My Voyage of Discovery Ch. 11


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"She doesn't score the same as Miranda and that's all I'll say about it, sir. I'll speak to her about it tomorrow and with her permission, I'll discuss it with you." Master nodded in acceptance.

"Hannah informed me Professor Kline and his wife will join us in Rio de Janeiro and sail with us to Buenos Aires. Have you heard back from Francesca yet?"

"I hadn't heard before supper, sir."

"Why don't you check your email and see if she's responded?"

"Yes, sir."

I looked at my phone and found a response from Francesca.

"She said she'd love to join us, Master. She said she has vacation time coming and could join us in a week for a period of two weeks."

Master looked at the readjusted schedule on his long term calendar screen.

"We're in Antigua tomorrow, and Guadeloupe the day after. I promised Bill to spend at least three days there. It will give the crew a chance for R & R. Our next stop is Martinique for only a day. Why don't you have her fly into Saint Lucia in a week? I'll have Leo wait for her there and he can fly them to wherever we are at the time."

"I'll let her know, sir."

I sent a quick text. She responded immediately with a phone call. I put her on speaker after warning her my Master and sister slave were both listening.

"Oh, Beth, I'm so excited thinking I'll be seeing you again. Joshua, thank you for inviting me."

"You're welcome. Beth told us how she met you; training her for a pony race."

"Yes, then when I brought Gloria out to see if Mistress Layton wanted to see if she'd be a suitable replacement, I spent a wonderful afternoon with her. She's an amazing slave. I'm sure you've already figured it out for yourself."

"Indeed I have. Everyone thinks a great deal of Beth. She's an extraordinary woman and a delightful slave. Did Beth explained you need to sign a non-disclosure agreement before coming?"

"Yes, she only said there were political reasons for doing so, but not specifically why. Neither I nor my filly will have a problem complying."

"What is your filly's name, Mistress?" I asked, "and I thought you weren't really training her as a pony?"

"Her name is Belle and I'm not, but I'm used to calling female sex slaves fillies and males stallions. I haven't broken the habit yet."

"How old is Belle, Mistress, and is she named after Beauty in Beauty and the Beast?" I asked.

"Twenty-four and yes. Her mother liked the name when she saw the movie."

"Do you still date men, Mistress?"

"Yes, though not as many as before since I've got this delightful slave to relieve the worst of my sexual cravings."

"What would you like Beth to teach Belle, Francesca?" Master asked.

"How to lick cunt as well as Beth does. I want her to be well rounded, so she should learn to suck cock better. She still can't deep throat. She could be a trifle more submissive. She grasps the concepts, but still fights the reins at times."

"We'll see if we can settle her, Mistress," I said. "I look forward to it."

"I'm getting wet just thinking of your mouth on me again, Beth."

"I'm happy you were pleased with me, Mistress. I'll have Master's personal assistant send you the NDAs. Once you have your tickets, send us the flight details. Master will have someone waiting for you at the airport to bring you to the ship. We'll see you in a week."

"Thanks again for the invite. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone."

Everyone hung up. We got into bed.

"She's a lovely woman, Master. You'll enjoy fucking her."

"What makes you think she'll want to fuck me?"

"She's a woman who still dates men. You're a handsome, witty, charming man. Why wouldn't she want to fuck someone like you? I wanted to fuck you before I knew you'd be my Master. You've done nothing to change my mind. Miranda wanted to fuck you after flirting with you. I still want to fuck you, more than ever. I love you, Master, and I don't see how any woman could withstand your charms."

"Beth is right, Master. You're eminently fuckable. You have such a lovely cock." Which I was sucking on at the moment, hoping for an imminent erection. "We can't get enough of you."

I heard them kissing above me. Master's cock was swelling rapidly.

"Who gets me first?" Master asked.

"Beth, she didn't get to cum at dinner and I did. It's only fair, though I wouldn't mind if you dined on me while she rode you."

Which is exactly what we did to start, though there were many other variations to follow before sleep cradled us in her arms.


Master didn't give either of us permission to cum the next morning when he claimed our asses, so post breakfast saw another punishment evolution. Twenty for me and twenty for Miranda as we'd both orgasmed twice. Evelyn had her usual fifty. Both Cunt and Cock had ten. I saw William administer Evelyn's spanking for the first time. It was hard. Her bottom was flame red when he finished and she was sobbing.

When they drew names for yesterdays drawing, Lynn drew Darla's name for me and Chaney's name for Miranda. Chaney took Miranda's cunt for his prize, as she was still in the stocks set up for the punishment. Master gave her permission to cum finally.

"Monsieur, may I give Beth pleasure as she licks me?" Darla asked.

"Only if she doesn't orgasm," Master replied.

She looked at me, her eyebrow up in question.

"If I can't cum; I'd prefer you ignored my pleasure," I told her.

"As you wish."

Darla didn't care if anyone watched us have sex, so I licked her to two screaming orgasms on the Helo deck in front of everyone.

"Lynn, you may have Beth this morning to work on your slaves further training. She is not to cum for any reason. If she has time after you've finished with her before lunch, she can do more surveys with the crew."

"Master, don't you want me helping with your business meeting this morning?" I asked.

"No. Miranda will help me while masked and since the other CEO I'm meeting this morning is a woman, Hannah has consented to use Angelique."

"Have I done anything to disappoint you, Master?"

He stroked my cheek. "Not at all, Beth. I have my reasons. They don't reflect badly on anything you've done."

"Thank you, Master."

We adjourned to Lynn's quarters. Some bondage paraphernalia had found a home in here so Lynn could work with her slaves.

"What is it they both need to work on, Mistress?" I asked.

"Not losing concentration on their tasks while being punished or pleasured, cumming without permission, particularly Cock, and submissiveness in general. You saw how he climaxed last night while serving supper."

"I'm not sure I'm the proper person to teach cumming without permission. I was punished myself twice this morning for that infraction."

"You're at least twice as good as either of these two. I'd have Cock back in a cage if I weren't worried about damaging him again. He should have more control over his erections and emissions."

"Have they been allowed to have sex with each other yet?"

"No. They haven't earned it."

"I see. Mistress, may I please have a favor? I'd like to spend ninety minutes alone with them both. After I have ninety minutes with them. You may return and we'll see if they haven't improved."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to talk to them and give them some exercises to practice. I only ask for complete control to do what I need to do with them."

"You may not cum in accordance with your Master's orders, but other than that, I'll relinquish control to you."

"Thank you, Mistress."

She left the room and I set a timer on my watch.

"How are you both doing?" I asked. "Are you enjoying your slavery?"

They looked at each other. Cunt answered. "On the whole. It's harder for Cock than for me. We're dying for sex with each other. The only person we've been allowed sex with is Mistress. It's been so long since I had real cock in me. I miss it. I want my fiancé to fuck me."

"What do you think is the most important part of being a sex slave?"

"Isn't it the sex?" Cock asked.

"I had a submissive tell me once that sex is the least important part of submission. It's a byproduct of submission, not the reason for it. A Dominant was asked what the most important qualities of a submissive were and looks, appearance, sex, don't even appear on his list. Of the eleven items on his list, sex or anything related with sex, doesn't appear once. To him, the most important things were Submissiveness, Honesty, Acceptance, Intelligence, Compatibility, Self-Respect, Self-Knowledge, Communication, Consistency, Imagination, Patience and finally Service.

"Cock, I suspect you fail in nearly all these qualities, and I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of it wasn't due to the fact you felt dragged into this by Cunt. And not a little anger at me for discovering this quality in you and Cunt. I found it, but I didn't create it. It existed and would have reared its ugly head at some point in the future. This is not something you would have chosen for yourself if given a choice; at least not yet. You've not been honest with anyone, let alone your Mistress. You can opt out of your slavery, but I don't think you even gave it a reasonable chance because of subconscious anger towards Cunt and the entire experience, despite having submissive tendencies. It was too sudden and you weren't prepared for it.

"And Cunt, you're being torn between your Mistress and your fiancé. You're feeling guilty for dragging him into this with you and your attention is divided between the two of them, which means you're not giving your complete self to your Mistress."

"And how can we possibly fix it?" Cock asked. "I'd agree with everything you just said and I don't see any way around it."

"All eleven qualities that Dominant treasured in a submissive, boils down to one thing in my mind. Complete surrender of your will to your Dominant. If you fight that, you fight the entire experience. It doesn't matter if Cunt dragged you into this before you were ready. You're here now. You can continue to fight it and have it all fall apart, or accept it for what it is.

"What I would suggest, is for a period of one week, you ignore the reason why you're currently a sex slave and totally give yourself over to your Mistress. Completely surrender to her. Apply all of your intelligence and diligence and service you give to others in your professions into serving her as completely as you can. Ignore Cunt and concentrate on your Mistress fully and without reservation. Give it everything you have. If at the end of the week, nothing has improved for you, give it up; even if you're giving up Cunt as well. She's by far, the more submissive and may not have any more control than I do where it comes to her submissiveness.

"Cunt, you need to do the same. Cock is not your problem anymore. He belongs to his Mistress, your Mistress, and she's in charge of his feelings and sexuality and his happiness. You aren't."

"But I still love him," Cunt protested.

"Of course you do. I love my Master, and I also love my sister slave. I loved my Master so much, wanted his happiness so much, wanted what was best for him so much, I willingly surrendered my place as his wife. It didn't harm me. I got to remain with him, continue to fuck him. The piece of paper telling me he loved me wasn't as important as his actual love and how dearly he loves me. I surrendered for her and him, so she could marry him and we could remain together.

"I think Cock's love for you is part of his problem. Whether it goes back to primal instincts bred into us by our early existence in caves or something else, men assume a certain amount of ownership over their women. They want to possess us. Cock feels possessive towards you and doesn't want to surrender his possession to anyone, even his Mistress. Masters are more caveman than most, which is why Cock couldn't bear the thought of a Master for you. He could barely tolerate a woman, but never a man.

"But love in its purest form is selfless. It's why we would die for the one we love, gladly. But selflessness in trying to protect them from harm, doesn't always equate to surrendering what would make them happy if you receive pain from the same thing. Knowing you, Cunt, might be very happy as slave to another male doesn't make Cock happy; it makes him sad he can't be what you need and angry the choice is forced on him. He knew being a slave made you happy, but it makes him nervous he can't be your Master and you're surrendering your sexuality to someone else. He has not accepted his circumstance fully as a result. He's fighting it instead of embracing it.

"Devoting your whole attention to your Mistress, Cunt, doesn't mean you don't love Cock as much as you do. What it means is you trust your Mistress to see to your happiness and Cock's happiness as you see to hers."

"If you both surrender to your Mistress, she becomes the source of your pleasure and happiness. She knows how much you love one another, how much you want one another. A good Mistress, and I believe Mistress Lynn to be a good Mistress; will take into account your love for each other, recognize it and allow you to express it with sex. What she first requires is your trust and submission to her. For you to actually recognize she's your Mistress and to surrender fully to her. Please give her the opportunity to be a good Mistress by submitting first with your whole heart. Otherwise abandon your submission now and go back to what you were before and hope it doesn't come crashing down around you."

They looked at one another again and Cunt smiled at her fiancée.

"I love you with all my heart, Cock. I'm going to do as Beth suggests and concentrate wholly and fully on Mistress. I believe our future happiness depends upon it. I hope you're willing to do the same."

Cock took her hand and squeezed it between both of his. "I will surrender fully for a week because of my love for you and I hope we both find what we're looking for, but if it doesn't get better, I'm going to abandon my slavery and hope for the best."

She put her other hand over his and squeezed him back. "Thank you."

They both looked at me and Cock said, "What's next?"

"You need to practice. Have you both been able to put yourself in subspace while being punished?"

"I've done it some," Cunt said. "It's easier sometimes than others, if I'm not worried about Cock. I'm not sure Cock has done it at all. He just bears it."

"I don't know the reason, but I suspect it's partly due to your divisions, your mixed loyalties, so to speak. The more I'm focused on my need to please Master, whether it's pleasure or pain he's providing me, the easier it is for me to fall into it. Whatever his reason for punishing me, it gives him pleasure to do it. If it gives him pleasure, it's something I'm willing and happy to do."

"You want me to give you a paddle so you can whack me?" Cock asked. "I'm having the most problems."

"A paddle isn't necessary. As I'm not a Dominant, I'm unsure how I'd feel spanking someone else. I actually want to try something different. I want you to enter subspace while pleasuring and being pleasured. Neither of you has permission to cum either, but if we're careful, we shouldn't have any accidents which might require punishment. Cunt, you're to take the place of your Mistress and Cock must pleasure you no matter what I do to him.

"I want your pussy to be his whole world, his reason for existence. It is his goal to maximize your pleasure and ignore me. I want you to reach for subspace while he's pleasuring you. Try to ignore what he's doing as much as possible. The only thing I want you to concentrate on is if his attention seems to wander while I do things to him. I'd like you to hold out for twenty minutes if you can. When you get close to cumming, I want you tell him to stop.

"Then you'll switch. Cock's prick will become your whole world, the reason for your existence, no matter what I'm doing to you. Only his pleasure is important. Cock will have to enter subspace to ignore you as you tried to do for him. His only concern will be if your attention is wandering as I play with you. Again, I want Cock to attempt to hold out for twenty minutes if he can. When he gets close, he'll have to stop. If you do manage to last for twenty minutes, your Mistress will be coming into the room shortly thereafter. If you don't, you'll switch and start again.

"Hopefully, both of you will be able to enter subspace relatively quickly for most of both parts of this exercise and find yourself delaying your orgasms and being more pleasing to your partner at the same time. Both of you should enjoy this as you have the opportunity to touch and pleasure your loved one."

They both nodded again, grinning, and Cunt was on the bed with her legs spread in an instant. She was wet as a good slave should be and I looked forward to the opportunity to taste her before we were done. Cock settled himself between her legs and began licking. Cunt moaned.

"Neither of you can cum," I reminded her. "Drift off, ignore what's happening to you as much as humanly possible, no matter how good it feels. Tell me if Cock loses focus."

She nodded, and gripped the sheets, trying to concentrate on anything but the tongue delving between her liquid folds. I reached between Cock's legs and found his prick, half hard. I started to stroke him, feeling him swell under my hand. I wasn't trying to make him cum, just distract him from his task.

"He's losing focus, Beth."

"Concentrate, Cock. Your pleasure counts for nothing compared to what you should provide to your Mistress or whoever it's your task to pleasure."

He seemed to mentally buckle down and Cunt didn't complain again. I continued to stroke him and eventually took the tip of his cock into my mouth, gently sucking the first couple inches while squeezing his sack. I heard no complaints from Cunt. Instead her moans increased in frequency.

She finally whimpered, "I'm so close. He has to stop."

I stopped as well and checked my watch. "Not bad, close to fifteen minutes. Give yourselves five minutes to gather yourself and switch. This one might be tougher since you're both so aroused. Were you able to get into subspace, Cunt?"

"Some. I don't think I'd have lasted as long if I hadn't."


"Quite deeply. It helped to really concentrate on Sherry's pleasure."

"She hasn't earned her name back. Please address her as Cunt."

"It feels disrespectful."

"It is, but it's all she's earned at present. It's all she is until her Mistress grants Cunt her name back. Say it."

"Cunt. You're my Cunt and I love you."

She smiled at him. "You're my Cock and I love you back."

"So Cock, get on the bed and let Cunt go to work."

He lay back on the pillow and Cunt got between his legs. His dick had shrunk some since I finished, but he was still excited.

"Remember to tell me if Cunt's attention wanders. Try to go deep into subspace otherwise and ignore what she's doing. Cunt, this prick is now your whole world. Nothing else matters. I can smack your ass or lick your cunt and it doesn't make any difference to Cock's prick. It's yours; I want you to own it. No one can cum."

I let Cunt get started on Cock's dick for a few minutes before I plunged two fingers into her twat. Other than a low whimper, I couldn't detect any sign of her flagging in her duties. Her cunt got wetter and juicier, but she kept working on his cock. She couldn't quite deep throat him from this angle, but she seemed to be doing a good job despite her inability.

Cock's eyes were closed, a dreamy smile on his face. I began lapping some of the liquid dripping from Cunt's pussy, running my tongue from clit to pucker. She whimpered again but held still and concentrated on her task. At a little past fifteen minutes, both of them begged to stop or else they'd cum.

"Very good. Over fifteen minutes this time. I want you both to take another five minutes. Get up, move around. See if you can lose your erection, Cock. Your Mistress will probably want to test you both."