My Voyage of Discovery Ch. 13


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"When I first heard of this yesterday, I only imagined how evil and wicked it must be to hit or strike a loved one. I never imagined this; how loving and careful you are to ensure nothing is truly harmful."

"I love your daughter, Henri. There is nothing you could do to me which would ever make me truly harm her. She is as precious to me as diamonds, as beautiful as a hawk in flight, as magnificent as sunrise over the ocean. I could not love her more than I do. Sometimes my heart feels it will explode from the love I feel for both of my slaves. I may be her Master, but first and foremost, I'm her friend and lover. I would love her even if she no longer wanted to be submissive. There may be some time in the future where we cannot continue doing what we do. It won't make a difference to how I feel. I won't do anything in front of our children. They need to be grown up enough to understand I'm not harming her."

"Now you understand the principles and concepts of Domination, Henri, you must put them into practice. I'm giving you Beth for the rest of the day and night. She will be your slave and you will treat her as such. We'll have a formal meal this evening. You will feed her, direct her, command her. You will punish her if she'd disobedient or fails to be pleasing. You will fuck her, and I recommend you do so publicly, so Simone will begin seeing you as a Dominant and Master and not a husband."

"Thank you, Joshua. Do you have a problem with this, Beth?"

"No, sir. My Master always has my best interests at heart. He knows how much I want to fuck you." I grinned at him.

"I have one other question. As Simone hasn't expressed interest in a male Dominant, how do I interest her in having one? No matter how much I want it, I cannot be a Mistress to her."

Everyone was silent, thinking.

A truly marvelous idea popped in my head. "A slave auction. Let Lynn sell her. Lynn owns her until tomorrow evening and has the right to do what she wants, within limits."

I explained what I had in mind and how it might be accomplished. Everyone contributed to the concept until we had a truly remarkable plan. Hannah drafted an email and sent it to the entire crew. Everyone would have to be involved to make it this special.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Henri? She's still your wife."

"Would you enjoy this, Chantelle?"

"Very much, Papa. If Monsieur had no objection, I would love it."

"Then this is the plan."


Henri became my Master, incorporating all he'd learned. He fed me at supper, playing with my body. I knelt at his feet as sailing and seamanship was discussed with the others after dinner as the Dominants sipped cognac. As the other slaves attended to their Dominant's pleasure, I sucked his cock to completion, choking down his huge cock and swallowing the load of cum from his balls.

He caressed me as we sat in the spa, fingering me to several shivering orgasms. Several times when I needed to cum, he'd deny me until I was squirming with need. When I climaxed without permission on two of those occasions, he promised me I'd receive the appropriate punishment tomorrow morning. When he became erect during his play, Henri bent me over the edge of the spa and fucked me hard, spearing over and over into my needy cunt, slamming into me, until I was a soupy mess pleading to cum and screaming my pleasure when he allowed it. Finished, I cleaned him off as Simone was made to clean me, licking her husbands cum from my frothy pussy.

As the evening progressed, I saw Simone watching her husband as he handled and used me. She began neglecting Lynn's needs and had to be corrected several times.

"Come to bed, slave," Henri said at ten. "I still haven't fucked your ass and perhaps there are more things you can teach me about how good little slaves behave."

"Yes, Master Henri. I know some tricks which might be pleasing to you."

Henri did indeed fuck my ass and after I'd cleaned and showered with him, I licked and probed his star with my tongue until he squirmed as I had. The final time we fucked that night was long and slow. His cabin was next to Lynn's and I admit I played up my screaming when I orgasmed, knowing his wife was next door. I didn't scream for no reason though. He made me orgasm often on his huge cock. Simone was a lucky woman to be married to such a stud, still potent and virile at his age. The tenderness and affection he showed during our final fucking was special. His huge hands cupped me as I slept.


Henri fed me again in the morning, eating in the mess with everyone else. A punishment evolution was announced after muster. Only Evelyn, Simone and I were punished in the morning, Simone quite severely as she'd been distracted the previous evening and Lynn was quite upset with her failures. When it was my turn, it was Henri who announced the purpose for my punishment.

I whispered to him before it was my turn, "Don't be afraid to punish me, Henri. I'm used to it." He nodded. "Remember, when given the choice between a kinder Hannah and a tougher Lynn, Simone chose Lynn."

"This slave climaxed twice without permission and will receive twenty swats in accordance to her Master's rules," Henri announced. "I'll use these," holding up his dinner plate sized hands, rough and calloused. "Count for me, Beth."

"Yes, sir."

Smack. He did not spare me as I'd feared. He rocked me in the stocks, the warmth immediately spreading, suffusing my bottom.

"One, thank you, sir. May I please have another."


"Two, thank you, sir. May I please have another."

When he got up to sixteen, I orgasmed, begging for his permission to cum first. As he'd been shown, he inserted two huge fingers inside me and fingered me to extend the pleasure of my climax until I was panting wantonly. He removed his fingers when my tremors died and fed them to me to clean my fluids. He finished my spanking, then fucked me again, driving hard while I remained bent over in the stocks. No one cleaned me afterward, his copious cum dripping from my cunt. Miranda cleaned him off.

The morning's drawings were held, Mickey winning me and Buck, Miranda. Mickey took me in the stocks, but taking one look at the creampie in my cunt, took my ass instead, leaving two sources for the cream leaking down my legs afterwards. Plus, I still owed Ethan from yesterday when he won me for two hours for employee of the week.

Simone was surprised, but compliant, when she was suspended from a pole, her body taut, then blindfolded and gagged. Lynn made an announcement to the assembled crew of which only the sentry on the bow was missing.

"This slave, Simone, started out ideally a couple nights ago, but her performance and obedience has deteriorated rapidly to the point she's barely functional. No matter what I've done, the punishments I've imposed, nothing has improved her. I'm thinking I may not be the best woman for the job of Dominating her, so I've decided to sell her to someone else for several hours to see if they can improve on her performance. We will be having a slave auction, with this slave up for purchase. One of the conditions of her slavery was she not be used by any males at the request of her husband, Henri. For the purposes of this sale, her husband has lifted his restriction. Anyone, male or female, may now purchase her."

This was certainly news to Simone. She started struggling and tried yelling, all to no avail due to her bondage and ball gag. She carried on for several minutes, finally realizing no one was paying the slightest bit of attention to her. She'd have to wait until the gag was removed before she could protest or use her safe word. Li-Li was also shocked by the announcement. She'd barely gotten over the shock of her mother submitting to a woman for a couple days, now finding out she'd be sold. Still, her father had approved of her use, so as angry as she looked, she didn't say a word.

Master took over the microphone. "A slave auction sounds like a wonderful idea. Henri told me about a charity on Guadeloupe who helps people whose lives have been affected by the many hurricanes recently. I will offer Beth and Miranda to be sold for three hours to the highest bidder. String them up, Edgar, so the merchandise can be inspected by potential purchasers. We'll take a half hour for everyone to check out the slaves for sale. Ladies, if you need to cum, you have my permission."

Lynn granted permission for Simone to climax as well. Three poles had been set up and Edgar fastened us to the other two, suspended by our cuffs with our feet able to touch the ground, though spreader bars were put on all three of our legs to part them for our inspections. For the next half hour, members of the crew walked around and inspected us, touching our breasts, or cunts, our asses. Some of the crew sucked on our nipples, now taut with arousal. Some licked our leaking pussies, even mine, dripping with Henri's cum.

Since my eyes were not covered, I closely watched Simone as multiple members of the crew circled her, taking advantage of her helplessness. She couldn't speak, nor protest at all, stretched so tightly, she couldn't move away from questing hands and fingers. Each time she was touched, she shivered, but the evidence of her arousal was as clear as mine. Several people made her cum and she moaned when she did, wondering why her husband didn't protest.

Master called time on the inspection and Miranda and I were sold first. Miranda purchased for $3,000 by Captain Amundsen. I was purchased for $3200 by Edgar. Considering all they were purchasing was three hours of our use, I considered the prices as more than fair and reflective of our value.

Simone seemed to be getting agitated again as Lynn told her to prepare for her sale. She was struggling and trying to yell, still totally helpless, still unable to speak.

Master took the microphone in hand. "Pardon me for interrupting, but Henri just spoke to me and there's been a change in plan. Simone will no longer be sold for three hours."

The potential bidders hooted and hollered, demanding the third slave be sold. Simone relaxed, thinking Henri had changed his mind and she was not going to be sold.

"Henri has said he can no longer accept as his wife any woman who would willingly submit to a woman and orgasm so frequently while being pawed by multiple people. Instead, he's chosen to sell her permanently to the highest bidder. He does not consider her fit to be his wife, nor fit to be mother to his children. He feels she's obviously nothing more than a slave and should remain so for the balance of her life. Because Simone is being sold permanently, you're all being given time to inspect her again. You should also know, since trafficking in humans is a criminal offense, if someone on board the ship buys her, she'll never again be able to leave it. She'll need to remain on board, caged and chained when we're in port, freed only when we're far out at sea."

The longer Master spoke, the more frantic Simone was, struggling harder than she had before. Even with the gag on, her screams were loud. Liza also screamed and ran to her father, pounding on him until Jake and Art grabbed her arms and dragged her away. She yelled at Henri, calling him a filthy bastard who didn't deserve Simone as a wife. Liza was the only one not in on the plan we'd hatched so her response would be real and unfeigned, conveying her rage and dismay to Simone. Hannah followed after her to fill her in on the plan away from Simone, still fighting to get loose from her bondage. Chains do not break for slaves.

Henri said, "Twenty more minutes to inspect this woman loving slut and see if she's worth bidding on."

Simone, hearing Henri's voice, knowing he'd agreed to her sale at auction, finally quit struggling, merely crying silently, her blindfold becoming sodden with tears. Several more people inspected her, feeling her, caressing her. She couldn't stop shivering.

Lynn started the auction. Pierre bid five thousand, saying not only could Simone warm his bed at night, she could help him in the kitchen. Leo bid six. Sam bid ten, saying Chantelle would love being a slave with her mother. Björn bid fifteen. William jumped in at twenty thousand, saying a good chef was worth her weight in gold. Master agreed, coming in at thirty. At that point, everyone else dropped out. You can't outbid billionaires. William bid a hundred thousand, Master bid one, fifty.

Simone seemed surprised people were bidding so much for her. She was no longer young and knew it, no longer the prime woman she'd been at one time, but still beautiful in a way only some people could carry off.

William bid two hundred thousand and Master went to three hundred thousand.

"Three million, five hundred thousand," Henri said.

Simone's head shot up, hearing his voice again, bidding for her. You could tell her heart was in her throat.

"That's an awful lot of money, Henri," Master asked. "How do you intend to make good on it?"

"I'll sell my house and all five of my boats, plus the money I put aside for a sixth fishing vessel."

"Why?" Master asked.

He knew why. This was what was planned, but we wanted Simone to know.

"Simone may no longer be a fit wife and mother, but she's definitely a perfect slave. Of course, as I'll now be penniless, she'll have to work hard to keep me satisfied. Is one of you interested in my property. I'll sign it over right now."

"I'll be happy to buy it all for Three million, five hundred thousand," William Thornhill said. "I'll ensure the money is all given to the charity in your name."

"Thank you, Bill. I appreciate it. Does the price for this slave include a collar, Joshua?"

"Of course," Master said. "I always keep a supply on hand. Is there anything in particular you'd like it to say? I have a machinist who can engrave it."

"Have it read, 'L'Esclave d'Henri'," Henri said. "I'll write it down."

"What does it mean?" Bill asked.

"Henri's Slave, or more exactly, The slave of Henri."

"Once the collar is locked around her neck, it won't come off without being sawed off. There is no key."

"I have no intent of ever removing it. She'll be buried in her collar. Why don't you release her and I'll see what my millions have purchased."

"Edgar, release the slave," Master said. "Everyone else is dismissed. Get back to your duties."

Edgar removed her spreader bar, her blindfold and gag and let her down, clipping her hands behind her back and propelling her forward to her new Master.

"Get on your knees, Simone," Henri said, and she knelt, a good slave.

"I own you now," Henri said. "No more sex with women unless I allow it. No more sex at all unless I allow it. You will earn every penny I paid for you. I want you to suck me to an erection so I may fuck you. We'll discuss the rules of your slavery later."

"Oui, Maître."

Her hands were still clipped together behind her back so Henri released the beast and let her pleasure him to an erection, then he pushed her forward on her knees, entered her from behind and fucked her hard, harder than he'd fucked me.

Simone was begging to cum five minutes later.

"No, slave. You don't orgasm until I orgasm first."

She held out for another couple minutes.

"Laissez-moi l'orgasme, je vous en prie. Je ne peux plus attendre."

I didn't know what she said, but orgasme seemed appropriate to her circumstance.

"Tu dois attendre, être esclave ou être puni." Henri smacked her ass hard. A warning of the punishment which awaited if she climaxed?

Simone went as long as she could then gasped as waves of pleasure washed over and through her, moaning heartily.

"Dix balançoires avec une pagaie, Simone. Tu veux plus?"

Whatever he said made no difference. She climaxed two more times before Henri emptied himself into her, grunting heavily.

"That's thirty swats with the paddle, Simone. Lynn was right. You are a disobedient slave. I see no point in waiting for tomorrow morning for your punishment. I need a paddle."

I handed Henri the paddle used on Evelyn and he bent Simone over his lap and applied the paddle briskly, making her count each one. She needed to orgasm again before it was over and unlike his daughter, Henry didn't push her off his lap. Instead, he used his fingers on her as she thrashed in ecstasy over his lap, feeding her his fingers covered in his cum and hers when it was over.

"Kneel," he said. "It appears I must work very hard with you to ensure you're sufficiently trained. I will be a hard Master to you."

"Oui, Maître. Je comprends."

"Chantelle, take your mother with you and find your sister so Simone can explain what's happened to her. Then I expect you to bring her back. Take this leash. She's not to move about the ship without one."

"Oui, Papa."

"Chantelle," Sam warned. "He's no longer just your father. He's a Master. You'll address him as such."

Chantelle knelt down saying, "Excusez-moi, Maître. Je ferai mieux."

"Vous êtes excusés. C'est un changement soudain."

Chantelle stood and hugged Henri, then took her mother's arm, drew her up and hugged her, slave to slave.

"Hannah should have taken Liza to Henri's cabin, Chantelle. She should have been told most of it by now," Master said.

"Thank you, sir."

"That worked out fairly well, I think," Master said as they left. "A very good idea, Beth."

"Thank you, sir, but we all contributed. Simone was a slave. She just needed to know she had a good Master to replace her Mistress. I could see some of the problems she started having last night were because she began to understand Henri could be her Master. She was surprised by his masterful treatment of me."

"You'd better go off with Edgar now, so he won't feel so bad handing over his money before Henri leaves us. Three hours, Edgar, no more. I've been without my slave now for half a day and I'm starting to feel lonely for her. Perhaps I'll have to see if LuAnn would like to fuck her brother-in-law since it seems I'm to do without either of my slaves?"

"Aye, aye, boss."

"Miranda, go find the Captain. We're at anchor now so he shouldn't have any trouble tending to you for three hours."

"Yes, Master."

I worked very hard to give Edgar his money's worth. I think he was satisfied. He couldn't get out of the bed when we were done. I had to find someone else to take me to the mess hall.


Miranda arrived in the mess hall shortly after I did, Björn bringing her down. He didn't take advantage of his full minute, merely palming her plump breast and pinching a nipple for a moment before leaving. Miranda grabbed some food and sat down beside me.

"Did you have a good time with Björn?" I asked.

"A lovely time. Master has certainly let a lot of other people fuck us lately."

"Because he knows we are happy slaves and is confident of our devotion to him."

"We still have to do our weekly drawing sex."

"I'm looking forward to it. I know Ethan will be an eager fuck."

Reggie took us back to find Master. He wasn't in his cabin, so we continued aft, looking for him. Several people were in the spa, including all of the Dominants and our guest slaves. After Reggie had his way with us, we climbed in beside Master, kissing him.

"Thank you, Master. I had a good time," I whispered, reaching for his cock and finding he didn't have a suit on. Miranda found it too, her hand meeting mine.

Chantelle, Li-Li and Simone were speaking softly in French. Liza didn't seem nearly as distraught as when she'd been taken away. I could hear them all laugh occasionally when someone said something funny. William had Evelyn sitting on his lap as he allowed Hannah to caress her. Evelyn was moaning. I rested my head on Master's shoulder while we stroked him.

"Someone will have to capture my cum when I orgasm," Master said.

"Someone will, sir," Miranda replied, "perhaps both someones," glancing at me.