Neekanah - Huntress Enslaved Ch. 01

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I. An Unfortunate Return - Our heroine comes home.
8.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/09/2021
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Editor's note: this work contains scenes of fictional rough, reluctant, dubiously consensual, consensually non-consensual (CNC), or non-consensual sex or scenarios.

This introductory chapter is tame, butfuture chapters delve into a lot of fringe fetishes, be warned. Some aspects celebrate tropes I enjoy, including 'menwritingwomen' memes, plus themes and ideas from science fiction movies, shows, and games.

Some story tags and fetishes appearing in future chapters:

Science Fiction, Action, Horror, Adventure, Slavery, Slave Training, Bondage, Humiliation, Reluctance, Nonconsent, Pregnancy, Alien Sex, Breeding, Peril, Heroine in Distress, Body Modification, Small Breasts, Large Labia, Exhibition, Forced Nudity, Public Nudity, ENF, CMNF, CFNF, Public Sex, Lesbian Femdom, Maledom, Female Submissive, Forced Submission, Gangbang, Violence, Mind Control, Cloning, Sex Fights, Gladiatorial Combat, and more

The tale is heavily inspired by heroine in peril / damsel in distress themes from the early days of sci-fi/horror filmmaking and comic books. While it starts slow, future chapters get much more obscene. If that prospect isn't appealing, it's probably wise to skip this bizarre rabbit hole....

I wanted to offer special thanks to Artof_Zex, who provided well communicated, highly skilled editing services. I'm sure other authors on the site share my sentiment. Thank you Zex!

All feedback and comments are appreciated!


I. An Unfortunate Return

"Look, Neekah... It just strikes me as a horrible idea. There surely must be a better way," a strange-looking creature croaked in a deep, raspy voice. Even hunkering down, the alien loomed a head taller than the gorgeous human woman listening nearby.

He waved his massive hands between the leggy female and a sleek cutter docked in a stone-hewn hangar bay, "You have an impressive ship, and I understand its importance, but nothing's worth this risk you seem eager to take."

Activity bustled in the massive cavern as mechanics welding and hammering vessels sounded throughout the sporadically lit hangar. Small vehicles whirred around carrying supplies, and a variety of SynthMechs, both old and new, scurried about assisting the work as occasional shouts and commands between workers echoed off the basalt walls.

After surveying the hangar for the first time in over a decade, ire flashed in the woman's eyes when she finally replied, "I'm not eager, Gus. If you believe this is anything but a complete disaster for me, you must think I'm crazy. I'm desperate. And I can't afford waiting months to get these parts."

As she spoke, a silhouetted figure patrolling above along a distant maze of grated walkways caught her keen eye while scanning the area. Robotic jib cranes on massive tracks, metal grate catwalks, and overhead ventilation ducts routed next to metal pipework of various sizes cast shadows in the dim light. Inactive SynthMechs dangled from brackets mounted onto the nearest cavern wall, and the low light of displays accented pieces of equipment all around the bay.

The Huntress apprehensively knew this isolated spaceport deep in the Frontier lacked the parts needed for a quick fix. Her ire faded into a slight smile, "The hangar's a lot busier than I remember. It looks like the years have been profitable. Too bad the parts aren't here. I hoped to make this a quick stop."

The alien looked again at the ship, the Crucible. Any craft of its kind offered a rare sight this far away from the core worlds. Rubbing his chin and considering her plea, he replied, "Aye, it's been good, but sadly not good enough for a ship like this."

Neekanah Veronikova, known as Neekah by most contacts, or 'Neeks' as close friends sometimes called her, stood listening with her arms crossed and leaning to one side.

They knew each other well before her flight from Halax a decade ago, seeking a better life in the core planets. Yet, the kinship they once shared endured the time apart. When younger, Neekah started hanging around the dock, learning about different ships and crafts coming and going from the small spaceport.

The alien, a migrant Vaxian from a distant star, directed the construction and renovation of the spaceport over decades, and locals long used it as their primary conduit for travels to and from the settlement. As a master shipwright, Gus often turned a blind eye to the presence of local youths from the nearby mining encampment who demonstrated a knack for engineering.

Gus noticed a bit of anxiety as she scouted the hangar, "When you comm'ed about needing to dock for repairs, we felt thrilled our Neekah was coming home. But don't worry, we kept your arrival secret, just like you asked."

Only a skeleton crew of workers were on hand for the covert arrival, and her ship sat in an isolated corner of the hangar. Barriers, racks, and storage crates replete with technical equipment and tools rising taller than Gus littered the cavern floor. Their placement at different angles obstructed lines of sight and kept Neekah's ship somewhat private from the lively spaceport.

"You've become a bit of a hero around these parts to some people, even if they wouldn't recognize you. The local girl who escaped this berg, an exciting story for a little mining hovel like Hewnstone."

Even though Hewnstone served as a comparatively small mining settlement on the massive crater, its central cavern still dwarfed the hangar cave they now stood. A connected network of pressurized natural caves and lava tubes provided room for expansion and discovery, and centuries of abandoned subterranean settlements left much to explore.

The Vaxian motioned to the unseen cave system above, "Little rugrats who grow up sneaking around picking up skills as grease monkeys usually don't amount to much around here other than old grease monkeys. Sometimes, I pass along messages from the woman who escaped this cold rock to cheer them up."

To keep any heroic notions compelling the Huntress to seek out danger, he attempted to put her ego in check, "But don't let it go to your head. Heroine to some, but the older cantankerous sort will see you as too avant-garde for a discreet outpost like Hewnstone."

Marveling at the drastic changes in the beauty's appearance, Gus noticed she didn't look a day older than she did ten years ago. Strangely, he always felt Neekah looked older than her caretakers claimed. Now, she seemed timeless for the usually short-lived humans.

Lost in thought, Neekah reflected on the distant past. After a decade, simply hearing the town's name and docking in this spaceport reawakened memories of those uncertain times.

Back then, she passed every night hiding in alleyways of the settlement's large, sporadically lit caverns or the twisted warrens drilled throughout the surrounding rock. Hewnstone presented eerie, beautiful vistas from overlooks strewn about its walls and evidence of the moon's ancient past before devastation struck. Memories of spying vivid neon-lit alleys and sounds from raucous establishments spread about Hewnstone while concealed in the shadows drifted into her mind.

A rough crowd of Vad Mhor sleaze always attempting to hustle freshly earned wages from miners led to an alarming yet tempting atmosphere for young residents.

Numerous Xenos lived in Hewnstone, but creepy visitors coming from across the crater proved unsettling. Cambions, Jehkka, and the rare Zarkaydion she hated seeing most. Whenever any of their foul kind were present, decent folk remained hidden.

Her friends regularly found themselves conned into reveling in the debasement. Yet, she did everything possible to avoid busy streets and dark alleyways adjacent to dives frequented by the decadents whenever she moused through the encampment. Simulated days in the underground environment provided security, but nighttime made the settlement dangerous. Over the years, she grew adept at skulking through the dark encampment whenever necessary to stay out of sight.

Momentary silence drove Gus to rattle her out of her reverie, "I sympathize and understand your desire for haste. But going to Vad Mhor, let alone procuring a flashy drive converter, is madness."

Neekah squinted, "Madness?"

Undeterred by his objections, she resolved to cross the Advanari Crater and play a dangerous game. But after safeguarding his spaceport from places like the fiendish city for nearly a century, the Vaxian anticipated the risks associated with her scheme, especially considering she was a human.

Her expression changed to a scowl, "Madness!?"

Perilous adventures from the past decade qualifying as 'madness' molded a snarl onto her lips, "Gus, I'm glad you came down here to welcome me. It's a nice gesture, and I appreciate it. But if you came to talk me down, you've wasted your time."

While the heroine's tone started harshly, the golden fire in her eyes faded as she continued, "I left this rock ten years ago, and I gambled my fate. I've heard things only got worse since. The Advanari might be the only place most of the 'rugrats,' as you so eloquently put it, ever see, but I'd have done anything to escape to other parts of the Empyrean."

Psi Empyrean, called the Empyrean by most inhabitants, stood as the largest in a family of stars sharing the name. That group, in turn, combined into a score of similar star groups comprising a network of systems populated by sentient life. The Empyrean stars alone hosted some of the oldest civilizations in the small, isolated nexus at the fringe of the Milky Way's Local Group. Referred to as 'the Edge' by Empyrean residents, a myriad of planets and moons proved suitable for intelligent lifeforms since time immemorial.

The Edge stellar cluster proved small, even for a dwarf galaxy, and rested a nearly equal distance from the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies. A colony of humans traveled to this remote place long ago, and unfortunately, it turned into a one-way journey. This isolated cluster gave rise to the last inhabited expanse bordering a colossal cosmic void whose indigenous name translated forebodingly to 'Tartarus.'

Neekah turned and stepped towards the hangar entrance facing the massive Advanari, "You know what I've found more than anything, though? Ghastly bastions like Vad Mhor exist everywhere around the Edge. That city isn't even the scariest place around this star."

Her voice softened, "Look, I don't want to fight with you, and I understand your concern, Gus."

The hangar overlooked the pitted moon from a sheer crater wall as it orbited Halax, a monstrous gas giant looming menacingly over the horizon. Neekah gestured towards the eerie black vista surrounding the massive planet, "But I need to get out there."

Beyond the colossal Halax, the surrounding space featured no stars, only sinister darkness. Barely perceptible dots marked the locations of distant planets deep in the Frontier, but Halax's imposing presence made them difficult to see. It formed a chilling effect, and when worlds faced the incomprehensible emptiness of Tartarus, inhabitants of the Frontier referred to it as 'facing the void.'

As the two friends gazed into the blackness a bit too long, Gus finally broke the trance, "All my life in the Frontier, I've dreaded the nights when our sky faces this wretched Abyss. Frequent tales of people seeing things grows tiresome, and gypsies skulk about afraid of their own shadow. Whispers of apparitions worse than the dreaded aliens from Vad Mhor poison their minds."

Gus nodded, "Aye, still do, but folk around here stay spooked until the stars return nevertheless. This damned abyssal darkness creeps into people's minds like a pestilence, corrupting their minds."

Quietly glancing at the void again, she contemplated her circumstance until Gus spoke, "Here in Hewnstone, we suffer these haunting skies for weeks until the Empyrean returns. Superstition or not, there's nothing in that direction for you to get back to."

Neekah crossed her arms, "You so sure? Half a dozen stops lie in that blackness before you get to the Belt. Hunters all too often get sent to deal with the scoundrels that call them home all too often."

Gus wondered at all the dramatic changes in his former apprentice, both in appearance and behavior.

A decade ago, she impressively picked up the inner workings of technologies at a rapid pace, but Gus never recalled hearing Neeks speak much. They routinely worked entire days without her uttering a peep. A thick accent made understanding the scant words she chose to share challenging to make out, and her timid attempts were often cut short by chagrin.

Still, Neekah always offered a quick, friendly smile and commanded an exceptionally inquisitive mind. But even though easy to get along with and hard-working, she remained guarded. Today's uncharacteristic verbal ripostes and sanguine disposition showed more than just appearances had changed.

Gus found he enjoyed this new conversive nature, even though discussions in the Frontier with humans invariably treaded towards bleak topics.

Examining a faint speckle of light in the darkness, Gus frowned, "Aye, but no stops I'd travel to willingly. Besides, you'd be stark raving mad going anywhere near the Belt of Fenris, even if ordered. I'm as close as I care to get to that vile place."

She snickered, "Let's face it, Gus. No matter what direction you left Halax from, you're likely to end up someplace you'd rather not be."

The human female seemed small near Gus as the pair looked through the transparent shielding into the void. Hunching near her ship's boarding ramp, the alien still easily measured eight feet tall. His species delivered an uncommon sight around the Empyrean stars, always standing out with their massive size and strange, amphibian-like appearance.

However, the Huntress measured anything but small herself. Neekah Veronikova was a statuesque woman, standing over six feet tall, even without heels. A pearl-colored flight suit displayed an incredibly athletic figure and impossibly long legs as it tightly clung to every salacious detail of an exceptionally fit body.

Gus pointed to a distant, barely perceptible speck of light, "Do you remember when that dot was one you tried convincing us you'd visit? It has nearly the same number of moons as Halax. One of your troublesome sorts might be standing out there now looking towards us, dreaming of escaping to this rock."

Silver eyes trailed his gesture as she squinted, "Typhaon was never really the direction I wanted to go, my friend. Just a foolish teen's dream. Had I known my branding as a plaything would be worse than any burn or tattoo they give in Vad Mhor, I might have chosen hiding here over escape."

Aside from exceptional beauty and noble stature, a pale lavender complexion provided the Huntress's most outwardly noticeable quality. Though still obviously human, women with genetic modifications similar to hers lived throughout the stellar cluster.

However, serving as an augmented agent for the Mitsukuni Corporation resulted in her genetic alterations going far beyond any typically seen in the Empyrean. Complicating this, the company administered extensive biological changes for purposes beyond simply creating a weapon, providing a unique, alluring appearance with libidinous qualities inside and out.

A perverse covert sect within MitsuCorp took a particular interest in Neekah upon capturing her. Ever since, they delighted in the permanent obscene molding of her mind, body, and even genetic essence.

After pausing, she muttered, "Knowing what I do now, I'd never bother putting places like that on my dream destination list. Besides, after what Mitsukuni did to me, I expect visits to any Frontier world to be fraught with peril and constantly trying to evade being permanently collared as a toy."

The giant lowered his hand, considered her disquieting words, and then spoke solemnly, "Maybe so, but your desperation reminds me of another friend who hated living here. He booked passage to Typhaon years ago aboard a run-down cargo ship. I found out later he ended up on an old terraformed moon."

Gus sank, and his voice took a grieving tone, "We learned pirate scum had raided from the Belt within a year, and I never heard from him again. Every time my friends do risky things attempting to leave Halax, it seems the Abyss claims them."

Looking down, she shook her head, "Gus, all I've done since leaving the Advanari has been one big risk after another. But I can't stay on Halax for long. I mean, look at me."

Gesturing to her body, she pointed to her face and grimaced with a false smile.

Neekah fidgeted with her ponytail resting over her shoulder, "Besides, my handler wouldn't tolerate it, and however wretched my indenture may be, discovery on Halax as a Caerulean female means a fate much worse."

Fighting back a docile demeanor hidden under the surface, she added, "Despite whatever this lewd outfit suggests, I'd honestly rather avoid getting chained for free use or served as a delicacy to the monsters infesting that hellhole."

She brushed a delicate hand past her collarbone, gently resting it against her neck, and sighed. They both knew the horrible possibilities. Neekah furrowed her brow, adding, "But I do want you to know, I never hated it here in this spaceport. Vad Mhor felt so distant in those days."

Turning towards the giant, the beautiful temptress winked, "Besides, this little jaunt to Vad Mhor will be a walk in the park."

Her plump lips thinned to one side, forming a wry smile while waiting expectantly for his retort.

Gus half-rolled his eyes, "Bounty hunters, bah! You love gambling, don't you? Here I am spilling my guts like some human, and you shrug all of this off like I'm the one who's crazy."

At this, Neekah's grin widened, piercing silver eyes lit up with golden fire, and she stretched her arms halfway around his gigantic form in a hug. Catching Gus a little off guard, he absent-mindedly returned the embrace and unintentionally grabbed her nicely shaped ass. She surprised him, pressing against his hand willingly, and the Vaxian quickly raised his massive hand to her arched back instead, freeing a sexy cheek to jiggle to a stop.

His displeasure evident, Gus grumbled, "I just don't think you know what you're getting into, Neeks."

Knowing she committed herself to the dangerous plan, his voice took a gentle tone, "If there's no chance of talking you out of this, take my advice on the decision instead."

Glancing up suspiciously, she replied, "Which is?"

"When you see a guild merchant in Vad Mhor, wear something different. They'll likely stack the cards against you. Or worse, strip you and lock a collar around your neck on the spot." Gus looked down as her wry smile returned. She stepped away and did a quick spin.

"It's purely function over form, Gus. There isn't much room for anything under my armor!" She purred as she spoke, intending not to tease but meaning it as a joke about her ridiculous appearance.

The svelte woman was a sight to behold. Thin fabric stretched flawlessly over her entire body. Her white, long-sleeved bodysuit sported thumb holes at the wrist wrapping between her fingers. The suit's stirrups kept her heels and toes exposed through translucent boots, and an intricate mechanical framework enveloped the sophisticated footwear.

"I'm kidding, Gus. Relax. This suit normally stays hidden under my armor. Honestly, I was too tired to bother once I landed. My visit this far out into the Frontier has been a complete disaster, and I'm exhausted."

The Huntress spent the better part of the past decade wearing different outfits that exposed her in one way or another. She endured the unrelenting treatment and humiliation since becoming enthralled under the Mitsukuni Corporation. Failing to avoid this latest attention in her former home provoked a vivid, unnatural blush.