My One Big Affair Ch. 01


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As I walked up the stairs ahead of him I was acutely conscious of his eyes being on my bum. I was wearing, probably rather too, tight jeans and I knew that my bottom and hips swayed quite a lot and I wondered what he was thinking. 'Was I' I thought 'exaggerating the movements?'

We walked along a landing passing what I assumed were bedroom doors but each were closed. I guessed there'd been an extension to the house at some time and that the upstairs part of that had been turned into his office. It was quite cramped with the desk and filing cabinets, a bit messy with piles of papers everywhere and at least four computer screens, a printer and other IT equipment.

He sat down at a keyboard and a screen lit up. He messed around with the keys as I stood beside him my hand resting on the back of his chair. His head was bent as he concentrated on typing some gobbledegook language that he later told me was DOS, what ever the hell that was? I could see his surprisingly long neck with his hair over the collar of the thickish denim shirt and for a mad moment I wanted to reach out and run my fingers through it.

I tried to take in what he was telling me about this new technology that now he mentioned it did ring bells for I recalled reading about and watching something on TV. It was all a bit difficult though and despite me feigning interest I think he soon realised it didn't really do that much for me.

Turning and looking up at me and flashing one of his lovely smiles he said. "Well you just remember in a few years when this is changing your life where you saw it first."

"Yes sir," I replied jokingly my hand accidentally touching his shoulder as he turned.

I moved it away as he stood up alongside me. We were close, very close, too close I suppose for two people forging a normal relationship. So close that my breasts were almost touching his chest and I could smell his aftershave that, guiltily I worked out, was Eternity, the same as my husband often wore.

We looked at each other. We held the other's gaze. Maybe I should have moved, maybe he could have stood up from the other side of his chair and not the side where I was cramped in between his desk and a filing cabinet, possibly we could have both done something that didn't put us in this position so close together. But we didn't. Just like the manner in which we'd adjusted the way we walked together, it just happened. I often think back and wonder if Jack had stood up from the other side whether I would have this story to tell?

But he turned towards and not away from me and so it went on. It went on happening for what seemed ages. Time seemed to stand as still as Jack and I stood there looking at each other. Slowly, though, his hand reached up and rested on my arm mid-way between my elbow and shoulder. He was clearly struggling to say something. I could see that. I could see his lips start to open then close again. I could see it in his eyes, in the quizzical look on his face and the tenseness in his body. Not only could I see it I could feel it. The atmosphere between us as we stood there was heavy with expectation.

"Cat........," he started and then paused.

"Yes Jack," I replied in a whisper

We went silent again for a moment as I felt his fingers digging into my arm.

"Oh God I don't know, I'm so confused" he said, attractively huskily.

I started to say something.

"No Cat don't," he whispered.

"Why Jack?"

Still we didn't move and I knew something had to happen for we couldn't just stay there.

"What is it? What do you want me to say?" I asked.

If anything he moved even closer as he said softly. "Cat what would you say if I kissed you?"

"Oh Jack," I gushed not knowing what to say. Part of me was so scared and fearful of him doing that while another part was crying out for his lips to close around mine. I didn't know whether I wanted him or not. No that's not true I wanted him, but was scared to admit that to me or to say it to him.

"I don't know" I mumbled dropping my gaze and looking down my body noting with some horror that my hardened nipples were most obviously making big bumps in my tight top. "I just don't know."

"I'm sorry" he whispered moving his hand away.

"There's no need to be," I replied placing my hand on his arm, adding as I again looked into his eyes. "No need whatsoever."

"You mean that er, well that it'd be ok?"

I gazed right into his eyes and smiled as I whispered very, very softly. "Yes Jack I think I'd like that."

The kiss was everything anyone could expect a first kiss between two would be lovers to be. Soft, tender, affectionate and loving. Slow, languid, relaxed and tentative. Thrilling, exciting, daunting and arousing.

How long we kissed I don't know. But as we got more into it so our arms went round each other and our hands stroked the others face and hair. Our lips moved against the other's lips and our tongues probed enquiringly at the other's tongue, teeth and lips. Jack sucked my lower lip and I gently bit on his. And still it went on.

I was now pressed back against the tall filing cabinet and his body was touching, well more squashed against mine from his lips to my toes. My breasts were squashed against his chest. My tummy was against his stomach, our thighs were pressed together and one of my feet was on top of his. And of course in the middle his erection was growing against me the base of it pressing right on my pubic mound.

"Oh God I have so wanted this to happen" he whispered as he pulled my long hair away from my ear and poked the tip of his tongue into it.

"Yes Jack so have I, so have I" I moaned at last recognising that I did indeed want this to happen.

As those admissions of mutual attraction and desire for each other hit us both so our arms went tighter around the other and our kissing became stronger, deeper and more adventurous.

His mouth slid across my chin, under it and down the front of my throat as I flung my head backwards loving the sensation of his lips and tongue on me. I held his face, ran my fingers through his hair and kissed the crown of his head. I ran my hands up and down his slim but so firm back and felt his round me resting on and softly squeezing the swell of flesh where my bottom flares out from my waist. The atmosphere was becoming more and more erotic. The want in both of us seemed to be increasing for we were both sighing and softly moaning as at last we gave vent to the pent up desires and needs we'd both kept hidden for so long.

I was back in his arms our mouths now in an unashamedly passionate way grinding together. I had one hand ruffling the hair on the back of his neck the other squeezing the top of his bottom near his hip. I was pressed back against the cabinet with his body moulded to mine his exciting erection pressing so suggestively into the softness of my stomach. I was wearing a tight, button up, sleeveless blouse I remember. It was thin and under it I was wearing a, for the times, a thin, very thin actually, bra. My pulsating hardened nipples were, as I'd noted earlier, making far too obvious impressions through both garments than decorum suggests.

I was primed, aroused, receptive and ready for him. I had accepted that I wanted him and was relieved that he wanted me as well. It seemed inevitable that we'd make love and every nerve end and sinew in my body was crying out for that. If they were crying one moment, the next, as he pressed his hardness right against my pubic mound and slithered it against me stimulating my clitoris they were screaming. And if they screamed then when his hand squeezed my breast they simply exploded.

I grunted and moaned softly with the beautiful combination of feelings. My hand round his neck pulled his lips tighter on mine while the other, confidently now, grabbed a handful of his bum urging him more firmly against my pussy. The buttons on my blouse came undone and I found my hand between us holding his length. It was then that something happened that even when we talked about it later we didn't understand. It was inconsistent with the strong petting we'd been doing. It contravened the what seemed inevitable continuation of our lovemaking. We stopped. Almost as one we discontinued. At the same time we both took our hands away from the other and we stopped kissing.

"This just isn't right is it Cat?" He said softly.

I was confused but in many ways relieved.

"No Jack it isn't I replied" as he moved back a pace or two leaving me leaning there my bra covered breasts uncovered, my cleavage on show, my vividly hardened nipples poking through the lace.

"I'm so sorry Cat,"

"Yes Jack so am I," I replied feeling a little embarrassed standing there doing the buttons up on my blouse as he looked on. "But you're right" I added. "We shouldn't be doing this."

We talked very awkwardly probably making little sense as we both mulled over what had happened.

"I'll see you tomorrow then, usual time?" He said as we walked down the stairs to the front door.

I left his home and climbed into the car where Brad was anxiously waiting for me. The final few minutes had been terribly embarrassing and for the first time since I'd met Jack we didn't know how to act and what to say to each other.

I didn't feel able or that it was appropriate to meet him for the walk the next day. I'd soul searched, pondered and had felt awful remorse and guilt all the previous day and was still experiencing that the next morning so I walked Brad in a different place, alone.

I had this rotten combination of knowing it was wrong to have done what I had with another woman's husband. It was wrong for her, for my children, for Richard and for me and what I believed in. I wasn't sure whether I'd led him on or not, but blamed myself for having the coffees with him at the café and for accepting the invitation to his home. Sure he'd promoted both ideas, but then men do don't they? All it needs is for us girls to say no and any temptation disappears. I hadn't either, said no or, shown any reluctance so I guess he'd thought I was up for anything as, for a time, I probably was.

The other part of me, though, the woman as opposed to the mother and wife, thought a little differently. That couldn't get the feel of his lips and hands on me and the experience of holding his erection out its mind. That regretted him stopping.

I picked up the phone around lunchtime. Possibly the last voice in the world I expected to hear was Jack's for we'd never exchanged numbers.

"Cat I'm sorry to call you, it's Jack" the familiar but surprising voice said immediately sending a tremor of anticipation and excitement through me.

"That's ok," I replied.

"I was worried when you didn't turn up this morning for the walk. I hope you don't mind me getting your number from directory enquiries?"

"Worried? No of course I don't mind Jack."

"Yes I thought maybe that what happened yesterday meant that you didn't want to see me again."

As he said that the mum and wife part of me wanted to agree but the woman part stopped that and I heard myself saying. "Sorry I didn't think, I just needed time Jack."

"So you still want to see me then?"

"Yes, yes I do" I whispered, half of me so wanting that, the half dreading it

It was warm the next day. As we'd agreed on the phone we met a little earlier just after nine. I was wearing shorts and a sleeveless golf shirt that, not being on the course, I could wear outside my shorts. And, when Jack got out of his Mercedes estate car I saw that he was also wearing shorts. He hurried over to where I was standing, smiling all the way.

"Hi," he said his eyes boring into mine just as they had in his house yesterday.

"Hello Jack."

"I'm so pleased you're here Cat."

"And I'm pleased to be here," I replied as the two dogs bounded about around us.

We started walking both of us positively, I thought, avoiding the topic that was hanging so heavily between us. We talked of general topics for the length of the walk away from where we parked our cars and whilst we had coffee. It was only as we were passing through a fairly heavily wooded area a couple of hundred yards from the end that it came up, and how that happened I just have no idea.

Suddenly we were having one of those;

'I didn't know if you cared and I've felt something for ages' types of conversation. That, inevitably I suppose, led onto.

'But knowing you were married I didn't want to cause problems' statements to each other. And then to,

"Yes I did enjoy it."

"I didn't really want it to stop,"

"But it was the wrong time and the wrong place."

That of course moved the conversation into the area where I think we both wanted it to go but were afraid to take it.


"Yes I would do it again."

"Yes I will to do it again" and

"Yes I want to do it again right now" as once more I was in his arms and we were kissing quite furiously.

There wasn't the tentativeness this time. We didn't need to pose questions and or wait for invitations. We knew what we both wanted and this time we felt able to go for it right from the outset.

Jack pulled me further into the woods so that anyone passing by would be unlikely to see us. We sat on an uprooted tree and we kissed and kissed and kissed. The dogs lying beside us, for they were now tired, we kissed the way that lovers who are experienced with each other kiss; confident and relaxed, assured and adventurous.

Our hands behaved in a similar manner and it was after only a relatively short time that he was gently, at first, squeezing and caressing my breasts outside my golf shirt. I showed him no resistance whatsoever for he was doing precisely what I wanted him to do so, when I felt the tips of his fingers on the bare skin underneath the shirt just above my waist, I did nothing to deter him. Nothing at all to stop or divert him. Not one action, deed or word to stop him sliding his hand up inside my shirt and right onto my tits. And when he found them and started squeezing and rubbing them through the thin bra I felt my entire body responding to him. It seemed to explode with amazing sensations everywhere. As that happened there was nothing in the world that my befuddled by sexual arousal mind told my body I wanted more, than to be fucked by Jack right there and right then.

I hadn't had sex for ages let alone in an adventurous that even the possibility of someone walking past and seeing two bodies writhing around in sexual ecstasy didn't faze me.


as he eased each boob out of its cup,

as he rolled the shirt up,

as he exposed my breasts to the open air and, more importantly, to his gaze,

as he stoked my bare flesh and squeezed my swollen nipples for the first time,

and as I undid his shirt and ran my hands over his lightly haired, firm and slender chest,

my mind was on just that one thing. Being fucked by him in the open air.

But of course we couldn't do that. Inevitably we stopped just soon enough. Like the two respectably, married people we are we resisted the terrible temptation to make love there and then.

Laughing and making little jokes about it we acknowledged that we shouldn't, but we agreed we wanted to and, more to the point, that soon we would have sex. We would have it for we had to. As simple as that. We agreed that we had to have sex together. It was an essential thing for us to do.

As I readjusted my bra and top we stood up and I saw inside his thin trousers the wonderful bulge of his erection. I didn't say or do anything. We weren't sexually comfortable enough with each other yet for me to offer him a quick blow or hand job. Although a large part of me wanted to feel him, to remove his trousers, to see, my soon to be lover naked and rampant for me.

"Hmmm," he smiled looking down at it. "We'd better take our time getting out of these woods."

As we walked I opened up the topic of his wife and family.

"Look Cat I don't know where we're going with this, I don't know what'll happen to us and how long anything will last" Jack replied a little oddly I thought my heart missing a beat when I thought. "Maybe he'll stop it now." He went on. "I've never done anything like this, I've never been unfaithful to my wife and quite frankly, I've never really strongly wanted to."

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ClitNinjaClitNinjaover 11 years ago
A true story, with reality - not the Hollywood glamour associated with immorality, adultery and fucking frustration and loneliness...


Here are my thoughts on the 1st edition of “My One Big Affair”. Let me briefly share the context of my comments. I am a married male who, as I have shared, have a great friend, housemate for a wife, but a terrible lover. Our sexual relationship dried up years ago. However, for various reasons, including children and both of our moms, I have chosen to stay with my friend. But sexually, my life was empty and in some respects still is. But because of Literotica writers, I have found a wonderful way to deal with that issue, so that it is less frustrating and painful. You are one of 4 female authors whose erotic words have brought me to more than one climax. Thanks.

Additionally, about two years ago, a Latino friend that was a work associate of mine in 1993 called me one fall evening and asked me to come to a suburb of Houston, Texas and make love – “Will you come to ____ and make love to me. I need you so very bad. I am horny. I want to love you. I will be your bitch, your whore, your mother fucker… whatever, even if it is only one time, with NSA, please come and love me. Let me make you cum”.

I wanted to fuck her in ’93 when she was my trainer for a management position. Sometime, perhaps I will share that journey and our affair that lasted about 2 years. We “sexted”, sent pics to each other via our cell phones and e-mail, made love and also fucked, in hotels, my car, on a beach, in the ocean… and all the time, my wife was at home, thinking that I was on business, which I was… but that was only the cover-up reason…

Enough of my illicit affair – suffice to say that I speak from experience when I state that I understand your emotions, erotic sexual feelings and attractions and of course moving from play time fondling to passionate masturbation to what I assume in future chapters will include hard core, passionate love making and at times just plain FUCKING!!!

I understand the emotions and thoughts re: I should not be doing this. I understand the fear and nervousness. I understand the power of the opportunity to be with a woman and love her to multiple orgasms… to have her make me ejaculate like Old Faithful.

I understand the passionate necking, the eye contact, the adoration of your lover’s beauty [or in your case his handsome appearance].

As you wrote:

“Mine was all of that and more. It was everything most people expect an affair to be; exhilarating, stupendous, amazing, fantastic and mind-blowing. It was disappointing, heart-breaking, horrible, frustrating and thoroughly emotionally draining.”

This entire paragraph I could have written. These words – every one is a word I would have chosen to describe my affair. And of course the frustration of departing and leaving each other, lying, ducking and diving, gut wrenching, wanting to stay together… Oh yes, I have been there and felt it all.

And the questions you ask in the next paragraph – I agree: TOUGH QUESTIONS… re: enjoying and glad I did and worthwhile… do it again???

I also felt more wanted than I have felt in a long time. I had words of praise and adoration that made me walk talk again and believe in me and feel loved. Yours was only at the 10 year marriage mark, mine was at 42 years.

On one occasion, my lover, as I was preparing to go to a business owners meeting one evening said: “You can’t go dressed that way. You are a business owner. Tuck your shirt in – you will look more professional”.

That same night, before we left, my lover said: “Can I go with you? I will wait in the car while you are in the meeting. I do not want to stay in the hotel alone. And really, I just want to be with you as much as I can. May I go with you?” Do you think that this fed my ego?

And how about our love making sessions, our fucking… It was so erotic, wanton, luscious, filled with lasciviousness, lust, sordid… all the sexual terms you can think of, both legitimate terms and “dirty slang terms” – they all were descriptive of our affair. Undressing each other, fondling and passionately making out… making her climax multiple times… being her friend while she was in a physical abusive relationship, management abuse at one of her jobs… sexually frustrated, alone…

We even talked about marriage, traveling, starting a business together, doing “stuff” instead of sitting in front of the idiot box…

I understand the dog walking, eventually moving from a group activity to a two-some, down less “traveled paths”… and eventually to the initial, passionate stage that requires penetration and orgasm and all the erotic foreplay that precedes the fucking and love making.

But before that, the endless masturbations sessions, and self imposed orgasms that you so wanted to share, but was so complicated. Knowing it was wrong, both married, committing adultery, cheating on our mates, yet justifying it because we were adults, horny, deserved better or at least we both wanted it and therefore we could meet this need for each other…

I will conclude this with some comments re: your critics: 1st, I will say, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Apparently, several, have not “walked in our shoes”. Several are not very brave or bold – and have the same name: Anon Y Mous. Are they afraid that if they did use their name, their mate might wonder what they are doing on a sex internet site.

And… if their marriages are so great, what are they doing here anyway. Go home to momma and screw her and make your own erotic stories in real life… or perhaps if they were honest, maybe their marriage bed is not so fucking hot after all and they do not have the balls to do what we did.

A recent survey said that there are as many women as men that cheat… A little logic here – in order to have marital infidelity, I am rather sure that it takes two to commit adultery. Sometimes divorce is not an option because of other family members – children or elderly parents…

So much could be said here re: the critics. I will conclude this way. As I read, you expressed what for at least two of us is realities – and living in opposite sides of the big pond. There are all sorts of complications, moods, feelings, dishonesty, fear, frustrations… that you describe that lead up to adultery, that occur during the act and yes there are many sensual, fucking hot sexy rewards, even though temporal for the most part. Thanks for sharing – I have lived every word you have written.

And I am sure before, I reach the end of the fourth chapter, I will be aroused and reach a satisfying orgasm, probably more than once. Thanks Cat from the UK for meeting my need and I will bet the needs of others, men and women, who will not respond or comment.

We are not claiming that adultery is right, nor is it without additional problems, but it does happen and these are real thoughts and emotions that are definitely connected to love, sex, orgasms and just plain fucking!!!

DKmermaidDKmermaidalmost 12 years ago
Touchy subject ...

So thank you for sharing real emotions & having an open heart.

Excited to read the other chapters.

PoisonArrowPoisonArrowalmost 12 years ago

This is beautifully written and has a level of insight that's extraordinarily rare on Lit. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

I was thinking this was an excellent consequence story, a perfect set up. she is happy and finding in ways she did not know jack.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

No. 1: I concur with the commenters who object to adultery. It's entirely too destructive to contemplate seriously; EVERYBODY gets hurt. And it's so damned (and I use the word advisedly) easy to rationalize, isn't it? Most of us are tempted at some point, but most of us who are married are grown-ups, not hormone-poisoned adolescents.

No. 2: While I never comment on misspelled words on this site (as irritating as they are), I have to say that your use/misuse of commas drives me crazy. Commas are scattered across the page like the crumbs of breakfast toast. There is a reason for commas. They are supposed to clarify the meaning of the words! Yours are entirely random.

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