My Voyage of Discovery Ch. 12

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Joining Chantelle's Family on Guadeloupe reveals surprises.
16.5k words

Part 12 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/25/2020
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Our characters join Chantelle's family on Guadeloupe and there are a couple surprises revealed. Joshua invites Chantelle's parents aboard for a couple days. This chapter contains oral, anal, and lesbian sex. There is no COVID-19 and STD's in this fantasy. My thanks to JohnnyGalt for his assistance in editing. Any mistakes remain my own.

My Voyage of Discovery, Ch 12 - Guadeloupe

It was a beautiful Fourth of July morning when we awoke. There was a tropical storm near Puerto Rico but we were several hundred miles south of there. Master fucked us both in the ass, depositing his cum in me, Miranda cleaning up after Master as I had her last night. Chantelle had warned us not to eat much for breakfast as her mother would feast us today, so all I had was some fresh fruit for breakfast.

We were gathered on the stern waiting for Ethan to bring a tender around and Chantelle pointed out her parents house up on the hill. All the women were dressed in bikinis, with wraps for their waists. The men were all in khakis, polo shirts, and deck shoes. Chantelle didn't have her collar on, as they wanted to ease into this.

"It's huge," Evelyn said. "I thought you said your father was a fisherman?"

"He is. He has a fleet of five boats now, one for each of his sons. He provides fresh fish to most of the island's markets and hotels. Even some to other islands. He's fairly wealthy for Guadeloupe, though nothing compared to your Master."

"What a prejudiced bitch I was. I envisioned this squalid little shack where all of you slept in two bedrooms. I'm so sorry, Chantelle. It's a wonder you don't hate me."

"You're not the same woman, Evelyn. You're a much nicer person now." Chantelle kissed her and William hugged her.

What a rotten person she must have been before. It was a large house, with an open veranda overlooking the water, a multitude of rooms, which considering Chantelle was one of eight children, should be expected.

"Darla," Chantelle said, "a warning. You too, LuAnn. You're welcome to fuck any of my unmarried brothers as long as you don't do it in front of my parents. If you fuck one of the married ones, their wives might slit your throat if you're lucky. If any has a girlfriend here, she might do the same. Women will fiercely defend their men here. Our blood runs hot."

"What about your sisters?" Darla asked. "If they're anything like you, I might enjoy them."

"My father is old fashioned, and only recently accepted I'm as comfortable with a woman as I am a man," Chantelle said. "I don't know their sexual orientation, as I don't speak to them as often as I should. Unless they've already come out to him, don't do anything to piss him off, and I'm assuming that includes corrupting his other daughters as I've been corrupted. He is fearsome when he's angry, not that he's a violent man, but it's intimidating when he's angry due to his size and strength."

"It's why I'm so nervous telling him about Chantelle's submission," Sam said. "I'm trying not to imagine him ripping my head off, and not having much luck."

"Should I bring security?" Master asked.

"No. If he needs to take some swings at me, I'm prepared to let him. Chantelle will keep him from killing me. We kept it secret long enough. I don't want any of her family getting hurt."

"Beth might be able to talk him down. She's nearly a Doctor of Psychology," Master said, squeezing me. "Jump right in if you see the need, Beth."

"Of course, sir. It might be helpful if her father knew more of us are submissive than Chantelle only."

"We'll reveal it if it seems appropriate."

"Yes, Master."

Ethan brought the boat around and we all climbed in. We were anchored about a half mile off shore. As soon as we were seated, Chantelle asked if she could take the wheel.

"It's quite rocky around here," Chantelle said. "There's a little sandy beach, but it's not very wide. I'll find it much easier than you."

Ethan looked to Master. William said, "She used to crew with her father. She's quite good with boats. She helped crew a schooner the last time I sailed in these waters."

Master said, "Go ahead, Chantelle take us in."

Chantelle expertly handled the craft and took us into a sandy little stretch of sand around twenty feet wide, rocks on either side. She killed the motor and let momentum carry us in to the shore where we grounded. She grabbed a line, hopped into the water and tied us off to a davit on a thick concrete piling left there by her family. We were deep enough onto the beach, we could step off the prow without getting our feet wet. Ethan, Master, Chantelle and Sam wrestled the boat farther onto the beach after all the people debarked, retying the line.

"You can crew for me any time you want," Ethan said. "You handled the boat beautifully."

"Or you can crew for me," Chantelle said. "Perhaps one of my brothers will take you out fishing while you're in Guadeloupe to see if you're any good."

Knowing Ethan had been in the Special Boat Service, I had to chuckle. So did Master.

There was a well worn path from the beach up to Chantelle's parent's house. Two of her brothers were out on the veranda to welcome us.

"This is Jacques and Robert, my two youngest brothers," Chantelle said, pointing to each in turn. "We'll skip the rest of the introductions until we're inside."

Both of them were over six feet tall, strong, strapping men who showed the signs of a lot of physical outdoor labor. Ethan eyed both of them like the alpha dog he was. They returned his stares without the slightest hesitation. Shit, Sam might be biting off more than he could chew if the rest of them followed this template.

Chantelle led us all into the house into a mass of controlled bedlam. It all stopped as soon as we were in the house and we were staring at twelve people, four more men similar to the two we'd met outside, one older but just as rugged, and six more women. Three of the women were close enough in appearance you knew they were related to Chantelle, leaving three who must be attached to the other men.

"Maman, Papa, frères, sœurs, everyone, I'd like to introduce you to my friends, Joshua Greenbriar, his wife, Miranda, a US Congresswoman, Miranda's sister, LuAnn, a friend, Beth, and one of Joshua's crew, Ethan. You've already met William Thornhill and Sam. The woman with Bill is his wife, Evelyn, and the other young woman is Michelle Montfort's daughter, Darla."

Chantelle's mother startled at hearing the name and tears overflowed her eyes. She suddenly held her arms out for Darla who rushed to her and hugged her.

There was a sudden outburst of French which no one but Chantelle and her family could follow between the two women, but seemed to be nothing but a quick take on the health of Darla's mother. Simone kissed Darla's forehead and gave her another hug, apologizing for the interruption.

"I'm sorry. I haven't heard that name for so many years. Please continue, Chantelle."

"This is my Maman, Simone, and Papa, Henri, my two elder brothers, Marcelle and Jean, my younger brother, Joseph and sisters, Anna and Liza or Li-Li as we call her. I'll let my brothers introduce their wives and girlfriend."

The two oldest boys introduced their wives and Joseph had a fiancée. Marcelle married to Therese, Jean to Marie, and Joseph engaged to Philippa.

"Where's your wife, Sam?" Henri asked, not particularly smiling when he asked.

"Marcia had to stay in LA. No police are able to take vacations after the recent race riots."

Henri nodded, not speaking of it further. Evelyn suddenly went up to Henri and Simone and dropped to her knees at their feet, crying. They both looked at her in surprise.

"I must humbly beg your pardon and the pardon of all your family."

"Why?" Simone asked.

"When my husband last came to your house, I didn't come. Partly because I was being unfaithful to him, having sex with someone else, but another, more important reason was because I was a racist bigot who imagined you as living in a tiny fishing shack and beneath me in every way. I have since learned how wrong I was to even imagine you were anything less than the good people who raised Chantelle to be a wonderful person and my friend. Without knowing you in the slightest, I judged you harshly and unfairly. I now realize I was the one beneath you and undeserving to be your friend. I hope you might forgive me for my past errors."

They both looked at Chantelle, then Bill.

"She is deserving of your forgiveness," Chantelle said. "She has learned humility and love from her mistakes and I consider her a good friend now."

They each took a hand and pulled her up to her feet and into an embrace, which caused Evelyn to cry harder and cling to them desperately.

"I'm so sorry," she sobbed. "I was such a hateful person."

"We are not always the best people we can be, mon Enfant," Simone said. "I for one, forgive you."

Simone kissed her tear stained cheek and Henri patted her back. "We live and learn by our mistakes."

This made Evelyn cry harder as she hugged them. William took Evelyn's hand and drew her to him, freeing them up.

"Thank you for your kindness and forgiveness, my friends," Bill said. "You're much bigger than others would be under similar circumstances."

"It is hard not to accept such a heartfelt apology, Mr. Thornhill," Simone said. "I need to get back to the kitchen to finish the meal. Daughters, please assist me. Darla, please come with and tell me more about your mother. I can't wait to hear more about her. Henri, please offer our guests beverages."

The four Jourdan women disappeared into the kitchen with Darla and Henri offered beer or wine to the rest of us. Sam, Ethan and two of the boys took beer; the rest of us took wine. The men got into a discussion about fishing, the economy, American politics and a number of other topics. All of the Jourdan men were well read and well informed. It was interesting watching them keep up with Master and Bill on all of the topics they discussed. When the topic got to politics, they were all interested in Miranda's take on the current political climate and the upcoming elections. LuAnn had enough political knowledge due to her sister to throw in the occasional quip. The other women were setting the table and having their own chats.

I was interested, but didn't have anything particular to contribute, sickened by politics in general. Since I didn't know my current position in the scheme of what Master wished to explain to strangers, I sat quietly while holding LuAnn's hand.

"Is this your girlfriend?" Marcelle asked me during a lull in the conversation, pointing to our hand holding.

"If by girlfriend, you mean lover," I replied, "then no, she's not, though I have had sex with her. She hasn't had sex with me."

"How does one happen without the other," Jean asked.

"I provided pleasure to her but she didn't return the favor."

"Are you a lesbian?" Marcelle asked.

"I think you would describe me as a bisexual," I replied. "I enjoy both men and women."

They started asking about me and I told them I was studying Psychology at the University of Florida and was currently working on my thesis.

"What is the topic of your thesis," Henri asked.

"Submissives, and their relationships with Dominants."

"What is this submissive and dominant stuff?" Robert, the youngest son asked.

"You know," Marcelle said, "the Master/slave things you hear about. BDSM, bondage and discipline. Marquise de Sade shit, beatings, whippings, that kind of thing."

Oh, goody. This conversation wasn't going the way Sam probably hoped it would, considering he hoped to broach the subject of Chantelle's submission at some point. Beatings and whippings were not topics to be aired out when you were talking about someone's daughter and sister.

"Actually, the Marquise de Sade was more into Sadism and Masochism. They would be a very small percentage of Dominance/submission. Most people would not approach anything near what de Sade proposed. It would be much tamer."

Jean suddenly noticed the collar circling my neck. "Wait a minute, is that a slave collar? Are you a slave?"

The other three women began drifting over upon hearing the topic of discussion. Shit! Everyone would soon know what was going on.

"I'm a submissive, yes," I replied. "I set out to investigate and explore submission and realized I am submissive."

"Is LuAnn your Mistress?" Marcelle asked. I was holding her hand, after all.

"No," I said, though I added no more as it was up to Master what was said. He was married now.

"Wait, three of you are wearing collars," Jacques said, "including the Congresswoman."

It was out of my hands now.

Master spoke. "Are you capable of keeping secrets?"

"Mais oui," Henri said. "We are not bouche d'un couteau. What is the the word, Marcelle?"

"Blabber mouths, tale tellers, talkers," Marcelle said. "It's like a knife mouth. One who harms others through their speech."

"My wife, the Congresswoman, is my submissive, as is Beth. Evelyn is Mr. Thornhill's submissive."

They all looked at LuAnn. "Hey, don't look at me. I was as surprised as anyone, though I'm not shocked or disappointed in her."

"What does this mean for you?" Henri asked Miranda. "You share your husband with this other woman?"

"Happily. Master originally offered to marry Beth and Beth insisted he marry me instead so I could continue to serve him with less likelihood it would ever be revealed to the press."

"So all three of you have sex together?" Robert asked, interest flaring at the thought. Young men still thought with their dicks.

"Frequently," I replied. "I love both of them dearly."

Master put his hand on my knee and squeezed it.

"You don't mind sharing your man with another woman," Marie asked. "I can't imagine."

"It's a three way street. She shared our Master with me first and he shares her with me," Miranda said. "She's very talented at pleasing a woman. I have the best of both worlds and two people who love me. Why should I mind?"

"So what does this submission consist of?" Henri asked.

"It is my sole goal in life to please my Master. I surrendered my will to him, under the terms of an agreement we reached before he accepted my submission. Anything which is not a hard limit for me, I must do. I have a safe word, if I say it, he must stop whatever he's doing. Other than the things prohibited by my agreement or my safe word, I must obey."

"What is a hard limit?" Jacque asked.

"Anything I refuse to do under any circumstance."

"What form does this obedience take?" Henri asked.

"He likes his slaves naked, and when we're aboard his ship, that's the way we're usually dressed. He has control of my sexuality. He decides who I have sex with and whether or not I may orgasm when I have sex. If I'm not sufficiently pleasing or disobedient, he may punish me within the limits we've agreed to."

"What types of punishments?" Therese asked.

"Primarily spankings, though it can consist of other things, such as orgasm denial or forced orgasms."

"And he can do these things to you too," Marie asked Miranda.

"Everything Beth has experienced, I've experienced also."

"Does it hurt?" Philippa asked.

"Not so badly I cannot tolerate the pain," I said. "There is a certain amount of pleasure I might experience along with the pain. I've been able to orgasm during a spanking. Both of us have."

"I can't imagine," Therese said.

"No, I think you can," I said. "During sex, has Marcelle ever bitten you in such a way it was exciting as well as painful, or swatted your ass once or twice where it made you more aroused than you were. It is only a matter of degree, but the principal remains the same."

Therese nodded, embarrassed to admit that she might be aroused by such things.

"You said your Master has control of your sexuality, control of who you have sex with. Does that include other people other than the three of you?" Henri asked.

"Yes. It's why I've pleasured LuAnn and she's not had to pleasure me. My sexuality belongs to Master."

"So if he told you to have sex with me, you'd have to do it?" Marcelle asked. Therese slapped his arm in warning.

"Master can't make me have sex with married people," I said, smiling, "so you don't have to worry Therese, or engaged ones, Joseph, so don't bother asking. Single men and women would be available to have sex with, or people who don't claim to be in a monogamous relationship."

"So I could have sex with you?" Robert asked.

"With Master's permission."

"So what's keeping you from taking off all your clothes if you're usually naked all the time?" Jacques asked.

"My Master's will. I dress or undress to please him, not anyone else."

"And you're like both of these other two?" Henri asked Evelyn.

"Substantially the same. I became Master's submissive after he visited you last time. I came back to our ship after fucking someone else and he threatened to leave me and get a divorce, unless I changed who I was. He threw all my clothes off the ship. He told me you were the ones who collected them all and sent them back to New York. Every morning, he gives me a fifty swat spanking to remind me of the bitch I used to be and remind me to be a better person. If he hadn't made me submit, I'd be divorced and still the racist bitch I was before."

"Does your husband let you have sex with others as well?"

"He does, mostly other women, but I've had sex with a couple other men as well."

"What is the difference between her having sex with other men before and having sex with others now?" Henri asked. "I don't see why one is okay and one is not."

"Knowledge and consent," William said. "It's like the difference between giving your wife a thousand dollars and telling her to buy a new couch or if she went out and spent a thousand dollars on new clothes without your knowledge and permission. I'll admit I'm not fond of the idea of her having sex with other men, but I've allowed it a few times with special men. Those men were close to me and were also willing to share their women with me. It was more reciprocal. One way is cheating on you, the other way is not."

"Why did you pretend Marcia was your wife the last time you were here?" Henri asked.

"It was Marcia's and my idea," Sam said. "Chantelle was concerned you wouldn't understand her relationship to Brianna Worth and it would ruin her visit with you. William couldn't pretend to be her boyfriend because most people know who he is and he was living in New York while Chantelle was in LA. Marcia and I lived in Florida at the time, but no one knew who I was. It was plausible she could be with me."

"And now my daughter is with you for real. How did that happen?"

"Marcia can't have children, so she allowed me to father a child with Brianna, though it turned out she had twins. I met Chantelle during the visit with you and we offered to help so she could have a nice visit. We became friends. When Marcia and I moved to LA to be with my children, Marcia asked Brianna for permission for Chantelle to stay with me to sell my house so I wouldn't be all by myself while she went to the police academy in California. While she stayed with me, we fell in love. Chantelle declared her love first and I realized I returned her affections. When we got to California, I was willing to give her up if Marcia couldn't accept another person into our relationship. Marcia was willing to give it a go and we love each other equally now. Chantelle is as much married to me as Marcia is, absent the marriage certificate."

"So all three of you, my sister, your wife and you share a bed together," Marcelle asked.

"Yes, exactly like Joshua, Beth and Miranda. We can't get any closer than we are."

"Wait a minute," Henri said. "Why did Marcia have to ask Brianna for her permission for Chantelle to stay with you?"