My 'Niece' Jerri Ch. 04


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She looked at Zoey. Petite and perfectly proportioned, still a scrapper, though now she used her razor-sharp intellect instead of her fists. Most of the time.

Then there was Max, her gentle giant, the protector of the bunch. So caring and loving, just like his father. Max would always have a special place in her heart. He'd taken a lot of ribbing over the years from his friends about his 'hot mom', but he'd taken it all in stride.


Later that evening Zoey was in her room listening to music and reading on her bed.

There was a soft knock at her door and Max poked his head in. "Got a minute sis?" He asked.

"Sure Maxie!" she said with a quick grin as she sat up on her bed. "What's up big brother?"

Max looked a bit embarrassed. He'd just noticed that Zo was wearing a tight little tank top and skimpy panties. Not that he was dressed any better than her, in boxers and a tee.

"Well, do you think it's normal to wander around the house like we do? Y'know, in our gitch? Do you think other families do it or are we weird?"

Zoey giggled, "Lemme guess, Austin is still bugging you about mom?"

Max blushed, "Yeah, every time I see him he's asking what kind of panties she's wearing. I'm sick of it. He's one of my best friends, but it's getting to the point that I want to clobber him."

Zo smirked, "So don't tell him, and if he keeps bugging ya deck him! Max we've been doing this for years, it's 'normal' for us and that's all that matters right?"

Max shrugged, "Yeah I guess so. It's just that I'm noticing it a lot more. Like mom's lacy little thong this morning, and well, you now. It's getting harder for me."

Zoey let loose with peals of laughter and flopped back on her bed, giving Max a good look at her panty clad crotch. "Getting harder huh?" she said between giggles.

Max gave her a sheepish grin, "Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up sis, just remember I'm not as oblivious as you think I am."

Zoey pierced him with a calculating gaze, "What do you mean?"

Now it was Max's turn to laugh, "I know things Zozo. Things that mom and dad might find interesting."

"Like what Max," Zoey said with a nervous look in her eyes.

"Like you and Brytt? You may think I can't hear things in my room but I do. The heating ducts in my room feed off of the ones in yours. I hear everything. So, are you lez Zo?"

"No! I like guys Max, Brytt and I are just experimenting a bit. If I'm anything I'm maybe bi. Tell you what, I won't tell mom and dad about your 'hard' problem if you don't tell them about me and Brytt okay?"

"Deal!" Max said with a grin as he headed for the door. He stopped for a second before he left, "By the way, very sexy panties."

Zoey threw a pillow at him and laughed, "Nice tent bro."

Max looked down and saw that he was at half mast. He shrugged and left with a sly grin.


It was Saturday afternoon, a gorgeous, warm sunny day. Alex and Becky were splashing and playing in the pool while Zoey and Jerri were tanning. Both were topless, letting the sun warm their breasts.

Zoey opened her eyes and took a peek at Jerri. She thought about what Maxie had told her a few days ago. She could understand his predicament. Jerri was hot, she didn't look like she'd had two kids and was almost thirty.

She looked down at her small b-cup breasts then over at Jerri's larger, firm c-cup boobs. They had no sag at all. Zoey sighed and laid her head back down.

Jerri cracked an eye open, "What's the matter Zozo?"

"Nothing Jerri, just thinking that's all."

"Zoey you haven't called me Jerri since before your dad and I got married. Out with it." she said firmly.

"I just wish... Well yours are... Fuck it, I wish I had boobs like yours." Zoey said with a blush.

Jerri laughed and sat up, her breasts swaying slightly. "Zo, there are days I wish I had boobs like yours! We're about the same build, but having bigger breasts isn't all it's cracked up to be." Jerri said as she poked herself in the breast. "Some days I feel like they're bowling balls."

Zoey giggled and poked Jerri's breast, "Yeah, well they're pretty awesome looking bowling balls!"

"Well your dad seems to like them." Jerri replied with a cheeky grin.

"What do I like?" Joe asked as he walked out onto the deck.

Jerri smiled, "My boobs daddy, Zo was telling me how she wished she had boobs like mine."

Joe looked Zoey up and down as she put her bikini top back on, "Sweetie your boobs are fine, I think they're perfect."

"Thanks daddy," Zoey said sarcastically. "Nothing makes a girl feel sexy like her dad saying she's got perfect tits."

"I think I'm going to shut up before I put my other foot in my mouth," Joe said as he shook his head and sat beside Jerri. It hadn't really occurred to Joe until just then, but looking at Zoey he realized that she wasn't his little girl anymore, she was beautiful young woman now.

Jerri kissed his cheek and put her top on too, "Smart move sweetie."


The next weekend the storm of the decade hit, the winds were howling at one hundred kilometers per hour and the rain slashed in all directions. Thunder and lightning crashed across the sky every few seconds.

Zoey woke up terrified, she'd always hated thunder storms. When she was small she would curl up with either her dad or Max. She hadn't done that in years and toughed it out, laying in bed with her pillow over her head. This time she couldn't. She stumbled into Max's room with tears in her eyes.

"Maxie, can I cuddle with you? I'm scared." She whispered.

"Huh? Sure Zo," Max said as he made room.

Zoey crawled in to Max's bed and pressed up close to him. She felt his bare hip against her bum and giggled despite her fear.

"Ah sis? Are you naked?" asked Max.

"Yeah, you?" she responded.


"Awkward!" Zoey said with a giggle.

A crack of lightning boomed right outside the window making both Max and Zoey jump. Zoey spun around and quivered against Max.

"Holy fuck that was close!" Zoey commented shakily.

Max had his arms wrapped around his sister and was stroking her back to calm her down.

"Uhm Zo? Your nipples are sticking me in the ribs." Max remarked with a low chuckle.

"Yeah well your 'hard problem' is poking my thigh," giggled Zoey.

This time Max said, "Awkward!" making Zoey giggle again.

"So what's your excuse Maxie?"

"After I broke up with Kellie the pickings have been slim. You?"

"Not used to sharing a bed with a naked guy. In fact this is the first time."

"Seriously Zoey? You never..."

"Nope, never bro." Zoey replied.

Max squeezed Zoey tight, "Wow. I just thought well, because of all the guys you dated that you would have already done it sis."

"I haven't. I've fooled around a bit but never did 'IT.'"

"Okay well tell you what, why don't we roll over and sleep back to back," Max suggested.

Zo rested her head on Max's shoulder and put her arm across his chest. The storm was still booming every few seconds.

"Can't we just stay like this? I feel safer this way." Zoey said quietly.

Max gave Zo another squeeze, "Okay."


In the morning Zoey woke up still cuddled in Max's arms. She realized that she had something hot and hard in her hand and she was slowly stroking it.

Max opened his eyes and looked at her with a grin, "Uhh sis? That's my cock you're playing with..."

Zoey blushed and pulled her hand away, "Yeah sorry about that. I kinda woke up and noticed I was fiddling with it."

She got up off of his bed then leaned over and kissed Max on the lips. "I'd better get back to my room before someone notices. Thanks big brother."

Max lay on his bed for a while, thinking about what had happened when Jerri opened the door to his room and looked in. She grinned when she saw his half hard penis.

"Hurry up and get ready Maxie, we're taking the kids to the zoo today. Oh! You might want to take care of that too," she said with a chuckle.

Max grabbed his towel and headed to the shower. He was letting the hot water soak into him, the heat easing tight muscles while he thought about Zoey's warm hand. He quickly finished his shower and stepped out. That's when Jerri walked in.

"Shit Mom! Could you at least knock before coming in?"

"I thought you were going to take care of that, son of mine! It looks worse than it was before." Jerri said with a grin as she checked out his hard-on.

Jerri quickly dropped her panties and sat on the toilet. Max got a good eyeful of Jerri's butt before he turned away and made a hasty exit.

Max went to his room and sat down, holding his head in his hands. 'Great,' he thought to himself. 'I'm sleeping naked with my kid sister, she's playing with me, and now my mom's flashing me. This is too unreal.'


When they got to the zoo Max and Zoey took the younger kids off to explore the different animal parks. That left Joe and Jerri to walk the exhibits by themselves.

"Daddy? I think I may have caused a problem this morning with Max," Jerri said as they walked along.

"What do you mean babygirl?"

Jerri blushed, "Well when I went to his room to tell him to hurry up, he had a hard-on and I teased him about it. Then I walked in on him as he got out of the shower and he had a 'HOLY SHIT!' hard-on, and I teased him again! To make matters worse, I was in such a hurry to pee I flashed him my ass and probably my pussy too."

Joe laughed and gave Jerri a hug. "Babygirl you're going to drive him to distraction! That sure explains why he was so quiet on the way here."

"The poor guy probably thinks I'm out to seduce him, when I'm really just getting into awkward situations with him."

"Just remember, he's twenty and you're twenty-nine. You're close enough in age that signals may get crossed."

Jerri gave Joe an impish grin, "Well he is a good looking guy, you never know what may happen!"

Joe grabbed her and tickled her ribs, "I'll give you a 'you never know'!"


Max and the other kids were at the elephant ride. Becky and Alex wanted to go on it so Max and Zoey had a few minutes to themselves.

Max gave Zo an embarrassed look, "There's something I need to talk to you about sis."

"Max we've always talked to each other about everything, fire away!"

"Something weird is going on with mom. After you left this morning she barged into my room and, well I still had a hard on from when you know. She said something about it then left. Then when I got out of the shower she came in and caught me with another hard on. She teased me again then flashed me her ass when she sat down to go pee."

Zoey laughed until she was gasping for air, "God how many shades of red did you turn? That is too too funny bro!"

"Zo I don't have any idea how to take what happened! Was it all just accidental and innocent or was it something else?"

"Maxie come on! Mom and dad are so in love it's not even funny. It sounds like it was all innocent. She probably was teasing you because she was just as embarrassed as you were."

Just then Becky and Alex came running up to them. Becky took a flying leap at Max and he grabbed her in mid air, spinning her around and holding her tight.

"Did you see us Maxie? We got to ride Kala, she's an African elephant and she's eight just like me!"

Alex started to giggle and pulled Zoey down so he could whisper in her ear. Zoey laughed and told him to tell Max.

"You know what Max? Kala pooped and boy was it stinky!"

All the kids laughed and Zo asked if they could go see the lions next.


At lunch they all met at the picnic area. Alex and Becky told their parents about all the fun things Max and Zo had done with them.

Max and Jerri volunteered to get the cooler from the van. The walk there was uncomfortably silent. When they got to the van Max turned to his mom.

"Listen mom, about this morning..."

"No Max, it was my fault. I should have knocked. Believe me I was probably more embarrassed than you were sweetie!"

Max laughed, "I doubt it mom. I don't know of too many guys who've flashed their cocks at their hot step-moms."

Jerri giggled, "Well I don't know too many hot step-moms who've flashed their asses at their studly step-sons!"

"Even?" Max asked with a grin.

"Even!" Jerri said with a slight blush, "Oh, and even though this is totally inappropriate, you're bigger than your dad."

Max was dumbfounded, "Uhh thanks, I think."

"No, no! I don't mean it like that Maxie. Your dad's not small or anything. He's a WOW! But you're a HOLY SHIT!"

Max started to laugh, "Well, I'm probably the only guy on the planet whose mom thinks his cock is a HOLY SHIT!"

Jerri giggled, which made Max laugh again. Soon they were laughing hysterically until tears were streaming down their cheeks. The walk back was much more relaxed with them laughing and joking.

" there I am, same age as Zoey, fast asleep beside your dad when all of a sudden he grabs my tits and wedges his cock between my butt cheeks!"

"Fuck off!" Max said in disbelief.

"Seriously! I didn't know what to do. Then he started humping me. I just laid there at first, but then it felt so good I got into it."

Max was laughing his head off, "So let me get this straight, you're lying there and dad starts dry humping you in his sleep."

"Pretty much," Jerri giggled. "Well your dad starts humping me faster, which is just getting me hotter and hotter. Then all of a sudden he's cumming all over my ass!"

"That's too funny Jerri! I can't believe he did that!"

Jerri was hanging off of Max's shoulder while he carried the cooler. "Talk about a warm welcome into the family! The bugger left me high and dry too!"

"Fuck I'd never do that to you Jerri...oh shit. God I'm so sorry mom, I was way out of line!"

Jerri pulled Max down and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. "It's okay Maxie, I know what you meant sweetie. By the way you've called me Jerri twice now."

Max blushed, "Sorry mom."

Jerri smiled at Max and touched his cheek, "Max it's okay. You and Zozo have been calling me Jerri as long as you've called me mom. I've loved being your mom, but we all know that we've gotten past the point where we can pretend that I am. If you want to call me Jerri again that's fine. I'll still love you just the same."

Max smiled, "Okay Jerri, but you're still the hottest step-mom I know."

"And you're the most studly step-son I've ever seen."

"We're here! Come and get it!"


Later that night after everyone was asleep Zoey crept into Max's room.

"Hey big bro, are you still up?"

"Yeah Zo, close the door. We need to talk, okay?"

Zoey pushed the door until it clicked shut, then Max flipped on the lamp on his nightstand.

Zo joined Max on his bed and gave him a little grin, "What's up Max?"

"On the way back from getting the cooler mom and me had a good talk. She told me that we don't have to call her mom anymore if we don't want to. She said we don't have to pretend she's our mom. I don't know about you but she's been more of a mom to us than our real one."

"I think she'll always be 'Mom' to us Max, she's been a big part of our lives. But if she's cool with us calling her Jerri again that's cool too. I just don't want to confuse Lee-Lee and Alex."

Max hugged Zoey, "I don't want to either. When Jerri married dad she married us too. She was our mom then, I guess she's still our mom."

Zoey gave Max a quick kiss on the lips, "Ya, that works for me too."

"Zo about this morning..."

Zoey blushed and stammered, "Uh well yeah, I'm sorry. I kinda crossed the line there."

Max pulled his sister into a tight hug and kissed her cheek, "I was just going to say thanks, it felt nice."


The next morning Max and Zoey were the first ones up. They crept into the kitchen then started banging pots and pans.

Zoey giggled and looked at Max, "Who wants pancakes?" She hollered.

Becky and Alex came racing from their rooms followed by Joe and Jerri.

"Can we help?" Becky asked excitedly.

"Yeah I wanna help too!" Alex said.

"Okay! Okay you can help!" Max laughed.

"What's this all about you two?" Jerri asked with a smile.

Zoey smiled back at Jerri, "Well the first morning you were with us you made us all pancakes."

"Yeah we thought that it was about time we did it for you." Max said as he poured four cups of coffee.

"Plus we need to have a family meeting after breakfast." Zoey added with a sly grin at Max.

After breakfast the family gathered in the living room.

"Okay," Zoey said with a grin. "This is mostly for mom. Max and me had a talk last night after everyone went to bed."

She gave Max a little look and wink. He smiled back at his sister, "Jerri, we've been a family for a long time. You've been there for us through all of our good times and bad times."

"Yeah, something our other mom decided she didn't want to do anymore."

Max gave Jerri a serious look, "You said some things to me yesterday that made me really think about things, so I told Zo."

"When you married dad you didn't just marry him Jerri," Zoey added.

"That's right Zo," Max said with a smile at Jerri. "We came as a package deal. You married us too."

Jerri was smiling and crying. Joe had his arm around her and Alex and Becky looked back and forth between Max, Zoey and their mom and dad.

"Daddy why's mommy crying?" Becky asked.

Joe smiled at her and told her to wait until Max and Zo were done talking.

Zoey grinned before she continued. "When you said your vows you said, 'For richer or poorer, for better or worst, in sickness and in health, and blah blah blah.'"

"What we're saying is, Jerri on that day you officially became our mom. So no matter what, you're stuck with us Mom!"

Jerri got up and walked to Max and Zoey. She pulled them both in for a tight hug as she cried. "You two are the greatest! I love you both so much! Thank you!"

"We love you too mom," Max said.

"Yeah, we do. You're not just our mom, you're our best friend too," Zoey added.

Jerri looked at them both and smiled again. "Max's room one hour, we need to talk." She whispered in their ears with a little smirk playing across her lips.

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goducks1goducks1over 5 years ago

its a fun story. but it needs a few more chapters. you left us hanging here. Well-written, and clever, just incomplete!

Pilbaraman1111Pilbaraman1111almost 6 years ago
A beautifully written story

Beautiful writing and such a lovely story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I'd also love to see some follow up chapters especially one where tina comes back and tries for revenge or something.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Is there another chapter on the way?

Would love to see a few more chapters. I'd like to see Max and Zo together with a family of their own. Maybe even the two youngest together in a few years. I don't want to see the parents getting involved with any of the children. I'm a hopeless romantic and like to see couples staying together.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
agreee wit annonymous

I think follow up chapters would be great. There are so many senarious that I

think could happen. Do Max and Jerri get together??? Do Zo and Max get

together???? Possibly other get togethers ????? Enjoyed all the chapters

and even got some laughs.. Great writing...................

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