New Rider 5


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"If it's okay with you girls," Ruby said, "I'd really like your virile husband to shove his dragon cock into my needy dragon cunt."

"Have you taken a mate that way yet?" Tala asked her softly.

"No," she admitted.

"Does it work like it does with your human form?" the orc asked.

"I don't know, sweet girl," Ruby told her. "I guess - if you're okay with it - we're about to find out."

"Can Eryn and I ..." she paused - not sure how to ask the question. "Can we be on your back when he takes you? I want to feel what it's like," Tala said.

"He just took you like that this morning," Eryn said, laughing.

Ruby captured the orc's cheeks in her hands and said, "I'm worried you might get caught in the middle or I would say 'yes'. Why don't you climb aboard your dragon, and you can help him fuck me?"

The two of them looked at me and I shrugged.

They squealed and wrapped their arms around my neck and pelted me with kisses.

Ruby laughed and said, "I guess it's a date then."

I changed back to my dragon form and Ruby began changing as well. I laughed when the girls began stripping off their armor and panty-sets and stored them away. Two naked bond-mates climbed my forearm, raced across my back, and took their places.

<"I have a feeling this may get a little rough,"> I warned them. <"Slide into your places and lean forward. I'll leave you room to see but I'm not sure your bodies should be outside of my scales.">

Across the river, to the north of Ruby's mountain, there was a wide plain between two forests. I followed the crimson dragon as she flew there.

<"Claim me, worm,"> she challenged, facing me down with her fangs bared.

If you've ever watched cats fight, you'll have some idea of how this looked - except imagine that the cats are the size of a large house.

We circled and snapped at one another. She snapped her jaws at me, and I evaded her and counterattacked. Eventually, we locked our fangs onto one another and tumbled back and forth. Once I finally got my jaws wrapped around her throat, I used my claws to shove her down and climb onto her scaled form. I shoved her tail up and sideways with my back leg and torso and then unsheathed my cock and brought it to her entrance.

On my back, I could feel the girls rubbing their bodies up and down my spine. Soft breasts, gripping hands, and powerful thighs held onto me as the two of them pressed their clits, mons, and vulvas against my bumpy body and used me like an oversized sex-toy.

I ignored their wanton writhing and focused on the bitch between my thighs.

<"Claim me!"> she ordered.

I released my jaws and took another bite - gripping all across the back of her neck - pressing against the back of her skull - using my fangs and claws to stretch her and force her to her stomach on the dusty soil.

<"Please,"> she begged.

I raised my hips, pressed the pointed tip of my cock against the tight entrance to her dragon-cunt, and slowly hunched forward - forcing my fuck-spear into her depths. Every muscle of her vagina fought me. I pushed forward, more and more, overcoming every obstacle until the point of my prick knocked on the door to her womb. My magic told me that it was sealed - but my brain told me I needed to show it who its master was. Ruby keened as I rubbed my cock-tip against the wall of her cervix.

The crimson dragon gave a growl of resistance, and, at that point, it was like my instincts took over. Her body fought me for the first dozen strokes and then it accepted my claim on it and relaxed. She was still tight. Her pussy still ground against me and stimulated my cock from tip to root - but her depths began to slick with her natural lubrication, and I could slide in and out of her faster and harder.

The sounds she made as I fucked her varied from snarls to growls to purrs to mewling. When I sensed that her body was approaching a climax, I fucked her even more forcefully and rapidly than I had been before. Her body tensed and I felt a lightning-bolt shudder the hold I'd had on my testicles. My seed began pouring into her. I held myself deep inside of her as my cock sprayed sperm-graffiti all over the walls of her womb.

Ruby's body tensed, a second time, as the heat of my seed bounced her from the first orgasm into another. I groaned as my cock pumped the last of my offering inside of her. I held her, still trapped beneath me, as her body recovered from our climatic exchange.

Eryn and Tala were slowly rubbing their fronts up and down my spine - recovering from their orgasmic releases as well.

I released my hold on Ruby's neck, nuzzled her jaw, and kissed her fanged smile with my own.

<"Thank you, my lord,"> she purred.

<"Can we spend the night?"> I asked.

<"I would like that a lot,"> she replied, <"but I can't promise that I won't want to be fucked another time or two.">

<"I'm sure my bond-mates would love to help me fuck your socks off,"> I told her.

I sent her the mental images of the two of them, cocooned inside of my scales, covered in sweat and girl-jizz. She smiled and gave me another dragon-kiss.

I climbed off of her and then followed her back to her home.

Her shower was very much like mine. After we ate, the four of us showered together and we took turns scrubbing each other. We didn't get quite as crazy as we had the first time we'd done that - but we definitely got everybody warmed up for another orgy before bed.

They talked me into lying on my back and letting the three of them fuck me until I filled them. Ruby pulled out a chance cube and they each rolled it. It came out smallest to largest. Ruby and Tala tormented Eryn as she used her cunt to coax a load out of me and then she slipped off. Ruby and Eryn abused Tala while she worked to get her load - and then my two bond-mates used their fingers and mouths on Ruby as she took her time to squeeze the final load from my balls.

Ruby stayed mounted on my cock as the other two snuggled in beside us. We were soon asleep.


After breakfast, we gave Ruby the cask of Greedy Bear Mead that we'd brought her. She insisted on sharing a glass with us before we said our good-byes. The girls were insistent that we were going, at once, to find presents for the twins. Ruby giggled and assured them that they had a few months to figure it out.

The girls told Ruby that she should coax one more load from my balls before we left. When they assured her that they weren't kidding, she took me by the hand and led me back to her bedroom. Tala hollered for her to try it from behind.

She tried it - for a couple minutes - but said she had enjoyed our joining yesterday that way and, today, wanted to watch my face as I filled her. I agreed.

Once she was on her back, I ate my way from her taint to her neck and then kissed her softly as I fucked her hard. She was breathless by the time I began pumping my load into her. She had cum once already but her second one was close, so I fucked her even as I pumped my seed into her. The naughty sounds our sexes made finished her off and she moaned as she shuddered through another climax. I peppered her face and mouth with kisses and waited for her to recover. When she did, she wrapped her arms around me and claimed a smoldering kiss from me.

The girls finished their mead and came to nuzzle and kiss Ruby's neck before we gave her our last hugs and headed on our way. I told her we'd be back in a month or two.

As we took to the air, I looked to the east. If I flew that direction for a couple hours, we would come to Eryn's father's kingdom.

<"Is your mother alive?"> I asked Eryn, linking Tala to the conversation.

<"I have only the foggiest memories of her,"> she reported.

<"What do you remember?">

<"Living in peace, among the trees,">

I wasn't sure how she would feel about my question, but I decided to go ahead and ask it.

<"Would it bother you if I wanted to nose around a bit and see if we could find her?">

<"We'd have to do it without Father finding out,"> she cautioned.

<"Would it bother YOU?"> I asked again.

<"I would like to find her, but I don't want to get her into trouble.">

<"You've never known your mother?"> Tala asked.

<"No,"> Eryn admitted.

<"I was young when they took me from my mother,"> Tala said, <"but I remember her face. They pressed me into training for the army. A year or so later, they told me that she died.">

I was beginning to wonder if something similar had happened with my horny little elf. It had always bugged me about how worthless or "disposable" she seemed to be to her father. It was almost like she was an embarrassment to him - a reminder of something he wanted to forget. As long as she was around, he couldn't get it to go away.

I guess, now that I had removed her from the picture, I should probably just leave well enough alone. The problem was, I loved my little nymph and - not for the first time - I wondered what her mom was like - because she seemed to be nothing like her father.

By now, I was convinced that Tala's mom had taken a human or elven lover and - when the tribe found that she'd born a bastard child - they had taken the baby as soon as they were able and either banished her, run her off, or killed her. I wasn't sure why they had even kept Tala - unless one of the shaman had rolled the bones and had seen a foretelling.

It was definitely a long-shot - for either of my mates - but I somehow felt obligated to look. I had only really thought about it with Eryn because she was so different than the king but - thinking about it now - there was a slim chance that Tala's mom was hiding somewhere as well.

Orcs didn't usually live as long as humans - but that was mostly because they were blood-thirsty and brought trouble on themselves. If left alone, she might survive a couple generations.

First things first, I wanted to look for Eryn's mom. I looked through my storage-ring. I didn't have a lot of supplies to establish a new home - but I had some. I decided to risk it for a biscuit and go check the area out. Maybe - just by looking - I'd get an idea of where to begin.

When I saw the walls come into view, I folded myself into a sunbeam. It was a little harder as a dragon but I had more access to the realm of magic in this form - so I could "make" it work.

I flew over the gate - which had been restored - and over the palace area. There were some residences - like the rooms that we'd stayed in that one night - where people obviously lived. However, most of the people seemed to live outside of the walls to the east. There was a regular (human-looking) city there - with all of the sewage and water problems that a large group of people living together in close proximity have. Beyond that, more and more people seemed to live in farms or woodlots within the forests.

There was a small network of roads that connected four villages. Those roads eventually led back to the king's city. Two towns, to the north, were on the other side of a small mountain. My mother had lived in a mountain cave and so that was where I had made my home. I flew a couple laps around the mountain and looked for possible places to make a temporary home.

<"You girls see anywhere for us to make a summer home?"> I asked.

Tala spied a small cave and I flew closer to check it out. Unfortunately, it was barely big enough to accommodate Sunley. North of the mountain, there was a lake to the east and the river to the west. The same river that protected the walls of the king's castle.

<"River or lake?"> I asked Eryn.

<"Farthest from Father, I think,"> she replied. <"I feel like, if we find her, he will have buried her away somewhere.">

I flew over the lake and dropped in just to the west of where the river that fed the lake met its end. There was a small forest there. I landed and the girls climbed down from my back. As they separated from me, they appeared as if by magic.

The bushes nearby rustled, and I sensed magical presences in the foliage.

<"Move slowly,"> I told the girls. <"I think there are wood nymphs or river nymphs here.">

I began to transform and - as soon as my shape changed enough to dump me out of the sunbeam - I grabbed another to hide my nakedness from our visitors. As soon as I was dressed, I stepped out of the sunbeam.

"We mean you no harm," I spoke into the trees. "We have traveled from a distance and seek to trade for food and information."

There was no response. All movement had stopped.

"My bond-mates are dressed for battle because I do not want them to be unprotected as we travel. We are not here to fight or cause trouble. I would love to sit and talk. I have some food with me and would share what I have. If you are wood spirits, I have food that will not offend. I am a dragon and am aware of your traditions. I do not seek to bring change or disruption. The smaller of my two bond-mates is from the people who live in this area. She has almost no memory of her mother. I came only to see if we could find her or discover what happened to her."

"Her mother no longer walks among us," a female voice said.

I glanced at Eryn and saw her eyes filling with tears. Tala and I hurried to wrap her in our arms. We held the wood elf tightly as her body shuddered with the sudden grief that overtook her at the woman's announcement.

When Eryn finally quieted, I started looking through my storage-item for something to offer the voice in exchange for the information that we had received. I found a basket of acorns, a small bag of wheat kernels, a willow bowl of wild raspberries, and a small wheel of sharp cheese.

"Tala," I called. "Grow me a small table or pedestal that I can place these on."

The orc stepped over and spread out her hands and closed her eyes. She called for a bramble vine that grew into a small stand that would be large enough to hold the items in my hands. I placed my offering there.

"I thank you for the information - though the news of it tears my heart. Please accept these gifts."

"If those are bond-mates, why do they wear slave collars?"

"It's an illusion!" Eryn gasped. "Our husband doesn't want us to be mistreated by those who would take the gifts he has given us."

"They are spelled to prevent theft," Tala said, "and covered with an illusion that only my sister and I can see through."

Tala looked at me. I stepped up and touched her collar and then her circlet. I dispelled the illusion and drained the defensive lightning-charge from the diamond. I did the same with Eryn's. I stepped back and waited.

"Come closer to the trees, daughters," the voice said.

"Me too?" Tala asked.

"Your magic is kindred to ours. Step forward."

Eryn offered her hand to Tala and the two of them stepped towards the trees. As soon as they reached the foliage, they disappeared from my eyes and my magical perception.

I sat down and closed my eyes, deciding to spend the time meditating.

"How did you hide your dragon form?" a voice near my ear asked.

I kept my eyes shut and said, "Eryn learned a trick where she can hide herself in a sunbeam. She taught it to Tala and me. When I change my shape, I am naked. I use the sunbeams to hide my nakedness until I have a chance to clothe myself.

"Could I ask you to change your form without hiding yourself during the process?"

"As long as you are not opposed to seeing my naked human form," I replied.

"I am not opposed," the voice said. "The voice was ancient. It was female as well, but it was not the voice that I had first spoken to the first time."

I stood, removed my clothes, stored them away, and began to take my natural form.

<"You can return to your human form. You may also take back your gifts.">

<"I cannot take back that which has been given. That is theft."> I replied.

I got the sense of a smile.

I changed back to my human form, took my clothes out of storage, and dressed myself.

"Could I invite you to sit with me and share the gifts you have given?"

"I would be delighted," I told the woman, who suddenly appeared in front of me.

She collected the gifts from the small table and sat on the ground. I sat with her. She offered me the wheel of cheese. I took a small eating knife from my storage-item, cut the cheese into pieces that easily pair with the berries, cleaned the knife with magic, and put it away. I passed on the acorns (they're a little bitter for me) but accepted the wheat nuts and some berries. In return, I returned to her the bulk of the cheese. We sat quietly together and enjoyed the simple snack.

Meal-sharing is bonding. This was important. The girls also weren't back yet. They were either being questioned, analyzed, or they were traveling. In this instance, it was a good idea to just be patient and see how things played out.

I had finished eating the handful of grain, berries, and cheese and saw that the elder had eaten the same things I had - in almost the same amounts. When I looked at her, she nodded.

"They will be back soon," she told me.

"Thank you," I said.

We sat, silently for several more minutes and then she looked up, towards her hairline - as if focusing on something - and said, "They have returned."

She stood to her feet. I looked to her for approval to stand as well and she nodded. I got to my feet just as four people emerged from the trees - as if stepping out of a portal.

Even without being told, I could tell that this was my bond-mates mother. She was as beautiful as her daughter, she was beaming like a proud mother, and Eryn was glued to her side. Tala was glowing as well.

I dropped to one knee and put my hands together in supplication.

"Had I known where to find you, I would have asked for your permission before tying your daughter's life to my own," I told her.

A gentle hand cupped my chin and raised my face. I looked into her eyes. She moved to my right and kissed that cheek and then to the left and kissed that one.

"You are forgiven," she said.

~~~ End of Chapter 5 ~~~

(This series has 6 chapters.)

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WhitewaterbumWhitewaterbum3 months ago

Really enjoying it this Rasta’s tale. The only question you haven’t explained is how Lord Striker got his magical powers. Being a dragon does not mean he has these powers. Hope in last chapter it will be .revealed

Coochielover71Coochielover713 months ago

Another awesome story.

docholliday0007docholliday00073 months ago

That’s a great story we need more chapters please

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Still great but no way is this only six chapters! It's too good to be that short.

skippersdadskippersdad3 months ago

This is a good story. thank you for sharing.

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