My Voyage of Submission Ch. 11


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The conversations tended to run to the ordinary to start. The girls couldn't talk about their slavery, it would spoil appetites. Edgar and Ethan couldn't talk about past missions, most of which were still classified. Björn and Captain Fremont could discuss the training exercises they'd gone on together. Johanna couldn't talk about her ordeal, but her parents could discuss their jobs. Master could discuss much of his business, but not all of it.

"Johanna, that's a lovely outfit you're wearing," Captain Fremont commented.

"Thank you. Joshua gave it to me. He thought I might want to dress up for dinner."

The extra package Leo brought when he came? Something pretty to take her mind off her tribulation?

None of the freed slaves were accustomed to fine dining except for Fatima, as they had been relatively poor before their capture and rarely ate outside their homes, then only from street vendors. There was some merriment explaining the ritual associated with dining like this.

Edgar was quite droll and he adopted a British butler's voice when extolling the virtues of one fork over another, the indelicacy of eating with one's fingers and how even a single green bean should be sliced in two before placing one bite in your mouth. I think our girls now knew enough English to get the main gist of the mockery and were laughing with everyone else.

"You funny man, Edgar," Sahar said. "Not know you funny."

"Yes, well there's the training me, which is all you've experienced, and going to a pub to quaff a few me, which is altogether different. You adapt to the environment you're in."

"What a pub?" Hibbah asked, "and what quaff."

"A pub is a drinking establishment where blokes go to hoist a few pints of ale," Ethan said, "and quaff is drinking the stuff, which brings up another question. Sahar, you're drinking alcohol. I didn't think Muslims drank."

"Good Muslims don't," Sahar said. "Not sure I want to be good Muslim anymore."

"Why not?" Doctor Nolan asked.

"I enslaved by supposed Muslim men, freed by Jew and Christians. Not feel much like Muslim anymore."

"All races, cultures, religions, and countries have good and bad people, Sahar," Master said. "I don't know about your first owner, but the second man who owned you was probably Catholic, as Brazil is primarily a Catholic country.

"Some people say they believe something, but don't really believe it; not in their heart. I don't think you can decide good and evil based upon whether or not they claim to be something, but only by their individual actions. Take American criminals for example. Men who've sold drugs, run prostitutes and murdered people. They've come from all different facets of life. There have been Jewish gangsters, like Meyer Lansky and Mickey Cohen, Christian gangsters, like Al Capone, Chinese gangsters, black gangsters. It's not what you claim to be, it's what you prove yourself to be."

"Not even the fairer sex has been spared from being criminals and even serial killers," Doctor Nolan said. "Elizabeth Bâthory was a countess who murdered hundreds of women to bathe in their blood. Aileen Wournos was a serial killer who killed men and stole their money."

"Or doctors," I said, serving the coq au vin and roasted rosemary potatoes, which was the next course. "There was a neurologist in Florida convicted of molesting his women patients while they were unconscious from anesthesia."

"Jack the Ripper was thought to be related to the Royal family in England," Ethan said. "Vlad Tepes, known as Vlad the Impaler, was royalty in Wallachia in Romania."

"Even the military is cursed by a few bad apples," Captain Fremont said. "Lt. Calley and My Lai being one example of many."

"Norway had Quisling, a traitor who worked with the Nazis," Björn said.

"Benedict Arnold in the Revolutionary War," LCDR Smith added.

"Hey," Ethan said, "Benedict Arnold was a British Patriot. Just because he decided to turn on you yank rebels, doesn't make him a bad man."

All the rest save the freed slaves laughed. "Even national history can color a persons actions."

"Let's not forget Judas was a Jew who betrayed Jesus to the Pharisees for thirty pieces of silver," Master said. "The greatest mass murderers in history were German and Christian, Hitler; Stalin, Russian and a godless Communist; Genghis Khan, Mongolian and a naturist, Pol Pot, Cambodian and Communist. Don't label an entire group by what one person or group of people did. I'm sure your mother and father weren't evil people, Sahar, and they were Muslim. Good and bad exist everywhere. And I would add, if you're not used to drinking alcohol, I wouldn't drink more than two glasses or your head will ache in the morning. In fact, drink lots of water and take some aspirin before going to bed. Manuel can give you some aspirin."

"I think almost every instance of evil in this world involves people who want to control other people who don't want to be controlled," I said. "Hitler wanted to purify Germany, rid it of anyone who he considered impure; control not only the nation, but the make up of the nation. Stalin wanted to control the Russians, eliminate potential threats to his control. Genghis Khan wanted to control the world. Pol Pot wanted to turn agrarian Buddhists into avid Communists. Black American slavery existed because landowners wanted to have control of their labor and blacks were somehow less human than whites were, though indentured servitude also existed to control white laborers. Mahmoud and his ilk want to control women for sex and whatever perversions they want. If people would just let other people live in the way they wish to live, as long as it doesn't threaten you, there would be a lot less bloodshed."

"I don't know," LCDR Smith said. "If you allow people to take drugs for instance, aren't you encouraging crime?"

"We decriminalized alcohol use and crimes associated with Prohibition were greatly reduced," I said. "Forty percent of Florida's prisons are filled with people who's only crime was drug possession and use. For those who commit crimes to support their habit, convict those criminals, because those people harm other people. If the price of drugs dropped with decriminalization, wouldn't economic crimes drop if those prices dropped?"

"You sound like a leftist, Beth. We'd be creating a society of zombie drug users," LCDR Smith said.

"Are you a zombie drug user, Commander?" I asked.

"I don't use drugs," he said.

"You're drinking wine. Alcohol is a drug, a legal drug, but a mind and mood altering drug. It's why you shouldn't fly or drive when using it. Musicians still make music while on drugs, actors still act while using drugs. There are a lot of functional people who use drugs. Some people can't use drugs responsibly, but ending Prohibition didn't turn us into a nation of alcoholics. It's not leftist, it's realist.

"How many billions of dollars have been wasted in the war on drugs? How many people are rotting in prisons who could be working and supporting their families? How many criminal empires have we created, how much bloodshed created, by criminalizing drug use? I don't think we've solved any problems and created a lot more by making drugs illegal. Doctor, how many opiate addicts do we create by giving opiates as pain killers?"

"A lot."

"Yet marijuana is far less addictive than opioids and if given to patients with pain problems, would probably help ease pain as well as opiates with a lot fewer addictions resulting. What we've done is cater to multi-billion dollar drug companies instead of letting some Vietnam vet get through his day by growing a little weed. We give all kinds of shit to treat glaucoma, epilepsy, pain, and depression which marijuana could treat for less money and fewer problems. It's why many states are decriminalizing marijuana. Sell it legally, tax it to treat people who can't handle their drugs, empty out our prisons and save them for really evil shit mongers. It would be cheaper and smarter."

"Do you use drugs, Beth?" LCDR Smith asked.

"Only alcohol like you. Sex is more my drug of choice."


"Sex makes me feel real good."

Most of the table laughed, knowing what I did. The others laughed because it was amusing.

"Joshua, do you agree with Beth?" Captain Fremont asked.

"About drugs, sex, or controlling people in general?"

"Start with drugs."

"It's hard to argue with her logic, and I own lots of stock in drug companies. What makes marijuana inherently worse than morphine or codeine other than who manufactures it? Get the drug cartels out of the business and a lot of crimes in third world countries would go down. I'm not sure crime would go up in ours as a result, even if people used drugs more. I have a moralistic view that drugs are bad, and I agree they are, if misused, yet, as she pointed out, I'm happily sitting here getting buzzed on a nice bottle of wine. It would be nice to do controlled testing before we adopted her proposals wholesale, but we didn't test what would happen before making drugs illegal either, and look at the mess we have. If we decriminalized and things got worse, we could always adjust the laws further.

"I might also argue you might have some perspective on this yourselves. I know sailors sometimes use drugs. Obviously, if it affects their performance, you don't want them using it, but how many good performing sailors have been busted who you didn't even know were doing drugs because they did their jobs and did it well before you found out they were using?"

"Wouldn't they be performing even better if they weren't using?"

"Maybe. Or maybe the drugs made them happier so they performed better. I certainly can't say.

"As to her ideas regarding control of others, I see her point there as well. I've always tried to conduct business in a way that's mutually beneficial to the personal interests of all parties. If someone loses, it was a bad deal. Losers don't want to make the deal next time. I've done well for myself following that precept. Don't force people to do business with you, make it profitable for them as well. I sell to governments. I don't want to cheat the public either. If I offer a better product at a good price, people will buy. I don't want to make people buy my stuff. Oh, and I also enjoy sex as well. I'm assuming Beth and I are not the only ones at the table who do." More laughter.

"I feel better about sex now I not slave," Sahar said. "Do when I want, not someone else. I no like control."

The conversation lapsed back to the more ordinary during the remainder of the meal, which finished off with a pear almond tart.

"We should be off Dakar again tomorrow at 0800," Björn said. "I wouldn't mind taking on more fuel if the Navy is agreeable."

"We wouldn't mind more fresh fruits and vegetables either. I've almost gone through my supplies of both," Pierre said.

"We'll let the supply ship know to expect us. We'll need more fuel ourselves."

"I could use aviation fuel myself," Leo said. "We'll be sucked dry by the time we leave Casablanca."

"Thanks for letting us drop in. Pierre, that was the best meal I've eaten in a month of Sundays," Captain Fremont said. "Absolutely delicious."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, Captain. It's not often I get to go all out on a meal like this. Most meals, we're pressed for time or cooking for too many. Plus, without the help you provided, I might not have had the provisions for this meal. All thanks to you and your crew for providing it."

Leo left with the Navy officers. Everyone else went about their duties and we were cleaning up after the meal. Only Marian Hoffler remained at the table, picking at her food. I sat next to her.

"Is there something you need, Marian?"

She glanced at the others cleaning up. "In private, please."

"Pierre, may I have a moment to spend with Mrs. Hoffler?"

"Yes. Take all the time you need."

"I wouldn't mind talking to you either, Pierre. We have something in common now."

"Yes, we do." He smiled.

"Let's see if there's anyone on the helicopter deck and we can talk there, Marian."

We walked back to the deck which was empty, as expected. I asked her what she wanted to talk about.

"Is my daughter a lesbian?"

"I don't know. Doing something once with a woman doesn't make her a lesbian. Even if she did it more times, it wouldn't make her a lesbian. Possibly bisexual, but it could be she's only experimenting. I did talk to her first, asked about her previous relationships and while she said none of them provided sparks, she may not have met the right man yet.

"I would think girl sex might seem less threatening at the moment as there is no penetration for much of it. She had abrasions to the interior of her sexual organs when she was medically checked. Johanna still has to work through what happened to her, but will find her feet eventually. She may only wish to find out if she can enjoy sex at all after what occurred. It's not unusual."

"I always thought my children would all give me grandchildren. I would be disappointed if Johanna didn't."

"Even if Johanna were lesbian, she might still have children. Even single women are deciding to bear children if they wish to have them and feel they can support them. But having children is her choice too. Just because you want grand babies is no reason for her to have children if she doesn't want them. She might not even know what she wants for her life at the moment. Don't force her down a path of your choosing. I still believe these are the types of things you need to discuss with Johanna. Ask her what she's doing, what she wants. She's an adult, so you need to quit deciding things for her, but you can talk to her."

"I suppose you're right. Thanks, Beth."

"You're welcome."

I went back to work, finishing up the clean up. When everyone else left, I asked Pierre how things were going with Fatima.

"They're going fairly well. Still no regular sex with her yet, but I understand the reasons why, so I'm okay with waiting."

"How does she taste?"

"Don't you know?"

"I wondered if she tasted the same to you as she does me."

"She tastes delicious, but I've always enjoyed the taste of a woman. If I could create a food dish that tastes like it, I would," he said, smiling.

"Did your former Mistress ever have sex with other people when you were hers?"


"How did it make you feel?"

"I could live with it."

"By which I'm assuming you would have preferred she hadn't?"


"Why do men seem more possessive than women?"

"Are you sure they are?"

"In my experience, they seem to be. I don't get upset at all if Master has sex with other women."

"You might be an aberration. Do your Master's other slaves feel the same?"

"They seem to."

"They have you as an example, plus given a choice, he would have married you, so you were sharing him with them, not the other way around. They're probably grateful you're willing to share."

"Hmm, perhaps."

"In my experience, women can be as cattily possessive as men are."

"Did your previous Mistress ever make you have sex with other men?"

"Sometimes, not often. It was more a punishment for me."

"Mistress Layton was the same. She uses it as a punishment for her male slaves. You do know Mistress Fatima may end up with a boyfriend. She may not want a submissive as a partner."

"She talked to me about it. It probably won't be an issue until she feels comfortable having regular intercourse again."

"How do you feel about the idea she might?"

"It's hard to say. We still haven't fully explored our relationship yet. Can't say for sure it's going to work out for us."

"You're taking the long view then?"

"It's the only view to take."

"Thanks, Pierre, for sharing. I appreciate it."

"You're welcome. By the way, your Master stopped by while you were speaking with Marian. He'd like to see you when you're finished here." He grinned at me. "Are you going to get fucked?"

"I hope so. I was getting fucked this afternoon and got interrupted by three different Hofflers before Master could orgasm. He finally gave up. I'm sure he'll have a big load of cum to give me."

"Have fun."

"I intend to."

I went straight to Master's room, my cunt already liquefying at the thought of his big cock filling me. I knocked to let him know I was there, then went through the door. He was naked on the couch, and on the big screen up front, Francesca and Belle were standing in the display position, their cunts, bare and glistening.

"Beth, just in time. Undress and get over my lap so I can spank you."

"Yes, Master." It didn't take long and I was draped over his lap. He didn't start my spanking yet and Francesca and Belle were still on display. We seemed to be waiting for something. His cock was hard. We didn't have to wait for that.

"Sir, when are you going to start?"

"When it's time to start."

"Yes, sir."

Ten minutes later, I heard the door open in Francesca's home and Mistress Layton and her three slaves walked in. The slaves immediately disrobed and stood at Display themselves. Both men were in cock and ball rings, their pricks hard and angry looking.

"Theresa, good to see you again. Right on time. Thank you."

"You're welcome, Joshua. How are you, Beth?"

"Fine, Mistress."

"What kind of pickle have you gotten yourself into this time?" Noticing me draped over Master's lap, no doubt.

"I'm unsure, Mistress. I didn't ask. It's not important."

"Indeed it isn't."

"While I was fucking her this afternoon, we were disturbed three times by some guests who don't know Beth is my slave, so I had to hide in the bathroom once and wait while she talked through the door twice. Left me quite frustrated. She's getting ten for each interruption, plus twenty more because she's owed some and I haven't been able to give her those either. I'd like you to witness her punishment before you give yours to those other two slaves. Feel free to feel them up while you're watching. They're getting forty each and haven't gotten much sex lately."

"Hello, Francesca, nice to see you again. What a pretty little slave you make. We'll have a lot of fun tonight," Mistress said.

She walked over and inspected the property, running her hands all over Francesca's body, making her shiver.

"Yes, Mistress."

After a couple minutes inspecting nearly every inch of Francesca, she told Ranger and Luke to take over. "Finger fuck both her cunt and ass, but no more than two orgasms. Francesca, remain at Display."

"Yes, Mistress," they responded, then surrounded Francesca, their fingers inserted into her orifices to make her cum. Mistress went over to Belle and ran her hands over her.

"Belle, isn't it. You look delicious dear, and double Dominated, wearing two collars. I can't wait to play with you as well."

"Yes, Mistress."

"Gloria, you take this one. Two orgasms only, front and rear penetration. Belle, stay in Display," she said after feeling her up. "Joshua, let's get this show on the road. Turn your slave's ass red."

Master didn't wait any longer. His hand came down hard. He'd have no trouble turning it red. I counted for him, thanking him for each stroke, Mistress Layton watching with an amused smile on her face. I got all fifty, harder than normal, and my eyes were leaking tears before he finished. When done, I had to mount his hard cock facing the screen with my red ass rubbing against his stomach.

"You don't have my permission to cum, Beth, and will stop before you cum. If I get close, you will suck me off to completion. I want you to take it on your face."

"Yes, sir."

"So what am I doing tonight with these two slaves of yours?" Mistress Layton said.

"Francesca is flying up for a job interview with Congresswoman Ward tomorrow. They haven't had a proper punishment or fucking in several days. I want you to paddle each of their asses forty strokes, one at a time, while they lick Gloria. If they can't make Gloria cum twice before their spanking is ended, give them ten more. While you move onto the next one, let Ranger or Luke fuck their cunts. After they cum, they're to clean them and get them hard enough to fuck their asses, while they lick you to as many orgasms as you think appropriate for your time. If they lose concentration or aren't sufficiently pleasing, you may give them an additional twenty with your hand. After that, you may do as you like with them for the next hour. Before you leave the house, they should give you a butt plug to put in their asses. Until Francesca comes home, Miranda is the only one who may remove it except for Francesca to defecate. On her way back from the Airport, she'll stop by your ranch for you to remove it. You may use her for another couple hours for your trouble.