My Voyage of Submission Ch. 18


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Maahnoor was there, exhibiting the bittersweet sadness she'd been saddled with for the last several days. Happy for her friend and all the activities we had planned for her wedding, but sad for the state of her own recent marriage. Still she participated as best she could, putting on a smile whenever she looked at Ateefah.

We picked the brains of our Mehndi artists for other details for the wedding we planned to throw. They were surprised we knew so much about Pakistani weddings already. "Internet", Jìngyi stated, her hands being down currently.

They noticed we weren't talking to the bride about her wedding night and asked if they should talk about it. Ateefah was embarrassed to be approaching her marriage impure, but I said, "She had a previous relationship but the man died."

True, although the relationship wasn't a marriage and the scum had deserved to die.

"She's so young. She must have married early."

"Too young," I confirmed. "Earlier than she should have learned of such things."

Ateefah looked at me gratefully.

We had our lunches delivered to us in the salon, all of us chatting about the upcoming nuptials and learning the order of events as they needed to happen. Since both of Ateefah's hands needed to remain still for the powder to dry without flaking off too early, we took turns feeding her, some of the food for lunch, some the sweets the women had brought with them, traditional sweets given to the bride. It was nearly five when they finished.

"James can't see you, Ateefah. Everything needs to be a secret until the ceremony. You need to eat in the room you're staying in the next couple days. If you have to leave your room for any reason, you need to wear this long robe which will cover you head to foot."

I handed her a long white robe with which to cover herself and her new designs. We snuck her back down to Hibbah's room where she was currently staying. We told her we'd bring her dinner in an hour.

True to Master's word, Belle was fed on his lap that night and Palmer and Mac were the next two of the new guys to be dining with us. Francesca and I took care of their erections after Master's little display with Belle. I got Mac and I was pleased to see he had a cock as nice as James, since we wouldn't be fucking him anymore. He was surprised I could take all of him down my throat, not being used to such things. He didn't know how much practice I'd had, and his wasn't even the largest I'd ever swallowed whole. Hibbah wasn't eating with us so Ateefah would have someone to eat with.

Roberta, Sherry and Manuel were serving tonight, so Henderson didn't even come to dinner. His usual seat beside Maahnoor was empty.

At the conclusion of dinner, Master said, "We've arranged for the wedding to be held on Wednesday at 1500. The ceremony will be held in the stern room, with the dinner following on the sun deck. The Imam is Pakistani and will only be staying for the ceremony as he has other things to attend to afterward. This means we can have some mixture of the sexes at the dinner. The bride and groom will sit together at the head table. In order to maximize participation, the dinner will be served buffet style and all but the sentries will be able to eat and dance at the meal with the bride and groom. Since the new guys don't know the happy couple as much as the rest of us, I'd like the newcomers to stand sentry duty. Four on during the ceremony, and another four during the dinner. There will be a hundred dollar bonus for the sentries. You can draw straws or cut cards to see who does it during which event. We'll ensure food is saved for the four standing watch during the dinner. Any questions?"

"Seems fair to me," Mac said.

"Excellent. There may be another little surprise involved. I haven't made up my mind yet." Master squeezed my hand when he said it, so I suspected what kind of surprise he had in mind.

"Has Dr. Sadiq received his invite, Master, or do I need to inform him?"

"He's been invited and already accepted."

"Thank you, sir."


We were all undressed and deeply engaged in our normal evening activities when there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it, Master," Belle said, being the least occupied at the time. She went to the door and asked who it was.

"It's Henderson. I'm sorry to disturb you, but is there any chance I can talk to Beth right now?"

Master was buried balls deep in my ass at the time. "It's okay, Master. I should probably take this," I said. "It sounds like a morale problem and I am in charge of crew morale. We can finish this later."

Master and my sister slaves laughed and I told Belle to inform Henderson I'd be outside in five minutes.

"I wish you weren't quite so necessary to other people's morale," Master said, reluctantly pulling out of my bottom. "What about my morale?"

I pointed to one of the other three slaves gracing his bed. "If you're not plunging into another ass before I'm out the door, I'd be deeply surprised. The one advantage of multiple sex slaves."

It didn't even take that long. He was in another butt hardly before the words left my mouth, laughing again. I went into the head to clean up a little and threw on a cover-up. I stepped outside, blocking as much of the scene on the bed as I could, though not much considering our respective heights.

"How do you do it?" Henderson asked.

"Do what?"

"Do that? Share Joshua so easily with the others?"

"Because I'm not you. I'm not married to my Master. I'm in service to him. I had no expectations of fidelity when I took the job. I knew I was going to be available to him for sex, but not his only sex partner. Plus I love my sister slaves. I want them to enjoy the same things I do. I get to enjoy them as well. It's just not the same. Before Maahnoor, when you were one of the people fucking me, you knew I was fucking others at the same time. You didn't get jealous or upset you weren't the only one fucking me. There was no expectation on your part you'd be the only one. It's different with Maahnoor. You thought you'd be the only one. Why did you need to talk to me?"

"I want to talk to Maahnoor and I'd like you to be there."

Not unexpected. Henderson had apparently decided what he was going to do and planned to tell Maahnoor what that was. I nodded and followed him to the room she was now sharing with Farah.

We got there and he knocked on their door. "Maahnoor, it's Henry. I need to speak to you."

The door was thrown open and Maahnoor stood there, in bra and underwear, getting ready for bed.

"Get dressed. Come see me on the helicopter deck."

He turned and left. Maahnoor looked at me.

"I don't know what he's decided," I said.

She nodded and let me in while she put on some more clothes. She preceded me up to the sundeck, her hands clasped in front of her, head bowed. We found Henry pacing in front of a couple of the chairs set there. He told Maahnoor to sit and she sat down, head still bowed, tears gracing her cheeks. I took her hand.

Henry continued to pace. He stopped suddenly facing his wife. "Maahnoor, you hurt me real bad. It felt like someone drilled a hole in my heart."

"I know, Henry. I'm so sorry."

"Are you sorry, or did you love his cock up your ass? He said you begged him to fuck you there."

She looked up at him, openly crying now. "Both, Henry. I loved his cock in my ass and am so deeply sorry I hurt you. I do not know why I did it. I should have asked you instead, but you were trying to follow the Qur'an for me and I did not want you to know how much I wanted it."

He was crying too, pacing faster. "How can I ever know you won't do it again?"

"I do not know. Honestly, I do not know. I know I never want to hurt you again, but I did not want to hurt you the first time. I am not a good wife. I think of sex all the time. I know I am condemned to the flames for my sins."

"Beth, are you going to treat Maahnoor?"

"Doctor Sadiq approved of my treatment plan, but I'm still waiting to hear from Professor Kline. I do think he will approve it as well. If he does, I planned to start after the wedding. I will offer it as group sessions for all of them, probably two or three times a week."

"I want to forgive you, Maahnoor. I love you so much, but I don't ever want to feel this way again. Do you understand me? Never. You might as well shoot me."

"Yes, Henry. I understand."

"I'm not sure you do. Before I take you back, I want you to watch me fuck someone else. I want you to hurt the way I hurt. I don't know who I'll fuck yet, but you'll watch me the whole time. Every time I close my eyes, I see Andrew fucking your ass. It's right there, in my head all the time. I see you begging him to fuck your ass. You need to see the same thing so you know how miserable I feel. Are you willing to watch me fuck someone else?"

"If I can have you back, yes."

"There are other rules too. That's not the only one."

"What rules would you like me to obey?"

"I will try to keep my promise to you and your father to abide by the laws of the Qur'an, but if you want someone to fuck you in some way not allowed by the Qur'an, you ask me, you beg me to do it. Don't turn to some stranger."

"Yes, Henry."

"You go to the groups Beth offers. Don't miss a single one for any reason."

"Henry, may I ask for a favor?" Maahnoor said.


"You know I started working in the kitchen and the laundry?"


"I would like to continue working, as many hours as they will let me work when you are busy."


"When I work, I do not think about sex as much. Being alone, I think about sex more, want it more. If I work, I will not think as much."

"What do you think about that, Beth? She's working with other men in both those places."

"There are men all over the ship, Henry. The ones who are working would have less reason to be doing anything other than work, plus they know they're not supposed to approach Maahnoor for sex. If it takes her mind off sex, I don't see the harm."

"Fine, you can continue to work."

"If I work, I may miss some of Miss Beth's groups."

"I'm sure we can schedule your work around my groups, Maahnoor," I said. "It is important you attend."

"I promise to go to every one if I am not working."

"Fine. This is the only time I will do this. If you ever have sex with anyone other than me again, we're through. If you even think you want to have sex with anyone else, I want you to talk to me or Beth. I don't care if you think about sex, everyone does it, but you can't have sex with anyone else. That's why I want you to talk to me first. I'll try to fuck the desire for sex right out of you, but I can't live with you having sex with other people. I'm not built that way."

"May I come back to our room now?"

"No, not until you watch me fuck someone else."

"Beth, can you fuck Henry now so we can be together again?"

"Not without the permission of my Master," I said.

"Can you ask?" Maahnoor said.

"No, you need to ask."

She got up, went to Master's cabin and knocked on the door, Henry and I trailing behind. The four people on the bed covered up before Master said to enter.

"Joshua, I would like permission for Henry to fuck Beth," Maahnoor said.

Master raised his eyebrows. "Why would you want her to do that, Maahnoor? He's your husband."

"Because I hurt him so much and he wants me to know how much I hurt him, and he will forgive me and let me be his wife again as soon as I watch him have sex with someone. I want to be together again."


"Henry broached the subject of having sex with other people every time Maahnoor slipped, so she knew how much it hurt him. I discouraged him from doing that as it might turn their marriage into an open marriage, which I don't think their relationship would survive, sir. Henry said he'll divorce Maahnoor if she does it one more time. This is less drastic than that option but I'm not sure it isn't a mistake thinking two wrongs will make a right. Henry is pretty adamant that the only way they get back together again is if Maahnoor witnesses him having sex with someone else. It doesn't have to be me. I was just handy. Maahnoor wants it to happen immediately, so she can go back to being his wife. He has other rules he wants to impose as a condition of getting back together. That she attend my treatment groups and come to see me or Henry if she even thinks of having sex with someone else."

"Henderson, you heard what she said. This may not be the best idea. What if your idea of evening the score makes your marital situation worse?"

"Mr. Greenbriar, I don't know if it can be worse. Every time I close my eyes, I see Andrew fucking my wife, hear her begging him to fuck her ass. I can barely sleep. I don't know if it makes it better, but at least we'll be equally miserable."

"I should have listened to Beth about him not being right for my ship. You know, being equally miserable doesn't sound like a firm foundation for a marriage."

"Having her fuck someone else pretty much kicked the foundations out from under it. I loved hell out of Maahnoor, sir. I gave her everything I had. Does this wipe the slate clean? I don't know, but it's all I've got."

"Maahnoor, you're willing to let someone else fuck your husband in order to get him back?"

"I just want him back, sir. I would let him fuck ten women to get him back."

"Does it have to be Beth, Henry?"

"No, sir. It can be anyone. I'd ask anyone willing to do it, but one of your slaves seems less complicated. We both know they wouldn't be having sex again without your permission."

"Then we'll draw straws. Beth, get four of those tooth picks out of the head. Break the tip off one of them and bring them here."

"Yes, Master."

We had little plastic picks in the bathroom as a quick alternative to dental floss. I used a nail clipper to snip a half inch off the bottom of one and returned with all four. Master turned away from us and arranged the four picks in his hand.

"Each of you submissives draw one of these picks out of my hand, short one goes with Henry and Maahnoor. Do whatever he needs you to do, then come back here."

We all pulled a pick. I got the short one.

"Looks like you were fated to do this from the beginning," Master said.

"Yes, sir."

The three of us went to their old room. Henry and I undressed. Henry did not have an erection. That was a little odd, because he'd always seemed eager before.

"Could know...get me hard, please."

I sucked Henry's cock for ten minutes and he wasn't even close. I knew I hadn't lost my talent since dinner time.

"Maahnoor, suck Henry's cock, please," I said.

Just having her get close to his dick seemed to stiffen him immeasurably. In two minutes, he was rock hard. Interesting.

I knelt on the bed, aiming my bottom at him. "Fuck me, Henry. Fuck my ass. I'm begging you, please fuck my ass."

He pulled out of Maahnoor's mouth but as soon as he got close to my ass, he started getting soft again. By the time he touched my cunt, it was a wet noodle. Maahnoor started sucking him, getting him hard again in a minute or two, and as soon as he tried to put it in me, he went limp.

"Damn, I've never had anything like this happen to me before."

"Maahnoor, suck your husband hard again, then get up here on the bed beside me."

"Yes, Beth."

It took no time at all to give him his erection. I told him to fuck Maahnoor. He had no problem at all filling her to his balls. He gave her ten good strokes and I told him to try fucking me again. As soon as he tried, limp dick. I smiled.

"Henry, your head is telling you to fuck someone else, let Maahnoor feel what you felt, what you feel, what you see, imagining what she did. But I think your heart is telling you the exact opposite. You don't want to fuck me, at least your dick doesn't. It wants to fuck your wife. That's exactly what I think you should do. Fuck her cunt, fuck her ass if you need to, fuck her mouth. Fuck her all night long. Your heart knows fucking me is the wrong thing to do and refuses to pump blood down there until you decide to put it in the right hole. So put it in the right hole, don't put it into mine, put it into hers. Your heart knows the right thing to do if you listen to it."

While I put my clothes back on, Henry started fucking her. He was a little rough at first, hard and fast, but he slowed down, moaning, crying. I went back to Master's cabin.

"How did it go?" Miranda asked.

"It didn't."

"What do you mean it didn't?" Master asked.

"Would you believe the best cock sucker on the ship couldn't get Henry hard enough to fuck her?" I asked. "But as soon as Maahnoor's lips touched his dick, he was rarin' to go. As soon as he tried to fuck me, pffft, like letting the air out of a tire. I told him to listen to his heart instead of his head and just fuck his wife already. They were going at it like minks when I left."

"So you didn't even cum?" Master asked.

"He couldn't get it hard enough to slip it in me and you know how easy that is, I'm so fucking wet all the time."

The four of them laughed. "I hope someone has got a little something for me or this night will totally blow, and not in a good way."

"As soon as Master heard you at the door, he started getting this thing," Miranda said, moving enough to show me his engorged prick. "I don't think you'll have any problem getting his dick into you."

"Thank you, Jesus. I thought I was losing my touch."

I hopped on the bed and engulfed all of his cock at once. He didn't need any help at all. I climbed on top of him and settled over his shaft with a sigh.

"Just two orgasms, and I promise to surrender his prick to someone else, honest."

I kept my promise too.


The following morning, Henry and Maahnoor were sitting together at breakfast. They weren't laughing and joking as much as they used to, but it was a start. At least they were talking. After breakfast, those women not working brought Ateefah back up to the salon where Roberta gave her a massage. Groups of us drifted in and out of the massage room, playing more music, teasing Ateefah, feeding her a few sweets. She was a limp puddle when Roberta finished. We bundled her up again so James wouldn't see her by accident and rushed her back to Master's cabin. It was the only one large enough for all of us to fit comfortably and still have privacy.

We ordered food to be delivered and had lunch there while having a bridal shower. Kelly gave Maahnoor a prayer rug. She hadn't had one since her slavery. Jìngyi gave her a copy of the Qur'an. Roberta gave her the cloth that would be held above the couples head as they were married. Miranda gave her a number of different bangle bracelets which she would wear to her wedding, including one which had a slave ring style which went on her right hand. Francesca got her a number of garments from her homeland which she would wear as a married woman, Belle, some Pakistani style lingerie for the wedding night. Fatima, who'd been working for several weeks, gave her an Islamic prayer framed over what would be a picture of the married couple.

"My mother had on one like this when she got married," Fatima said. "It always had an honored place in my home."

The other freed slaves hadn't had money, but made things for her. Small things, scraps of poems they'd remembered and written down; small mementos they'd collected. Sahar gave her a knife, honed to razor sharpness, "for cutting meat or protecting yourself," she said. I gave her the wedding dress and jewelry I purchased for her. A necklace, earrings and some type of head piece that would go into her hair and hang over her forehead, all matching.

We made her try the dress on to make sure it fit, because of her pregnancy and the way it was purchased. Despite everything, it fit her well. She was going to be a beautiful bride.