Neighbor Girl Ch. 01-02


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The movie picked up again. The half-clothed woman on the television screen bent forward, lifted her skirt, and quickly pulled down the g-string in the rear. I couldn't actually see anything, or at least nothing except her tits and ass. She carefully hide her privates out of view of the camera. Only the male was made to show it all, just like me!

"I can't believe she's going to take it all!" Katie cried out in amazement just before she did.

"Give me pleasure," the woman spoke.

And then he did. The big guy started to fuck her. And he didn't just fuck, but he fucked hard and fast. Katie and Yuka seemed to like the fucking. So did I.

"He's not only impressive in size," My wife spoke to Yuka and meant it more for me. "But he's so impressive in stamina."

"That's because he's trained," Yuka answered. She answered my wife, but she too meant to words more for me.

"Trained?" Both girls giggled.

"Trained," Yuka said again, and then refused to say another word.

Katie put the move on pause in the middle of a fuck, and then looked across me at our neighbor. I couldn't help but wonder my eyes over to her too.

"You know," She answered after a long pause and with a great big smile on her face. "His cock is trained."

"Of course!" Katie acknowledged as though it was obvious. "He's trained to hold out until he first satisfies all the women."

"Exactly!" The smile on Yuka's face remained.

"He's cock trained!"


"But are you sure?" She asked for my benefit.

Yuka refused to answer. She only smiled and looked back at me, first looking up into my eyes and then down on my protruding cock. She turned less and less shy about looking at my cock. She seemed to enjoy looking at it.

I didn't believe her. Never before had I even thought such a thing was possible, yet how else could I explain it. The man on the screen was an incredible performer! He seemed able to take an infinite amount of masturbating and fucking

"Can you imagine being fucked by such a man?" Katie began talking to herself. "I mean you could beat on him, then have him fuck you, and then beat on him some more."

Yuka let out a sigh.

I fidgeted uneasily in my chair at the sound of her words.

"He could fuck you into multiple orgasms," Katie theorized. "And then you could beat on him even more."

The two of them talked like I wasn't in the room. I couldn't believe it. They talked about masturbating and fucking cock while my own stood exposed right in front of them.

* * * * *

"That was a good show!" Yuka spoke at the conclusion, talking about the movie but no doubt hinting about me.

"It certainly was," Katie looked down at me when she answered.

"And I can see Jason liked it too!" Yuka looked down at me too.

"Yes he did!" Katie agreed. "Don't try to hide it Jason, for we can see exactly how much you enjoyed it."

They certainly could. The movie must have lasted another fifteen minutes. The big man fucked them one by one. I was amazed at how long he lasted. So was Katie.

I lasted a long time too. Throughout the entire movie, I stayed hard. The girls held my hands throughout. I left them to freely look for as long as they wanted, and then I gave them plenty to look at. It didn't take long for me to start pre-cumming and then start to throb with desperation for relief. Yuka enjoyed every minute of it. I noticed the way her eyes turned more and more towards my cock as the movie progressed.

"And Jason gave us an even better show!" She seemed to appreciate my efforts. "Perhaps I should leave the two of you alone."

For a brief moment, I felt relief. The giddy and slightly drunk little Yuka wanted to go home. Katie and I were going to get some time alone together.

"Oh no!" Katie spoke to my dismay. "Please stay!"

I held my breath. What was she doing? I couldn't believe what was happening.

"But I really should be going," Yuka got up as though preparing to leave. "It really looks as though your husband needs your attention a lot more than I do."

"You mean his appendage?" Katie asked directly.

Yuka nodded and returned her cute little smile.

"You mean his appendage needs relief?" Katie asked even more directly.

I couldn't believe it! Surely she knew already. I mean Yuka knew what was going to happen as soon as she walked out the front door, but actually hearing my wife announce it so directly put me over the edge.

"Yes, he needs relief," Yuka agreed with a chuckle.

Hearing her acknowledge made it even worse. Both girls giggled. They laughed at my predicament.

"But you still could stay," Katie proposed.

"Stay?" Yuka didn't move. She got up and prepared to leave, but didn't do so.

"Please stay," My wife begged a second and then a third time. "Please stay and let me show you how I relieve his appendage."

I stopped breathing. I couldn't believe it. The two girls looked at each other, and then they looked down at me.

"Kneel in front of the coffee table," Katie pointed before I had a chance to contemplate it any further.

I didn't fully understand what was happening. In the back of my mind, maybe I did, but I was too horny to think straight at the time. Katie sat beside me as I slid down off the couch and stupidly knelt down with my hard cock extended over table.

It took Yuka about a minute to comprehend the situation. First she stood frozen with an open mouth and surprise showing on her face. But then her smile returned and she took a seat down on the recliner to my side.

"This should be delightful!" She spoke with interest at the prospect of what she was about to witness.

"You're really going to enjoy it," Katie reached for me.

"I'm sure I will," Yuka continued sitting on the couch.

I didn't fully comprehend the situation until it was too late. I had plenty of time. There was at least a minute where I could have sprung up and run out of the room, yet I didn't. A moment later I felt her. I felt my wife's hand grasp my protruding member. It grasped for only a second, and then it began pumping.

"Oh no!" I cried out.

"Oh yes!" Yuka shot back.

I couldn't believe it! I was being masturbated. But not just masturbated, but masturbated in front of our neighbor.

"Grasp your hands behind you," My wife instructed to me. "And push out your waist to give Yuka a good show."

To my even greater surprise, Yuka seemed to enjoy watching. To both my horror and my delight, she seemed to enjoy watching a man being masturbated. Even worse, she liked to see me being masturbated, and she was soon going to see a lot more.

"Go faster," I heard her say.

A moment later, and my wife did. "Is this better?" She asked in delight.

"Faster!" Came the solitary word out of Yuka.

I was already horny as hell. The stroking hand of my wife was making it ten times worse, and then the words out of Yuka's mouth served to turn it up yet another notch.

"Beat him like the man in the movie," She giggled triumphantly from her casual seated position in the recliner.

"But he's not trained like the star in the movie," Katie warned.

"It doesn't matter," Yuka spoke to my dismay. "I've already seen enough masturbating for one night."

I gasped in disbelief at the silent meaning of her words. She wanted to see more. She wanted to see me cumm!

No way was I going to last for long. My wife seemed to know it.

"If you please could," Her hand suddenly stopped as she looked across the table to Yuka. "Could you please fetch the dishtowel out of the kitchen so I can at least try to contain the mess he's about to make?"

Yuka laughed, and then she quickly jumped up and ran into the kitchen. She knew exactly what kind of mess my wife was talking about. So did I.

"Do you mean this towel?" She held the towel with a big smile on her face. Yuka was gone only a second. She must have ran all the way to the handle of the stove where it lay.

"That's the one," Katie pointed my cock straight up into the air to give her access to the coffee table below.

Without hesitating, Yuka knew what to do. She seemed anxious to do it, but then stopped just before releasing the towel, holding it just in front of me.

"But are you sure this little old towel is going to be big enough?" She questioned in a playful giggle. "Is it going to be big enough to hold his full load?"

Both girls laughed. I almost stopped breathing at the implication of her words.

"I certainly hope so!" It took Katie a few seconds to recover too. "Provided he can keep it from flying off the far side of the table."

Both girls laughed again, laughing at my plight. The coffee table had to be a good 4 feet across, and I knew what they meant. Yuka talked about seeing me shoot, but without talking about it directly.

"Just lay it down," Katie instructed when she stopped laughing. "And you better do it quickly."

Katie started up again, at first slow but then faster at Yuka's insistence.

"Beat him faster!" The shy little neighbor instructed. "Work him like the guy in the movie."

And so she did. I could hardly stand it. The man in the movie lasted a half hour. It took me only a minute.

"I'm gunna cumm!" I felt myself approach the point of no return.

"Then cumm!" Yuka practically shouted. "Whack him faster!"

Katie stroked me too hard. She stroked me almost too hard to cumm. I felt my dick throb. It maybe even spasmed, yet did not cumm. My knees started to give way. I felt like I was about to fall forward.

And then she stopped. She stopped suddenly. It happened in the middle of a stroke. Her hand simply flew off as if my cock was too much to contain.

I looked down at her with shock, but a second later felt it was enough.

"Yes!" Yuka watched me explode with the biggest ejaculation of my life. It was like a delayed reaction. Her hand left just in time for the juices to build up and then blast forward in a long rope of cumm. It shot so far forward that it overshot the towel, and then I shot again and then yet again. It was easily the most powerful ejaculation I had ever experienced, and I experienced it in front of the eyes of our neighbor.

Chapter 2: The E-Mail

The e-mail on the computer screen began:

No matter what, don't show this to Jason because that would be really embarrassing.

I immediately stopped. "Are you sure I should be reading this?" I asked, feeling hesitant yet desperate to read what Yuka had to say next. It felt like I was invading someone's privacy, yet the first sentence was such a teaser. I really wanted to know what private message would make her so embarrassed.

"Go on," Katie insisted.

I needed no more encouragement, so continued to read.

I just wanted to tell you what a good time I had at your place last night. The movie, the drinks, and then Jason. It was really great! I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed watching you jerk off your husband.

I stopped again, this time not because of any privacy issue, but simply because I couldn't believe it. "This for real?" I asked. "This really from Yuka?"

Katie simply pointed up to the return address of the e-mail to show me it truly was.

I continued reading.

I'm writing this in an e-mail because I could never say so in person, but I really liked Jason being jerked off. I really like watching men being jerked in general. Naked men never really turned me on much, but a naked man with a hard-on is something else. Watching a guy being jerked turns is even more of a turn on! I guess that's why I'm into those female domination videos, you know, and like to go to CFNM parties.

"CFNM?" I had to ask.

"Just go on," My wife insisted.

I continued:

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know what a thrill it was for me. I could never ask you this in person, but if you are ever interested in. Damn, I can't even type it into the computer, but I think you know what I'm getting at. If not, then that would be all right too, but I just wanted to ask about doing it again. You don't have to respond to this message if you don't want. If you think I'm crazy, then I won't ever bring it up again and we can pretend it never happened. It was just one of those things that I'll have to let go. Just let me know.

Thanks for the good time,

Your friend and neighbor,


I couldn't speak. I couldn't believe it.

"Well?" Katie asked, acting a lot calmer about it than what I felt. "What do you think?"

"I think you created a little she devil!" I replied.

"Oh, I think she was a she devil a lot longer ago than when we ever met," Katie let out a slight giggle at me. "In fact, I think Yuka is a little female dominant. She's probably been that way since her teen years. Maybe even longer."

I still couldn't believe it.

"There's one other thing I want to show you."

"There's more!"

"Let me show you."

I watched as she clicked on the reply button and then started typing.

Let's do it again!

"Katie!" I cried out in shock as I looked at the first words she typed and then the rest of the message as she continued to type.

In fact, let's do it a lot more. Don't feel embarrassed. I liked it too, and I think Jason enjoyed it even more, although he will never come out and admit it. I'm sure I'll be able to convince him to give you another show, but just maybe not right away. It might take a few days, but just let me work on him a little. We'll have to take it slow, you know. I'll tease him. I'll withhold it. I think you know what I have in mind. Anyway, I think we're going to be seeing a lot more of each other this summer. Well, at least you're going to be seeing a lot more of Jason. Giggle! Giggle! He needs relief quite often, you know, at least once per day. I'm glad you wrote. Katie.

"Holy shit!" I couldn't believe it. "Are you really going to send that?"

"No," She wheeled her chair back away from the desk. "No, you are."

It took me a moment to grasp her meaning. She was giving me access to her computer. She wanted me to send the message, to give in, to accept the fate in store for me.

Secretly, I wanted to. It had been thrilling. It had been exotic. I was never before jerked off in front of another woman. It felt dirty immediately after, like I had done something wrong, like I was little more than a horny male pervert. But later, after I reminisced and the testosterone returned, the excitement returned too. I remembered the thrill I felt as she stroked, my racing heart, the embarrassed display. And mostly, I remembered Yuka. There was the way she looked at it, the astonished look on her face, the ecstasy in the way she watched. If it had been anyone else, maybe it would have been different, but it wasn't anyone else. With Yuka, it had been so damned arousing. Secretly, I enjoyed it, and I wanted to give another show. I just wasn't sure if Katie would let me.

"Are you all right with this?" I first asked Katie, thinking it might be a trap. After all, it involved another woman. It could be considered cheating. I had been unfaithful - well, sort of. Katie had forced me to be unfaithful, but was jerking in front of another woman really being unfaithful. Yuka never touched me. She hadn't done much of anything; just watched. It looked like she was going to get the chance to watch again.

"I already wrote what I think," Katie looked first at me and then glanced at the screen. She appeared to read it again, and then she looked back to me. "Are you going to send it or not?"

I did not understand fully, but I understood well enough. Katie could have just as well sent the message herself. She already wrote it. The only remaining action was the click of a mouse. My sending it was largely symbolic. It was like a test. She wanted to see if I really would.

"I'll do it only if you're all right with it," I noticed my hands shaking as I reached for the mouse. My heart was racing. My cock was already hard in my pants.

"Then go ahead," She gave a wave of her hand as though telling me to go ahead.

"You really ok with this," I held the pointer over the send button.

"You know what to do."

The mouse clicked.

My life would never be the same.

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nighthawk22204nighthawk222044 months ago

The story was interesting, but not terribly erotic from my personal perspective. Will they take an evening to watch a counter-perspective of two or three guys with a slave woman? That would be a truly equality showing for everyone. Go ahead, at least please write that story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I found that story outrageously hot! The flow and tempo were great. The scenes were a real turn on. But you need to edit. You could use one of the editors on literotica. I think it would be worth it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great fun and solid character development.

plsirronplsirronabout 5 years ago

Good story!

I like CFNM & jerking off for women.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Would have deleted that email lol

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