My Voyage of Discovery Ch. 14


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"I love you both so much," I whispered as we went to sleep. "I'll miss you, Miranda."

"I'll miss you, too. I never thought I'd enjoy a woman as much as I enjoy you."


At morning muster, both Angelique and LuAnn were whipped by Hannah, both of them cumming during the process. The morning drawing was held and James won me and Vincent won Miranda. James chose to fuck me in the cunt and Vincent wanted a blow job. As the largest cock on board, I always enjoyed James' attentions. After the drawing, Master announced LuAnn's part in the morning festivities. Hannah had two hats, one with the females and one with the males. Master announced LuAnn would be pleasuring one male and one female and if she were sufficiently pleasing, LuAnn could fuck any two people she chose for an hour, if they fucked her together in public. If you didn't want to fuck in public, she'd choose someone else. Master made LuAnn draw the two names. She got Kelly and George. The rest of the crew were dismissed.

While Miranda and I were used, LuAnn gave both of them oral sex on the sundeck until they had explosive orgasms. Seeing them cum so hard, Master didn't have to ask them if they'd enjoyed it. He asked who LuAnn wanted to fuck and she asked for Roberta and Jake to fuck her together. Master checked with both and Roberta declined to fuck two people publicly on the sundeck, so LuAnn asked if Jìngyi would be willing to fuck with Jake and she agreed. For the next hour, LuAnn, Jìngyi and Jake had sex; hot, sweaty sex. Jake ended up fucking both Luann and Jìngyi as they licked one another, LuAnn getting Jake hard enough to fuck again.

After their hour was up, Master asked both of them if the sex they'd had was sufficiently pleasing or LuAnn would be subject to more punishment. Both of them said they'd enjoyed their sex immensely. LuAnn was a talented sex slave. Master asked who LuAnn wanted for the second hour.

"Darla and Rafael, if it pleases you, sir."

"I'm fine with whoever wants to fuck you, LuAnn."

Master called on the intercom and asked if they'd join him on the sundeck. They both arrived quickly.

"LuAnn asked if both of you would be willing to fuck her in public. I assume you have no problem with public fucking, Darla. You've done it enough. How about you Rafe? You up for a bit of public fucking? I want to keep LuAnn from looking at this as her decision, but the will of her Mistress. It's harder to pretend it's her choice if she can't go behind closed doors "

"I get to fuck both of them?"

"Whether you fuck Darla is up to Darla, but she's never showed reluctance to fuck anyone. Darla is her own person and free to fuck who she wants."

"Don't worry, Rafe," Darla said, "I can't wait to feel your cock in me, anymore than I can wait for LuAnn's tongue to tickle my twat. My cunt or ass, your choice."

"Lynn, please see to it that they get an hour to have sex and ensure LuAnn gets cleaned up afterward. Hannah, Beth and I have to get ready for the meeting in a short time. Miranda, you need to pack most of your things. You'll be leaving early tomorrow and you'll be sore from your piercings later. LuAnn, you need to pack, too, for the same reason."

"I'll ensure they take care of it, Joshua," Lynn replied.


"Remember girls, we want a lot of moaning and squirming when you cum. Really lay it on." Hannah kissed us both.

Girls. Angelique was joining us today. A quick whispered conversation with her had revealed except for the sudden fingered orgasm at dinner last night, Angelique hadn't cum at all the last two days and was positively desperate. Sounded as if she'd have no problem squirming and moaning when it got down to it.

We were both masked and had Lush vibrators in our pussies, a white tail dangling out of Angelique's black pussy and bright pink dangling out of mine. The business meeting would be starting in five minutes, held in the stern room, but with the door down as we were docked in Bridgetown and given how we were dressed, the back door couldn't be opened. Above us, the ship was taking on supplies, fuel, anything needed for the next stages of our voyage.

Angelique and I were both Hannah's slaves to play with and expected to take turns pleasuring her while the other one stood behind her rubbing her shoulders. Master would be playing an indulgent employer willing to let Hannah do as she wished. Hannah would be controlling our vibrators, giving us every opportunity to orgasm in front of the two businessmen and their assistants while business talks were held. Hannah was wearing a white polo shirt with a loose, knee length white skirt with nothing on beneath it. Once our heads were underneath it, her sex wouldn't be visible, only our own.

Edgar led the men inside on time. Angelique was between Hannah's legs and I was rubbing her back and shoulders, kneading the muscles with my fingers. One of the men was in his fifties while his assistant looked to be in her thirties, blonde. He had a small paunch and thinning hair, but otherwise somewhat fit looking, perhaps golf for exercise given his tan.

The other looked to be in his forties, and his assistant was younger, brunette, perhaps right around thirty. Both the women had decent figures and I wondered if they conducted more than business for their bosses. The two assistants looked at one another, blushing. The two cocks beside them beginning a steady progression towards stiffness. Both of them took her hand, but had a hard time looking at her face instead of her lap where Angelique's head was bobbing beneath her skirt.

"Pardon my not standing, gentlemen. I've got a bit of a migraine and I'm having my two submissives trying to relax me," Hannah said, holding out her hand to shake.

"Let's get started," Master said. "I've only got until lunch today for this meeting. My wife wants to go into town while we're here and I wish to indulge her since we're still on our honeymoon."

"Congratulations on your marriage, Joshua. Uh, what does she think about the way you conduct your business meetings?" the older of the two men asked.

"As long as I'm not a participant, Mrs. Greenbriar really doesn't care what Hannah does. Different strokes, right? My assistant is away from home for an entire year. I couldn't let her be parted from her submissives for that long. It wouldn't be fair to any of them. Hannah, would you mind if Beth got everyone drinks?"

"Of course not. Beth, be a dear and take everyone's drink orders, will you?"

"Yes, Mistress." I stepped out from behind the chair so everyone got a good look at my nude body. "What would everyone like to drink?"

I took everyone's order. No one could avoid looking at the pink tail protruding from my pussy. The only reason they couldn't see Angelique's is because she was under the table. I went to the bar where Ethan was bartending and got the orders. All eyes were on me as I returned, the conversation dying. I handed everyone their drinks.

"Pardon me," the blonde assistant asked, "what is that pink thing?"

Hannah turned to look, though she knew exactly what was being referred to.

"Oh, yes, the thing in her vagina. That's a vibrator called the Lush Two. I turn it on when my submissives need to be rewarded. Can't very well screw them with a strap-on during a business meeting, can I? It's controlled with an app on my phone. I should let her cum for getting our drinks. See, turn it on." Hannah turned it on. I started to moan. "You can just let it run on whatever setting it's on, or use this finger pad to alter them any way you wish." She ran her thumb over the control, making it slow down and speed up. I moaned louder. "Here, why don't you try." She handed it to the blonde.

The blonde seemed to take it reluctantly, but it didn't stop her from playing with the control. Up, down, up, down, the buzzing went.

"Mistress, permission to cum," I said, squeezing my thighs together.

"Go ahead, Beth."

I spasmed, making a great show of it. The blonde's boss asked to see the control and he played with it until I climaxed a second time with Hannah's permission. Angelique pulled her face out of Hannah's cunt, her face covered in juices.

"Is this helping your migraine, Mistress?"

"It is, but let Beth try awhile, why don't you?"

"Yes, Mistress, may I have an orgasm too?"

"Of course you can."

Angelique and I traded places and Hannah got her phone back and adjusted the app to control Angelique's Lush, giving her an orgasm. The meeting started with me between Hannah's legs. I took my time, giving the meeting twenty to thirty minutes to play out, but did my utmost to give Hannah an orgasm that would make her squirm in delight. Eventually, she was the one squirming in orgasm, moaning, her hand resting on my head.

"Oh, dear. That was wonderful, Beth. My migraine is rapidly disappearing. Would you like another orgasm as a reward?"

"Please, Mistress."

For the rest of the meeting, Hannah's phone control got passed from person to person and they took turns giving Angelique and me orgasms even as they conducted business, though they were frequently distracted. As instructed, Angelique and I made much of each orgasm given, loudly proclaiming our pleasure as we squirmed delightfully under their control. By the time the meeting ended, both of us had cum a number of times. I got the feeling the assistants would soon find a Lush in their cunts, whether purchased by their boss or on their own.

"How did we do today, Master," I asked when they'd left.

"It was a good day. These contracts weren't as large as some others we've done, but I think you saved us another quarter mil apiece. Not a bad days work."

"And I finally got to cum again," Angelique said, kissing Hannah. "Thank you, Mistress."

"You still have work to do, Ange. The orgasms Beth gave me were still better than yours. I'm your Mistress. The ones I receive from you should be better than anyone else's. You'll practice some more while on the slave trainer."

"Yes, Mistress," Angelique said, dejectedly.

They fastened our leashes and led us back to the main deck.

"What can I do?" Angelique whispered to me as we climbed the stairs. "I don't think I'll ever be as good as you are."

"She's right about one thing, Ange. You know your Mistress better than anyone. The orgasms you provide her should be the best because you know her so well. You're still thinking like a wife instead of a slave," I whispered back. "Surrender yourself fully. It's not her job to give you pleasure anymore, though she will if you're pleasing enough. It's yours to give her pleasure. Ignore yourself and what you want. Pay attention to what your Mistress wants. Submerge yourself in her needs, wants and desires and you will be superior to me because you know her more than I do. I'll never be able to compete at that level if you do." I kissed her. "You've got this."

"Thank you, Beth. I hope you're right. I'm sick to death of wearing the slave trainer. I hate it. I wished I'd never heard of one."

"You and me both, sister."

She smiled and squeezed my hand.


After lunch, Lynn, Master, Miranda and I went into Bridgetown accompanied by Edgar, Jake and Art. Miranda was dressed in a sexy outfit, but quite modest for a slave. Her collar was off, though she still wore a necklace like choker and gold bracelets on each wrist. I was dressed more modestly too, though still twice as sexy as Miranda, with a translucent top and no bra and wrap around skirt. I did have my collar on, but no leash. Lynn told me to walk three feet behind her with my head down. At the village square, we broke up, Edgar going with Lynn and I as I went shopping and the other four taking care of Master's business.

Since it was my shopping trip, Lynn finally allowed me to lead as trailing behind her without her knowledge of where I wanted to go, was impossible. We wandered from shop to shop, every type of store imaginable and I bought a lot of different gifts for different people. Definitely Master and Miranda, LuAnne, Hannah and Angelique, Lynn, though she didn't know it was for her. I also got gifts for Mistress Layton, Ranger, Luke and Gloria. Since I'd be seeing Francesca and her new slave, Belle, tomorrow, I got them a little something as parting gifts for when they left. I also got Professor Klein and his wife gifts for when I saw them.

I thought about gifts for the rest of the crew, but there were so many of them, and I didn't know what they might want. In actuality, their use of me was kind of a gift from me to them anyway, but I decided to get gifts for the women anyway, so got something for Jìngyi, Roberta, Kelly, Darla and Sherry. It wouldn't be as bad getting them something but giving some to a couple of the guys, but not all of them. All told, I spent several thousand dollars and felt guilty about it until I remembered Master didn't even care unless I started spending over a million a month. I was nowhere close to that number.

Edgar needed to keep his hands free to do his job, security, so Lynn and I had to carry the bags for the purchases and at some point, our shopping devolved away from Mistress/slave to two friends shopping together, laughing and carrying on something awful. We stopped for tea before we had to meet the others for our return to the ship. The shopping bags weren't huge, but they were plentiful.

"We should get a couple large bags and consolidate everything into them," Lynn said, before sipping her tea.

"A clothing store might have something large enough, Mistress Lynn."

"There's one across the street," she said. "We could look there. I want to thank you for whatever you said to Manuel and Sherry. They're both happier now. I was even surprised Manuel would be willing to let Sherry be airtight. He began so adamantly opposed to other men using her."

"It helped it wasn't his shipmates who fucked her, but strangers who wouldn't be around constantly to remind him."

"Manuel let other men fuck his fiancée?" Edgar asked. "Would he be willing to do it again? Sherry's a nice piece of trim."

"Doubtful," I said. "It sounded like he wanted it to be a one time experience for her, but, he can always change his mind. Don't give him a hard time about it, or you can be damn sure he'd never let it happen again."

"I was thinking of trying it once myself," Lynn said, "with Manuel and the Captain. I don't have a third person in mind yet. Would you consider fucking an older bird like me?"

"Any man who wouldn't would have to be a bit of a dolt, wouldn't he? You're a lovely woman, Lynn. I've envied the Captain for experiencing your charms. You're not that old and you look very nice."

"What a pleasant thing to say, Edgar. Thank you. Perhaps you will make my third. Björn hasn't said yes yet, but I haven't pushed too hard. I don't know what his intentions are. If he's just happy for a bedmate on the cruise or interested in something more?"

"You're welcome, ma'am. Any time you want to try someone on the leaner, wirier side than Captain Björn, I'm your man. I'm reasonably certain every man jack over the age of thirty would find you attractive." Lynn blushed.

"I told you you were still an attractive woman, Mistress, and would have your share of admirers."

"You did. You recognized it first, Beth." She smiled at me. "You're my good luck charm."

We finished our tea and went across the street to the clothing store. I found something for me Master might appreciate. I bought it and we got a couple other bags to put everything else into. Then it was on to meet Master and the rest. Miranda helped me carry my packages. On board, we stripped again and Lynn led me to Master's cabin. I went into my room and stowed everything away but the things I might need in the next couple days. Those, I slipped into a drawer to be given to the people intended for them. Lynn waited patiently for me to finish, then returned me to Master.

"I'll need Manuel and Sherry to give Miranda and LuAnn their piercings at ten tonight, Lynn," Master said.

"They'll be available," she replied. "In the clinic?"


"They'll be there."

"Thank you. Please ask Hannah to make sure LuAnn is showered and ready by ten."

"I'll let her know immediately."

"Miranda and Beth, we have enough time for a quick fuck before supper, and we'll spend more time together afterward. Miranda is leaving at seven tomorrow morning. We need to take care of her needs pre-piercing."

"Yes, Master," we replied, happily.

Since she was leaving, and wouldn't have access to Master anymore, I was happy to let Miranda get most of the fucking while I nibbled at the edges. I could get mine after she departed. Miranda paid attention to me even when Master was fucking her. Master lifted all restrictions on our cumming. We didn't even have to ask for permission. He had food sent to our cabin, so even he remained nude. He fed both of us but Miranda was on his lap. When we'd refreshed ourselves, we fucked some more. At 2130, we ended the fun and games. Master had us shower each other until we were sparkling clean, then he put us on leashes and led us down to the clinic where Sherry and Manuel waited, along with Hannah and LuAnn.

Both Manuel and Sherry had their medical clothes on which is how Lynn signified they were available for business. Manuel was washing his arms and hands, while Sherry already had gloves on.

Master held up a package and said, "This is the hoop I want placed on Miranda's cunt. I'd like an outer labial piercing." It looked like it was gold and about three quarters of an inch in diameter.

"Put it in the tray with the antiseptic wash along with our piercing implements, Master Joshua," Manuel said. "I don't want to contaminate my hands."

Master put the hoop in the tray and with Lynn, strapped and confined Miranda to the table so she couldn't move. Sherry washed Miranda's nether regions again, first with soap and water, then a swab of disinfectant, then used a surgical lintless towel to dab at her pussy to dry her off.

Manuel took a long needle from the tray and eyed Miranda's cunt. He pinched a bit of flesh and asked. "Right here, sir?"

"That looks perfect."

The needle went from a very sharp point to a fairly wide diameter as he wanted to make a hole large enough to put the loop through.

Miranda asked, "Is it going to hurt?"

"No more than a slave spanking," Manuel said.

With that, Manuel did a quick thrust. Miranda gasped and he pulled the needle out, dropped the needle in the tray, reached over and took the loop from Sherry which she'd removed as the puncture was made. Manuel threaded it through the hole and closed it. He dabbed at a couple drops of blood and started releasing Miranda's straps.

"You're done?" Miranda asked.

"Not nearly as bad as you thought, was it?" Manuel asked.

"No. Spankings are much worse."

Miranda got up and looked at her lady parts in a handheld mirror Sherry handed her. Manuel put away the old tray and pulled out a new tray with clean instruments in it, telling LuAnn to get on the table. While Manuel stripped off his gloves and washed his hands again, LuAnn climbed onto the table and Hannah and Master fastened her down.

"This is the jewelry for LuAnn's piercing according to her Mistress. Liza wants the hoops for her nipples and this curved bar for her clitoral hood piercing. Then she needs a labial piercing and the larger hoop will go in that," Master said.

"Does she know the hood piercing will keep her clit stimulated all the time?" Manuel asked. "She may cum frequently throughout the day merely from her movements."

"Were you aware, LuAnn?" Master asked.

"Mistress told me it would, sir. She said sex slaves should always crave sex."

I laughed; as if we didn't always crave sex anyway. Master joined me when he realized what I was laughing about.

"Place everything in the tray, sir," Manuel replied. "Did Mistress Liza want horizontal or vertical piercings in the nipples?"