My Tail


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Aikido grabbed her tail and dropped it into her bag. Her ears followed quickly. She pulled a hairbrush out and turned to sit down on the sleeping bag. Mattie took the brush and had her turn around. She used a towel to wipe and squeeze water out of the long black hair.

With a sigh, Aikido sat there and enjoyed someone brushing her long hair. Mattie would stop brushing and use a dry part of the towel to sponge more water out of the long hair. When she had the hair fairly dry and orderly, she asked, "Do you want it tied back?"

Aikido leaned over, pulled a short strip of cloth out of her bag, and handed it to her friend. Mattie tied her hair in a long ponytail at the nap of her neck. "All done," Mattie said as she handed Aikido the brush and moved sideways to gather up her tail and toss it in the bag.

"The ears too," Aikido said as she moved over behind Mattie.

Mattie's hair was shorter and thinner than the oriental woman's but it was fine. Aikido took her time brushing it. It didn't need as much drying. When she finished with the brush, she pulled another strip of cloth out of her bag and tie the red hair the same way hers was.

After that, they both laid down on their backs to sun. After a while they rolled over. By the time they rolled back over, Mattie said, "We both forgot snacks."

"We'll need to remember that for our next trip," Aikido replied and then grinned. "There will be another trip, right?"

"So it seems," Mattie said with a grin of her own. With that said, she rolled toward the smaller woman and reached for the tanning oil. Her reach was short so she rolled over more and scooted forward. She was still short by six inches.

With a laugh, she laid over on top of Aikido and grabbed the bottle. "Hey now!" Aikido said quickly and then saw the tanning oil in her friends hand. "I could have got that for you."

Mattie wiggled on top of Aikido and replied, "But it wouldn't have been as much fun."

Aikido moaned softly at the feel of skin on skin. "But, but, but," she stammered a moment later.

Mattie rolled back onto her side. She took the top off the tanning oil and drizzled some over Aikido's chest and belly. When she made a whimpering sound, Mattie leaned forward to place the bottle on the far side of the young woman's body. Her right breast touched Aikido's chest for a second.

She leaned back and used her right hand to spread the oil over Aikido's shoulders and upper chest. Her hand was shaking slightly as she ran it over one small breast and then the other. Aikido groaned and arched her back. Mattie shivered hard at the sound and slippery feeling.

Her hand moved down to Aikido's belly and lower ribs. It slowed and then stopped just above the oriental woman's mound. When Aikido's hips flexed slightly, Mattie's hand ran over her hips and all around her sex. She had to return her hand to the over oiled upper part of Aikido's body to get more oil.

As Mattie rubbed the oil into the tops of Aikido's thighs, she asked, "Has anyone ever masturbated you?"

The oriental woman groaned and nodded. "A boyfriend back in college."

"Was he any good at it," Mattie asked as she reached across Aikido's body for the bottle of tanning oil.

Aikido giggled. "He was nervous and clumsy but he got the job done."

Mattie poured oil into the palm of her hand and then leaned over to place the bottle on the floor on the other side of Aikido. She paused to rub her right breast against the shorter girl's belly. Aikido groaned softly and squirmed as she did.

With a crooked smile on her face, Mattie oiled up Aikido's outer thighs and then worked on her inner ones. They both made soft whimpering sounds each time Mattie's hand came close to Aikido's sex. Suddenly, Mattie groaned deeply as she cupped Aikido's sex with her oily hand.

Aikido gasped and let out a soft yell as Mattie's hand moved over her outer lips. She yelled even louder as Mattie's middle finger pressed between her outer lips and the fingertip slipped into her vagina to the first knuckle.

She was coming big time as her hips flexed up and down in a jerky way. She was fucking herself on the fingertip and her clit was rubbing against the base of the finger. Her hands had jumped to massage her own breasts.


Aikido opened her eyes with a groan and her head turned sideways to look at Mattie. Mattie smiled around the finger in her mouth. Aikido moaned deeply and looked away as Mattie pulled the finger out of her mouth with a slurping sound.

"I, I, you, we," Aikido stammered.

"I couldn't resist," Mattie said in a soft whisper.

"Your finger. Your mouth," Aikido said quickly.

"I couldn't resist that either.

Aikido moaned as she saw where her hands were and moved them to her side. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "That, that wasn't clumsy and it sure did the trick," she whispered a moment later.

"Very quick also," Mattie put in.

Aikido sighed and said, "As much the who as the what."

"I can see that," Mattie replied. "I shouldn't have but I did."

"Let me think on that," Aikido said with a soft whimpering moan. A moment later she added, "Too much stimulation on both our parts."

"I almost came when you did," Mattie admitted.

"We need to get dressed," Aikido said quickly.

Mattie groaned and said, "I messed things up royally."

Aikido giggled. "An oriental woman screaming in the city or in the woods usually brings people to investigate."

Mattie smiled and then grinned. "You weren't that loud."

The sound of a truck on the road coming into where they were made both women sit up. It was getting louder. "See, I told you," Aikido said as she scrambled around hunting for her sweater and skirt.

Mattie gasped and grabbed the smaller woman as the truck appeared in the opening toward the road. They ended up in a tangle of arms and legs but they were out of sight. As they got untangled, Aikido whispered, "Our clothes."

Raising her head, Mattie looked toward the truck parked near the water fifty feet away. She had a big grin on her face as she laid back down and grabbed the sweater Aikido was trying to get in place to put on. "No clothes yet," she whispered and the oriental girls eyes got wide.

"Who? What?" Aikido whisper back.

"Two young couples as naked as we are headed for the lake to go skinny dipping," Mattie replied.

Aikido groaned as she pushed at Mattie, who was half on top of her. "I want to see," she whispered and Mattie rolled over onto her back and pushed up with her arms. She had a grin on her face as she watched the two couples wade out into the lake.

Sitting partially up, Aikido groaned as she too watched the couples. Soon the two couples were swimming and wresting in the lake. "They, they don't seem to be worried who is in or with this truck," she whispered with a touch of awe in her voice.

Aikido crawled forward and Mattie sat up to place her arms across the smaller woman's back. She shivered at the thought of her breasts being higher than the side of the bed. "Not their first time here, I'd say."

With a whimper, Aikido backed up and sat down on her heels. Her hands were covering her breasts. Her eyes were flicking back and forth between Mattie's breasts and the people in the water. "What, what if they see you?"

Mattie groaned softly and said, "Then I'll wave at them."

Aikido slowly lowered her hands and shiver. "I guess I should wave also."

Mattie laughed. "It'll show that the natives are friendly."

Aikido looked thoughtful for a moment and then turned to lay down on her back. "What will they think of two women naked in the bed of a truck?"

"My first thought would be they are sunbathing," Mattie replied.

"And your second thought?" Aikido asked with a catch in her voice.

Mattie looked at her friend and let her eyes wander down from her face to her toes. When Aikido shivered, Mattie chuckled. "One of us has fresh tanning oil on."

Aikido groaned softly and whispered, "So I need to put oil on you?"

"I wouldn't object, just don't make me yell or they will have far different ideas."

"I, I wouldn't have the nerve to do that."

Mattie laughed. "Not now you don't but...."

Aikido groaned as she picked up the tanning oil and sat up. "I might just do it to see the expressions on their faces."

"Not to mention the expression on my face," Mattie said as she lay back and relaxed.

Aikido drizzled oil over Mattie's breasts, stomach and then down along both hips and the tops of her thighs. As she sat the bottle aside she took a deep breath and reached out with both hands. "This should be fun for both of us."

"Yes," Mattie whispered with a hiss in her voice. A moment later that was followed by a soft moan as Aikido's hands found her breasts and caressed them as she rubbed the oil in. "So soft but so firm," Aikido whispered as she tried to massage the breasts under her hands. A moment later, she whispered, "Your breasts are too big for my small hands."

Mattie groaned and shivered. "You're doing a wonderful job."

Aikido chuckled and tried to pinch Mattie's nipples. She would squeeze them and they would pop out from between her fingers. Mattie was whimpering softly as her back arched up. Aikido used both hands to massage one breast and then the other. That brought another groan to Mattie's lips.

"You're getting noisy," Aikido whispered sharply.

"It's your fault," Mattie whispered back.

Aikido's hands moved down across Mattie's ribs to her belly and the down to rub around her pubic hair. That made Mattie whimper and lift her hips. The oriental woman grinned as she applied her oily hands to Mattie's hips.

Hands on her inner thighs had Mattie's legs spreading wider. And then the hands were on top of her thighs and then the outside. Aikido rubbed her hands together and then rubbed them over her breasts. She shivered as she looked toward the people in the water.

"All done," she said as she leaned back on her hands. Her feet were one on each side of her ass and her knees were spread wide.

Mattie grinned at the way she was sitting and sat up to lean back on her hands. Her legs were still wide spread. Mattie sighed and said, "This is nice. Warm sun, a gentle breeze, and good company."

"You've made a believer out of me about the great outdoors," Aikido replied.

"Naked in the great outdoors," Mattie corrected.

Aikido grinned and nodded. "That too."

"I wonder if they have seen us?" Mattie asked.

"With that beacon of red hair, you're hard to miss," Aikido replied.

Mattie shivered. "Want to go for another swim?"

Aikido groaned and laid back flat on the sleeping bag.

Mattie laughed and said, "I'll take that as a no."

"I'm way ahead of my nerve as it is."

With a sigh, Mattie laid back and said, "Mine too,"

They laid on their back for a while and then Mattie rolled over. Aikido looked over at her and grinned. "We need to call it a day soon. You're starting to get pink in places."

Mattie looked at her friend and nodded. "I'm not the only one."

Aikido sat up and then laid back down quickly. "The people are at their truck getting dressed."

"Then they will be leaving shortly," Mattie said as she rolled over and sat up.

The people were getting in the truck. The truck started up. The driver gave Mattie a wave and then the truck backed up and they left. Mattie hadn't had time to wave back. She laid back with a groan and said, "I got seen."

"Uh, how do you know?"

Mattie laughed. "The driver waved at me."

Aikido groaned. "I wonder if they saw me?"

"It didn't hurt me a bit except to tighten my grip on my butt plug," Mattie said with a soft groan.

"It's time to get dressed and head for home," Aikido whispered as she sat up.

"Burgers first. I'm hungry," Mattie said as she got to her feet. Aikido sat and watched her wipe at the oily sweaty parts of her body and then picked up her skirt. She stepped into it and pulled it up to her armpits.

Aikido groaned. It looked like a mini dress but everything was covered. "I need a skirt like that," she whispered as she stood up.

Mattie sat on the edge of the bed and watched her friend wipe the oil and sweat off her body before she put her skirt on. She had to wrestle with the sweater sleeves to get it on. She left it unbuttoned as they folded up the sleeping bag and moved their stuff to the tailgate.


They had a coke each in the drink holders as they headed for the highway. Mattie had the top of the skirt pulled down exposing her breasts and Aikido still hadn't buttoned up her sweater. They were almost to the highway when Mattie stopped in the middle of the road. They hadn't seen anyone.

With a soft sigh, Mattie pulled the top of the skirt up over her breasts. "Time to put the girls up."

Aikido giggled as she started to button up the front of the sweater. "This has been a fun day."

"Now that I know what kind of shape the roads are in, I won't need my brother's truck next time," Mattie said as she pulled out onto the highway.

"But, but, but," Aikido stammered. "Where would we sun if we take your car or mine?"

Mattie grinned and replied, "On the sleeping bag of course."

"But there won't be walls to protect us," Aikido protested.

Mattie laughed. "We don't need no stinking walls."

Aikido groaned deeply and whispered, "Out in the open with nowhere to hide."

"That's the idea," Mattie whispered with a shiver.

"Oh joy," Aikido said with a soft groan.

"Maybe I should trade my car in on a pickup truck," Mattie said with a grin as they pulled out on the highway.

Aikido grinned and asked, "What do you know about camping in the wild?"

"I've camped in parks years ago with my parents so I know a little."

"Good, because I know nothing about it at all," Aikido said and then added, "With a tent set up, we'd have somewhere to hide at least."

Mattie nodded. "With the car parked toward the entrance to the cut we'd have cover to make our escape."

"My thinking exactly. Now who do we know that has camping equipment?" Aikido asked with a big grin.

"We'll have to see, won't we," Mattie replied, returning her friends grin.

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Radical5Radical510 months ago

Nice story really enjoyed it. Hopefully their adventures will continue?? One small critique/suggestion.... as I once heard an Asian woman correct somebody who called her oriental, "Rugs are oriental, people are Asian!" Also, I don't find it necessary to continue throughout the story to describe Aikido by her ethnicity. Thanks again though for the wo Derulo story. You really captured the innocence of the characters.

noodlyarmsnoodlyarms10 months ago

Excellent story. Would love to see a follow up.

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