Needing Money


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"W-W-Wait! Don't!" I beg Ski Mask Man as he pulls a pair of scissors from his back pocket. There he brings them up to the neckline/collar of my shirt causing me to yank my head back, thinking he's about to cut me. Only the bar behind my shoulders prevents me from going anywhere.

"Don't! We didn't agree to this!" I protest as Ski Mask Man cuts the neckline of my shirt. At this my hands pull on the cuffs, beginning to panic as I can't get my hands free. Knowing I am helpless to what he wants to do.

"Hey man, stop. Leave her be," Rod-Man directs his friend. At this Ski Mask Man stops and step back, putting his hands up as if saying he means no harm. I stay stunned as I feel the neckline cut.

"Lori, Lori, relax. I know it's not what you want, but it's the only way to keep going," Rod-Man explains, his tone becoming more normal.

I'm panting now, scared that this really is about to be a rape sort of situation. That all my clothes were to be cut off and exposed on camera. Where these two assholes, along with whomever watches this video could laugh at me while I'm raped repeatedly.

I try to find Rod-Man, but still can't because of the lights. The lights are really starting to mess with me too. My vision is getting fuzzy, where all I see is light, even if I close my eyes. Makes me worried I'm becoming blinded.

"If you want to stop we can. Just know, if we do, I'm not going to pay you. If you do want to continue, we will need to cut your shirt. That's the way it is. The choice is yours," Rod-Man proposes in his returning stern manner, suggesting I can take it or leave it.

I feel the color in my face drain away after hearing this. Either show my breasts not just to these two, but for the cameras, or go home. Go home without any money, where I'll be kicked out of college. But if I do let them cut my shirt, everyone will see the private side of me. A part very few have gotten to see.

"O-Ok," I say after a very long pause, deciding that I'm going to go home. That being exploited isn't worth $6,000. The clear truth is that if I do this, I'll be like every other whore that does porn or makes an Only Fans. I'll be just another whore in the thousands that sell themselves. I'm better than that. My body is sacred. I'll find some other way to make the money. I'm smart enough. My brain is worth more than the six grand they offer to do this lewd sexual act.

Ski Mask Man steps forward and grabs the cut neckline of my shirt with both hands. In slow motion I feel him yank my shirt in different directions. My eyes follow his hands as they do this, one moving to the left and the other to the right as he rips my shirt open.

As I see the fabric of my shirt tear, I feel a weird sort of unreality where this becomes like a dream and not real. That I would never let myself get cuffed like this where my shirt could get torn off. I'm far too smart for that. Aren't I?

"No!" I cry out as time speeds back up. Looking down, I see my shirt is torn completely down the middle, exposing my breasts fully to these two assholes as well as the cameras. My breasts have come bouncing out, jiggling and moving all around. They seem to extendedly move as if wanting everyone to see how heavy they are to humiliate me even further.

With my breasts now exposed, Ski Mask Man steps to the side, allowing Rod-Man and the cameras to see them without him being in the way. My poor torn shirt rests on either side of my large breasts where they keep my shirt from covering them. This allows the world to see my overly large breasts, which feel so heavy and huge at the moment, thanks to them sticking out due to the bar behind my shoulders. Worst of all, I can feel Rod-Man's eyes staring at them from behind the lights.

"I w-w-wanted to stop," I squeak out in a soft, high pitch voice, not believing that my bare breasts are exposed. When I say this, my eyes stare forward, not really seeing anything any longer.

"Oh. It sounded like you were giving the 'ok' to move forward," Rod-Man states in a somewhat unapologetic manner.

"We've seen your tits now, so it really doesn't matter. We'll keep going," Rod-Man states as if this ended the conversation.

Ski Mask Man or rather the blur that is him nods to agree, to which he walks around the bars to come behind me. I'm left to stammer without being able to say a complete a single word as I'm so stunned.

I feel on display in a way I've never felt before. I feel so on display that I vow not to move at all. Any move I make will cause my breasts to jiggle or move, which is what they want. So I don't want my boobs to move at all. I don't want to humiliate myself any more than what I've done.

I'm so stunned by what's happened I find that I can't talk. It's as if some base function of my brain has restricted me to not talking. That's why I don't tell Ski Mask Man to stop when he uses his scissors to cut at the right arm hole of my shirt. He makes a large cut there, splitting the fabric. Then he puts the scissors away, only to tear my shirt from the arm hole to the bottom.

Quiet whimpers come out of me as my shirt is torn all the way down on my right side. Ski Mask Man then repeats this process of cutting and tearing my shirt for the left side until my shirt falls to the floor, leaving me completely topless. Every tiny bit of my top is cut off, leaving me with nothing on top at all. I'm completely topless for all the pervs.

I feel so utterly violated. All I can think is that Rod-Man said no nudity. And yet, here I am, both of my breasts fully exposed. This is nudity. They are seeing what I didn't want them to see. And of all the things I didn't want them to see, my breasts were number one. I knew they would mock and objectify them. For them sticking forward the way they are makes them seem so much larger than normal.

"Like I said, we've already seen your titties, so it's not a big thing to leave them out," Rod-Man states as if I'm being a bitch for not seeing this. That it's only logical to leave my breasts out, even if I won't want it.

"Any way, you should be proud of those tits. They are very pretty. Not to mention freaking huge. I bet all the women you know are jealous of you," Rod-Man says as if trying to comfort me in his perverted way. That him complimenting my overly large breasts is going to make this all better.

"You hear me?" Rod-Man asks after a long pause, his tone sounding different. That last question sounds, I dunno, a bit upset. Like he's reaching the point of not putting up with me any longer.

"I gave you a compliment. I said how huge your tits are. I think you should say thank you," Rod-Man states in that upset tone.

"I...I...t-t-thank you," I find myself saying with a red face, but not because I want to. Those words come out because I'm starting to get scared. I've made myself helpless. That even if I wanted, I can't get out of this. And now I'm topless. I have to play along or get worse.

I do consider saying that I want to stop. That this is beyond what we discussed. But if I stop, I'll get no money at all. I know I was just about to tell them to stop, but the thought of being broke and kicked out of college is very powerful. Also, if I am being honest with myself, I'm scared that if I tell them I want to stop, they may say "no."

In a way, he's right. Everyone has seen my breasts now, so there's no point in stopping or hiding them. Afterall, it's just my breasts. People seeing them isn't all that bad, right? It's not like it's my womanhood, nor porn. It's more than I wanted to do, but still, might as well get the money. I mean, this wouldn't be a big thing in Europe, right?

"I really can't get over just how huge those tits are," Rod-Man says, his voice getting more excited. He starts to sound like the frat boy again, working himself up.

In a way I just want to scream for him to put the damn pumps on me to get this over with. That I don't want to feel like an object on display any longer than I need to. Only nothing seems able to get me the strength to say such things.

"Make them move, would you? Give those tits a shake," Rod-Man tells me.

Hearing this makes a wave of fear and humiliation move over me. Just being asked to do that is embarrassing and demeaning enough, but my mind goes somewhat darker with it. I mean, what will happen if I don't do as he says? He no doubt would get mad, then what? Will he not pay me? Will he do something worse, like shake me himself? Or maybe even slapping them to make them move?

Closing my eyes, I roll my shoulders, knowing I have no choice. Over and over I roll my shoulders, feeling my breasts jiggle. It only takes them a couple of seconds before they begin bouncing, humiliating me to my very core.

When I do this, I hear Rod-Man start to laugh, even clapping to show how much he enjoys this. In that laughter, I can tell he's laughing at me and what I'm being made to do. That I've put myself in this position and have to do such a pathetic dance. That I am an object now and that this is what objects do.

"There you go girl. Make those huge udders bounce," Rod-Man says excitedly, where I clearly hear the mocking in his voice.

"Harder!" Rod-Man prompts, his voice getting increasingly hyped.

To this, I do as he wants instead of fighting it. I just want to get this over with, so I make my shoulders roll even harder, causing my breasts to bounce much harder. I make them move so hard that it actually starts to hurt due to how much they are moving. They aren't used to this much movement.

"Look at those boobies bounce!" Rod-Man says laughingly, my face bright red as I'm having to perform a lot of physical work to do this. It's now that I'm thankful that I can't see him or else I think I may break down crying.

"Alright, alright, you can stop," Rod-Man finally says, his laughter dying down. The way he says this is as if he knows he went too far, or was about to go too far. Thankful, I stop, my chest heaving from the effort of making my breasts move like that.

"You ready to be milked now? To have those huge tits of yours pumped like the fat cow you are?" Rod-Man asks, his tone extremely excited.

This causes another wave of deep humiliation to move over me as Rod-Man hurls such insults at me. He never said he was going to call me names like "cow." Then again, he never said he would strip me and make me show my breasts. This is getting out of hand, making me downright terrified.

"Yes, I am ready to be milked," I answer as this was part of the original script, only my face is burning red.

I was told I had to say it like this because it shows consent for what's about to be done for legal reasons. That without me saying it word for word like this, they wouldn't be able to do anything. That they could be arrested as it could be seen as rape. Only saying it makes me feel even dumber than I thought possible as I know what I've just given them.

"Come on girl, get into it. Show our viewers you want your titties milked. Say it right. Say you are ready to have your big fat titties milked like the cow you are," Rod-Man prompts excitedly, really getting into it.

A troubling thought pops in my head that has nothing to do with what he wants me to do or say. It's a thought I should have had days ago, before any of this. In all the time I was talking with him, I not once looked at their videos. I did not search for any of their videos to be able to see for myself what they do. To find out what I was in store for. Instead I just took his word.

"I...I'm r-ready to have my big t-t-titties m-milked like the c-c-cow I am," I say in a much louder tone than I mean to. Unlike before, I have to force these words out, my brain telling me to just do it to get this over with. So like ripping off a band-aid, I do what I need to do to get this over with.

Like magic, Ski Mask Man reappears in front of me, holding two small plastic see-through cylinders. At first I think he's holding tiny drinking glasses or something, but then I see that there's tubing on each leading away. Then I spot that there's machinery or something inside both of those cylinders.

Suddenly, the room is filled with the loud sound of machinery whirling. Along with the machinery, the sounds of harsh suction start as well. The suction noise plays hard, then pauses as the machine thuds. A moment later, it repeats these sounds. Over and over this sounds out, sounding rather intimidating.

"Ahhhhh!" I yelp out as it feels like something bites both of my nipples. Both of my sensitive nipples get pulled in an inhuman manner as Ski Mask Man places the breast pump cylinders on my breasts. He jams them onto my nipples with an evil smile, his eyes twinkling as they start sucking at once.

Instantly it feels like the machine is trying to suck my nipples all the way into the cylinder. The hard suction then lessens where it keeps a light suction on my nipples, nowhere as bad as it was. Then the machine whirls again, and the intense suction resumes, sucking my nipples back into the cylinder and making me yell out in pain.

Laughter. Lots of laughter. I hear lots of laughter. Laughter so loud and hard it gets high pitched. So loud I hear it over the sound of the loud machinery. Honest laughter, all at me.

Looking down at myself, I see why the two men are laughing. The plastic cylinders hang from my nipples, making me look so foolish and stupid. The cylinders hang low, making me look and feel like I really am a cow. Not to mention each time the machine milks me, I jerk from the feeling, causing them to sway.

Trying not to cry, I figure that on purpose Rod-Man probably put the pump on the highest setting. I believe this because each time it sucks and I jerk, I hear them laugh. Laughing at how they got me like this for them and their perv views.

"You mind gagging her? That noise is getting annoying," Rod-Man says to Ski Mask Man. Hearing this confirms how stupid I've been. This has been a setup, all of it. The lights were never about making sure the cameras could see me. It was to blind me to make me even more helpless. Being cuffed was to make sure I couldn't fight back. And now they want to gag me.

"G-G-Gag? You can't gag me!" I tell them as this is going way too far. Never was this discussed nor do I agree to it. I refuse to be gagged!

"You keep making that stupid whimpering, yipping sound. It's annoying," Rod-Man tells me, annoyed.

"W-W-Wait, no, I'll be quiet," I protest as Ski Mask Man is already behind me, reaching around my face with what looks like a red ball with straps on either side. I turn my head left, then right to try and get away from it, but there's not much I can do as Ski Mask Man places the ball against my lips.

"Nooo," I protest as Ski Mask Man finally pushes the large red ball into my mouth. There my teeth are forced open as the ball is pressed in deeper and deeper. The ball presses down on my tongue and forces my mouth wide open as the bastard cruelly ties the straps around my head.

"Wow, that ball gag really makes her look sexy," Rod-Man says as the ball gag is secured in my mouth. At this Ski Mask Man walks away, leaving me topless and now gagged as I'm being milked.

"There you have it ladies and gentlemen. A fat titty cow getting milked, just for you," Rod-Man narrates as I'm left utterly humiliated. Through I've gotten used to it, I still jerk a little bit each time the machine sucks on my hard nipples.

"A college girl thinking that she is anything but a cow to be milked...and bred," Rod-Man narrates for his perverts on camera. To this I glare in the direction of his voice, showing how much I hate him.

"Come on sweetie, make those titties bounce again," Rod-Man orders, his voice dripping with mockery.

This time I don't do as he wants just because he said so. Nor do I feel that I have to do it to get out of this. Instead I glare, both tired and angry as I've never felt so helpless or stupid. Where countless people are going to see me at my worst, topless, tied down, gagged as well as having my breasts mistreated.

"I said...make those titties bounce," Rod-Man says, this time with a tone of warning. Like he's going to get mad if I don't humiliate myself.

I actually scoff at this, as there isn't much more he could do to me any longer. To make sure he knows what this means, I shake my head no, now not even able to tell him "no" thanks to being gagged.

"Fine. Have it your way, bitch," Rod-Man states in a serious tone.

"Hey, you know what to do," Rod-Man says right after. He says this to Ski Mask Man, but what it means, I don't know. I can't even see where Ski Mask Man has gone.

Ski Mask Man then moves behind me again. I know this because I feel him brush up against my back for a second. I try to follow him to see what he means to do, but the bars block me. This concerns me as I don't think he's back there for anything good.

A very loud protesting yell comes out of me as I feel his arms reach around my waist where they grab the button on the front of my pants. His fingers fumble with the button, clearly trying to open my pants.

Attempting to kick behind me, I try to stop him from doing what he's attempting to do. Only he manages to open the button as well as avoid my kicking feet. I feel my pants loosen as the zipper goes down, exposing the front of my panties.

Time slows down all over again as Ski Mask Man not only pulls down my pants, but my panties as well. He grabs the waistband of both and yanks down, moving them all the way to my ankles. And in a flash, my bare womanhood is exposed to the world. Where every inch of my private areas is showing.

"Not a bad pussy. Better than what I expected on a nerd," Rod-Man comments upon seeing my bare womanhood.

Hearing him say this feels like someone has stolen my breath. That it is sucked right out of me, along with my dignity. Not sure why it makes me feel humiliated like it does, but I feel it is because he acts like my womanhood is supposed to look nerdy or stupid.

Staring forward, I try to move my arms, even if I know it's pointless. When I do, I feel the cuffs trapping them in place. Just like I feel the bar against my shoulders forcing my chest out like this. Or how I feel the bar pressed against my hips, ensuring that I remain somewhat bent as I am. Not to mention I feel the ball gag in my mouth, preventing me from saying a single word.

Ski Mask Man slaps my bare ass, but I don't react. I'm too stunned. That's not to say Rod-Man doesn't react, for he laughs his head off. Laughs at the fact that he's tricked me. Stripped me. Gagged me.

"Do it again. That makes her huge titties jiggle," Rod-Man tells his friend, which earns me another smack on my bare ass. This one is much harder to which I do react as I come out of my shocked daze.

Much like Rod-Man said, the open hand slap on my ass makes my body jerk, which makes my breasts bounce then jiggle. Ski Mask Man slaps me again, switching the ass cheek when he does, making me jerk again. Ski Mask Man full on spanks me like this for at least a minute. Over and over he slaps my ass, making me jerk each time as I can't move. This causes me to start to cry, with tears slowly moving down my face as the stinging gets bad. But on purpose I don't sniffle or pout as I won't give them the pleasure of it. Instead I take the abuse, feeling almost that it's warranted as I can't believe I was this stupid. That I let myself get trapped like this.

I try not to show any sort of emotion as I know that's what they want. I refuse to let them see fear in my eyes, or humiliation on my face. Instead I let the man spank me, trying hard to not react even when part of me knows I deserves it for being so stupid.

Finally Ski Mask Man stops, leaving my red ass stinging and throbbing. To this I breathe hard, but I'm thankful he's stopped. It makes me wonder how much longer this will do on. I mean, after they get the footage they need, this will stop, won't it? They won't keep me here forever.