My Voyage of Discovery Ch. 06


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"May I ask him to take my survey, Master?"

"You can ask. You may finish your supper now."

"Are you really going to spank Ethan tomorrow?" I asked.

"Using the paddle, yes. A bet is a bet."

"Will he be naked?"

"Bare assed," Master replied. "He can wear a jock strap if he wishes. Finish eating; I'm ready to go again."

When Master changed his mind, he really changed his mind. Or perhaps he only told me I wouldn't cum the rest of the day to see how vigorously I'd masturbate for everyone.

"Yes, sir."

As soon as I finished my food, he had me lie down on the bed and had Miranda lick me while he fucked her. He lasted a long time as he'd already cum a few times this evening, which meant Miranda was going down on me for a long time. She was becoming much better at this pleasing women stuff. All of my lessons were not in vain, apparently. She was even better at focusing on me while she orgasmed, which was occurring quite frequently.

Master climaxed and I cleaned them both off. I didn't taste as much of Master as I did Miranda, on either of them. I took that as a sign I'd drained him well earlier.

Basically, we were all bushed by the time it ended. We snuggled together, his two slaves on either side of him. It didn't take long for anyone to fall asleep.


Master fucked my ass in the morning when he woke up, while I pleasured Miranda with my mouth. All three of us got into the shower to clean up afterwards. Master removed Miranda's anal plug before we went in.

"I'm putting your largest plug in today, Miranda. Starting tomorrow, you'll be available for ass fucking, including for the daily drawing, so be prepared."

"Yes, Master." Miranda appeared nervous.

"It will be okay, Miranda. I promise," I told her, kissing her. "It's the reason your bottom was prepared, so you could enjoy being fucked in the ass as much as I do. Just think; this means you can be double or triple penetrated now."

"The Prime Minister is arriving at 1130. Leo is flying him aboard from Nassau. You'll be serving him a light informal lunch. You have until 1115 to take care of any surveys you're doing today."

"Yes, sir."

After Miranda had her largest plug inserted, we went for breakfast at the crew's mess, then adjourned to the helo deck for morning muster. The stocks had been set up for a punishment evolution.

Before the punishment was carried out, Master announced, "It has been suggested by Beth and Chaney that in addition to the morning drawing for hard work performed the previous day, we have an Employee of the Week and Employee of the Month. Each week, each Department Head will be submitting names of their hardest workers for each week. On Sunday, we'll hold a drawing for Employee of the Week. The winner will receive two hours with Beth to use as they like.

"On the final day of the month, we'll do the same for each department employee who has showed exceptional performance for the past month, the first drawing to be held at the end of June. The winner of that drawing will have Beth for a full six hours."

Everyone seemed happy with the possibility they might be enjoying me for several hours. I saw several licking their chops like I was a meal.

"What about the other slave?" Kelly said. "She's becoming quite an excellent cunt licker herself."

"Unfortunately, Miranda will be returning to Washington in a few days, but she will be available for the daily drawings until then, and, beginning tomorrow, her ass will be available for fucking in addition to her other slave holes."

Miranda shivered.

"Let's hold the drawing now for yesterday's hardest workers before Ethan suffers the punishment for losing his bet. Ethan, since you're already here, why don't you draw today's names."

Master held the hat above his head and Ethan reached into the hat. He handed the name to Master. "Mickey, you get a blow job from Beth today. Draw another one, Ethan."

Ethan reached up over his head and drew another name. He handed it to Master.

Master started laughing. "The second name today is Ethan." There were assorted boos and catcalls when he drew his own name. "None of that now. His name was legitimately in the hat for training three of our newest crew members to dive yesterday. There was no chicanery involved in drawing his own name. He couldn't see whose name he was drawing. Ethan gets to fuck Miranda. So tell me, Ethan; do you want your sex before, during or after your punishment."

"Is there any advantage to when I do it, Beth?" he asked. "I have no clue."

"Sex releases endorphins which help with pain tolerance. Given the choice if I were you, I'd take the blow job while your ass is getting paddled."

"I'd like Miranda to suck my cock while I'm undergoing the punishment, Joshua," Ethan said.

"You need to remove your trousers," Master said. "My slaves receive their punishments bare assed."

Ethan dropped his pants in front of everyone. He had a nice sized uncircumcised cock. Edgar placed him in the stocks. Miranda dropped to her knees in front of him and began orally caressing his equipment until his dick was hard. That's when Master walloped him for the first time. Ethan jumped, not really ready for the first one. He groaned.

For the rest of his blow job, Master laid on the rest of his strokes. He didn't jump as much for the next several as Master kept up a nice steady pace. His ass growing redder with each swat, he groaned from both pain and pleasure. Master gave him all twenty and within a minute after it was finished, he was thrusting hard into Miranda's mouth as she extracted his seed.

Ethan was released from the pillory and he pulled up his pants gingerly, flinching. He turned to the slaves, saying, "I have a lot more respect for you after undergoing the punishment. It was harder than I anticipated."

"That was nothing compared to a caning, Ethan," I said. "A caning is much worse." I kissed him lightly. "You did well for a non-slave."

The crowd started to break up. Jìngyi came to me and told me quietly that Ethan had done a marvelous job practicing his cunnilingus on her before she had to start her watch.

"Did you let him fuck you after?"

"No, we didn't have enough time after eating and before my shift. I told him I'd return the oral favors tonight. After seeing him take his walloping this morning, I might let him fuck me afterward. I feel sorry for him."

I laughed and called upon Mickey to receive his reward.

"Hello, Mickey," I said. "I haven't really met you yet. Where do you want your blow job?"

"Can we go to your room or mine?"

"We can go to my room. I'll need to arrange for my next surveys anyway."


I handed him my leash and let him take me back to my room. Master was already busy preparing for the Prime Minister's visit. Mickey stopped to thank him for sharing his slaves with the crew.

"You work hard and I like to express my appreciation," he replied.

"You could give us a monetary bonus, but this is so much better, Joshua. Thanks."

I took him to my room and I helped him remove his pants. He was hard already. Disappointingly, his cock wasn't much to speak of. Five and a half inches if I was being generous. Still, he worked hard for Master and it wasn't going in my cunt anyway. No point in complaining about how easy he'd be to swallow. I did the best job I could sucking him to orgasm, swallowing every drop of his seed.

Dressed again, I let him out of my cabin and looked up the next two names to request to take my survey. Pierre and Roberta, whom I'd both had sex with. I started with Pierre as it was probably good to catch him before it got much closer to lunch. I announced over the intercom for him to call me.

"What can I do for you, Mademoiselle?"

"You're the next person on my list who requested taking my survey. I figure early before lunch would work best for you."

"Très bien. I'll be there shortly."

"My door is open."

I also called Roberta and told her I should be free in an hour or so for her survey.

In less than ten minutes, Master opened the door to let Pierre in. "He wants to pleasure you at the same time as you pleasure him. I have no objection."

"May I have your permission to cum, sir?"

"Yes, but only until Pierre cums, and not a moment past."

"Yes, sir."

Master left and I asked Pierre what he said to Joshua to allow him to pleasure me.

"I told him I'm not accustomed to receiving pleasure from a woman without giving as well. It seems selfish to me."

"I'm not a normal woman. I'm a sex slave."

He shrugged. "It may be my only opportunity to fully enjoy your taste."

"Well, I shall enjoy it. My orgasms are normally tightly controlled by Master. Here's your survey."

I handed him my survey and he broke into wide smiles as he read some of the questions. He filled it all out and handed it back to me.

"What do you learn from this survey?"

"It's designed to gain an understanding of those who stated they were Dominant or submissive. It has a secondary benefit I didn't realize when I designed it. Once I entered the results for known Dominants and submissives, I also had a template or matrix to determine where other people might fall given the same parameters. Even if you didn't know that you were Dominant or submissive, it could tell if you had leanings in that direction."

"So what am I?"

"I can't tell strictly from your answers. I have to enter them into the matrix."

"Can't you guess?"

"No, not really. I really do have to compare them to known responses of others. Let's get your clothes off. I have another appointment and I'd like to ensure I have enough time to maximize your pleasure."

I helped Pierre get undressed and we got into my bunk and into a sixty-nine with him on the bottom so we could give each other pleasure. I took my time with him, which also allowed him to give me several orgasms. He was quite good at cunnilingus. It was obvious he took pride in his skills. I did feel he was following a script rather than reacting to my responses. Lick so long here, move to area B, kiss there for so long, slide on up to Area C and so forth. I wondered if some woman hadn't told him at one time it was good for her, and he'd been following the same playbook ever since, which also made me wonder if he hadn't been dominated at one time and it was her rules he obeyed ever since. It might also explain why he wanted to give his partner pleasure at the same time. He felt guilty for being on the receiving end alone.

He was getting dressed afterward and asked, "How did I do?"

"You're quite good, but can I make an observation?"

"Of course."

"Am I wrong in thinking a woman told you once upon a time this was exactly what she wanted?"

"No, you're not wrong. She showed me the way to pleasure her. It was the same every time."

"Not all women are the same, nor is it the same for even the same woman from one time to the next, generally speaking. It seemed you were following a set of rules. Do this for three minutes, then something else for two minutes, and so on. While you will probably get a woman to orgasm by following those rules, it may not be as pleasurable for each woman if you follow the same rules for each of them. I think you would do well doing some preliminary exploring with your partner, find out what she's reacting to, then tailor your technique specifically for them."

"Really? This is what you do? This is why everyone is crazy about their oral sex with you?"

"Let me respond by asking you; how was your blow job?"

"One of the best I've ever had," he admitted.

"It was not the same as any other blow job I've ever given. I spent almost ten minutes exploring your body to discover what made you respond the most. What made your breath catch, what made your cock twitch, what made you moan the loudest. When I wanted you to cum, that is the information I used. You like your balls licked and sucked more than most men, you like being deep throated less than most. You really like it when I'm licking and sucking only the crown of your cock. You hated it when I licked anywhere near your asshole.

"I'm totally guessing now, because I haven't entered any of your responses into my matrix, but I'm supposing at one point, you were submissive to a woman. She made you lick her the same every time, and she only did certain things in return for your pleasure. She never deep throated you because you were hers, not the other way around. She never went anywhere near your ass. Your pleasure came a certain way and it's what you grew to expect. She trained you to please her and only did certain things in return which is why you enjoy the things you do. It's what she allowed you. If I were to guess, not upon your survey results, but upon the sex we had; you might be either submissive or a switch."

Pierre looked at me in astonishment. "You came up with that based upon how we had sex?"

"Well, that and the fact you don't like receiving pleasure from a woman unless you are also giving it. My guess is you were fairly well trained in certain ways. You probably never received pleasure unless it was a reward for what you'd done for her. Am I wrong?"

"No," he admitted, "you're not wrong. Will you tell anyone what you know?"

"Not without your permission. I do suggest you forget much of what she taught you about cunnilingus unless you should run into her again. Pay attention to what a woman's body is telling you or even ask what she likes. We're not all the same as your Mistress was."

He was dressed now. I kissed him goodbye and ushered him out of the room. A few minutes later, Roberta showed up. I greeted her with a brief kiss. I'd been with her once before. I handed her the iPad with the survey ready to go. She took the survey and I rewarded her for her participation.

She was sighing with repletion when I finished. "God, if all women were as good as you and Miranda are, I swear I'd become a lesbian."

"Most lesbians would be. They should know their way around a woman's body better than most men. Instead of turning solely to women, you should train your men to lick you better."

"Men don't seem particularly interested in listening to what a woman tells them."

"Quite a few seemed interested in the lesson I offered yesterday. You might be surprised if you give them a chance. Jìngyi told me this morning Ethan did very well last night. Enough so she made another date with him for tonight. Master did great last night when he tried doing what I taught him."

"Wouldn't that be something, men who could lick like a lesbian and fuck like a man," she laughed.

"It's a long cruise. The one's who are listening to the few women on board will start getting fucked more often and the others might decide they need to pay attention to what you tell them if they want to get laid. I have to get ready for the Prime Minister's visit. I need to boot you out to get ready."

"Thanks again. I enjoy your company."

"You're welcome, and thanks for taking my survey."

Roberta left and I took a shower, shaved my pubis and brushed my teeth again so my mouth wouldn't smell like cum. I put on the dress I was told to wear. When I entered his bedroom, I saw he'd already left and Miranda was dressed in her harem outfit. She looked good enough to fuck.

"Can you help me put my hair up for my mask?" Miranda asked.

"Of course."

I brushed her hair and pinned it up. We put her mask on over her head, covering most of her features, and I buckled it in the back so it would be somewhat tight and not pull off.

"Are you excited to think you might soon be fucking the Prime Minister of The Bahamas?" I asked, putting some lipstick on her lips.

She waited until I was finished so I wouldn't smear her.

"I am. You were right about me. I'm a natural slave. I'm enjoying my slavery. I would be humiliated if he ever knew who I was, but knowing we've met under other circumstances and he might soon be fucking me is tremendously exciting to me." She dabbed a tissue on her lips. "If this material was anything other than what it was, you'd see a big wet spot, I'm dripping so much."

I kissed her on her cheek. "We should get going. Master will be expecting us."

She nodded and stood up. "How do I look?"

"Good enough to eat," I said, "and I should know."

She smiled. She fastened my leash to my collar and I fastened hers. We stepped out of the room and snagged the first passer by to take us where we needed to go. It happened to be Jake as he was going to be bartending for our guest. He led us to the stern and the normally hidden room there. Master and Hannah were already there, both dressed to greet the Prime Minister. In addition, Lynn was there in one of her best dresses. Master told Lynn to make sure we were properly presentable for introduction to the Prime Minister. She check the smoothness of our cunts and makeup, finding us satisfactory.

When she was checking me, I asked her how her date with the Captain went.

"Splendidly," she said. "We had a marvelous evening AND night. He told me you suggested he ask me out."

"He was already interested. I simply told him he had nothing to lose by asking."

Lynn kissed me. "Nevertheless, I thank you for steering him in my direction. I haven't felt this attractive and desirable for a long time." She said to Master. "They both look fine to me."

"Very well," Master said. "Hannah, Leo says he's five minutes out. Why don't you go up to the helicopter deck and greet the Prime Minister. I understand he has a security guard with him. His equivalent of Secret Service. Slaves, you might be called upon to service him as well."

"As you wish, Master." It didn't make any difference who we fucked really.

Hannah left and five minutes later, Leo was coming in for a landing. A few minutes later, a security officer was coming down the stairs, followed by Prime Minister Manfred Minnick and Hannah. Master quietly ordered us to Display and he stood up. The security officer gave us a double look, first looking to see if he thought we were dangerous, then more slowly given what we were wearing, which in Miranda's case, meant nothing to cover anything, and me, little more. He took a stance which allowed him to keep an eye on everyone else, especially Jake behind the bar, who looked dangerous despite his smile.

"Prime Minister Minnick, I'm so happy you could join us today," Master said, shaking his hand. "You met Hannah. This is my subordinate, Lynn Farber, my two serving girls who shall remain nameless and Jake is the guy serving drinks today."

The Prime Minister was also taking note of the garments worn by the two nameless servant girls. There was a lot to take note of.

"Why is the one masked?" He asked.

"To hide her identity, Prime Minister. You might otherwise recognize her which would be very embarrassing to her."

He looked at Miranda closer, wondering who it might be. Miranda appeared to be shivering under his close scrutiny. He eventually turned away from her.

"You didn't really explain why you wanted this meeting Mr. Greenbriar."

"I want to give you money," Master said.

"I don't take bribes," he responded angrily.

"It's not for you, Prime Minister. It's for your country. I was quite distressed you didn't receive much help from my country after Hurricane Dorian. I can't make up for all which we should have done, but I have the wherewithal to provide some help. I understand a lot of your countrymen and women are still essentially homeless and living in makeshift shelters."

"That's true," he admitted, sitting down wearily. "It's the greatest crisis we've faced since our independence. The fact it stalled out over my country and pounded us for days ravaged us in ways you can't comprehend."

"I'm deeply apologetic the United States didn't do more to help our near neighbor and sympathetic to the challenges faced by Bahamians everywhere. Some of the help wouldn't have cost us anything, including opening our borders to some of your people who had friends and relatives already living here. I was ashamed."