My Voyage of Submission Ch. 05


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"Thank you, Pierre. It's very kind."

Everyone got some food and before anyone started eating, Joshua and Hannah arrived. I introduced them to Isabella who introduced them to Beatriz's parents. We took some time to eat before getting to the hard stuff, small talk mostly between Isabella and Joshua.

After everyone had eaten one plate and were perhaps picking at a second helping, Joshua asked me, "Do Beatriz's parents know about her condition?"

"I'm not certain, sir. She's been talking to her parents in Spanish and I haven't been privy to all they've discussed."

"What condition is that?" Isabella asked.

"The three women who were owned by a man named Rodrigo, are all pregnant. He was apparently breeding his own slaves to sell his own offspring or perhaps replace his own slaves with their children when they were old enough. He wasn't the only one having sex with them, so they might not have been his, though he was the one using them the most."

"How disgusting was he?" Isabella asked.

"Pretty disgusting, which is why no one is mourning his death."

"Madre Dios! What a pig. Are you certain?"

"We had the women checked over by my medical staff," Master said. "Neither of them is a doctor, but they are a Physician's Assistant and Registered Nurse. They were positive. It's good enough for me."

"And she is pregnant from this man?"

"Most likely, but others did use her. Plus there may be other issues her family should be aware of. She lived like this for eighteen months. It had an effect on her. We can't be certain, of course, but there may be consequences other than a child her parents should know about. She will likely need psychological care and therapy in order to move past this. They need to know that as she may have some behavioral issues as a result. I'd like Dr. Kline to discuss them with you and them. If they don't know Beatriz is pregnant, they need to know."

Isabella stopped the family chatter and asked Beatriz a question. Fatima whispered to me Isabella asked if she'd told her parents about the child.

"'What child?' Her father asked. He's angry. Her madre is scared. Isabella is telling Beatriz she must tell her parents as they need to know. Beatriz now explains she is with child. Her padre threatens to kill the man. Beatriz says he's dead already and there's nothing he can do."

"Tell Beatriz that she needs to explain what happened to her without being too graphic," I said. "Her parents need to understand the horrible things done to her."

Fatima interrupted and told Beatriz to explain she was a slave and had no choice in the matter. There ensued a rather lengthy conversation between Beatriz and primarily, her father. Her mother mostly cried for her child and held her close and crossed herself. The more Pablo learned, the angrier he became. Finally, Beatriz was finished, totally drained in the telling.

Pablo asked how this man died. Fatima translated for Master. "He was shot and his body was nailed to the door of a club where these young women were hurt and the club was burned down." Pablo said it wasn't bad enough.

"Your daughter was one of five young women, none of them from Brazil, who had the same thing done to them," Master said, waiting for Fatima to translate. "All of them were held against their will, raped repeatedly, beaten if they refused to obey. Two others are pregnant. Your daughter has scars other than the physical ones you might see. All this evil done to her has hurt her mentally. She will need treatment, therapy. My friend, Dr. Kline has been talking to these women with the help of Fatima. I'd like him to tell you what may happen if Beatriz doesn't get help."

Her parents nodded and Dr. Kline explained the troubles Beatriz might face from her slavery. It wasn't pretty and much the same as I'd told Henderson earlier. Josefina was sobbing almost non-stop, clinging to Beatriz as Fatima explained what he said. Her father wasn't taking it well either, doing his hardest not to cry, to embarrass himself before these strangers, though he had to hastily wipe at his eyes on occasion.

"Are you a wealthy man, Pablo?" Master asked. Fatima translated.

"No, señor. I used most of my money to fly here with my wife," Fatima said for him.

"I want to give Beatriz a gift, 350,000 Bolivianos to help her with her child and to pay for the therapy which she is going to need. Please accept it on her behalf."

"Why would you do this, señor? Are you somehow responsible for what happened to my daughter?"

"Not any more than any other man who allows this evil to exist in the world. I know how difficult life is going to be for Beatriz, raising a child alone. Perhaps no man would marry a young woman with a baby. I also know how expensive the treatment is going to be for her. It may take months or even years for her to feel normal again. But what I am is very wealthy. I own this ship and I might waste that amount of money on a daily basis. It is probably less than I make every hour of every day. It doesn't hurt me at all, but may do great good for Beatriz, and she needs some good to make up for the great harm she suffered, that all of them suffered. It cannot make up for what happened. If you call Isabella and tell her you need more in the future, you will get more. I don't want your grandchild to know need or to lose his mother for some reason that I can prevent."

"It is hard for me to accept gifts from strangers, señor. I do not even know you."

"I know it is a thing of pride which makes it difficult, but it is not for you. I know you can provide for your family when faced with the normal things which life throws at you. I do not ask you to take it for yourself, but for your daughter and grandchild. Let your pride bend a little for them."

Pablo nodded gratefully. "Gracias, señor."

"I will give Isabella the instructions on how to get this money from the bank. She can explain it to you. My crew was making a donation of food and clothing to the church to help the poor in Rio, when they found your daughter and the others naked on the side of the road. Some of the clothes fit her and it's all she has. You may take them as well. She had nothing else."

"You're very generous, Joshua," Isabella said upon taking the instructions from Hannah.

"I can afford to be generous and this doesn't even feel that generous. I'd like to do more, but I knew Pablo might have a problem accepting more. He or Beatriz can have more if they need more."

She nodded.

Josefina asked something. Fatima said, "She wants to meet the other women who also suffered with her daughter."

"Professor, would that be a problem?" Master asked.

"I think it would be good for the others to see Beatriz reunited with her parents and going home."

"Fatima, would you be so kind as to get the others and bring them down to say goodbye to Beatriz."

"Aye, aye, sir."

She went to get the others, staying in their room with Oliva. I asked softly, "How much is 350,000 Bolivianos, sir?"

"A little more than 50,000 dollars at current exchange rates."

"So a lot less than you've given me to spend every month."

"A lot less. It really isn't much in the grand scheme of things, but for them, it will help immeasurably."

"I love you, Master."

"I know you do. I love you back twice as much."

"Would you suck a cock for me, sir?"


"As I suck a lot of cocks for you, then you can hardly say you love me twice as much, can you, Master?"

Master laughed. "I guess not."

The other four women came down to the dining room, Oliva following, and in rapid Portuguese, Beatriz introduced them to her parents. Josefina hugged each one of the girls soundly, kissing them on their cheeks and exclaiming things to them in Spanish which her daughter translated for her. On the whole, I think they were glad Beatriz got to go home with her parents, but I saw some wistful looks as if they wondered if they'd be welcomed so well at their own homes.

After a short while, Hannah left to greet the other businessmen coming this afternoon. Master stayed until they all left. Pablo shook his hand, Josefina pulled his head down and planted a kiss on his forehead. "Vaya con Dios, señor," she said. I knew enough Spanish to know she said to Go With God. Isabella also gave him a hug and kissed his cheek.

"I was not looking forward to this visit," Isabella said. "I kind of knew what to expect. We've recovered a few other women as well, and they haven't always gone well. This was better than I expected, so I thank you."

Beatriz thanked all of us, I think Fatima most of all, the rock who'd helped them the most in the first couple days. She also thanked Master for helping her.

When they were all gone, Master went to his meeting, Fatima took the remaining four back to their rooms, Professor and Mrs. Kline had a meeting with Lynn, and I went to my room to run my survey through a translation app.


Francesca and Belle came into Master's cabin after taking care of their morning winners.

"How was your morning?" I asked.

"Exhausting, but thrilling," Francesca said. "I think James fucked me four times and might have still been hard when 1030 rolled around."

"And it was just a few days ago you were telling me you'd never even fucked two men on the same day. How quickly things change. With Master and however many men you fuck at the club tonight, you could hit ten or twelve men the same day."

"Don't remind me. I already feel like a slut."

"You are a slut," I reminded her, "but you're Master's slut, doing his bidding as opposed to choosing to fuck all those men on your own, so it's not quite as bad as you make it out to be. It might be one of the things I like most. I don't have to worry about being a slut, I just do what I'm told. There's less guilt."

They both laughed.

"What are you doing?" Belle asked.

"I'm converting my survey to Portuguese. I don't know how many people could take it if I left it in English."

"So you think we'll be having more sex tonight?" Francesca asked.

"Oral sex, definitely. Anyone can ask for it without regard for Master's wishes. Only your asshole and cunt are under Master's control tonight. The new slaves always get attention. Fresh meat, you see. Expect to get fondled a lot. Since you can't speak unless spoken to, get Master's permission to cum before he turns you loose. Expect that one of us will be under Lynn's control tonight. She can't bring her own slaves. I don't know if Hannah will come, but she can't bring Angelique, either, so if she does go, one of us will be under her."

"Do you think Professor Kline will bring Oliva?"

"I don't know. If it weren't open season on her mouth, I think he might. He can put a chastity belt on her to keep her from getting poked and prodded, but I don't know how willing he'd be to watch his wife sucking another man's cock. Except for the dominant tendencies his survey showed, he's pretty straight and he's never done any of this stuff before."

"Could he put Oliva in a ball gag? Would Professor Kline have to remove it or could he leave it there saying she's still being trained?"

"I don't know. The rules didn't address it. It might also keep her from speaking out of turn and getting spanked as well. I'll warn you two that men and women will try to trick you into speaking. They want to see you get punished. Most will probably be speaking Portuguese, so they'll be easy to ignore, but be careful."

"What kinds of things?" Belle asked.

"Make a statement that you'd normally respond to, like 'Nice night, tonight,' or 'you're beautiful,' to which you'd normally respond with something like 'It is a nice night,' or 'thank you'. But neither of those is a question requiring you to answer. They're simply statements, so don't say anything in response. If they say, 'It's a nice night, isn't it?', it becomes a question and you can answer, yes or no. But don't get into a conversation. Answer the question simply and stop. Don't respond, 'it is a nice night, and what about that moon,' because you're no longer giving an answer to his question, you're speaking. They're quite tricky. At some clubs, the one who gets you to speak may punish you and not all Dominants are as kind as Master is."

"Have you ever been to BDSM clubs before?" Francesca asked.

"I went to 'The Woodshed' in Orlando three nights for my research and training. Master brought me to his club in New York and one in St. Barths where he took Miranda for a triple penetration before she was scheduled to go home. Turns out she got married instead of leaving when expected."

I told them about the bukkake, the glory hole, riding the Sybian, my first anal and my first double penetration.

"What happened at our Master's Club?" Francesca said.

I told them how Master didn't want me cumming and how Robert had made me cum by not stopping and I was punished for cumming without permission. Master planned to bankrupt him for not following his instructions.

"That seems severe," Belle said.

"Hannah said he was always an asshole and ended up punishing her hard enough, marks were on her for several days. She thinks he deserves whatever he gets. I think he's the type of person who would really own a slave if he could get away with it. I'm not sure Master isn't doing the right thing by making him penniless. Give me a few minutes to finish this up and I can chat more."

Master finished up shortly after I did and greeted the three of us with kisses and caresses, making each of us moan, but not letting us orgasm. He said we'd be skipping dinner to attend the club. We'd be dining there. Leo would bring six of us, plus two additional bodyguards to the club. Hannah, who would go with Belle, Lynn with me, Master with Francesca."

"The professor isn't taking his wife?" Francesca asked.

"He's concerned about the oral sex. He's not reached a point where he wants Oliva to have sex with other people. I don't blame him. When he came on the cruise, he had no clue she was submissive and he was Dominant."

"Francesca suggested Herman could put her in a ball gag and have her wear a chastity belt. We didn't think anyone could remove either one without her Master's permission."

"Hmm. You're probably right. It would still leave her hands free, but that might not be so terrifying to him if his wife weren't sucking cocks or licking cunts."

"If her hands were confined in arm bar gloves behind her back, sir, even that temptation might be removed. Men and women could still fondle her breasts, but with her cunt, ass, mouth, and hands all out of the equation, he might be more comfortable," Francesca said. "Perhaps even put her in a blindfold."

"Francesca, how forward thinking and Dominant of you," Master said.

"I do have my own slave, Master. I have thought of these things before."

"Perhaps I'll allow you to cum tonight."

"Thank you, sir."

Did that mean I wasn't going to be allowed to cum? Not looking good for the home team.

"Will I be allowed to cum, Master? Will Belle? Inquiring minds want to know."

"I'm still thinking about it."

"Yes, Master."


Master, Lynn and the professor spoke about the suggestion Francesca made, that Oliva wear a chastity belt, arm bar and blindfold, though Master suggested a penis gag instead of a ball gag. A little less drooling, he said.

"Herman, it will limit what Oliva is required to do, but she will still be naked and men and women will touch her, but it will be restricted. All you have to tell anyone is that she's still in training. I offer it up as a suggestion."

The professor and Oliva stepped aside for a few minutes and spoke to each other. After about a five minute discussion, they came back and said they'd like to go.

"We're going to take the helicopter to some place close to the club, then take a limo."

"What's the name of this place we're going to?"

"Bar de Gata, which translates to Cat's Bar. They serve food and beverages and I'd love for you to be my guest this evening."

"Thank you, Joshua."

"I'll have Lynn grab what we'll need for tonight's festivities. I'd like to present you with this collar. Don't put it on Oliva until we leave the ship. I usually like to do a collaring with a bit of ceremony, but at this point, it's only a trial run. You can save the ceremony for if you decide to permanently collar her. I haven't collared Francesca yet because I've had to put off her ceremony. Tonight she'll wear a temporary collar as well. I plan something much nicer for her permanent collar. Belle is still wearing Francesca's."

At 1800, everyone climbed on the helicopter and Leo flew us to a landing field about five miles from the club. Francesca and Oliva received their collars on the trip to São Paulo. For protection, Master went with bulk, Jake and Art accompanied us as our bodyguards. Master had a stretch limo waiting. Leo had to stay with the helo and had a meal prepared by Pierre to eat with several bottles of water. Traffic between the heliport and the club was heavy and would take over twenty minutes according to the limo driver.

Lynn, who had control of me tonight, said, "That's enough time for one of your cunt licking masterpieces, Beth. Kindly lick my cunt and leave my juices on your face."

"Yes, Mistress."

I got busy. Hannah and Master thought it was an excellent idea, so they soon had their respective slaves doing the same thing, with the same results, a face full of cum. Master splattered Francesca's lovely face with a sack full of cream and told her to leave it on, wiping only her eyes so she could see. Oliva saw what we were doing and extracted Herman's cock and started sucking him. I saw Oliva did a fairly nice job. She was apparently used to polishing his knob. She couldn't quite get him all the way down, but the Professor had a substantial prick. She didn't get a face full of jizz, Herman holding her head over his cock as he spewed his seed down her throat. Oliva seemed a little disappointed she wouldn't be wearing a similar badge of honor when we arrived.

Inside Cat's Bar, there was a room for the bodyguards to stay. There were another dozen men there so Master wasn't the only one who went with protection. We had to surrender our phones or any cameras before we got entry to the club itself. There was a locker room where all the slaves disrobed and stored their clothing. Lynn produced the chastity belt which had protuberances for Oliva's cunt and ass. She might not be getting fucked tonight, but she was going to be filled. A leather mask was placed over her head which covered her eyes, a penis gag was placed in her mouth and her arms were placed in the leather arm bars which kept her arms straight behind her back. Leashes were fastened to our collars and we were led into the club proper.

Master must have made arrangements before hand because as soon as we entered the club, there was an announcement over the loudspeaker system.

"Moço Greenbriar," which I knew to be Mister in Portuguese, and a whole bunch of other words I didn't recognize.

I tugged on Master's arm. "What do you want, Beth?"

"What did they just announce, Moço Greenbriar?" I asked.

"That I'm offering 500 Brazilian Reals to anyone who takes your survey. They're to come to the table I reserved at the back of the room starting at 2000 if they wish to take it. Anything else?"

"How much is that in US currency, sir."

"Roughly a hundred dollars, a little less."

I looked around the club. I easily saw sixty people in view and there might be more in some of the alcoves off to the sides, or rooms I couldn't see and more showing up later. I tugged on his arm again.

"Yes, Beth?"

"You could be spending $10,000 or more tonight, Master."

"I'll be spending more, but I want to maximize participation."

A naked hostess led us to a large table. "Please be seated," she said in halting English. "Your server will be here soon."