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Suddenly Beccy's wandering attention was captured by the woman standing in front of her. "You are obedient," the woman announced distinctly.

Beccy's body shuddered involuntarily at hearing the word. Immediately her eyes were fully open and wide. Beccy looked directly at the strangely dressed woman.

"I am obedient," Beccy replied sincerely. She was obedient. Beccy knew and accepted that fact. She liked being obedient because that meant unimaginable pleasure. Her pussy dampened at the thought of obedience. It was more than just a word. It was a state of mind. She was an instrument of pure obedience. Beccy loved it.

"You will follow commands. You are obedient. You will obey," the masked female figure told her.

"I will follow commands. I am obedient. I will obey," Beccy repeated to the strangely dressed woman speaking to her.

The well endowed ebony skinned girl talking to her wore long thigh high black boots, a pair of strange black panties that glistened in the dim light and a snug grey turtleneck that ended just below her massive chest. The woman's face was invisible behind the high collar of the tightly fitted turtleneck which was pulled right up over her head. A neatly braided ponytail protruded from the turtleneck mask and rose up like a proud horses mane on top of the woman's head.

At any other time Beccy would have been terrified at the sight of this strange fetish woman that commanded her. But right now Beccy's mind was silent. She wasn't able to form any sort of coherent thought at all. All of Beccy's thoughts not involving obedience seemed to just disappear before she could even form them. Not that Beccy wanted to think anyway. She just wanted to be told what to think. That was much easier. It was much easier to be obedient. Beccy liked being obedient. Obedience was good.

"You will follow this one. You are obedient. You must obey."

Beccy nodded her head slightly. Of course. That made perfect sense. After all if she was obedient then she had to be told what to do.

"I will obey," Beccy announced calmly in spite of the residual tingle that rippled through her body.

The black woman turned to the left and paused. Beccy immediately copied her pose. All of the other women that had been seated in the chairs had also turned. Each newly orientated employee had a masked booted woman at her side.

Wordlessly, in a slow but steady procession, forty docile women marched towards an open doorway at the far end of the room and out into a stark, brightly lit white corridor.

The only sound the group made was the smart clip of bootheels on the tiled floor as they proceeded in complete silence down the corridor and towards another doorway.

Beccy marched onwards. She was obedience. She had no desire to do anything other than obey. There was no need to think.

The group passed through the open doorway and into another part of the complex.

This room resembled the corridor in it's austere minimalist bleakness. The walls, floor and ceiling were dazzling white. The only furniture were two lines of strange looking chairs facing each other. Each chair resembled a science-fiction movie's interpretation of how a dentist chair should appear. About a foot behind each chair was a much larger angled stainless steel box like apparatus that towered over each vacant seat. Various computer screens were located on the side of each of these box-like structures as well as a keypad of some sort.

Guiding their tame charges in silence, each masked woman brought their entranced, utterly obedient, new employee towards a waiting chair.

Beccy stood facing her own chair. Some sort of thought was trying to break through the fog of obedience that clogged her mind. But again, the certainty of obedience was too strong for such a weak, unformed thought. The black girl was just in front of her.

"Remove all your clothing," the woman commanded. "You will obey."

Whatever half completed idea Beccy had been slowly forming disappeared instantly once the fetish girl spoke to her.

"I will obey." The words tripped off Beccy's tongue as she set about divesting herself of what clothes remained covering her. She unfastened the remaining buttons of her blouse and let it fall to the floor. Her bra followed suit. Her skirt and panties had long since been left behind in the orientation room so it was just a matter of rolling down her opaque tights and taking off the new high heeled shoes that she had bought specially for her first day in the new job.

Beccy now stood completely naked before her guide. She felt quite calm. Not a trace of self consciousness or embarrassment even crossed her mind. Such emotions were incompatible with her new found obedience. Beccy just stood there, waiting to be told what to do next. Beccy wanted to obey again. Her pussy liked it.

The featureless woman turned to one side and picked something up. She held it out towards Beccy before speaking again in the same flat emotionless tone.

"Secure the obedience collar around your neck," the big breasted woman commanded. "You will obey."

Beccy took the heavy collar from the woman. The exterior was a flat seamless black with the raised eye logo in the centre. Inside the collar was a mass of circuitry and wiring. A series of tiny needle like probes protruded outwards from the collar.

"I will obey," Beccy answered as she raised the collar up to her throat and brought the two ends together at the rear.

Beccy's neck burned with pain as the tiny needles in the collar bit into her skin. The enraptured girl's body throbbed with a combination of pain and lust. Beccy closed the heavy, thick, band around her neck firmly. There was an audible click when the two ends met and fused together.

Her task complete, Beccy's hands slowly returned to her side.

Beccy's neck felt heavy with the collar around it. The collar pressed tightly against her skin and the height of it, at least 4 inches, made it difficult for her to move her head at all. But these were minor considerations that evaporated in the face of Beccy's yearning need to obey again. She ached for the chance. If only the sexy masked woman would tell her what to do. Beccy's mind lurched in hope at the possibility.

With a sudden onrush of delight Beccy realised that the woman was holding something else in her hands.

"You will wear this garment. Obey now."

Beccy felt the slippery black rubber between her fingers as she took the obscene item of clothing from the masked female. She held what resembled a pair of latex panties in her hand but there the resemblance ended. Whatever material it was made of felt much thicker and stronger than rubber. The briefs felt slippery and glossy on the interior.

But the material was not the most noticeable feature of the panties. There, jutting out proudly from within them were two sleek black shafts, positioned middle and rear, poised to enter both openings.

Beccy's mind told her that she would really like this.

"I obey," she quivered before beginning to slide the slick rubber panties up her legs. With a gasp, she eased the first rubber shaft into her dewy vagina before turning her attention to the second phallus. Slowly and unsteadliy, Beccy managed to work the thick rubber shaft into her virgin asshole. Obedience drove her onwards. Beccy had to complete her task. She must obey. Finally Beccy's whole body spasmed with ecstasy as she impaled herself on the two hard dildos.

Her ebony guide stood in silence, watching Beccy from behind the mask of the high turtleneck collar that covered her blank, expressionless features and intense eyes.

"You will sit on the chair," the woman now ordered, "obey now."

Beccy was feeling very aroused now. The twin intruders were silent but Beccy's mind was screaming with delight. Beccy knew that she would really enjoy this.

"I obey," Beccy managed to respond before turning towards the waiting chair. Beccy took the few slow steps towards the sleek metal chair. Her arousal and the vibrators made walking difficult. But at last, Beccy eased herself into the chair. The black vinyl padding of the seat felt cool against her bare skin. Her naked body shuddered at the touch.

Passively, Beccy sat still, not caring or thinking about what would happen next. Like the strong rubber shafts now buried deep inside her body, the need to obey had gouged itself into her brain. She would sit. When she was commanded she would obey. It was simple.

The black female approached her and set to work in silence. She moved with a fluidity that was borne of practice. Thick restraints were tightly fastened around Beccy's legs and arms, pinning her securely to the comfortable chair.

Beccy's brain was completely thoughtless. She had no desire to do or think anything. Beccy knew that she couldn't think. She didn't want to think for herself. Obedience felt so good.

All Beccy wanted to do was remain here and let this gorgeous, sexy woman do whatever she wanted to her.

Luckily for Beccy, that was exactly what was about to happen.

Gently, but firmly, the woman pushed Beccy's head back until it touched the padded headrest of the chair. The heavy chested woman then attached some sort of clamps to points on the side of the metal framework helmet that still encased Beccy's head. Beccy was now pinned tightly in position to the headrest.

Still, Beccy had no inclination or desire to think about what was happening or why this woman was doing this to her. All Beccy wanted to do was sit here and bask in thoughtless bliss. Obedience. She had to obey.

Beccy felt more wires being plugged into the thick collar that encircled her neck.

Finally another series of wires were connected to a contact on the black garment that covered her groin.

Her task complete, the woman stepped back and stood where she was fully visible to Beccy's restrained head.

"You will be processed. You will become a drone. You will obey," the faceless guide announced calmly.

Beccy sat on the chair calmly. So she was going to become a drone. The news only caused the mildest spike of curiosity within Beccy's obedient mind. For the first time since leaving the orientation room Beccy began to think. She began to wonder what that would be like to be a drone. A drone? Was the woman a drone too? Would she be like this all the time when she was a drone? She hoped so. Beccy was really enjoying the complete serenity of obedience that smoothed her cares away.

The anonymous dronewoman disappeared from view.

Beccy heard a low humming noise as the equipment she was bound to activated. Slowly the back rest of the chair began to slope downwards, forcing her restrained body into a reclining position. At the same time, the whole chair began to move backwards towards the large stainless steel receptacle behind her.

A large opening, wide enough to accommodate Beccy and the chair had appeared in the large structure she was moving towards.

The chair travelled slowly, easing Beccy onwards into the darkness beyond.

Even as she slowly began her journey into the strange contraption, Beccy maintained her completely relaxed and obedient frame of mind. Somehow, she knew that there was nothing to be frightened of. This was all part of the processing to turn her into a drone.

Beccy wanted that, didn't she? She wanted to be a drone? The question somehow managed to break through the thick, protective layer of blank obedience that consumed Beccy's conscious mind.

Her face wrinkled in concentration as Beccy tried to hold on to the thought. Somehow, she knew that stray thought was important. Or was it?

Her view of the ceiling disappeared. Beccy's head was completely inside the strange box like structure now. She could make out vague impressions of circuitry and wiring and silver devices lining the interior.

The random thought was fading from Beccy's memory now. She was incapable of holding on to it. It slowly dissolved in the thick fog that swirled around her mind. Once again obedience soothed any concerns away. Beccy had to obey. She was obedience. Obedience was her.

Beccy moved deeper and deeper into the darkened interior of the featureless box. The top half of her body had now completely disappeared inside the cavernous blackness.

It was growing darker and darker inside as Beccy continued her journey into the core of the unit. By now, only her feet were visible from outside. Then they too disappeared from view as her whole body was consumed by the cloying darkness.

The chair stopped moving. The opening began to shut, removing the last vestiges of light from beyond the confines of the blackened device.

Beccy was plunged into complete darkness.

Phase two of Beccy's processing began.

* * *

"You will hear my voice and obey," drone 561 told the listener down the phone line.

"I hear and obey..." a drowsy female voice responded.

The subject was fully receptive now. The computer screen in front of drone 561 contained the information it was to transmit to the female. Drone 561 recited these commands into the pliant mind of the victim.

"You want to obey. You need to obey. You yearn to obey," drone 561 soothed, deepening the trance of the rapt woman.

"Yes.." the subject breathed. Even through the phone line drone 561 could hear the woman surrender her free will completely. "I...I...o..bey..."

"Yes, you obey. You hear the voice and obey. Obedience is pleasure," drone 561 told the submissive female listener. Drone 561's already hypnotic voice was modulated for extra effect by the computer equipment which was busily transmitting powerful audio conditioning into the passive subject's mind.

"You must trust the voice. The voice guides you. The voice makes you obey," drone 561 went on.


"You are obedient. Obedience is pleasure."

"Yes...obedient...obedience is pleasure," the soft feminine voice recited mindlessly.

"You are obedient. You will be rewarded for your obedience. When you end this call you will proceed to a private area and masturbate. As you masturbate you will recite obedience is pleasure repeatedly until you climax. Obedience is pleasure," drone 561 instructed the willing subject.

"Obedience is pleasure..." the lust drenched voice spluttered back unsteadily. Drone 561 could almost taste the dampness between the thighs of the subject now.

"Yes. Obedience is pleasure. You will obey. You will feel pleasure. You will understand that this pleasure is because you are obedient."

"Yes...obedient...I understand..." the subject whimpered desperately.

"You will call this number in three days time. You must call this number again in three days time. You need to call this number in three days time," drone 561 told the docile subject.

It was important to give direct commands and so reinforce control over the subject's mind. This first orgasm would initiate the subject on the path to slavery. Soon she would be a puppet in their hands, ready to orgasm on command. The initial conditioning was being laid in her mind. There was no going back.

"Very good. Obey now," drone 561 commanded.

The last words the woman spoke were almost screamed down the line. "Obey!" she yelped enthusiastically before dropping the phone. Drone 561 knew that the subject was already thrusting her hands deep inside her needy snatch.

The line went silent.

A tone sounded in drone 561's ears. It's workshift was over. Drone 561 removed the headset and placed it back in it's place beside the monitor. Down below, drone 561 felt the interface cable that had plugged into it's groin interface units when she had sat down on the chair, disengage and retract. The slow, steady stimulation of her two lower orifices stopped.

Unplugged, drone 561 stood up, turned and stepped away.

Behind her another faceless drone stood waiting. As soon as drone 561 was away from the chair, this new drone stepped forward and sat down to begin its workshift.

Drone 561 paid no attention to the mindless woman who had taken her place. It's replacement was a drone, just like it was. All drones were obedient. If drone 561 had been required to possess any other information about this particular drone it would have been programmed with it. It had not been.

After her workshift was complete, drone 561 knew that she must proceed for Pleasure Conditioning. After that it would be time for drone 561 to eat and finally sleep. It was the routine drone 561 had been programmed with. The drone questioned nothing.

The thoughtless dronewoman, following her programming, walked out of the cavernous call centre and proceeded towards the Pleasure Conditioning area nearby.

With it's mind full of purpose, drone 561 marched steadily onwards, the sweet bloom of certainty filling whatever thoughts existed in her small mind.

A sliding door opened for drone 561 and it entered a small preparation room. Once inside the room drone 561 paused to remove the grey turtleneck that covered the top part of her body and head. The turtleneck went into a nearby bin for laundering.

Now clad only in her boots, glossy black underwear and collar the naked drone woman entered the main area of Pleasure Conditioning. The Pleasure Conditioning area was where drones were rewarded for the successful completion of their tasks.

A small group of similarly dressed drones stood at the entrance to the area. Each of them stood quite still, rigidly at attention.

Drone 561 moved towards the end of the small line. A petite drone with large breasts, a pretty face and stiff mane of dark curly hair stood waiting. It stopped walking and turned towards the expressionless female droneunit.

The large chested woman spoke calmly. "The off-shift drone will accompany this drone for Pleasure Conditioning."

Drone 561 responded immediately. "This drone will obey."

The two semi naked women pivoted sharply and walked towards one of the large dome like Pleasure Units that filled the large room. The units were made of sleek grey and silver like everything else in the facility. The teardrop shaped device had a large, flat padded area in the middle which was overhung on three sides by a metal canopy.

The two entranced women lay on the soft vinyl padding.

From a panel, drone 561 removed a long wire and plugged it into the socket at the front of her plastic undercovering. The other drone followed suit. Both drones sat still for a moment while the Pleasure Unit activated.

Suddenly the phallic stimulators inside drone 561 began to throb. The two intruders began to swell inside her. Pulsing in time with the two vibrators buried inside her, a dazzling display of swirling colours and random, undulating patterns was projected down from the canopy down on to the two highly aroused drones.

Shuffling herself across the padded bed, drone 561 approached the smaller soft chested drone. The unresisting dronewoman mewed slightly as her taller companion grasped the twin mounds on her chest with a firm, almost painful grip. The vibrators inside both drones were humming away. Two minds pulsated with obedience.

Drone 561 straddled the soft dark-haired drone.

The shorter droneslave gasped in pleasure as she felt the lean figure of drone 561 above her.

Two sets of stimulators, in perfect cadence, shredded both women's conscious thought into ribbons of lust.

Drone 561 leaned forward towards her sexpartner. It could feel the warm caress of the smaller drone's breath against her cheek.

Slowly, with a tender gentleness, two sets of lips came together in a deep passionate kiss.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I thought it was a blinder of a story. Really love it. The scene over the phone cemented this as an absolute favourite.

Jackspeed2uJackspeed2uabout 5 years ago
Nope you fucked up the basics.

I want to believe, it’s a great premise. However when the chicks cunt and shit hole are chock full of hard black rubber dildos and they are being held in with black not rubber panties HOW THE FUCK CAN SHE THEN MASTERBATE LET ALONE HAVE HER HANDS DEEP IN HER CUNT ? The panties would stop any access to her pussy and the dildos are already deep in her prohibiting the access of hands up her as well.

1 Star for being lazy. You can’t have the panties your story so desperately wanted and her masterbating.

zoejoeyzoejoeyabout 5 years ago
Have to agree with anonymous

A great build up... and then ???

I was really enjoying this until DRONE!

Now I'm not even sure what happened.

Personal became impersonal and lost my interest.

A shame, because it was easy to read with nice word flow, even if the initial brainwashing happened a little to easily to be truly believable, even for fantasy!

Also you introduced characters to become invested in, only for there to be no follow-up.

Would read more from you though, because I like interesting concepts and you clearly have ability.


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

What happened to Phase 2 of Beccy's processing? All of a sudden she was drone 561! Great leadup up till there though

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