My Voyage of Submission Ch. 03


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"Not the one on the left?" Master asked.

"No, I'm sorry, but I don't know her. Who are they?"

"They came aboard with the two men who I met this afternoon for a business meeting. We think they're illegal slaves like you were. The one on the left had a tattoo like yours."

She gasped and her hand shot up over her mouth. "A slaver came on this ship?"

"Not a slaver, I suspect, but a slave owner."

"But he knows what the brand means?"

"Yes, he'd know."

Fatima started shaking so hard I thought she'd collapse. She hyperventilated she was puffing so hard.

I put my arm around her and pulled her head against my shoulder. "He didn't see you and doesn't know you were aboard, Fatima. Master didn't let him wander around the ship and would never let you be taken off it. You're perfectly safe here."

Hannah put in a call to Professor Kline and asked him to come to our cabin as it was kind of an emergency. When he arrived, his clothes were disheveled as if put on in haste. I suspect Oliva had gotten her fucking.

"What's the problem?" he asked.

"Fatima just learned the men who were aboard this afternoon owned illegally trafficked slaves and the one had a brand similar to hers. She's hyperventilating and shaking so badly she can hardly stand," I said. "Perhaps you can speak to her for awhile until she gets her feet under her?"

"Of course." He put his arm around her and had her sit down on a chair and leaned towards her to speak softly to her. We moved a few feet away to give them some privacy.

Hannah's phone dinged. She glanced at it, then studied it closer. "This is strange," Hannah said. "Rodrigo just invited me to the BDSM club we planned on going to tonight. It's to my personal email."

"Just you?" Master asked.


"How did he get your personal email?"

"I sent the photo from my phone and I didn't use the corporate account. He just answered it, thanking me for the photo."

"Why just you I wonder?"

"I was the only one pretending to have submissives maybe?"

"Ask him to send you the rules of the club. We still haven't received them have we?"

"No. Your agent was going to send them at 1700 today." She was typing her response and hit send.

"I don't know if I'm interested in going to a club who would have actual slave owners as members, Master," I said.

"I'm sure I wouldn't either," he said, "though it's possible the club wouldn't know they are, or the slaves are legal."

"I'm beginning to doubt they are given Fatima thinks she recognizes one of the girls," Hannah said. "I'm contacting your agent and having him speed a copy of the rules and get more information about the club. Something stinks."

"I agree."

Oliva came to Master's cabin and knocked. I let her in. She looked much more put together than Herman had, but she'd had time to dress and apply make up. She saw Herman talking to Fatima.

"What happened?" Oliva asked.

"Panic attack." I replied. "She just learned some men who would know what her brand meant were aboard. I don't believe we're going to the BDSM club tonight."

"Oh? Why not. I was looking forward to it." Thinking it might be similar to the one she'd gone to in Miami when she was younger.

"We think there's something off about it. Hannah was just invited to it. Just Hannah, not anyone else."

Herman took Fatima to my room so they could talk in private. Fatima had calmed down some.

Hannah's phone dinged again and she looked. "It's the rules, or what looks like a photograph of the rules."

"Throw them up on the big screen. Let's take a look at them."

There appeared to be five of them. 1. No one who wasn't a member or invited by a member could attend, not even bodyguards or security. 2. Only Masters or slaves could be invited, no one who wasn't one or the other. (Another way to keep out anyone but who they wanted. It was interesting it said Masters and slaves instead of Dominants and submissives. Not all Dominants were Masters and not all submissives were slaves.) 3. No slave could speak at any time. (Not only when spoken to, but never.) 4. If a slave spoke, they would be placed in a ring gag and their mouth was available to be fucked by anyone. 5. Slaves bodies were available to be touched by anyone, even to orgasm.

"My goodness," Oliva spoke. "Those are pretty tough rules, especially the no speaking by slaves rule." I think Oliva was losing her desire to go to the club. This was not what she'd expected after going to the club in Miami.

"It doesn't seem complete," Master said. "It doesn't address punishment at all."

"Down there at the bottom, doesn't that look as if there were another rule which might have been cut off, like only the very tops of some letters are visible, not even enough to guess what they were."

"I think Rodrigo is being less than forthright," Master said.

We knew why when Master's agent sent us his information. He threw the complete rules up on the big screen. There were four more rules that hadn't been included. Once we saw them, we knew why. 6 - Any Mistress who attempts to enter the club, becomes the property of the club for the night. 7 - Any slaves of the Mistress become the property of the club for a week. 8 - All slaves were subject to public punishment. 9 - Any resistance to the above rules will result in a caning, ten strokes administered by the club's Punishment Master.

If Hannah had accepted the invitation, she would have been the property of the club for the night and anyone who she brought in as a slave, would be there for a week. Worse yet, the club was located in one of the worst sections of town, the favela or slum known as the City of God, where things were run by gangs more than the city. The police even feared to go into them, so no protection for anyone there.

Master was steaming. "That fucking, wretched, cock sucking, bastard. I don't just want him arrested; I want him dead. If he'd have gotten any of you in there, there's no telling what would have happened. You could have disappeared forever."

"It's a good thing we check the rules before we go to any of those places," Hannah said. "Not that I would have gone alone."

"It's even more certain those two women were involuntary slaves, Master. Rodrigo is scum. I hate to say it, but I'm not particularly averse to killing him, except we don't know what would happen to his slaves afterward. They might be resold. We need to get them out of his possession, and any others he may have."

"If I tried to bankrupt him, he might try selling his slaves for money. If he's got others, even if we manage to rescue any he has with them, they might not be freed."

"I definitely wouldn't want to leave any women with him," Hannah said. "The thought of what might have happened to me if I'd accepted his offer chills me to the bone."

Master called Edgar and asked him to come to his cabin. Edgar was there within minutes.

"What do you need, boss?"

Master explained what had happened, what we found out, what we now guessed, his attempt to trick Hannah and whichever slaves she brought to come to the club, and the dilemma of what might happen to any women those two men owned. "I've already got Miranda working on the US government end, and Interpol working on the two who were on the ship today. If they are trafficked slaves, I'm anticipating taking both men into custody in Buenos Aires where they'd have less support. But we can't be sure they'd bring those women when they come. They may not leave the country with them. We don't know what kind of political influence they have in Brazil. We don't know how many women he might own or where they may be and what happens to them when he's arrested. Do they end up somewhere else? Can we coordinate a raid on his properties with the Brazilian government at the same time Interpol arrests them."

"Yeah, I see the issues." He glanced at Oliva, listening wide eyed. "I'll think on it and tell you what I come up with. Definitely don't go to the club tonight, Hannah, but don't give him a blanket 'No Fucking Way', either. Suggest you're busy tonight but you might be available to go tomorrow."

"Why, young man, would she ever do anything like that?" Oliva asked. "She'd never be safe with that man - Oh, wait a minute. I've got it. You might want him out of his house. She says she'll meet him there, but never goes. Clever."

Edgar kissed her hand. "You're too smart for me, Mrs. Kline. Forget you ever heard any of this discussion, won't you?"

"My lips are sealed."

Edgar left. Fatima and Herman came out of my room. Fatima looked calm; not happy, but calm. Master took Fatima's hand and led her to one of the chairs.

"Fatima, Doctor Kline and Beth tell me you don't want to leave the ship; is that true?"

"Please don't make me. I know I'm in the way and screwing things up in some ways. The slaves couldn't be nude before and you won't punish them in front of me and you won't fuck in front of me or even use me yourself. I'm a burden and an expense, I don't know how to do anything but fuck and you don't want me doing that, but please don't make me leave."

"I wouldn't do that to you, Fatima. You may stay until you want to leave and I'll do what I can to protect you. We'll make sure you're dressed or in your room when other people come aboard. You never have to meet anyone else and I have no problem with it, but would you like to make a contribution."

"Who do you want me to fuck? I know you haven't wanted me to, but everyone has been real nice and I'm willing."

"I don't want you fuck anyone who you don't want to."

"But that's all I know how to do. How can I contribute otherwise?"

"I'm going to ask Captain Amundsen to teach you how to captain your own ship. You'll follow him around and learn everything he has to teach you. At some point, you'll have to prove to people you know what to do, take a written test and command a vessel yourself, but if you pass the test, you'll be able to captain a ship just like this one. You might be able to stay at sea almost forever and never risk going on land again unless you're ready. You'll continue training in self defense with Edgar and he'll teach you all you want to know, more than most people, because he's very good at what he does. You'll learn a little bit about everything needed to run my ship, but I want to make sure it's something you want to do. I don't believe you should ever be forced to do something again."

"Can I really?"

"Absolutely. But here's the thing about being the captain of a ship like this. You have to learn to command, to make people obey you and do what you want. You can't be timid and shy and obey other people when they order you to do things. It requires more than saying 'Mota' to make people stop ordering you to do something. You'll have to learn to make them do something. The Captain will help you learn how to do this. Knowing what to do and when to do it will make people respect your knowledge and that will be a big part of it, but I need you to toughen up.

"I was encouraged you were thinking of taking Pierre as your submissive. You're not quite ready, but every day, I want to see you progress. 'Mota' won't be enough. You need to learn to say 'No' again. You need to stop obeying everything someone tells you to. Obey the things it's good or important for you to obey, but don't automatically do what you're told. Ask yourself why you have to do something that they can do themselves. You need to learn to say, 'Fuck off. I'm not going to do that for you. Do it your own damn self.' You need to be assertive, ask other people to do things for you sometimes.

"You can start following the Captain immediately and learning from him, but to be a captain, you need the other. You need to order people and know they'll do as you say. When you can do that regularly and I know you're not going to be a doormat, I'll start teaching you to be a Dominant and Pierre can start submitting to you. The good part of that, is it will teach you more about command and ordering others and getting them to follow and obey you. I don't want you shivering in fear when you hear a slave owner has been aboard. I want you to say, 'Where's that mother fucker, I'm going to rip his balls off.'

Oliva laughed nervously.

"It won't happen all at once, but every day, work on it. So the question is, are you ready to do whatever it takes to become Captain of your own ship and is it something you truly want to do, and not something you think will make me happy? I'm responsible for my own happiness. I don't need you to make me happy. Do what you want for once."

"Yes, please. I would enjoy it very much."

Hannah got a text and told Master she needed to leave and she'd explain later. Master nodded and turned back to Fatima.

"It will be hard work."

"I'm not afraid of hard work. Afraid of a lot of other things, but not hard work."

"And one more thing."


"You'll need to learn to wear clothes again. No one will take you seriously if you're naked. They will see you as a naked girl and think 'sex', but they can't think that. If you want people to believe you're in charge, you have to dress like you're in charge, and you can't while you're naked. It's why slaves are stripped; so no one will think the slave is in charge of anything, that all they're good for is sex or doing your bidding. We can't see you wandering around the ship in your birthday suit. I know it's uncomfortable for you after so long, but that's the way it has to be. I don't hold boardroom meetings when I'm naked. No one would take me seriously. No one will take you seriously either."

"Yes, sir.

"Then you'll get started tomorrow morning. I'll explain to the Captain what I want at dinner. You'll need to convince him you're ready to learn. He doesn't want to waste his time. Go to your room, get dressed, and think about what you want to say to him."

"May I kiss you, sir?"

"You may, but only if you call me Joshua."

"Thank you, Joshua." She kissed him, a kiss on the cheek. She left.

"Professor, do you have anything to say about what I just did?"

"Only that I think it might be very good for her."

"I hope so. She's had enough shit to last a lifetime."

Professor and Mrs. Kline left too, leaving Master and me alone.

"Master, I'm so proud of you. As you might notice, I'm naked. I've been stripped so when people see me, they think, 'she's not in charge of anything. All she's good for is sex'. It's true, sir. All I'm really good for is sex. May I please suck your cock?"

"I'd prefer to fuck you."

"That works for me as well. You're overdressed for the occasion. Since all I need is sex, you may strip."

He laughed, threw me on the bed and fucked hell out of me. He took me with his clothes on. I didn't care. I didn't do laundry.


At dinner, Fatima was wearing one of the ship's uniforms. Master told Captain Amundsen what he'd like to occur and why.

"Tell Björn why you should be taught to Captain a ship, Fatima?"

"Sir, I'm intelligent. I got good grades in Primary, Secondary and Bachillirato and my first year of university at Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena where I was specializing in technical studies. I'm a hard worker and will do everything I can to make you proud of my work. I speak three languages fluently, English, Spanish and Arabic, plus a little Dutch, though it's mostly words for controlling a slave and I'd prefer not speaking it. I'm determined. More than anything I've wanted to do in my life, I would like to learn how to command a ship like you and be able to sail wherever I want. I will shadow you and learn all I can as quickly as I can. You won't be disappointed in me. Please give me an opportunity to prove it to you."

"I'd be willing to give it three weeks of my time to see how well you do. After those three weeks, I'll make a decision whether or not to continue. I'll expect you to be up with me day and night, whenever I'm on the bridge. You'll also spend a lot of time in the engine room learning what you can about the mechanics of the ship. You'll do that when you're not with me. Expect to get only about six hours of sleep per day, and not all of it will be at night. Sometimes, you'll need to sleep during the day so you can sail at night. You'll get used to small cat naps to grab an hour here and there."

"Yes, sir. Whatever you need."

"First thing you need to do is say, 'Aye, aye, sir,' instead of yes, sir. Aye, aye, is clearer than yes in a noisy environment. Yes tends to get lost in any noise. It also helps to repeat the order back so everyone knows you understood. So if I told you to come about to course 270, you would say, 'Aye, aye, sir, coming about to course 270'. I'll see you on the bridge tomorrow at 0600."

"Aye, aye, sir, 0600 hours on the bridge."

"You're quick, I'll give you that. Joshua, she'll need to change quarters. No point in her sleeping in the guest cabins if she's going to be part of the crew."

"We'll put her with Kelly so she can start learning the engine room and diesel mechanics in addition to the bridge. I'll speak to both Kelly and Darla and let them know about the change."

"Good choice."

"Thank you, Captain," Fatima said, smiling.

"Don't thank me yet. You'll have to earn it. I'm not giving you the benefit of my knowledge until you prove you're worthy of it."

The other thing I noticed at dinner was both Ethan and Edgar were missing from the meal. Hannah's phone, which was her lifeline as Master's Personal Assistant, and normally glued to her hand, was nowhere to be seen. Angelique hadn't returned and wouldn't until 2000, so Ethan's absence was easily explained. He'd gone as her security along with Art. Edgar might still be looking at how to save those two women, or however many there were. I didn't ask any questions and no one offered explanations.

Jìngyi and Sherry were serving tonight, Sherry naked and Jìngyi in guest relations white. Manuel was kneeling beside his Mistress, being fed. Lynn would occasionally stroke his cock, keeping him hard. Francesca and Belle were both there and Master confirmed them joining us for the night. It looked like it would be a fun night.


The four of us were enjoying our second intermission of some outstanding fucking around 2220. Belle was cleaning Master's cock and Francesca was cleaning me. She'd been fucked first, and me second. Master received a call from Miranda. He threw it up onto the large screen and warned Miranda that Francesca and Belle were with us. Miranda was naked and collared as befit her status at home. I didn't see either Pete or Felipe, but even in Washington, DC it was 2030. Miranda couldn't have strange men staying at her house all night. The gossip rags would have a field day.

"Yes, Master. I'm sorry to call so late, but I've received word about the two women whose pictures you sent. They are on the international database of missing women. The one with the brand similar to Fatima disappeared in Tangiers three years ago. The other one disappeared in La Paz, Bolivia around eighteen months ago."

"That would align with the time Fatima was sold in South America where she believed she recognized her from. Has the State Department contacted Brazilian authorities yet?"

"There are hoops to jump through first, sir. Do you think you can recover them the same way you did Fatima?"

"I've arranged to meet both men in Buenos Aires, but I can't be sure the slaves will be with them. Given they likely don't have passports or papers of any kind, they may not be able to travel outside of the country. It might have to be Interpol or Brazilian police who will have to recover them. Will you have arrest warrants for both men in five days before I meet them?"

"I should be able to arrange for their warrants, Master. Interpol has been very helpful. Apparently they've been after this Mahmoud person for awhile without being able to track him down. He's very clever. They believe he doesn't do any of his kidnappings near where his base of operations is, so it's hard to pinpoint where he lives. The State Department has recently received a plea for help from a family in Denver. Their daughter was taken two weeks ago in Ethiopia while she was working with the Peace Corps. A ransom has been demanded and they're willing to pay, but the State Department won't be party to paying ransom for US citizens. I've suggested using you as an intermediary. It might be the best way to get close to Mahmoud and you have the security available to make sure it didn't turn into a worse situation."