My Journey of Discovery Ch. 13

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Beth makes a friend in New York before the voyage starts.
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Part 13 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/06/2020
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After her submission to Joshua, Beth is exploring her remaining time in New York, until the ship is ready to sail. This chapter contains oral and anal sex, lesbian sex, group sex, and spanking. COVID-19 and STD's don't exist in this fantasy world. My thanks to JohnGalt for editing my work. Any mistakes are purely my own.

My Journey of Discovery, Ch 13 - My First Days as a Slave, Pt 2

At seven in the morning, my phone went off, waking me out of my restless sleep. The phone ID read Joshua Greenbriar. I strained to wake up against the sandy feeling in my eyes.

"Yes, Master. How can I help you?" I asked.

"Hannah informs me you're feeling neglected. Are you unhappy with my treatment of you as my slave?"

"Not your treatment of me, Master. Perhaps it's my inexperience as a submissive, but when I wore Mistress Layton's collar, I was fucked often and enjoyed a lot of sex. I know Master is busy now preparing for the cruise, but you haven't fucked me even once, sir, and I wonder if you might think you've made a poor choice of slaves."

"Nonsense. I'm delighted with my choice."

"Even when you had me at your club on Tuesday night, you didn't fuck me. I've fucked Chase and Robert more than I've fucked you, sir."

"I can see where you might think I'm not paying you sufficient attention. Fine. I'll be there in two hours. Be ready. And you can expect to be punished for messing with my day."

"Yes, Master. Whatever you feel is appropriate. I'll be waiting."

He disconnected. Fuck! I got out of bed and took a quick shower and shaved myself to ensure he wouldn't find any hair to complain of. I called room service and ordered breakfast, hoping I'd have time to eat before he got here. Thankfully, it took only a half hour for them to deliver my breakfast, a three egg omelet with ham and cheese, and toast.

"Do you need anything else with your meal?" the food service person asked.

He was staring at my naked body when he asked, so I imagined what he was hoping I needed. Since Master was coming over, it was the last thing I needed. I gave him a five dollar tip and said, "No thank you."

He left. I'm not sure he ever looked at my face. I ate and I had enough time to brush my teeth and add some make up, light lipstick and a little mascara. At precisely nine, there was a knock on the door. I answered it and Master was standing in the hallway wearing a business suit. I invited him in, then quickly put the dirty dishes out to be picked up and the 'Do Not Disturb' sign.

"Do you like your room?" Master asked.

"It's fine for a hotel room, sir," I replied.

"You look tired, Beth. Haven't you been sleeping?"

"Not particularly well, sir, especially not last night. It was perhaps three when I fell asleep. The slave trainer is leaving me quite frustrated."

He nodded and sat down on the couch. "Over my knees, slave."

Master hadn't even taken off his coat and tie yet. "May I take your coat and hang it up first, sir. Also, I should tell you the stimulation I've had without orgasms recently has left my cunt leaking like a faucet. I'm afraid I'll leak on your pants and ruin them, Master."

"Fine," he said, smiling. "You may hang up my coat and trousers."

I helped him take off his coat and loosened his tie. I undid his belt and pulled down his zipper. His cock was creating a nice bulge behind his boxers. I could hardly wait to feel it inside me. I hung the coat and pants on a hanger and returned to the couch, settling over his lap, my bottom arched in the air.

"You weren't kidding about the state of your cunt, were you, slave?"

"No, Master." It felt quite soggy now. I'm sure if he spanked my pussy, it would splatter like jumping in a puddle.

"Ten again. Keep count and thank me."

"Yes, sir."

Master proceeded to give me a ten swat spanking with me counting and thanking him for each of the swats on my ass. It wasn't as hard as the one he gave me at his club. Perhaps today's infraction wasn't as severe as cumming without permission, or perhaps the lack of other Dominants watching left him feeling he could go easier on me. Still, I knew my ass was red when he finished. I had a couple tears in my eyes. Finished, he had me kneel on the couch facing the wall and took me from behind, his hands holding onto my hips.

"You have permission to cum," Master said, moments before he speared into my needy cunt and I climaxed as soon as he did. He held still through my contractions, then fucked me hard and deep. I orgasmed two more times before he finished, injecting my pussy with an abundance of cum.

He sat on the couch afterward so I could clean his soaked cock of our accumulated juices. He let me go on until he was hard again. I hoped he'd fuck me again, but instead he sat there with his arms stretched on the back of the couch and let me finish him with my mouth, shooting another heavy load down my throat, though he arched as he did, as I'd done all I could to make it enjoyable for him. Whatever else he'd been doing, it hadn't been fucking from the volume of his seed. He patted my head when he was done, then got up and dressed again.

As he was leaving, he turned and said, "Your ship cabin should be ready by Sunday. You may check out of the hotel and Hannah will drive you out again."

"Yes, sir."

"I'll be back at the same time tomorrow."

"Yes, Master. Thank you."

He moved the sign back inside and closed the door. Despite my three orgasms, what had just happened was as passionless as swatting a fly, perhaps less so. I started crying. I couldn't help myself. I liked Master, but it seemed he didn't find any use for me other than a cum dumpster. I put on some exercise clothes over the fluids leaking from my cunt and went down to the gym to run my frustrations off. Since I planned on exercising, there was no point in showering again now. I ran twelve miles, until I felt pleasantly exhausted. I went back to my room, ordered from room service and took a hot followed by cold shower. After eating, I laid down to sleep, exhausted and satisfied enough to fall into a deep slumber.

Hannah called me at 4:30. "Well," she asked, "how was it?"

"It was good as far as it went," I answered sleepily. "I got to orgasm three times. Master seemed less excited than if he were paying his taxes."

"Do you want me to say something to him?"

"God, no! I don't want him to feign excitement just to make me feel better. I thought he'd be more excited to fuck me, since you say he's happy with his choice of slave."

"Wow! When he left here, he looked excited as hell to see you."

"Something certainly happened between there and here."

"I don't know what to say."

"Don't say anything. He said he'd be here again tomorrow. Maybe it will be different."

"Yeah, let me know. I'll pick you up at noon on Sunday. Divide your things into the stuff you're taking and what you have to leave here."

"Okay. I'll be ready."

I went back to sleep as soon as I hung up.


I got up again at six and went down to the Al Fiore restaurant in the hotel. I refused to be ashamed of what I'd done in here on Sunday. I got some attention from staff again, as I had before, but ignored it. I was about to finish when another female guest stopped by my table on her way out and ask about 'the interesting choker' I had and where I got it.

"This is my Master's collar," I replied. "I wear it to signify his ownership of me."

"Oh!" Her surprise evident. Then, "Oh, like that 'Fifty Shades of Gray' book and movie?"

"More or less like that," I admitted.

She sat down at my table. "What's it like?" She whispered eagerly, "Do you have sex all the time?"

"Not yet," I said. Then, I actually started crying. Right in front of her, and the whole restaurant.

"Oh, dear. I'm sorry," she said. "Did I say something wrong? Overstep?"

"No, well, maybe a little, but that's not it. I'm just wondering if Master and I are a good fit."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I don't know, maybe." I thought a moment. "If you don't mind."

"Would you like to come to my room or would that be too personal for you?"

"You might be more comfortable there. If we went to my room, I have to remove my clothing. I need to remain naked every moment I'm in my room."

She looked at me a moment, astonished. Eventually, she said, "Could we go to your room? Perhaps it would help me understand."

"I have no objection," I replied, smiling at her. "I'm going to be mostly naked for an entire year. I suppose I should get used to others being around me."

"I'll get a bottle of wine for some girl talk."

"Fine." I charged my meal to my room while my new female benefactor got a bottle of wine and paid for her meal. She followed me to my room. As soon as I entered it, I stripped off my clothes. All of two items. Suddenly realizing I was naked in front of a woman I didn't even know the name of, I stuck out my hand.

"Sorry. I should have introduced myself first. My name is Elizabeth Wilson. My friends call me Beth."

She shook my hand saying, "Lynn, Lynnette Farber. Do you have a bottle opener?" Holding up the wine.

I got two wine glasses and an opener. I poured out two glasses and handed her one before sitting on the couch. She sat down beside me. Not too close, giving me my space.

"You said you have to remain naked in your room," she started. "I wasn't sure when you said it, but I can see now you meant it. Like 100% of the time?"

"From the time I close the door until I leave, even when the maid is here or a bellhop delivers my room service order. Oh, wait. I'm terribly sorry. I have to do something else," I said. "In the evenings, I'm supposed to put something on after supper. I don't know how you'll feel about it but I really do need to wear it."

"What is it?" Lynn asked.

"Master calls it a Slave Trainer."

"Show it to me."

I stood up and got it from the charger and showed it to her. She perceived immediately where it went. It was hard not to. Both phallic protrusions looked exactly like pricks.

"What's the purpose of that - to make you orgasm?"

"You'd think so, but it's exactly the opposite. It's to keep me on the edge of orgasm without allowing one."

"My God. It's sounds hellish."

"Tell me about it."

"Well if you have to put it on, don't let me stop you."

I wet the ass piece in my pussy, then put it in, turning it on. It immediately started vibrating as I wasn't too close to cumming. I sat back down.

"Do you mind if I touch it?"

"No. Go ahead."

She tentatively reached out a couple fingers close to my pussy, but touching only the Trainer, felt it vibrating, then pulled away. She nodded. "What else can you tell me?"

"I'm a Ph.D. candidate in Psychology, doing my doctoral thesis on submission and Dominance from the perspective of a submissive. I agreed to my submission in order to understand submissive behavior."

"A doctorate, really. I thought you might be less educated for some reason."

I smiled. "Surprising, isn't it. In the very brief time I've undertaken to study this, I've already found out there are no real parameters to what constitutes a submissive. I've met rich and poor, black and white, the educated and not, who are submissives and Dominants. I personally know of an attorney and a former Army Ranger who is currently a firefighter, as well as a former seminary student who are submissives. The Mistress who was helping train me before I took my current position was middle class, who married a rich submissive. He is currently deceased, leaving her wealthy. She told me of a Dominant who lives in a shitty little trailer park who helps train other submissives. There is no rhyme or reason to it as far as I can tell. One is either submissive or Dominant, or neither, though I'm unsure if there wouldn't be more if society were more open about it."

"Are you only acting as a submissive for your thesis, or are you submissive?"

"Before I began, I considered myself the antithesis of submissive. As independent a person as you might find anywhere. I've surprised myself by how easily I've taken to it. I'd probably describe myself as submissive now, which makes me wonder how many more Dominants and submissives there are who don't know they are. Which actually makes me realize something. I designed a survey to give to submissives to understand them. Perhaps I should give it to everyone, since someone may not even realize they are a submissive. I never did. Would you take it? Do you think of yourself as a submissive?"

"Not in a New York minute," Lynn laughed, "but I'll take it if you think it would help your research."

"Please. I'll give it to you before you leave. You can leave it at the front desk for me."

"So why did you break out crying at supper?"

"A long story. I just submitted to my current Master last Sunday. Except for a few blow jobs he hadn't even used me sexually until this morning. When he did, it was cold and impersonal, like he couldn't stand having sex with me and was only doing it out of obligation because I complained to his personal assistant I wasn't feeling very wanted."

"You're required to have sex with him?" Lynn asked, taking a sip of wine.

"Yeah, I guess my status isn't just submissive; it's sex slave. I'm to be at his beck and call for sex any time he wishes it, but he hasn't done much beckoning and calling, which is why I'm wondering if I'm even a good fit for him."

"This is fascinating. Tell me more."

I told her all about seeing the ad in the paper, learning submission over the course of two weeks with a Mistress and coming here to compete against ten other applicants for the position of Master's sex slave, leaving out names. I told her how Master stripped me naked in the very restaurant we ate tonight, fucked my mouth, and kept me nude while feeding me. How he'd taken me to his BDSM club and how I'd fucked other people more than him until this morning anyway. I told her Master had seemed less than interested when having sex with me this morning. How distraught it made me feel.

"I'm sorry I missed the Sunday meal," Lynn said. "That would have been amazing."

"The restaurant was closed except for Master's guests, which were his employees, I understand. The restaurant employees witnessed my behavior though."

"That might explain the attention you got tonight."

"You noticed it too?"

"Yes, dear. It was quite noticeable. I thought it was due to your clothing. You said you learned submission under a Mistress?"

"Yes. I wanted to attend what is called a Munch - a gathering of people in fetish life - Dominants and submissives, to interview them. To attend, I had to have an orientation to ensure I knew the rules of the Munch. Kind of 'what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas' sort of thing. Never talk to or about Munch attendees outside of the Munch to keep their participation in what some people might consider deviant sexual behavior secret. The head of the interviewing committed thought I was crazy to consider applying without any knowledge of what being submissive is like. She said she'd spend a couple weeks training me before I submitted my application so I had an idea if I could even do something like this for a year."

"Do you consider the sexual behavior deviant?"

"I can see why others might, but having gone through my Master's in Psychology, I already understood there was a lot more to human sexuality than most people realize. I don't consider most of it deviant, though some of it is certainly on the fringes."

"So what did you do for her, your Mistress?"

"Everything I thought I might have to do for my Master," I replied.

"Including having sex with her?"


"Had you ever had sex with a woman before?"

"No, she was the first, though by no means the last."

"So how does this submissive thing work anyway? Can anyone tell you to do something?"

"No. Since I now consider myself to be in a submissive relationship with my Master, I can only do what he gives me permission to do. I should do everything he tells me to do, within the bounds of my slave agreement, and nothing he doesn't tell me to do."

"Does he restrict your sex only to him?"

"No. I've had sex with the two men at his club, and three women he's given me permission to pleasure."

"Can I see your slave agreement? Do you have a copy?"

"Yes, it's quite comprehensive."

I rose from the couch again and got my copy, handing it to her. She started paging through it.

"Good lord! By comprehensive, I thought you were talking about something maybe two or three pages long. This is what, like twenty or twenty-five pages?"

"I haven't counted them, but it seems about right. With my Mistress, I only had a safe word because she was going to test my limits. I didn't even know the things I didn't know. I could stop it if it became too much."

She started reading some of it. Her eyes widened at some of them. "Have you done all of this?"

"Not all of it, but enough I knew what I was willing to do. Some of them are what we call soft limits. I may or may not agree to do some things depending on other circumstances."

"Like what for instance?"

"I might suck the cock of my Master after he's fucked my ass, but only if I've had enemas recently to ensure my bowels are clean. If his prick had what appeared to be fecal matter on it, I could decline."

Lynn momentarily looked like she might faint. It's probably how I looked when someone first talked to me about it.

"And you've been whipped and paddled?"

"He spanked me ten times this morning before he fucked me."

She looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders. "It's not as bad as it sounds. I can become aroused by a spanking."

"Like wanting to have sex afterward."

"Oh yes. Having sex and orgasms helps ease the pain."

She was silent for a long time.

"Would you be willing for me to spank you and possibly, have sex with you," she asked, "if your Master granted permission."

"I'm willing to do anything in that book with anyone Master grants permission to do. I'd love to be able to cum again. Are you a lesbian?"

"No; never been with a woman, though I've always been curious about it. Is he more or less likely to give you permission while you're wearing the Slave Trainer?"

"I don't know without asking him, but the arousal provided by the Slave Trainer would greatly help alleviate any pain from a spanking."

"Ask him."

I texted Master asking him to call me when he had an opportunity. He called two minutes later.

"What is it, Beth?"

"I met a woman named Lynn at supper at Al Fiore, and told her I was a submissive, Master. She asked a lot of questions and read a little of my slave agreement. She was wondering if she could spank me and possibly have sex with me. She was also wondering if wearing my Slave Trainer would make any difference in your decision."

"Put the phone on speaker for me, Beth."

"Yes, Master." I did as he ordered.

"What's your full name?"

"Lynn Farber."

"Are you a Dominant? Perhaps seeking a submissive of your own."

"I don't think so; I'm mostly curious."

"Are you a lesbian?"

"I've never had sex with a woman before, though curious what that would be like as well."

"Are you married?"

"Divorced, two grown children."

"How did you meet Beth?"

"After my dinner, I asked her about her collar. She started crying after she told me she was submissive and I wanted to speak with her to see if she was okay. We came up to her room with a bottle of wine and she's been telling me about herself."

"Why were you crying, Beth?"

I didn't want to tell Master why I was crying. Still submissives were supposed to be honest.

"She asked me if I had sex all the time, sir, and I started crying." Honest but not really telling.

"Why did you start crying?"

No way out of it now. "I'm wondering if we're compatible, Master."