My Voyage of Submission Ch. 12


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"But you thought of it?"

"I did. I knew Maahnoor might have a hard time of it and I wished to make it as easy as I could."

Johanna came over and patted Joshua's shoulder. "Good job, Greenbriar. Way to make a girl feel special." She leaned over and whispered, "I bet I'm not the only one who wants to fuck your brains out right now."

She didn't whisper soft enough I couldn't hear her and she winked at me.

Master only response to her whispered comment was a raised eyebrow, but he thanked her for the other one.

"What did you plan on doing this afternoon, Beth?" Johanna asked.

"I was going to go to the gym, work on my shooting, and exercise for a few hours," I replied.

"Do you want some company? Perhaps we can get Joshua put up a Do Not Disturb sign for us?" Seeing the look of disgust on her mother's face, Johanna said, "Just kidding, mother. Geez, it's easy to get your goat."

"I always enjoy company," I said. "I'll get changed into some exercise clothes. Would you like to borrow a t-shirt and shorts?"

"It's okay. My parents remembered to bring some things. I'll get changed and meet you down there."

"It's a date," I said, recalling her embarrassing conversation with Sahar.

Johanna laughed, catching the reference. She left for her room and I left for Hibbah's. Hibbah was still gone. I could hear all of them chattering in Maahnoor's room next door. It was a strange melange of languages and surprisingly, English was the only common language between them all now, though I still heard a smattering of Arabic and Portuguese.

I put on a sports bra, t-shirt and tight shorts, like tight yoga pants, but mid-thigh length, what Master had allowed me for exercise clothing. Johanna arrived a couple minutes after I did and I worked with her on the gun range, the static targets, before I did Hogan's Alley with the nine. I didn't do the ship clearing exercise today, trying not to get killed. Afterwards, I went to the heavy bag and showed Johanna the kicks and punches I needed to practice, then she held the bag for me as I whacked the bag. Sahar and Roberta came down and started grappling on the mat. Johanna watched them for a while as I wore myself out on the bag.

When I moved to the treadmill and started running, Johanna joined me on the next one, though she mostly walked. I ran for about an hour before she started asking me questions.

"You do pretty hard workouts. Why? Does Joshua want you to keep in shape?"

"I've competed in Ironman competitions and I'd like to do so again. I mostly work on the bike, and running. Despite being on the ocean, I haven't been able to do much swimming. We're moving too much. I couldn't keep up with the boat."

"Do you think Joshua would mind if Hibbah and I joined you again tonight?"

"I don't know. I could ask him. He worries Miranda's secrets will be exposed, so he wants to be careful. If it's just male fucking you're interested in, there are a number of other men who could give you what you want. I've been working with a number of them to improve their woman pleasing skills. Leo, Edgar and Ethan will all be gentle, considerate lovers. There are probably a few others as well. If you're going to keep fucking men, you need to be on birth control. Don't depend on a morning after pill."

"Both Hibbah and I got fitted with a copper IUD by Manuel when we went to sickbay. He said they are fully effective as soon as it's placed. Not 100%, he said around 96 to 97."

"That's good."

"I like Joshua's big bed. It's good for several people to share."

"As an alternative, the stern room on the ship has a couple queen sized lounges. If you take the cushions off a couple of them and put them on the deck, you have a large sleeping and playing space. I've used it a few times. It's just a shade less comfortable and we're out far enough you don't need to worry about bugs. You might get a little sweatier since it's not air conditioned, but we're just north of the Equator so you won't freeze."

"Have you fucked everyone on the ship?"

"If by fucked, you mean some form of sexual act, then yes. Normally, every day Master holds and Employee of the Day drawing and the winner gets to use me to completion. On Mondays he had an Employee of the Week drawing and they got to have me for two hours. The Employee of the Month winner held on the first day of the next month gets me for six hours. There have been other ways I've been shared with the crew, but that's the main one."

"And Leo, Ethan and Edgar are the best of them?"

"Captain Amundsen is probably the next best after Master for me. He has a Dominant, commanding personality I find arousing. But he's engaged to Lynn, so you'd want to see if she has an objection to his fucking other people. She might be okay with it because she has two slaves she's fucking herself, but that's between them. James has a nice, big cock, but due to his youth, he might be a little more excited and eager, and thus scarier, especially for Hibbah. Generally, I think the more mature the man, the more likely they'll be what you're looking for now. The one person I tend to stay away from if I can help it, is Chaney. He's a technically adequate lover, but a bit of a pussy hound looking to put notches on his bed post. It makes him unappealing to me as he's mostly concerned with himself and not his partner.

"Let me ask you a question. Have you always butted heads with your mother, or is this a post-Ethiopia phenomenon?"

"You mean post-rape don't you?"

"I didn't want to be that blunt, but yes."

"We've probably butted heads since I was twelve or thirteen, but it has gotten worse. It was part of the reason I went halfway around the world to help people in Ethiopia. Perhaps, having her try control my life has gotten even more distasteful since then."

"It's too bad, as I know she means well."

"Being controlled by someone who means well, isn't much better than being controlled by someone who doesn't give a shit."

"I told you I was studying Dominance and submission as the reason I initially answered Master's ad. I've developed a survey to measure it in people. Would you take it for me?"

"Sure, when?"

"When we're finished here. As a bonus to you, Master requires me to give an oral orgasm to anyone who takes the survey and wants the sex."

"Sign me up."

I laughed. "Do you believe yourself to be more sexual since your rape?"

"I'm not sure. I'm more open about it, that's for sure."

"It's common for there to be some problems after a sexual assault. It really is important for you to get counseling. You don't want to become inordinately promiscuous."

"It seems as if you're fucking a lot of different people."

"I am, but not of my own volition. Master is in charge of my sex. If it were just me, I wouldn't be having sex as much as I am. I tend to be a one person at a time person, though now it would probably be one male and three females at a time, as I can't imagine giving up my sister slaves."

"Is that why you like it; getting to have sex with more people than you might otherwise?"

"I love the sex, no doubt, but I'm more interested in the service. I'm content to give orgasms to others without needing them myself."

I finished up my run and we went back to Hibbah's room and showered together. There was a little sudsy playing, but I couldn't orgasm, so the play ended up frustrating me more than anything. After we dried off, I texted Master to tell him Johanna was taking my survey and I'd be rewarding her when she was finished. I got a thumbs up. I handed her an iPad so she could take it.

She laughed and frowned at some of the questions, but answered all of them. She handed me the survey back when she finished.

"What do you hope to learn from these surveys?"

"A multitude of things. Initially, I was trying to see if there were any characteristics which definitively defined a submissive. I wondered why anyone would want to be one. I considered the people who were submissive as damaged or emotionally bereft in some way. I was so independent, I couldn't understand it. It wasn't until I started as one, I realized that for me, it was something I enjoyed. In the process of getting this information, I learned if I matched up results in a matrix, I could identify potential Dominants and submissives."

"Out of curiosity, where do you think I would fall?"

"It's difficult to know without putting your answers in my matrix, but the fact you keep fighting against your mother's control, makes me wonder if you aren't leaning in the Dominant direction."

"Interesting," she said lying back, spreading her legs, "now I want my reward."

It probably wasn't as good as the first one I gave her, but she didn't seem to care, clutching my head to her throbbing cunt when she climaxed. With the ladies, I always hoped to give them a couple more since they were so aroused and ready after the first. Johanna wasn't any different. She was starting her second one when Hibbah returned. She watched as I gave Johanna a third.

"God, you're good at that," Johanna panted.

"Beth do Hibbah too?" Hibbah asked.

"If it's okay, I'd like to check on my Master. Why don't you two enjoy one another for the moment. Johanna wanted me to check with Master and see if you both couldn't join us again tonight."

"Jo-hon-na want sex with Hibbah?"

"I would love sex with Hibbah. Beth just got me warmed up."

Hibbah removed her clothes and they settled into bed together as I left. In checking with Master, he said he had no objection to Hibbah and Johanna joining us one more night if they were careful, but not past tonight. I let Johanna know at dinner, whispering quietly in her ear.

* * * * *

At dinner, Maahnoor was wearing the Emerald Green djellaba with the necklace. Someone had done her hair up as well and applied some make-up. She looked stunning. Everyone complimented her on her appearance, especially Henderson, who was one of the waiters tonight. He really laid it on thick. She preened a little for everyone.

After dinner, having time to myself, I went up to the top deck spa to sun myself, finding Hannah, Angelique and Roberta doing much the same thing, though Roberta was clothed, between clients, Hannah and Angelique weren't. I removed my swimsuit as well, sinking into the spa.

Hannah texted someone a message shortly after I got there. A few minutes later, she got a response. She showed me her phone.

"I just asked Joshua if I could use your rug munching services and he said you could use them on everyone here at the spa."

I sighed. "A slave's work is never done."

"Do me first," Roberta said. "My next client is in twenty minutes."

"Take off your skirt and panties," I said. "And do you have an opening for a massage tomorrow morning? If I have to reward you, I should get the massage to go with it."

She checked her phone before undressing and said, "I've got one at nine."

"I'll take it. My hair could probably use a quick trim too. It's shaggier than I like it. And you know what Master said about screaming while we have guests aboard. Have a towel handy to gag yourself with if you think you're going to scream."

Roberta smiled. "Roger that."

I took up fifteen of the twenty minutes available to make Roberta scream into the towel stuffed in her mouth. As Roberta dressed, I started on Hannah. It turned out Roberta's next client was Marian, Johanna's mother. Of course, she got a haughty, disgusted look on her face when she saw me burrowed between Hannah's legs. She kind of marched into the salon, back straight, eyes averted. I don't suppose I blamed her too much. We were fucking in public and it wasn't something she'd normally see when going for a hair appointment. She'd be a hell of a lot more shocked if she saw what normally happened.

"I think Marian thinks you're a whore," Hannah said.

I paused what I was doing long enough to say, "Five months ago, I might have thought the same thing."

"Shh. Don't speak, lick," pushing my face back into her cunt. I resumed. "I suppose we would be rather strange to most people. Angelique and I are playing fast and loose with our marriage vows with other women. Ooh, that feels so good. Miranda's been fucked by everyone on the ship. Joshua has four slaves. Tap on my leg for all of the women Joshua hasn't fucked on board."

I tapped seven times. "Only seven left." She started figuring in her head. "Wait a minute, that doesn't seem like it's enough people. Tap if he fucked Lynn?" I kept licking. "Tap once if he's fucked one or more of the freed slaves." I tapped once. "Tap once for each one." I tapped once. "Keep doing that. It feels marvelous. Tap if it was Fatima." Nothing, "Sahar." Nada. "Hibbah." I tapped. "Good for her. I see she's also got a thing going on with Johanna." She paused, counting. "That still seems as if it was one too few. Oh, fuck, I'm cumming. So gooood. So, so, very good. Keep going, I want another." She was still figuring. "Well, it can't be Marian, or she wouldn't be so hoity-toity. Is it Johanna? Tap once." I tapped. "Wait a minute, was it both Johanna and Hibbah at once? Tap once for yes." I tapped.

"Isn't it our turn to fuck Joshua again, Mistress?" Angelique asked.

"Not while the Hofflers are on board, though if he's fucking Johanna, that's just delicious. I'm glad she hasn't been totally thrown off men by what happened. I haven't been too impressed with Marian though Ben seems a nice enough guy."

"Tap my leg once for all of the women you haven't licked on board." I tapped once. "Just Marian? My God, you've been a busy girl." I shrugged my shoulders and she laughed. "She doesn't know what she's missing. Oh, fuck, I'm cumming again. Keep doing that."

Hannah was shivering as she climaxed and it went on for quite some time. She eventually calmed down.

"Angelique, it's your turn. See if you can make magic like that."

"Can't I enjoy Beth, Mistress?"

"Prove to me you deserve it."

I wiped my face and sat back while Angelique attended to her wife. "I think we should get you triple penetrated, Mistress," I said. "Angelique and I fucking you with strapless vibrators in your cunt and ass while you suck Master's cock."

Either Angelique was doing a marvelous job or the pictures I placed in Hannah's imagination helped spin up her arousal, as she had what appeared to be a heavenly climax, rather quickly.

"Much better, Ange. Fine, Beth can lick your cunt too."

Angelique had her long legs wrapped around my head when Marian finished her hair salon appointment. She didn't say anything but her body language spoke volumes.

* * * * *

At 2130, I went back to Hibbah's room. They were both dressed and Joanne was helping Hibbah with her English, reading and writing, simple primer stories.

"Come on, we'll sneak through Master's playroom, instead of going directly into his cabin. Grab some spare clothes so you have something different to put on tomorrow morning, and we won't be so rushed. Also, I'm to tell you he feels it's risky fucking you and this is the last night."

"Hibbah was hoping to have sex with Joshua on her own, with us nearby, but with him all by herself. She's hoping she can do it without one of us involved."

"I'm sure it's possible. Master would like to make things good for her."

"Is he going to play with his wife again?"

"He doesn't usually do it every day, and by the time she gets back from work, it's pretty darn late for us."

"It's so cool he's got a Congresswoman as a submissive." They were throwing some things together.

"Which is why fucking you is so risky."

We went down as if we were going to the sundeck spa and when we saw the coast was clear, ducked into the playroom. It made Hibbah nervous, but Johanna had to stop and look around.

"Has he used all of this stuff on you?"

"Not all, maybe half."

"It doesn't hurt?"

"Not as much as you might think. I tend to enjoy it, the pain mixing well with the pleasure. Let's go. This is giving Hibbah the heebie-jeebies."

We went in through my room in case Master was in his bathroom. He was sitting at his desk, working on something.

"We're here," I warned.

"Have they been told this is the last night they can sneak in here?"

"Yes, Master."

"Hibbah, would you like to have sex with Joshua on your own while we watch, like we talked about earlier?" Johanna asked. "We can do like we did last night, or you can try on your own. What would you like to do?"

"Try sex with Josh-wa. You stay close."

"Right beside you, Hibbah. We'll be on the same bed."

I kissed Master and whispered to him, "Please make Hibbah feel real good, Master."

"I'll do my best," he replied. His best was very good, so I knew Hibbah was in good hands.

I undressed him while Johanna undressed Hibbah. When they were both naked, Master took her hand and led her to the bed, sitting down and drawing her close. He put his arms around her and they kissed, soft kisses to start, friendly kisses. He didn't press her. Hibbah slowly relaxed, and their kisses deepened. They seemed to be doing okay, so Johanna and I also undressed and got on the bed beside them. Johanna nudged my head down towards her sex and I took direction well and headed that way, taking my time, seducing her. By the time I reached her moist pussy, Master and Hibbah were lying side-by-side, their kisses probing deeper, their hands wandering.

By the time Johanna had her first orgasm, Master was licking Hibbah and her back was arching for him, cumming for him, soft moans escaping her lips, trembling under his. By the time Johanna had her second, Master was inside her, slowly fucking her, head bent to suckle her dark nipples, her hands clutching his ass, trying to pull him deeper.

When Johanna was having her fourth, Hibbah was riding Master, shivering wildly as she had her third, his thumbs scraping across the surface of her taut buds. Hibbah climaxed two more times, once on his tongue, another on his cock before Master groaned and flooded her cunt with his seed. He rolled off her panting body, his cum leaking from her cunt before he told me to clean it up. Little aftershocks shook her as my tongue cleaned the remnants of their passion from her body.

"Never have sex like that," Hibbah said. "Not know sex with man feel so good. You lucky woman, Beth. Master good man, good lover."

"I wish I could take all the credit," Master said, "but I've learned a lot from Beth. She's the most amazing woman I've ever been with."

"Have you got any left for me, Joshua," Johanna asked, "or will you be firing blanks now?"

"I'm sure with a little rest and a little motivation, I could be persuaded to do another one of those."

"I was kind of curious how one might find their own submissive?" Johanna asked.

Master looked at Johanna, then me. To his unspoken question, I said, "I don't know, I haven't evaluated her survey results yet, but I have detected some Dominant traits, some of which might be the reason Johanna and her mother are at odds all the time."

"When I walked through your playroom, I got a nice tingle you know where. I felt at home there; imagined someone strung up for my enjoyment. It was quite a rush."

"You want slave, like Hibbah?"

"Not you, Hibbah. I saw how upset you were in that room, how badly it scared you. I would never do anything more to harm you. You are a friend only, never a slave."

"Good, I die first. Never slave again."

"But that doesn't answer my question. How does one acquire someone like Beth? Someone who is submissive and wants to have a Mistress?"

"Would you want a male or female?" I asked.

"I would have said a male at one time, but I don't think it makes a difference anymore. Obviously, I'm willing to fuck either one now. Maybe one of each like Lynn. Any recommendations?"

"You could do an ad like Master did, but he put it in many newspapers and could afford to do so. I would think you'd have more luck in on-line BDSM forums, social media, kind of put yourself out there as a Mistress and see what kind of bites you get."