My Husband Fucked Me Over Ch. 07


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While I hadn't considered it before, both women found the swimsuits they were looking for in Victoria's Secret, which had a nice selection of swimwear guaranteed to make your heart race.

Bonnie asked, "Do you have any recommendations?"

"You're still working on losing weight and toning, so buy something with string ties, as they'll be more adjustable. Otherwise, it might have to go into the back of the closet for when you have your next child. Something sexy, but not too blatant, like sheer, or minuscule. Something that makes Bill sit up and take notice, without saying, 'I'm a slut, fuck me.' I know it's a balancing act, but that's what I'd recommend."

"Gotcha. I like the sit up and take notice thing. He has seemed a little more frisky lately, and I want to keep that going."

"What about me?" Becky asked.

"You can go for 'pound me into the bed' sexy. You haven't cheated on anyone, and you have the body to carry it off."

So they both took off and looked for suits. Bonnie found the Cherry Bomb Tia string bikini by Frankie's. It was white with cherries all over it, and showed a lot of skin, without showing too much.

"Your ass is really starting to look great," I said when she modeled it for me. "All that walking and running as done wonders for your ass and legs. That string bikini bottom shows that off."

Bonnie beamed. "I found mine."

Becky got the Sparkle tiny bikini by Good American in Knockout Pink. It was sexy, but not 'pound me into the bed' sexy. It wasn't quite small enough for that, but the color was dynamite. It almost looked like she was covered with cotton candy.

"You look good enough to eat," I said.

"Exactly what I was going for," Becky laughed. "I guess I found mine too."

"I'm paying for your suit," I said.

"You don't have to do that."

"I know. I want to."

She brushed my lips with hers. "Thanks, Sam."

"Get a room," Bonnie laughed.

Becky surprised her by kissing Bonnie briefly. "Have you thought about it?"

Bonnie touched her lips. "A few dozen times, if I'm being honest."

"I've thought about it too, but maybe not quite that often."

"Are we still going to the gym tomorrow?" Bonnie asked.

"You can't let up now. You're starting to rock it, so hit it. We can probably do some swimming while we're on the boat. Pen mentioned snorkeling. A little exercise every day keeps the progress going."

We went to the food court and we all ate Oriental, Becky and Bonnie Chinese, and me Japanese, going for the tempura. I bought Edith a box of chocolates before we went home. We got our children and I paid Edith and gave her the box of chocolates.

"Thanks," Edith said.

"You're welcome. You helped a lot. Both ladies found swimsuits. Did the munchkins give you any trouble?"

"Not a bit. They're both very well behaved. I wish I could have had children before Fred died."

Edith had lost Fred during the second Gulf War. He'd been in the army, dying in 2005 when Edith was only 22. She was forty now, and never remarried. It had been a love match and she'd been devastated by his death. It was sad the way she'd lost him so early and being alone so long. I could see why gossip might intrigue her, given her life was devoid of much meaning.

I squeezed her arm. "Thank you. Sorry I didn't find the gentleman you were looking for."

She laughed. "I didn't really expect you to find one."


Becky stayed over again Thursday night. I had enjoyed some wonderful sex with her.

"Listen, I've been thinking about the sex situation on the boat. The Tafts said that what I did would be up to me. Would you join me in their bed if they allowed it?"

"You mean like a foursome?"

"Or two twosomes. My question is, would you be willing to have sex with one or both of them, if they allowed you in the bed? Have sex with either of them or just one of them? Maybe have that threesome you asked about. I know they weren't interested in expanding their repertoire of sexual partners before, but maybe they would if it was the only way to get me into bed with them, because I don't think I should leave you to yourself. I feel it's rude to do so. So would you be up for sex with two amazing people?"

"And you think they'd be up for it?"

"I can't be sure, but if they aren't, I'm going to spend the nights with you. I'm sure I'll have time for sex with them during other parts of the day. It's obviously up to them if they're willing. The question is, are you?"

"If I can spend more time with you, I'm willing."

I kissed her and went down on her, sealing the deal with more sex. Becky moaned for me.


Bonnie worked her ass off on Friday morning. We showered and went home. There wasn't much to pack. A couple of swimsuits and a wrap or something if it got cooler in the evening. Emma was bouncing up and down from the time we had lunch, she was so excited. Becky seemed a little wistful, realizing she'd be seeing me with the Tafts all weekend.

Bill, Bonnie and Billy walked over at 2:45 PM, with Bill carrying a knapsack with their clothes in it.

I whispered to Bonnie, "You didn't let Bill see your suit yet, did you?"

"No," she whispered back, "I'm wearing it under my clothes."

Grant arrived precisely at three, and Pen was with him. I introduced her to all three Smiths. Pen shook everyone's hand, then squatted down in front of Billy.

"Billy, we've got a surprise for you tomorrow afternoon. I think you're going to be very happy. I need you to do a favor for me, can you do that?"

"What favor?"

"Emma has gone with us on the boat before, and she knows exactly what to do. I'd like you to pay attention to what Emma does, and do the same things. It's for your safety and protection. No one wants anything to happen to you. Can you do that for me?"


"Good boy. I've got juice and animal crackers in the car for you to eat and drink, because it's about an hour until we get to my house. We won't be eating until a little later, so it won't spoil your appetite. Come along."

Taking his and Emma's hand, Pen helped them into the limo. She had car seats for both of them in the backward facing seats. When they were buckled in, she gave them each a juice box and box of animal crackers. She already had a friend in Billy.

Penelope took some time getting to know the three adults she didn't know well, asking lots of questions on the way. I could see how she was so successful as a fund raiser. Everyone was instantly at ease with her, even Becky, who viewed her as a rival for my affections. It was so smoothly done, I was in awe. By the time we reached their home, we were all chatting like old friends.

"Thanks, Grant," Pen said. "Take the weekend off. We'll need you Sunday night to get everyone home. The boat is ready to go, just waiting for us to get aboard. Children, take my hand, and let's go to the boat."

We walked down to the water where Robert was waiting with the Zodiac for us to arrive. After being introduced to everyone and shaking their hands, he helped the two children get in their life vests.

"Hello, Billy, my name is Robert, and when you're on a boat, it's good for you to have a life vest on. They keep you from sinking in the water, and it's bright orange so we can see you if you fall overboard. Did you see how I put it on?"


"If you need help, ask anyone, okay? Even Emma has learned to be a pretty good sailor. She can help if you need it."


"Climb in the boat. We need to ride in this little boat to get on the big boat out in the water."

Emma was already getting in, so Billy followed. The ladies got in before Bill, then Robert pushed us off the shore and scrambled into the back, started up the electric motor and ran us out to the boat, where everyone but Robert and Bill got off.

"Welcome to 'The Odyssey'," Robert said. "When the Trojan War ended and Odysseus attempted to sail back to Ithaca and his beloved wife, Penelope, it took him ten long years to get back. Given the Trojan War took ten, it was twenty years before he saw Penelope again. His name became synonymous with long and perilous voyages. The name is a tribute to my own wife.

"Bill. I wanted to show this to you. You might want to use this boat to go fishing in. The electric motor is quiet and won't scare fish away. It's easy to operate, as you start it by turning it on, then forward and reverse. The motor lasts about four hours on a charge. This is a radio to call for help if you need it, already set to our frequency, and you see this gauge here. It's a GPS paired to the big boat. It points the way back to us if you should lose sight of the rest of us.

"I've got six different rod and reel combinations and a stocked live bait well. I don't recommend you try fishing for anything big with the Zodiac, as a big fish could drag you around. If you want to shoot for a game fish, we'll do that off The Odyssey. I can mount a fishing chair off this back deck. Sam mentioned you like fishing, so we're set up for it. The Captain's name is Ben, and he can give you a hand putting the Zodiac in the water. He knows where all the fishing gear is, so don't hesitate to ask for anything."

"Thanks, Robert. That's mighty kind."

"Why don't we all go topside, and Pen can show you where all the important things are, like your cabin. We want to get this show on the road."

We went up the stairs while Robert stowed the smaller boat, and Pen took the newcomers on a brief tour, showing them their cabins and the galley and where to go for snacks.

"Antoine will be cooking for us this trip," Pen said, when we saw a man cooking in the galley. "Tonight we're having spaghetti, because Sam assured me everyone would eat spaghetti. If you should happen to catch any fish, Bill, Antoine has got hundreds of fish recipes to enjoy your catch. Emma, show Billy where we keep the water and juice for the children."

"Right here, Billy." Emma said as opened the small fridge. "You can have as much water as you want, and as much juice as Ms. Bonnie will let you have. You should ask her first."

We all laughed. The boat started to move and I knew we were getting underway.

"Do you remember which cabin is yours, Emma? Your mom said you and Billy would be sharing a cabin."

"This way, Billy. We have a TV and some movies and stuff in our room."

We all followed Emma as she pointed out the kids' room and head. "We each have our own bed, see. I had a lot of fun the last time I went sailing. You're going to love it too."

While Emma was pointing out everything to Billy, Pen led us to Bill's and Bonnie's cabin.

"We probably won't wear much but swimming suits, but anything you do have can go in this small closet. There are drawers at the bottom. You have to share a head with Becky's room, so knock first before entering. Becky, this is your cabin here," Pen said.

Becky looked at me and I shook my head. I wanted to talk to Robert and Pen first. She smiled, and paid attention to the rest of Pen's disclosures.

"Can we go topless?" Becky asked.

"I leave it up to a vote of the guests, since there are children on board, and I don't know how their parents will feel about it. If the vote for toplessness is not unanimous, then the answer is no," Pen said. "All in favor of allowing toplessness, say 'Aye'."

"We don't have to go topless, do we?" Bonnie asked.

"No, that's entirely up to you. I do remind everyone there are two other men on board, Antoine and Ben, so if you do go topless, it won't be just us chickens. Those two will also get an eyeful. They won't say anything, but they will appreciate the view."

"Do you ever go topless in front of the other men?" I asked Pen.

"I have been known to shed a top or two," Pen said. "I do always keep my bottoms on, however. That seems something more suited to my husband, or other lovers."

She looked at me as she said it. Everyone saw her looking at me, and I blushed.

"Again, by 'Aye' vote, who's in favor of allowing toplessness?" Pen asked.

Emma had seen me without clothes a few times, and I had no particular objection to her seeing toplessness on anyone. I assumed Billy had witnessed Bonnie in various states of undress, and was too young to feel anything about it one way or another. Given another two or three years, I might have issue with it, but not now.

We all seemed to say, 'Aye'. Bonnie hesitated until Bill said he was in favor of it. Let's face it, what red blooded man would say 'No' when faced with four lovely pairs of tits.

"Any 'Nays', to be certain?" Pen asked.

No nays. "The ayes carry it. Feel free to go topless if you like. If you'll follow me, I'll show you where the Captain sleeps. He's on call 24/7, so if you need him, knock on his door, say to go fishing at the crack of dawn."

She led us to the main cabin.

"This is where Robert and I are quartered. Will you be joining us, Sam?"

The adults all waited for my answer, and I blushed again. Bonnie had a big smile on her face. When I first did this, no one but my idiot husband, a lawyer, and two bodyguards knew I was going to be having sex with another couple. I'd been too angry to give it much thought at the time. The rest of the Taft's staff had quickly learned, but now it seemed like the whole damned world knew, at least my little corner of it, and I suddenly realized what that meant. I was currently a sex object to most of Southwest Florida.

"I still haven't made up my mind, Pen. I'd like to speak to you and Robert privately first."

"Of course." Pen glanced at Becky, thinking I'd be spending the nights with her. I might, but that depended on whether Pen and her husband would be willing to accept Becky in their bed. Was our threesome about to become a foursome, and we all became even bigger perverts than we were now? "When would you like to speak?"

"Now is fine," I said.

Pen and I left the others for the moment, and went up and joined Robert on the fly bridge, where he was chatting with Ben.

"Honey, Sam wanted a word with us," Pen said.

"What did you need, Sam?"

I looked at Benjamin. He was going to know what we were doing anyway. I just hadn't wanted to put Pen on the spot in front of my friends.

"Here's the situation," I said. "I don't want Becky to have to sleep alone."

"We understand," Robert said.

"Not yet, you don't. Becky actually said she's gotten to spend a lot of time with me lately, and she feels if you're sharing me, it's probably your turn. She agreed to my spending the time in your bed, and wouldn't have been too upset. I'd still feel guilty leaving her alone though, so I asked her if she'd be willing to join me in your bed. If she'd be willing to have sex with one or both of you over the course of the trip? She said she was, if it gave her the opportunity to spend more time with me. You left the decision as to what I'd do up to me. What I want, is all four of us in bed.

"I know you're reluctant to add another sexual partner, and I wouldn't ask for anyone but Becky. If she's going to be a regular visitor to what I hope will be our home, I'd like you to consider her as a partner. I don't want to have to choose. I guess I'm greedy and I want it all. If you can't, I understand. I'll spend the nights with her and try to get my time in with you at other times. I'll let you talk it over, and you can give me your answer later."

The two Tafts looked at one another.

"We can't have this get out to anyone else," Robert said.

"I'm reasonably certain none of the adults will blab," I said, "and the kids don't have to know."

They looked at each other again. Penelope nodded her head.

"We agree that Becky can join us," Robert said.

I hugged them both. "Thank you," I whispered. "It means a lot to me."

"It's a good thing we're not going to be in civilization where everyone is going to see," Pen said.

"I'll tell the Smiths to keep this on the down low." I addressed Benjamin. "Just out of curiosity, Ben, are you single?"

"Yes," he said cautiously, "but I think I'll keep out of this."

I laughed. "I had another reason for asking. Are you in your early forties, seeing anyone seriously, engaged, anything like that?"

"Just broke up about a month ago, and forty-two. Why?"

"My neighbor, across the street, she's forty, I think. Good looking woman still. She lost her husband during the second Gulf War, about eighteen years ago. She was heartbroken for a long time afterward, never dated anyone else for years. I think she just got in the habit of being alone. She's got a good heart, although a bit of a gossip as she's got nothing better to do with her time. Of course, the stuff between my husband and me, and me getting pregnant to someone other than my husband was juicy gossip. I told her I was dating a black player from the Mighty Mussels minor league baseball team because it was more embarrassing to Ransom that way,

"She looked after the children when we ladies went shopping for swimsuits yesterday. I asked her if she wanted us to pick up anything for her. She said a well endowed gentleman named Bubba. I told her that I doubted if any man named Bubba could be considered a gentleman, but I'd keep an eye out for gentleman of any name. I bought her a box of chocolates instead, not finding any gentleman during our shopping, but I'd like to know, are you a gentleman and how well endowed are you?"

Ben laughed. "I'd like to think I'm a gentleman, and I leave it to others to describe my endowments."

"I'm not sure Edith has even seen a cock for eighteen years, so anything might be well endowed to her. At least I've never seen any gentleman callers at her door. Would you be willing for me to haul you over to her place, tell her I found a gentleman, and would she like to go out to dinner with you?"

Ben laughed harder. "I have to admit that does appeal to my sense of humor. Are you sure she'll actually go out with me?"

"I think if she actually saw you, she'd be interested. I'd give you two hundred dollars to take her out. You have to treat her like a lady, though, until she tells you she doesn't want a gentleman anymore."

"I'll give you a thousand," Robert said. "It appeals to my funny bone as well. Take her someplace really nice."

"Sure, I'll do it," Ben said. "When?"

"Monday night, come by around 5:30. I'll walk you across the street and introduce you."

"Aren't you going to warn her first?" Pen asked me.

"I'll tell her to get spiffed up, that she's going out to dinner, but not with who. I'm expecting you to act like a gentleman. Open doors, hold her chair, bring her flowers, the whole nine yards. Treat her like a queen."

"I'll do it," Ben said. "Sounds intriguing."

"Excellent. I love it when a plan comes together."

I blew Ben a kiss and taking Bill's and Pen's hands, led them down to join the others, who were currently on the back deck. Becky had her eye on the kids. I released their hands and went over to Becky, kissed her on the lips, then whispered, "You're going to get so screwed tonight."

She smiled at me.

Robert asked if anyone wanted drinks, and all of the adults but me had adult beverages, Bill having a beer, and the rest of them wine. Robert spent some time talking to the others, getting to know them as Pen had in the car.

"Sam told me that you put in a lot of hours at work, Bill?"

"I probably work about fifty hours most weeks, but it's not just the hours, it's the travel. I'm probably gone eight to ten days a month."

"If you weren't working for them, what would you be doing instead?"

"Start my own construction company, probably."

"Starting your own company is a lot of work. You might be working more than fifty a week to get it off the ground."

"I know, but I'd only be working locally, coming home every night. That's been a problem."

"How close are you to making it happen?"

"Maybe fifty grand, although I wouldn't mind having a little more while I'm building it up. I've got a lot of good contacts, and I know a dozen guys who'd I'd like working with me; hard workers, guys I can trust."