking that Samantha most likely conspired to steal the money Ransom stole, but I now feel fortunate to have made her acquaintance and that she's the one having my husband's child. She's one of the most remarkable women, I've ever met. I see how she interacts with her daughter, and I've learned more about being a mother from her, than I learned from my own mother. Can you possibly imagine what a truly amazing person she is, who, by rights, could have kept 1.3 million dollars, but gave 800,000 back to the charities the money was stolen from, despite not having a great deal of money herself. She's constantly pestered Ransom to give up the remaining money that was stolen. How many of you would have done the same?

"Samantha is honest, courageous, good, loving, and a wonderful mother, and I've found myself falling in love with her as a result, a feeling my husband also shares. It is our fondest wish that when all is said and done, she'll choose to reside with us with Emma, who I love as if she were my own daughter. I can't imagine a more wonderful outcome for both of us, than for them to be a permanent part of our lives. I know that's not what a traditional marriage is supposed to look like, but it's my greatest desire to share our lives together, and for Robert to have additional children with her."

I smiled at them.

"What's stopping her from moving in with you?"

"Do you want to take this Samantha?" Pen asked.

"I'm still legally married to the thief in jail, even though I have no desire to be. I don't want to enter anything else which even approaches the appearance of a marriage, without legally ending the first one. I don't think it sets a good example for a child to just live with whoever you want, when you want. Until I'm divorced, I won't move in with anyone. If I didn't have this press conference today, I would have been seeing a divorce attorney instead. Try not to muck up my plans in the future."

"What was the worst part of the agreement you signed?"

"Having to remain married to a man I no longer even liked. His attempting to rape me was like a dream come true. I can finally get him out of my life. Thank you, I'm done."

I kissed both of the Tafts on the cheek and left.


My press conference wasn't a live telecast. I'm sure they'd be cutting and pasting parts of the interview and putting it on the local news tonight. I didn't know if I wanted to watch it or not. I decided to record it and watch it after Emma went to bed. That way, I could know what they were going to say before Emma saw it, and I could discuss it with her first.

Becky stayed and helped me move all of Emma's things back to her old room. Without Ransom here, there was no reason she couldn't have her own room back. We put the king size bed back in my room, and packed up the double bed. Maybe I could donate it somewhere.

I also boxed up all of Ransom's shit for someone to pick up if he was released. While I was doing that, I found a key I didn't recognize, in a little envelope.

"Do you know what this is?" I asked Becky.

"Looks like a safe deposit box key to me," she said.

"I wonder if that's where Ransom put the rest of the money?"

"Could be, if you don't have a safe deposit box."

"We didn't have anything worth putting into a safe deposit box."

"Then, it might be the money."

I laughed. "Won't that serve Ransom up right. Trying to hurt me, and as a result, going to jail and losing the rest of his money?"

"I don't see a bank name on it."

"I'll let Robert's detectives sniff out where it is. It's not like I'm going to keep the money."

I texted pictures of the key and envelope to Robert and said that Becky thought it might be a safe deposit key and might be the hiding place of the last of Ransom's money.

Robert called me immediately.

"I'm sorry we didn't have a chance to talk after the press conference. You did great, Sam. It could have gone so much worse. You pretty much defused the whole thing."

"Put blame where blame is due. Do you think it is a safe deposit key?"

"It's entirely likely, although without you being a signatory, we'll probably need a court order to open it. I'll put lawyers and detectives on it right away. Would you like a referral to a good divorce lawyer?"

"Certainly. I've never really dealt with lawyers, so any help I can get would be great."

"I'll text a name and number. Pen got an appointment with an obstetrician for Thursday at 10 AM. She'd like to go with you. Is that a problem?"

"Of course not. I'd love to see you both, but for now, it's probably best if it's low key. A doctor's office seems pretty low key."

"Thanks. She'll pick you up at 9:30. We miss you."

"I miss you too, and so does Emma."

"Take care, Sam."

"I will."

"Becky, it appears I'll need you the next three days for Emma. I've got Bonnie tomorrow and Friday, and an OB appointment on Thursday. Would you like to spend the night tonight."


"With Emma in her own room now, I won't feel so bad if you stay."

We made popcorn and watched a movie together after a light supper, 'The Little Mermaid' this time. We all enjoyed it. Always watch a kid's movie with a kid. It makes it so much better.

"Emma, Becky is going to stay tonight. Is that okay with you?"

"Okay. Are you going to make babies?"

"I already have a baby growing in me. I can't make a baby until after this one is born. Besides, girls can't make babies together. It has to be a man and a woman. But Becky is a good friend, and I enjoy her company."


After I put Emma to bed, Becky and I sat up and watched the recordings of the news I'd made to see what they'd cobbled together from my news conference. On the whole, it wasn't bad. A lot of it got cut out that might have explained things better than what they showed. Becky was happy she wasn't mentioned by name.

"Could you show me the video that caused Ransom to crack?"

"Not without getting Robert's and Pen's approval. It's not just me in those videos."

"That makes sense."

"What also makes sense is how much I want to taste you."

"Oh, God, that makes a huge amount of sense to me too," Becky said. "Great, big, monstrous amounts of sense."

I took her hand and led her to the king size bed taking up my bedroom. "We have a lot of space to play around in."

"Let's not stop until we've used every inch."

"As you wish."

We sank onto the bed. We might have missed a spot, but it wasn't for lack of trying.


When I dropped Becky and Emma off, and picked Bonnie up, she'd seen the news reports. Like Becky, she was glad that her name hadn't been mentioned either.

"Robert and Penelope Taft, hey?" She teased. "They're both gorgeous. And neither of them cares that you're with the other one."

"Nope. I'm encouraged to have a good time, with the other one cheering me on, even."

"Give me an F, give me a U, give me a C, give me a K. What's that spell? Go, team."

I laughed. "Good one, Bonnie."

"So, you do have threesomes then?"

"Fairly regularly, if someone else can watch Emma."

"What's that like?"

"Do you like having your pussy licked?"

"Oh, yeah," Bonnie said, breathily.

"Do you like getting fucked with a nice, big cock?"

"With bells on."

"Imagine getting fucked with a nice, thick dick while someone is licking you?"

"Damn. No wonder you said you were having orgasms all weekend."