My Secret Place Ch. 05

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The Sequel - where our future is decided.
14.7k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/19/2017
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I don't normally return to a story but I've had so many requests for a finale to this story that I just had to provide a final chapter. Inevitably I can't include everyone's requests and desires in the story but I hope you'll all be fairly pleased with my efforts.


After our wonderfully sexy, highly exciting, very tiring day out we'd returned home to face the music - only to be completely shocked by our darling mother, a mother who, it seemed, had enjoyed much of the same activity with her brothers too - brothers who had actually fathered both my sister and I.

Instead of the dressing down we'd more or less expected our activities had been almost entirely condoned and then, instead of a kiss goodnight, Mum had sucked me off most enthusiastically.

We retired to bed, well, to my sister's bed, in a far more happy state of mind than we'd anticipated and had even managed a final if somewhat exhausted fuck before we slept.


I woke early, stirred by memories of my alarm clock or unaccustomed perhaps to finding myself in a strange room and turned gently, rolling onto my back as I enjoyed the softness of the bedclothes against my naked body. The scent of my sister's body flowed through my nasal passages as I turned and pressed my face into her soft pillow and then my stretching hand met another body beside me. I let my fingers roam, stroking the warm softness of my sister's flank and then the slightly cooler and more pliable flesh of her breast.

My equally naked sister was right there beside me and as I roused into full wakefulness I immediately remembered the warm and sexy reception that Mum had given us last night, followed by the gentle love-making that had followed once my sister and I were in bed. As the memory rose in my brain it seemed that my cock jerked into rigid stiffness at the same instant - an entirely different hard-on to that produced by pressure in my bladder. I pushed myself into a sitting position as I ruminated on our home-coming last night and considered what to do next.

Mum, my actual, real, no-nonsense Mother had sucked me off, succeeding in drawing from me a generous mouthful of cum despite far too many eruptions during the course of my day out with my sister. And then of all things, she'd compared my erection with my uncles, my gruff, clean-living, law-abiding uncles - uncles who had produced both my sister and I. On top of that she then explained that our Dad-as-we-knew-him was aware of our activities; would be updated once he woke up and wasn't our real dad either - and that he also condoned our activities too!

As I felt my cock stiffen with pride and eagerness as I shook my head in amazement and then I glanced at my sister Sharon once again, noting now that by sitting up I'd pulled the bedclothes from her upper body, exposing her delightfully pert and generous tits. For a short while I just admired them, their perfectly smooth skin, their gentle softness, and their deliciously firm little nipples. I thought back to the way they'd bounced and shaken as she'd ridden me and the way they'd felt so delicious against my chest, or between my lips, for that matter.

I felt another tremor slide up the length of my cock, then realising that I did actually need to release the morning pressure on my bladder I covered her up again, dragged my eyes away and edged quietly and carefully from the bed.

Silently I padded across her room, opened her door, checked that all was quiet, closed it behind me and tiptoed across the landing to the bathroom, my persistent erection leading the way, his hardness only vaguely daunted by the prospect of meeting either of our parents as they left their bedroom. There were no sounds to be heard however, so I quietly opened the bathroom door and slid inside, pirouetting on the balls of my toes as I did so to look back to ensure than no-one had seen me and in the process I now backed into the bathroom only to be shocked out of my skin.

"Boo!" said Mum's voice behind me and there she was, sitting naked and silent on the toilet.

"Ahhh Mum!" I gasped, as I jumped and spun around, entirely uncertain how to address one's mother when both of us were naked, "What on earth..? Oh I'm so sorry!"

"Haha, this is fun! Pardon me, perhaps I should have locked the door," she said politely but with a chuckle, "Sorry darling, I just had a wee and I was thinking about what I had to do today, just sitting here minding my own business when you crept in."

"It's alright, I'll go," I spluttered feeling my erection fading quickly, but Mum calmed me quickly.

"No darling, you stay, I've just about finished anyway - I guess you need a wee too or perhaps you need something else?" she said, her voice turning warm and sexy, "So what's most important this morning?"

"I umm, need a wee, that's most important," I said, "Then some breakfast I think."

But as I spoke my cock betrayed me and in just a few seconds my cock had stiffened once again as the sight of my mother's naked body and the memories of her sexy mouth arose.

"Sorry about this thing," I muttered, "It's ummm, a bit out of control, I think."

I glanced down at my erection, an erection that showed no signs of flagging but Mum merely smiled happily, wiped herself, arose from her seat and advanced towards me.

"What's to be sorry about - that's a most excellent cock, darling," she said as she stretched out one hand and encircled my shaft with it, "As I found out last night."

"Ohhhh!" I gasped as her warm hand slid over my instrument, "No, no Mum!"

"What's the matter darling - too much for you am I?" crooned Mum as she explored my penis, "Come on darling, let me get to know this lovely thing better."

Are you sure this is ok?" I gasped as she stroked me, "I mean what about Dad - won't he...?"

"Of course he won't," answered Mum seeing the problem from an entirely different angle to me, "I'm sure he'll be really proud of you, that's a really excellent erection!"

"No, no - I mean won't he get annoyed or anything?" I asked urgently but Mum shook her head.

"Don't be silly darling, just the opposite!" said Mum calmly, "He's having a bit of a lie-in now, it being Saturday but I brought him up to date last night, so he knows everything that went on and it got him going nicely, I might add."

"Honestly?" I breathed in amazement and Mum nodded energetically, then she moved closer still, bringing her hands up to surround me.

She pulled us close together and let her nipples slide and press against my side so I could feel their hardness on my skin and also now the wiriness of her pubes as they rubbed against my hip and then against the underside of my cock as she squashed it between us.

Mum was quite a beauty actually with a pretty face and soft wavy light brown hair that fell to her shoulders. She was some six inches shorter than me but packed lots into her smaller frame; her lovely face; her wonderfully swelling hips, her narrow waist and her magnificent tits being her outstanding attributes.

Before this weekend I'd only seen glimpses of her naked in any way - I'd spotted her entirely exposed boobs one day as she was changing, I'd seen her absolutely peachy little arse on several occasions but her prettily trimmed pussy was a new sighting for me and my cock had become suitably excited, but it was her breasts and her firm nipples that were stirring me right now.

"Actually he suggested that the thought of you and your sister together and of course your sexy story might well perk up his sex drive," she said as she languidly rubbed herself against me, "Well, it certainly did this last night! And mine for that matter!"

Mum laughed happily, a sound that echoed brightly around the bathroom.

"And I'll tell you what," she said as she moved, sliding her hand down her belly, "He was harder than he's been for ages and he gave me another lovely ride this morning! Look, I'm still oozing his cum!"

She spread her legs apart and held the lips of her pussy wide and then giggled as a little trickle of cum fell from her pussy onto the floor.

"Oooops," she said as she closed her pussy and her legs, then stretched to grab some toilet paper which she used to wipe the floor, "See, he's still got it even if he doesn't make as much spunk as you do."

A moment or two later my cock surged as Mum grasped my shaft and then tweaked the underside of my knob and she breathed in deeply.

"Oh just look at you!" she said with a sigh as she pushed us apart, "All that lovely precum - I bet that's delicious!"

She began to bend down but I held her from going any lower and backed away a bit.

"It won't just be precum you'll get, it'll be pee if you don't let me go soon," I said, "It's getting a bit urgent."

"Oh Chris I'm so sorry, I totally forgot about that," said Mum as she released her hold on me, "Go on darling, you go and have your wee."

A moment later and she grabbed my cock again.

"Hang on," she said, "Let me get a quick taste of that delicious stuff, it'll be a shame to waste it!"

So saying she bent down and let the tip of my cock slide into her mouth and immediately she began vacuuming my precum from me. She let go after a few moments and stood up again.

"That's better," she said as she licked her lips, "Ok, I'll let you wee now."

"Yeah, got to drain the tank," I answered as I turned and pointed my penis at the pan, "Won't take long."

"Just when it was getting interesting too!" said Mum to herself as she licked her lips again then picked up her toothbrush.

She turned and looked at me.

"Isn't it nice; we've got all weekend ahead of us!" she said happily, "All weekend to have some fun!"

"What can I say?" I answered as I tried to concentrate, "Sounds good, but I've got to go..."

"Yes, you just carry on darling," said Mum, "I only want to clean my teeth - just ignore me."

Our bathroom was a fairly old-fashioned room with the toilet and wash basin alongside the bath, which had a shower built over it which meant that as I tried to pee, so Mum stood beside me as she brushed her teeth - and nothing would happen.

I was constantly distracted by the sight of Mum's generous breasts as they swayed and wobbled as she brushed and the distraction kept my cock stiff which in turn made peeing almost impossible.

"What's up dear?" asked Mum after I'd stood there for a while, "Oh dear, he won't go down, will he!"

"It's you standing there that's keeping him hard," I moaned, then added under my breath, "I wish you'd do something, leave me in peace."

"Like what darling, what was that you said?" asked Mum through frothy lips, "You want me to do something did you say? What, something like help you to cum?"

No way did her suggestion help in cooling my ardour - instead my cock just jerked and seemed to grow stiffer and another little trickle of precum oozed from the pee slit. Automatically my fingers that were holding my cock to point it at the pan caught it and spread the slippery clear fluid over my knob before I realised what I was doing.

"Ahhh!" I gasped quietly as my cock jerked harder still.

"Ohh darling, that really looks so nice now!" she enthused, "I do wish you didn't have to pee - I'd love to get to know it better!"

At that moment the door burst open and my sister entered the room, dressed only in a pair of skimpy knickers.

"Ahhh - what the hell? Oh hi Mum," she asked generally, then she spoke to me, "I wondered where you'd gone."

She crossed the room to us, seemingly ignoring the fact that both Mum and I were naked; gave Mum a kiss and then reaching up she planted a big kiss on my cheek, then glanced downwards.

"Oh, I see - morning wood, eh?" she said with a mischievous grin, "Can't pee, I guess."

She glanced at Mum, her eyes sliding up and down her naked body then her sight returned to my cock.

"No wonder he can't pee!" she said, "You look very tempting Mum and you've got him all worked up, haven't you? And what a super figure you've got Mum."

"Thank you darling, and you look good too," said Mum, "It's no wonder our menfolk like us so much!"

"Love the way you're still so perky!" said Sharon as she admired Mum's tits, "Just hope mine will look as good in twenty years time."

"No reason why not darling," said Mum as she put her hands under my sister's breasts and held them, "Hmmm, good and firm - lots of exercise will help."

"I'm sure they'll get plenty of that!" said my sister as she turned her head towards me, "I'll make sure he looks after them for me!"

Their cross-chatter did at least take the heat off my cock and as I suddenly realised that it was quickly deflating I pointed it at the bowl. A second or two later and my bladder let go, my strong stream of pee splashing into the water.

"Oh you've managed!" said Mum as if peeing was a real art form, "Well done!"

In a funny sort of way it was something of an achievement given the circumstances and yet with two females watching me my flow was almost strangled before I managed to control my worries and my muscles. I seemed to pee for ages and as soon as the flow turned to drips that I quickly shook off, my sister elbowed me aside brusquely.

"Come on, hurry up - I need to go too!" she said as she lowered the seat and her knickers.

She sat down quickly and a moment later she was peeing happily.

"How come you can do it and I can't?" I asked, bemused by the turn of events.

"Because I don't have a dick that turns all hard and cuts off the flow," said my sister with a smile at Mum who was now rinsing her mouth.

Mum dried her mouth and we both just stood there as my sister finished her pee, wiped herself and stood up, flicking her knickers away with one foot. She parted her legs to inspect her pussy then fluffed up her pubes and smiled again.

"Ohh look, he's coming up again!" she said as my cock began to rise once more, "What a choice, breakfast or cock!"

"You come and have some breakfast young lady," said Mum, "You need something inside you to keep your energy up."

"Doesn't a cock inside you count then?" said my sister as she began stroking my rigid penis, "Oh alright, perhaps not, but can't I have a little play before breakfast?"

"Well hurry up then," said Mum, "Don't take all day - and don't wear him out either!"

With that Mum lifted her dressing gown from the hook on the door, pulled it around her, blew us both kisses and swept out of the room.

"Hello lover boy!" said my sister as she rubbed her delightful breasts against my chest, "Now what would you like best?"

Her hand was already around my cock which had immediately stiffened completely to her touch and now she began to stroke me, her hand deliciously warm and firm.

"Some breakfast..." I said, "That's what I'd like best..."

"Tough, it's me first, then breakfast," she said as she wriggled delectably before me, "And I reckon that if I bend over and hold the towel rail then I'll be just at the right height - here we go!"

It had only taken her a moment to position herself, to spread her legs and to bend down and now she looked over her shoulder at me.

"Come on then," she enthused, "Just a quickie - just for me!"

Sharon's eagerness had reached me and with her rump quivering right beside me I had no option but to take advantage of her luscious pussy, to renew my memories of her from yesterday. Anyway, regardless of my own mind, my cock was now straining to enjoy some more pleasure so I turned and closed the gap between us. She was right; as she stood there with her legs apart her pussy was at the perfect level for me to plunge my cock into, in fact I could see that her lips were already parted and were glistening with her slippery juices.

I leaned forward and made contact, pressing my cock downwards until I was in place then upwards and into her warm valley, feeling the heat and wetness of her pussy and then the tickle of her pubes against the top of my knob. I slid it slowly back, feeling her body respond to the contact between us.

"Yesss!" she hissed, "So hard lover, put him in - I'm all ready for you."

I shuffled a little closer, bent my knees and eased my cock upwards to press against the opening within her slippery slit. I felt her hand guide me and then the warm softness of her vagina as it closed around me, as it let my penis slide smoothly and deeply into her.

"Ohhhh!" I breathed, already absorbed in our sexual congress, "Right up inside you! So hot, that's wonderful!"

"Feels perfect from here too!" said my sister as her arse wriggled against my thighs, "Just like yesterday!"

I was too wrapped up in the pleasures of her pussy now to speak but instead I used my cock to tell her how excellent she felt and how much I enjoyed her body. In turn she responded by pressing back against me; by squeezing my cock as I drove it in and out of her and by widening her stance to let me penetrate even deeper.

"Ohhh Chris," breathed Sharon after a few minutes of steady love-making, "You're so good you're going to make me cum ever so quickly!"

"No, it's you, you're so good," I answered as I began to pump faster, "So fuckin' hot; so sexy!"

"So close!" answered Sharon, "Really clo...ahhhh, almost, ahhh, cummming!"

Suddenly a series of strong waves shook my sister's body, waves that echoed and bounced all around my cock; muscular waves that squeezed me, pulled at me, pushed me and yet seemed to suck me even deeper inside her.

"Ohhh fuck, cumming, can't stop!" gasped Sharon as I held her hips against mine, "Oh Chris, ohh Chris - ohhhh, ohhhh, oh wowww!"

There was a pause in our activity as I let her come down off her climactic peak, then Sharon turned her head around.

"Bloody hell!" she enthused over her shoulder, "That was some orgasm and so quick! That was wicked!!"

"Yeah, that was a proper quickie, wasn't it?" I agreed, "Now it's my turn."

"Oooooh!" squeaked Sharon as I drove my cock as powerfully into her as I could, "Ooooh, give me another one first - oh Chris, please, please!"

Her pussy, while wetter, was tighter now and even more responsive than before. With each stroke I could feel her trembling now, quivering again as I pumped my cock into her, as I pushed her towards another climax. My penis felt entirely rigid and I knew that my own orgasm wasn't all that far away, especially if her pussy remained as reactive as it had been.

I pumped on, my thrusts steadily becoming harder and faster, my cock seemingly swelling inside her. The feelings were growing inside me too now, my climax not many thrusts away.

"Are you going to manage another one?" I grunted, "I'm almost there, getting there..."

"Yes, yes, yes!" gasped Sharon, her arse tightening against my thrusts, "Ohhh Chris - here it cummmms!"

"And me!" I grunted as I felt the reservoir floodgates opening, "Almost...nearly...couple more shoves and...ahhhh!"

"Cummming!" we both cried at the same instant, "Oh fuck - cumming! I'm cumming!"

I was flooding her; overflowing spunk was streaming down her legs and dripping off my swaying, tightened balls even though Sharon's pussy felt as if it had closed tightly around my cock - and it was at that moment that the door opened and Dad stepped into the room.

"Ohhh, ooops, well goodness me!" he exclaimed as he closed the door behind him, "I thought you said come in but you must have said cumming instead, didn't you."

I noticed however that not only did Dad not step out of the room but that he was naked and while his cock was drooping as he entered the room it was already rising quickly.

"Umm, oh fuck!" I spluttered, far from sure that Dad would approve of our activity, "Sorry, sorry - really sorry."

Automatically I pulled away from my sister's arse, my still erect cock gleaming and dripping with our juices just as Sharon quickly jerked upright but not before a stream of white cum slid from her pussy and oozed down one thigh before splattering onto the floor.