My Voyage of Submission Ch. 07


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She still managed to glare at Belle in such a way I knew she wasn't joking. Still, I was sure she wouldn't be too harsh.

"I'll make sure we buy headphones for everyone in Buenos Aires," Master said.

The freed women mostly just listened to the conversation, not trying to contribute in any way. Occasionally, they would ask a question if they didn't understand something.

Dinner eventually broke up and at 1930, we anchored off Buenos Aires. Master took his slaves to his room and we got comfortable. At 2000, while we were lying in bed, generally fooling around, Fatima was knocking on Master's cabin door and we told her to come in. Master had undressed and he pulled a sheet over himself before she entered. It didn't do much to hide the fact he was aroused from our playing.

"I'm sorry for intruding, but I've been thinking about having a slave of my own and having sex again. I like the idea of having control of the sex by being the Mistress and I don't want to hurt anyone nor do something wrong. Can you talk to me about what I would need to do to accept Pierre as my submissive? I'll have quite a bit of time to myself now we're anchored and I'm thinking I should learn while we're not sailing."

"Beth, can you take Fatima into your room and grab your slave agreement. Give me a couple minutes to get dressed before you come back."

"Yes, Master. Please come with me Mistress."


"If you're going to be a Dominant, you should be addressed as Mistress by all the slaves on board."

"Would that mean you have to do all I say?"

"No, Mistress. Only my Master can give me orders I must obey, but all slaves/submissives should show deference to any other Dominant, usually in the form of addressing them by their title. Francesca is the only Dominant aboard I don't need to address as Mistress because she's also my sister slave, subservient to our Master. We'll be back shortly, Master."

We went into my room and got my slave agreement and I got Belle's and Francesca's as well to show her differences exist. I gave it a few minutes before entering Master's cabin and he was fully dressed except for shoes when we returned. He still had a substantial bulge, but it was starting to dissipate.

Master and I sat with Fatima on the couch while Belle and Francesca took facing chairs. We began speaking about Dominance and submission as it existed in a voluntary world. At 2100, Miranda initiated a FaceTime call with Master.

"Miranda, I have with me today, Fatima Hidalgo, who was the first slave we freed. She is curious about becoming a Dominant herself with Pierre as her submissive and we were discussing Dominance and submission as it should exist; voluntarily. Fatima, you must keep what you're about to learn secret. Do you agree?"

"Yes, sir."

"Please call me Joshua. I will no longer be a sir to you. You will be my equal aboard my ship, a co-Dominant. You may still call the Captain 'sir' as he is your boss regarding ship operations, but he is the only one you need address as sir, and then, only when you are on duty."

"I promise to keep your secrets, Joshua."

"Miranda is my wife and a US Congresswoman. She works with the House of Representatives Subcommittee on Human Trafficking, and it was through her we learned you might be someone who'd been sold into slavery. She is also my sex slave, the second one I acquired on this voyage, after Beth, partly due to Beth's own submissiveness and understanding of submissive behavior. If this should become known, it would be damaging to her career, which is why it must be kept secret, even though Miranda is proud of her submission and why she's naked now, wearing her collar. Say hello, Miranda, to one of the people you helped free."

"Hello, Mistress Fatima. I'm so happy to see you and how far you've come. Master told me how frightened and scared you were when you were first freed. I've seen some of the photos Manuel took of the injuries you sustained. I'm so sorry for what you went through."

"Thank you, Miranda, or should I call you Congresswoman?"

"Miranda is fine, Mistress. I'm not working at the moment. In fact, the reason I called is Master is going to allow me to fuck my gardener, Felipe, and I can orgasm more if he watches."

"We were just discussing some of the nuances of Dominance and submission to Fatima. As Miranda is my submissive, I have control of her sexuality. She cannot have sex, masturbate or orgasm without my permission. Because I'm her Master, she has deferred her sexuality to me.

"If I were a harsh Master, I could withhold any sex from her and she would have to do without. Withholding sex from slaves is an excellent punishment because they begin to crave sex. On the other hand, sex is another way to reward a slave, though you can maintain control of orgasms separately from the sex itself. Allow them to have sex, but not to orgasm. Miranda, I'm going to cut short our call tonight so I can speak to Fatima at more length. You can fuck Felipe in the cunt with a condom on, but no more than three orgasms and then you must let him cum in your mouth. If you get him hard again, he can fuck your ass bareback and you have my permission to cum as much as you want. The usual rules apply to Maria. Have you learned any more about Mahmoud's location?"

"No, sir. The NSA is listening for any noise on human trafficking, but no one discusses it openly. I'm sure it's being couched as some other type of goods or services, not as slaves. The National Reconnaissance Office has tasked satellite flyover of the Atlas Mountains, but it's a very large area to sweep and still keep an eye on other hot spots and we don't know exactly what we're looking for, despite Fatima's excellent description of some of it."

"Perhaps, now the other women have translation apps, we should speak to Maahnoor and Hibbah about what they remember. Professor Kline might be able to hypnotize them and get more details," I said.

"That could be very useful," Miranda said. "Perhaps he could get more information from Mistress Fatima as well."

"We'll ask, Miranda. She might be the easiest to hypnotize due to her familiarity with English."

"Let me watch you put the condom on Felipe, then I'll let you get on with it," Master said.

"Thank you, Master."

We all watched Miranda suck Felipe to hardness, an easy task since he was anticipating his use of her. She opened a condom packet and slid the rubber down over his impressive cock. She got on her hands and knees and Felipe entered her from behind, thrusting easily into Miranda's wet cunt. Master killed the connection and we continued our conversation about Dominance and submission, all of us adding to her understanding.

"In your case, Fatima, it will be very important for you to establish a safe word with Pierre. Your only experience with D/s is as an unwilling slave. There were no controls on your Masters and they could do whatever they wanted with you," Master said. "In addition to the guidelines you set up together for Pierre's use, he should have a word to stop whatever you're doing as your tendency may be towards harshness as that is what you were used to. In fact, I would suggest a double safe word. He may enjoy what you're doing, but wish you to tone it down to a more bearable level. If he uses that word, slow down, ease up or even ask him what he needs you to do. If he uses the other word, immediately stop what you're doing.

"Normally, I consider a slave having to use her second word as a failure on my part to pay attention to and understand what my slaves body language, her moans and groans, and her squirming are telling me anyway. I can see what the paddle, whip or whatever I'm using to punish with are doing. Am I causing bruising or breaking the skin? Is she fainting or showing other signs of distress? Some people enjoy pain more than I'm willing to give, so it's especially important to watch them as they might not tell me they are in distress."

"This is totally different from what I experienced," Fatima said. "No one cared about me or what I was going through in the slightest. They didn't care if I was bleeding or fainting, or how much I screamed for them to stop."

"No one would voluntarily go through what you did, Mistress," I said. "It is only through the establishment of rules that this becomes a voluntary activity which a slave can enjoy enough to abide."

"Could I see how you punish a slave?" Fatima asked.

"Oh, yes," Francesca said. "I owe Belle a punishment for taking my earbuds without asking me first, even though I applaud their use. I was thinking twenty swats with The Enforcer. Find me one, Belle."

"Yes, Mistress," Belle said, quite saucily, I thought. Almost as if Belle wanted to be punished in the first place, and perhaps she did. I didn't mind mild punishments on the whole.

Finding one was easy. Many toys were kept in the bedside table drawer. Belle returned in a few moments, handing Francesca the wicked little paddle.

"Punishing Pierre will be slightly different than the way women are punished," Master said. "Women slaves are frequently given an orgasm or two before punishment as the chemicals the body releases during an orgasm help the slave to withstand punishment, but women can be more orgasmic than men. Giving Pierre an orgasm prior to punishment might mean a delay in the pleasure he can provide you afterward. He can be sexually stimulated though, and you can do it yourself or tell him to masturbate until he's erect. Having him remain erect without relief is a punishment in and of itself. If you want to practice punishments or witness punishments on a male before you do Pierre, we can have Lynn demonstrate on Manuel. We could have her demonstrate after morning muster tomorrow."

"That would be a good idea," Fatima agreed. "I know I have a lot to learn."

"The first time you ever use something on someone else, you should test it on yourself first. You should know what your slave is about to experience. Show her, Francesca."

Francesca demonstrated hitting herself to find the proper strike by smacking her own thighs three times. "The first was too light, the second too hard, the third is how hard I will strike Belle's bottom. Belle, over my lap please. You will keep count and thank me for each one."

Belle draped herself over her Mistress' lap, her cute bottom arched over Francesca's knees. Was it an indication of my slavery that I wanted to bury my face into her bottom and lick her to orgasm?

"Punishing in public adds a touch of humiliation to the slave which is an added bit of punishment," Master said, "though we've had to abandon public punishments while the freed slaves are aboard as we believe it would add to their distress, but you might wish Pierre to be punished in front of the other Department Heads he's normally co-equal to. Perhaps the first time, bring him into the playroom and swat his ass in front of the others who normally sit at dinner with us, which would add to his mortification.

"Usually, you wish to establish your Dominance and his submission as quickly as possible. Belle got away with quite a bit when she first submitted because Francesca was an inexperienced Mistress. She had to work harder to turn her into a proper submissive after she joined us. The faster you establish your dominance, the better submissive they will be. Francesca, you may wish to give Belle thirty strokes. I found her tone to be quite unslave like when you told her to get The Enforcer."

"I did too, Master," I said. "One would almost think she wanted to be punished."

Belle blushed and wriggled her bottom over Francesca's lap. It was as obvious a sign as she could give other than saying she wanted to be punished. Even Fatima could recognize it.

"Is that true? Do you want to be punished?"

"I don't mind it too much, Mistress," Belle replied. "I enjoy it sometime."

Everyone but Fatima laughed, understanding her. Francesca used the handle of The Enforcer to give Belle two orgasms. She was squirming quite strongly when she climaxed and the handle was wet when Francesca gripped it to lay on her strokes. Francesca got up to seventeen swats before Belle asked permission to cum. This surprised Fatima even more; that despite Belle's red ass and the pain she exhibited, she declared she needed to cum. Belle received permission and after two more strokes, she orgasmed, loudly moaning. Francesca set down the paddle and finger fucked her slave to keep her orgasm going and to strengthen it as she felt Belle's contractions on her fingers. When the spasms eased, Francesca pulled her fingers out and licked them, then finished the spanking.

"Now I know this is completely different from what I experienced. I never came close to an orgasm during a punishment," Fatima said.

"No, they're not the same at all, despite the similarities," Master said. "There is love and tenderness involved in Dominance and submission that doesn't exist in actual slavery. Francesca doesn't want to truly harm her slave anymore than I want to harm mine, at least as we practice it. You haven't had time to develop feelings for Pierre, but it is very likely that you will, particularly if you find him pleasing to you. It's why it's so strictly controlled.

"I don't want to hurt my slaves any more then they want to be hurt. Everything we do should exist on some level below actual harm. Beth, who works out hard to prepare for Ironman competitions describes it as similar to the pain you receive from hard exercise. It hurts, but not enough to make you want to stop exercising. It has a goal, the pleasure of both people involved, not the momentary pain they experience in the practice.

"I'd like to you to practice a little with Beth, get a feel for it. If you're being a bit too hard for her enjoyment, her first safe word is Venus. You will go slower or with less force if she uses it. If she wants you to stop completely, she'll say Pluto. If she needs to orgasm, you will give her permission or not. If you give her permission, you may use the handle of the paddle you're using to make her orgasm more pleasurable."

"Is it okay if I practice on you, Beth?" Fatima asked. "I know I may not be very good to start."

"Yes, Mistress. I trust that you won't try to hurt me, even if you might do so by accident and you will stop if I want you to stop."

She nodded and Master reminded her to check the device on herself first. She checked on herself and she found the first one too hard and did a second, finding it okay and told me to get on her lap. I draped myself over her lap and she gave me a swat. It was mild compared to what I was used to.

"One, thank you, Mistress. I want to tell you that I'm used to harder swats than you just gave me. You may strike me a little harder if you wish, though it's your choice."

Fatima swatted me a little harder and I said, "Two. Thank you, Mistress. You can go a little harder if you wish."

She hit me a third time and considering I hadn't orgasmed before she started, I said, "Three, thank you, Mistress. I'm good with this one. It's still a little light, but light is good until you get used to it. Give me twenty-seven just like it and I shall probably orgasm as well."

She proceeded to give me twenty more before I felt the need to cum arise. All the time she gave them to me, Master talked about the things to look for when punishing me; the redness of my ass, signs of bruising, the moans or groans or other sounds I made, how I arched my ass to meet the next stroke, all the things a good Mistress should look for.

"Pierre will probably become erect during a punishment if he's a typical submissive, and you can watch his cock to help determine how well you're doing. If he's over your lap, you can feel him become hard and how hard he becomes. If he's tied or in the stocks, watch it become harder and twitch as part of the clues to how well you're doing."

I almost waited too long to tell Fatima I needed to cum. "Twenty-three, thank you, Mistress. I need to cum quite desperately, Mistress. May I please cum?"

"You may orgasm, Beth," Fatima said.

With her next stroke, I started to squirm over her lap quite lasciviously and moan quite loudly, cumming hard. "Twenty-four, thank you, Mistress. I'm cumming." Just in case she didn't know already. I wanted her to fuck me in the worst way.

She turned the paddle around and began fucking me with the handle, sending me to a whole different level. I'm afraid I soiled her clothes with my juices badly.

"I can see where this would be very enjoyable for a Dominant," Fatima said, plunging into me over and over, increasing the loudness and intensity of my moans for her. Francesca was so turned on, she had Belle start licking her.

"Yes," Master said. "Very enjoyable for all concerned. Since she's so clearly turned on, you may actually increase the force of the next six strokes to her ass without ill effect, still keeping an eye on her ass to ensure she's not bruising or you're not breaking skin."

As soon as my orgasm ended, Fatima gave me the final six strokes of my paddling. After the last fell, I said, "Thirty, thank you, Mistress. That was a very enjoyable spanking. Might a slave ask if Mistress is turned on and needs to cum herself?"

Fatima answered, "I am. For the first time since I was freed, I want to orgasm."

"Master, may I have permission to give Fatima her first Dominant orgasm?"

"You may, Beth. Use your bedroom to give her some privacy."

"Yes, Master. Thank you."

I took her hand and led her to my bedroom. Of course, they all knew when she had her orgasm. I think the whole ship knew. I think it was the best orgasm I've ever given another woman. I wanted it to be so good to make up for all she'd suffered. I gave her three more afterward, though I didn't take nearly as much time with them as I did the first and she didn't scream nearly as loud. She was limp when I finished, exhausted, although it might also be all the time she spent on the bridge lately. She fell asleep on my bed and I covered her up and went to rejoin the others. We didn't cum nearly as loudly as she had so we wouldn't disturb her.


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Ravey19Ravey19almost 2 years ago

Pleased Fatima is making progress but the whole situation with Joshua is fraught with danger especially from the ex slaves point of view. If there's a criminal mastermind involved then Joshua et al are are at serious risk.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago


I applaud your approach to the difficult subject of Human Trafficking. It’s an insidious thing that most people aren’t even aware of on a daily basis.

Tess (uk)

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