Newlyweds New Desires Ch. 01

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Unexpected end to the night when seeing an old friend.
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Chris let out a long sigh as he sat at the kitchen table sipping coffee next to his wife, Ashley. They were going over their monthly budget, and much like the last few months the numbers just weren't adding up. Chris worked as a salesman in a small firm and his salary was largely commission based. Unfortunately, that meant when the company went through some growing pains, such as now, he would feel it as well.

"We will figure it out, I can always pick up an extra shift at the hospital to help out until business picks back up." Ashley said softly as she ran her manicured nails through her husband's thick brown hair. This was something she'd done ever since they got married a few years ago. Chris lowered his head and closed his eyes, allowing the touch of his wife to instantly calm him down as he took another deep breath.

"You shouldn't need to though. I'm supposed to be the breadwinner. Plus, we need to get used to only having one salary. You'll never be able to quit your job so we can start a family if we have to keep relying on extra nursing shifts." Chris reached back and squeezed her hand. At 25, they had been talking about starting a family for a few years now, but like most couples the timing just never felt right. They had flirted with the idea of Ashley coming off her birth control soon so they could start trying, but now it looked like they may not be able to make their mortgage payment and getting pregnant felt impossible.

"Lots of women work and can still take care of their family, you caveman," she said with a grin as she slowly stood up and kissed Chris's neck, her large chest pressing into his back.

Chris let go of her hand as he pushed his neck into her lips, wrapping his hands around the small chair until he felt the curve of her ass. "Not my wife, she deserves a break from the rat race. Besides, I can only imagine all the wanting looks you get when people see this cute little ass in scrubs." He squeezed the cheeks of her ass to emphasize his words causing Ashley to give a soft moan.

"Well that's true," she said teasingly, "I am known for my bedside manner." As she spoke she let her fingers slide down Chris's chest and across his abs as he squirmed under her touch. "Would you like to hear all about how Nurse Ashley gives her favorite patients extra attention?" She bit his ear softly as her fingers traced the outline of his now rock hard cock.

"Fuuuuck baby, you're so bad." However, before Chris got the chance to capitalize on his wife's playful demeanor his phone began to ring and they were both brought back to reality with a long sigh.

"Go ahead and answer that. I need to get to work anyway. I have patients dying to see me after all." She gave a playful wink before pulling her shirt over her head and tossing it to her wide eyed husband as she swayed seductively to the shower.

When Ashley emerged from the shower Chris was already in work mode. His files were spread across the kitchen table and he was on what sounded like a conference call for work. They exchanged pleasant smiles while Chris barked away sales figures and action plans to the people on the other end of the phone. She stood in the doorway for several seconds watching him in action. Something about seeing him like this always got her excited. She wished she had longer before her shift at the hospital so she could drop her towel and go to him as soon as he hung up, but she was already running late. Luckily, it was Friday which meant they would have a date night after work followed by a long night of love making. As Ashley got dressed for work she could still hear her husband in the other room, he was yelling at one of the junior sales guys about low numbers and how his best simply didn't seem to be good enough. She bit her lip and let her fingers slide down her body to her wet folds. She couldn't believe how turned on she was and wanted badly to find release. Her willpower eventually won over however, as she opened her eyes and put on her scrubs, before mouthing the words "I love you" to her husband on her way out the door.

Ashley spent the next 8 hours at work thinking about what her husband had said to her. She knew he was just being funny, but the thought of her colleagues at work, or her patients for that matter, sexualing her as she walked past left her more excited than she cared to admit. As she walked down the long corridor to her next patient's room she smiled briefly at the maintenance man who held her gaze for longer than she felt was appropriate. She turned her head as she walked by and for a second thought she caught him checking out her ass, but as he continued to mop the floor she convinced herself it was all in her head. She quickly pulled out her phone and texted Chris. "Can't wait for date night tonight. Something about today has me very turned on." As she went to put her phone back in her pocket she was shocked to see it almost immediately go off. He must not have much going on. She thought to herself as she opened her phone and let out a gasp. It seemed this morning's events had also left him hot and bothered as he responded to her text with a picture of his very hard cock.

"Are you alright dear, you look like you've seen a ghost?" The voice of her elderly female patient brought Ashley back to reality as she stammered an apology and nearly dropped her phone as she walked into the room.

"Yeah, sorry Mrs. Johnson, just my husband, you know how they are."

"Oh yes dear, I was married for 43 years. That man sure knew how to spice things up in the bedroom."

Ashley gasped and playfully slapped her patient's arm. "Oh my God!" she exclaimed, turning red.

"Oh don't be such a prude dear, the key to a great marriage is a healthy sex life. Why my Robert, did everything from pulling my hair to taking me to a swingers club. Anything to get the juices going." Ashley couldn't help but laugh as she pictured her 87 year old patient with two bad knees and a replacement hip walking into a swingers club.

"You're too much! I love Chris and would do anything he asked, but I think we draw the line at cheating. Besides, he's more than enough for me." She said with a playful wink.

"Don't be silly. It's not cheating, if the both of you are ok with it. Trust me dear, I thought Robert had all I ever needed as well. Until of course, I realized he didn't." The old lady laughed again as Ashley took her blood pressure. She would have to remember to tell Chris about this because she was sure he would get a kick out of it.

"Your vitals look good Mrs Johnson. Dr. Stevens will be in shortly to discuss your surgery and try to get something booked in the next month or two. You try to stay out of trouble in the meantime." She said with a grin as she prepared to leave her favorite patient's room.

"Whatever you say dear. Do me a favor, and let Dr Stevens know I'm not wearing anything under this gown." Ashley could do nothing but laugh as she exited the room and continued her rounds.

The rest of the workday was fairly uneventful for Ashley, aside from the constant state of arousal. As she said her farewells to her colleagues and friends she sent Chris another text. "Heading home to shower. What's the plan for tonight?" Once again, her husband's response was almost immediate.

"Sorry babe, it's been a day, and money is tight. How about we just rain check?" Ashley chewed on her lip and thought about her response. She knew Chris was stressed about money, but she was really looking forward to going out. Plus she hoped it would cheer him up and get him in a better mood for later.

"How about we just skip dinner and head down to that bar you like, McDuffs? 1 beer then we will leave. I promise I'll make it worth your while." She waited a few minutes for his reply. After several minutes she resigned herself into thinking he just wasn't up for it. After about 10 minutes though a response finally came through.

"Sorry, I was in the shower. You know exactly how to make me smile. A drink at McDuffs sounds great. See you soon." Ashley smiled to herself, she hated feeling like she was manipulating her husband, but she knew a night out would help, at least to some degree, with the stress of the money issues.

McDuffs was your regular run of the mill dive bar. It was built in the mid 90s by a man going through a divorce and it sort of became his sanctuary. Other than the bar, there were a half a dozen tables near the back, 2 pool tables, and a small dance floor some of the locals would dance on when there was a live band or some new pop song came on the jukebox. Chris and his friends used to come here when they were younger, the owner never carded them and it became a hangout of sorts. As Ashley and Chris stepped into McDuff's, the dimly lit bar greeted them with the smell of stale beer and the sounds of laughter and chatter. They found a small table in the back, and Ashley settled into her seat with a smile, nudging Chris playfully.

Chris managed a small smile, but the worry lines on his forehead remained.

"I don't know, Ash. I'm just not in the mood for a night out. Work has been really stressful lately, and with the financial issues..."

Ashley reached across the table and took his hand. "I understand, babe. But we can't let all that stress consume us. We deserve a break, even just for tonight."

Chris sighed, relenting. "Okay, you win. Let's make it a quick one, though."

As they sat down, Ashley could see Chris was still distracted. She decided to lighten the mood, teasing him gently. "So, do I have to remind you what's waiting for you at home if you're a good sport and come out with me tonight?" As she spoke, she grabbed his thigh and gently kissed his neck as the bartender came over and asked what they were drinking.

Chris chuckled, the tension easing a bit. "Oh I remember, but I never tire of your reminders."

They ordered their drinks, and as they waited, Ashley continued to banter with Chris, doing her best to lift his spirits. Finally, their drinks arrived, and Ashley raised her glass. "To us, to tonight, and to leaving all our worries at the door."

Chris smiled and clinked his glass with hers. "To us."

As they enjoyed their drinks, Ashley noticed a change in Chris's demeanor. The tension seemed to melt away, replaced by a more relaxed and playful attitude. She knew she had made the right decision in bringing him out tonight. Suddenly, a voice called out from the bar. "Chris! Is that you?"

Chris looked up to see a face he hadn't seen in years. Clayton, his friend's older brother, approaches their table. Clayton was a few years older than Chris, and he had always been the life of the party. He was grinning from ear to ear, clearly excited to see Chris.

"Clayton, hey!" Chris stood up to greet him, extending his arms to hug one of his oldest friends. "Long time no see. This is my wife, Ashley."

Ashley stood up and shook Clayton's hand, smiling warmly. "Nice to meet you, Clayton."

Clayton's eyes widened as he took in Ashley's beauty. "Wow, Chris, you really outdid yourself. She's stunning."

Chris chuckled, a hint of pride in his voice. "I know, I'm a lucky guy."

They all sat down, and Clayton turned his attention to Chris. "So, what brings you two lovebirds to McDuff's tonight?"

Chris hesitated, unsure how much to share. "Just needed a night out, you know? Work's been tough, and... well, things are a bit tight financially."

Clayton nodded sympathetically. "I hear you, man. Times are tough for a lot of people right now. I'm actually back in town because I just created a new app that I think will revolutionize the small business market. Unfortunately, I had to fire most of my sales team for incompetence so now I'm stuck doing sales calls and demos myself and don't have time to improve the product. But hey, let's not dwell on the negatives. Tonight is about having a good time and catching up with old, and new friends." He said with a grin as he looked over Ashley's body.

As the night went on, the three of them laughed and talked, reminiscing about old times and sharing stories. Ashley watched as Chris's mood lifted, grateful to see him enjoying himself. She knew that their troubles wouldn't disappear overnight, but she also knew that moments like these were precious. She was happy to see Chris out of the house and enjoying himself. She didn't know much about Clayton, but so far he seemed great.

As they talked, Clayton brought up their old bets, a tradition from their youth. "Remember those bets we used to make, Chris? The ones where if you won, you got whatever you wanted, but if you lost, I could ask for anything in the future?"

Chris laughed, remembering. "Yeah, I remember. What about it?"

Clayton grinned mischievously. "I propose we play a round. If you win, I'll give you something you want. But if you lose, I get to ask for something in the future."

"Wait a second. Let me get this straight, you guys used to make bets without fully understanding the stakes? Weren't you ever worried it would go too far or the person would just back out?" Ashley asked with a smile on her face. She thought she knew all of her husband's childhood stories, but this was the first she was hearing of any bet. Maybe it was the alcohol, but she was eager to hear more about this. What kind of things did Chris do, did he have a bad boy side she'd never seen?

Chris laughed as he took another drink of his beer. "Well, when you put it like that it sounds bad. We were dumb boys trying to prove how badass we were. No one ever took it too far..."

"Well that's not completely true, there was that one time I made a pass at your mom."

Chris nearly did a spit take as he recalled the events. "Yeah, and if I recall she smacked you in the face and practically made you cry."

Clayton rolled his eyes. "Whatever, she was into it. She just did that for sure because you guys were around." Clayton said with a wink as he and Ashley made eye contact. "We never had to worry about anyone backing out of a bet. It was just one of those unwritten rules where once you were in it you knew you had to follow through."

Chris raised an eyebrow, bringing the conversation back to the present. "Okay, so what's the bet?"

Clayton smiled and gestured towards a cute redhead at the bar. "All you have to do is go over there and get her number for me. Just a little primer to see if you still have the goods." Clayton looked at Ashley again, "he used to be a heck of a wingman back in the day."

"Oh I believe it, he's quite the charmer." Ashley gave her husband's thigh a playful squeeze as she listened to the two friends banter back and forth. Chris looked at Ashley, who was already laughing. "I don't mind, Chris. Go ahead." Chris nodded, a determined look in his eye as he finished the last of his beer.

"Ok deal, but when I win. You make me the new head of sales for your new app." He said with a smirk as Clayton nodded in agreement. He made his way over to the redhead, striking up a conversation. Ashley watched from the table, amused by his newfound confidence.

Once Chris was at the bar, Clayton slid around to the other side of the table next to Ashley. "So tell me more about you. How'd you two love birds meet?" He asked as he tried his best not to stare at her ample cleavage.

"Oh the usual story," Ashley said with a grin as she watched her husband buy the attractive redhead a drink and point back to the table where Chris was sitting. "I was in nursing school and working a shift in the ER. Chris was brought in for a concussion some hits he took playing college football. I started asking him questions about his injury and he spent the entire time trying to charm me. Eventually, I guess he won me over and I told him if he would stop flirting and take my questions seriously then I would go to dinner with him. The rest, as they say, is history."

"Wow, so beautiful, and intelligent. Chris really did hit the jackpot with you didn't he."

"Oh stop it, you're too much." Ashley said playfully, slapping at Clayton's knee before her face suddenly went red. She wasn't sure if it was the alcohol or what, but she could have sworn she felt his cock. She crossed her legs to ease the tingling sensation she felt as she glanced down and noticed the unmistakable outline in his pants and nearly choked on her beer. Clayton couldn't help but smirk, he knew what was happening. It was always a bit of a secret weapon for him. Once a girl knew what he was equipped with it was only a matter of time before their walls came down and they had to experience it on their own.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Chris returned to the table, a triumphant smile on his face as Clayton got up and returned to his original spot. "Got it."

Clayton was impressed, but only mildly. After all, the girl was someone he'd hooked up with countless times before. He was just using her as a pawn in his latest game. "Well done, my friend. Well done indeed. Here's my card. Call me on Monday, and we'll talk about that job."

As Clayton hugged them goodbye, Ashley once again felt the unmistakable outline of his cock pressed against her. Tonight had been more than just a night out; it had been a much-needed break from their worries, a chance to laugh and have fun. As they walked out of McDuff's, arm in arm, Ashley pulled her husband close and whispered in his ear, "hurry up and get me home. I'm dying to feel you inside me." She nearly laughed out loud as Chris practically ran the three blocks home.

Once inside, she quickly stripped her shirt off and pushed her husband against the wall. "God I need you so bad," she moaned as she fumbled with his belt.

"You're on fire tonight. What's gotten into you?"

"Can't a girl just want to fuck his husband?" She whispered seductively as she gripped his boxer-clad cock.

"It's more than that, I can feel it" he said with a grin as he brought his hands to her chest and tweaked her already hard nipple. Ashley purred in his ear in response, increasing the tempo of her stroking.

"What if I told you I was a bad girl at the bar?" Ashley felt her husband's cock flex and his pulse begin to race.

"Bad how?" He asked as he brought his lips to her nipple eliciting a low moan from her.

Ashley thought about Mrs Johnson from earlier and what she had said. She'd never really tried roleplaying with her husband and wasn't sure how he would react. Worst of all, she wasn't sure she wanted to tell him about how she accidentally touched Clayton, what if he hated her for it? All of that worry seemed to wash itself away however as Chris' fingers found her swollen clit. "Mmm you're soaked, tell me what happened" he whispered again as he pushed two fingers into his waiting sex.

"Oh fuck" Ashley moaned as she ground her hips into his fingers. She wasn't sure why she was so turned on but his fingers felt like an electric pulse shooting through her entire body. "I... I may have touched Clayton's dick" she whispered in his ear. His thumb went to her clit as she felt his cock flex once more in her hand as she stroked him matching his tempo.

"You what?" he moaned, increasing his pressure on her clit. "How?"

She wasn't sure if he was angry or not but judging by his movement and the way his cock was reacting he didn't seem to be too upset. "Honestly, it was an accident. He said something flirty, and I went to slap his knee. I guess I was too drunk and aimed higher than I thought or something cause I felt more than just his knee. I'm sorry baby, do you hate me?"

Chis moaned as his teeth came down on her nipple. He then spun around pinning his wife against the wall as he worked his cock free of his boxers. She felt it press against her warm lips and tried to guide it into her pussy but he seemed to be teasing her. Only allowing it to slide over her clit. "Honestly, I bet you didn't miss it. Clayton has always had a reputation for being...big. One look at you and I'm sure the poor bastard was rock hard the entire time we were talking. You're such a tease." Chris said playfully as he continued to slide his cock over her clit. Ashley tried desperately to align her hips so he would slide in, but he just wouldn't let her get the right angle. "God, I bet he was picturing you naked all night. Sneaking a peek at your perfect tits every chance he got. He's probably back home now with that red head imagining she's you."