Our Special Night

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A Valentine's Day Night is Ruined.
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This is my entry into the Valentine's Day Story Contest 2024. Please vote for it if you like the story. It is the first competition I've entered so be nice.

I'm not a fan of Valentine's Day so I was happy to ruin it. No reason, I just think it is overly commercialized and a waste of money on something you can do on the other 364 days of the year.

I wrote this story in a bad mood so if anyone is hoping for a redemption story for Gwen (and I like writing redemption stories) then you're going to be disappointed, I've already decided that Gwen isn't going to get one.

Anyway, enough of my rambling. Enjoy the story.


My wife Gwen took a sip of wine, took a deep breath, and looked at me straight in the eye taking on a serious expression after we had finished our Valentine's Day meal together. We have always taken Valentine's Day seriously ever since we got married twenty-two years ago. It became our special night. We always ate at home, a tradition started due to the meagre beginnings of our marriage meaning we couldn't afford to eat at restaurants, but we always dressed up to make the occasion special. I was dressed in a tuxedo and Gwen looked stunning as she did every year, wearing a tight red dress that hugged every curve of her body. Her dark brown hair was done ornately by the hairdressers earlier in the day. She appeared to be more beautiful every year.

After the kids arrived, Valentine's Day became even more important to us. We used it as a way to reconnect with each other and bring romance back into our marriage from the chaos the kids brought to our lives. I think Valentine's Day was what helped our marriage work.

Our son Jake was at Gwen's parents for the night and our daughter Charlotte was away in her final year at college.

"Matthew, we need to talk," Gwen said to me. I knew she had something serious to talk about because she called me Matthew instead of Matt. She always called me Matthew when she needed to have a serious discussion with me, "Matthew, I love you", "Matthew, I'm pregnant", "Matthew, we need to marry before the baby is born", "Matthew, I'm pregnant again", "Matthew, I want to be a stay home mom", "Matthew, I want to go back to work."

You get the idea, so it was a little trepidation that I asked, "What's up?" with a furrowed brow.

"Well, we have been married a long time now and recently I have been thinking a lot about my past especially when it comes to my sex life," she began.

"Okay," I said slowly. The hairs on the back of my neck began to stand up on end. I had a horrible feeling that something big was coming especially as she was referring to her sex life and not our sex life.

"As you know you have been my only sexual partner, and you took my virginity. You on the other hand were experienced sexually when we met."

"I only slept with two other girls before we got together," I laughed incredulously. "I only had sex three or four times in total, so I was never experienced sexually. I think I was pretty inept in bed the truth be told, anyway go on."

"Well, the point is that you did sleep with two other girls, and I got pregnant with Charlotte after only a few months into our relationship," Gwen continued.

"The only mistake I never regretted," I smiled. The truth was that at the time, I panicked. I was young, dumb, and terrified that I had knocked up my girlfriend at an age where I was far too young to be a father. A brutal man-to-man talk from my father put me straight. Gwen and I got married (yeah, a shotgun wedding, except it was my dad holding the shotgun) and against all odds our marriage worked. It worked enough to bring Jake into the world a few years later. At least it had but I had a feeling that Gwen was going to throw a spanner into the works of our happy marriage.

Gwen smiled at my comment, "Me too," she agreed happily. "Anyway, I have been thinking a lot about what it would be like to have sex with other men, and it is something I would very much like to explore. In short, I would like to open up our marriage."

"Shit!" I whispered and my heart almost stopped in my chest. That spanner she threw was huge.

"What do you think?" she asked me. I was a little perturbed, no I was very perturbed by her lack of nerves when she asked me that question. She dropped a huge bombshell into our marriage, and she asked me without a hint of worry about what I thought.

"Christ, Gwen!" I exclaimed trying to compose myself. "You're asking me this on Valentine's Day!? Our special night! Is this a done decision? What if I say no?"

"I truly hope you don't say no. This is very important to me, but it doesn't mean I love you any less," she tried to reassure me without a hint of emotion. "Considering where we started you have made me the happiest woman in the world, so I don't want our marriage to end. This isn't about you; it is about me. I just want to experience having sex with other men."

"How long do you plan to "experience" having sex with other men and how many men do you plan to have sex with before your curiosity is sated?"

"I don't know, the truth be told on either count. I just know it is something I need to do," she answered calmly.

"Right," at this point my intuition was starting to smell a rat and I decided to see if I was right. "So, how would this work? If we opened up our marriage, you would be okay if I slept with other women?" I asked, putting her to the test.

"Well, no, this is about me, not us," Gwen said firmly, emphasising the me and us. "I don't think I could bear it if you slept with other women."

I began to laugh hysterically at what my wife just told me, "Are you serious!?" I asked her. "Are you telling me that you get to sleep with other men, and I have to stay at home waiting humiliated for you like some cuckold, and I'm not allowed to sleep with other women?"

"Don't be crude, Matt!" Gwen snapped. "This isn't about us! It is about me scratching an itch. I can't believe you are being so difficult about it. It isn't a big deal. Lots of married couples do this and still have happy marriages."

"What do you mean no big deal and what couples? Name one?"

Gwen sat there silently not answering with a look of thunder on her face but no longer able to look at me.

"So, where do you plan to meet these other men?" I asked her when it was obvious no answer was forthcoming.

"Well, I would meet them wherever I see a man who takes my fancy, for example, the office or-"

"Do you already have someone in mind?" I asked suspiciously, interrupting her. I didn't think it was a coincidence that she mentioned the office first. When she flushed bright red, I had my answer. The rat was about to be exposed. Gwen watched me, her eyes narrowing, as I refilled my wine glass with a very large serving.

"Do you agree to open up our marriage or not?" she pressed, there appeared to be a little bit of urgency in her voice. I had implied that I was not okay with her terms by my reaction, and I could sense she was panicking at not getting the answer she wanted.

I almost downed my wine in one before I answered her,

"Here's the thing Gwen, everything you have told me is horseshit, isn't it?"

"Matt, how dare you! I wanted to come to a mutual decision together, as couple!" my wife replied angrily.

"Ha! Mutual, you say," I retorted indignantly.

"What is the matter with you?" Gwen was now looking furious.

"Mark Taylor," I sneered, looking at her straight in the eye.

"Who?" Gwen's anger instantly disappeared and the nerves that were conspicuous by their absence before abruptly appeared.

"Cut the crap!" it was me who was angry now. "Mark Taylor, your work colleague. He joined your company about eight months ago. He must have taken your fancy and you his because you have been seeing each other behind my back, for how long now? Is it three or four months? How's that for a mutual decision? It looks to me like you have already opened up our marriage. I don't recall giving you permission to have an "experience" with Marky boy."

In any other circumstance, Gwen's face at that moment would have been picture-worthy. Her mouth hung open, and her eyes were wide with disbelief. I could see her mind working at breakneck speed. How did I know? When did I find out? How much did I know? These were the questions she was asking herself before she composed herself and asked herself, "How can I save the situation?"

"Yes, I admit, I have taken a fancy to Mark," she said carefully, "and we have discussed having sex together. However, we both agreed we would both be uncomfortable doing it without your blessing."

"Without my blessing? What if I say no?" I asked again.

Gwen didn't say anything, instead, she sat there with anger boiling inside her.

"Are you telling me nothing has happened between the pair of you? No sex, no kissing, and no dates?" I demanded.

"Okay, we've been on a few dates," Gwen admitted reluctantly. "And yes, we have kissed but we have not slept together." Trickle truthing, I think they call this.

"Right," I said sounding unimpressed. "Is Mark's wife okay with this?"

Again, disbelief and surprise crossed Gwen's face before she answered confidently, "Yes, she is. Mark practices polyamory and so does his wife. Clarissa is perfectly fine with it, and she has a secondary partner too. Polyamory is something I also would like to explore."

"Just you, not me," I stated flatly.

Gwen started to get flustered. She realised that I was tying her up in knots, but she still wasn't sure how much I knew.

"Well, open relationships and polyamory aren't for everyone, and I knew it wouldn't be for you."

"Open relationship or polyamory, which is it?" I was now toying with her. "They're different things."

"I don't know yet, that is why I want to explore both," she said not knowing which way to turn.

"Both? Open relationships are when you are in a primary relationship but are free to fuck around within agreed and respected boundaries. Polyamory is when you have a loving relationship with more than one person. Does Marky boy know you want to fuck around, or haven't you told him yet?"

Gwen's mouth opened and closed like a fish, not knowing what to say. This was too easy.

"No, that's not what I meant," she finally said desperately. This conversation was going nowhere near how she wanted it to. She looked dismayed at getting caught with her knickers down.

"What did you mean then? Also, I don't remember signing up for polyamory or an open marriage when we got married. Let's face facts, you just want me to give you permission to cheat after you've already cheated! You wanted permission to have an affair with Mark while keeping the security of our marriage, making me the perfect cuckold, isn't that right!" Seeing the blank look on her face when she couldn't think of anything else to say because I had completely seen through her, I had enough, "God, this has got boring. I thought this was going to be a lot harder than this."

Leaving Gwen with a confused look on her face, I took my phone out of my pocket and made a call,

"Hi Clarissa, how's Valentine's Day in your house? I'm ready to serve." I gave a small laugh, "I got her to tie herself in so many knots that I don't think she'll ever be able to untie herself." My mouth now dropped open in disbelief, "He said what? Open relationship and polyamory? That is almost word for what Gwen said! I can't believe they scripted it together....... I'm what now? In a polyamorist relationship with a bi-sexual woman." I began to laugh hysterically again; I was sure Gwen could hear Clarissa laughing on the other end, too. "Mark is on his knees in tears begging? Good for you..... How is Gwen taking it? You should see her face; she just can't comprehend what is happening. Okay, I think we should get on with it. Great to talk to you. Let's catch up once the dust settles. Bye, Clarissa."

Gwen's face morphed from confusion to mortification when she saw that I was talking to Mark's wife and that hers and Mark's carefully worked plan had blindly walked them into the trap myself and Clarissa set for them. I wonder if all cheaters are this dumb. Gwen started our conversation in control and lost it all in a blink of an eye unaware that I held all the cards. I don't think I ever felt as powerful as I did then.

I stood up and went to our home office and returned with two envelopes and a pen. I gave Gwen one,

"We were going to have you both served in your office, but you should have seen how much they charge for the service. I think I am in the wrong business. Clarissa came up with this plan. Behind that sweet and caring personality is a devious mind, I can tell you. Anyway, you've been served. There is a separation agreement in there," I told her as I gave one of the envelopes. "Nothing major, it just outlines that you will be required to move out, the separation of our finances and temporary custody arrangements for Jake. In the meantime, we will be sleeping in separate rooms and will be no more than roommates. It also says that Mark must not come within 100 feet of this house or meet Jake. Charlotte is an adult, so it is up to her if she wants to meet Mark or not. Can you sign it so I can give a copy to my lawyer?"

Gwen stared at it blankly before signing it. I was pretty sure she didn't read it. She just sat there staring blankly and looking numb, unable to comprehend how this was happening.

"How?" was all she could ask knowing that there was no point keeping up her charade any longer.

"Yes, how?" I sat back down with her and took out the contents of the second envelope. "I'm afraid I have known for a long time. I'm not sure exactly when you started being unfaithful, but I can make a guess. Here are some of your text messages between you both. There is a lot of X-rated stuff there. You've never said those things to me."

"You went through my phone?"

"Obviously! Otherwise, I wouldn't have the evidence." I then put some photos in front of her of her and Mark kissing, cuddling, on dates, having dinner together and looking very much like a couple. The pictures alone were damning.

"You had us followed?" Gwen asked incredulously.

I nodded, "Clarissa and I shared the cost of a PI. This photo hurts the most," I said pointing to a photo of Gwen and Mark entering a hotel. "That was on my birthday. You told me that you had to go on an urgent business trip. Instead, you went to a hotel with Mark. It doesn't take much to work out what you were doing there, does it? You couldn't even give me one day. That was low, Gwen. Did I deserve so much disrespect?"

"I didn't mean to cheat," Gwen said as she tried to justify herself. "It just happened. You were always working and never with me. I was lonely and Mark became a good friend in the office, and I liked the attention he gave me. One thing led to another, and we fell for each other. If you were home more, it probably would never have happened." She then began to look quizzically at a picture of some text messages, "These are from Mark's phone!" she exclaimed.

"I didn't mean to find out," I said mimicking Gwen. "You received a message from Mark when you were in the shower after you arrived home after you probably had sex with Mark. I was already suspicious of your behaviour and your work clothes became sluttier and I found sexy underwear that I had never seen before. I saw only part of the message, but it was enough for me to go through your phone, and I hit the motherload. When I worked out who it was, I checked to find out if Mark was married. He has three kids younger than Jake, how could you? I then contacted Clarissa through Facebook. She is a very nice lady, no way does she deserve what you both did to her. Once she saw the evidence we got together and agreed to share everything we had.

"I can't believe you are blaming me for your affair! Where do you think the money to put Charlotte through university comes from? Where do you think the money for the mortgage so we can live in a nice house? Where do you think the money to put food on the table to feed Jake comes from? It's called responsibility, Gwen! Clearly, I am the only one who is taking their responsibilities seriously!" I was furious.

Despite my fury, I was quite calm and didn't shout. You would have thought I would have been angrier and screaming at Gwen, accusing her of all sorts, or crying and begging her to come back to me, promising to be a better husband. The truth was that I had gone through all that. Clarissa and I had been supporting each other through the whole process. My overriding feeling was of relief. Relief that the nightmare was coming to an end.

A thought occurred to me, and I sent a few short messages. A few seconds later, Gwen's phone rang. From the shouting coming from the phone, I knew it was Charlotte.

"Honey, sweetheart, I can explain!" Gwen begged our daughter desperately. "It wasn't like that. Please, no! You don't have to do that! I love you!"

Gwen slowly let the phone drop from her ear, and she began to sob.

"You told Charlotte! You had no right to! She doesn't want to see me again. How could you!?" my soon-to-be ex-wife screamed at me looking distraught.

"I had a right to! It's called consequences, Gwen! I told Jake and our parents too." I shot back angrily.

"WHAT!" Gwen screamed again at me in dread then her phone rang once more.

"Mom! Please listen!" Gwen couldn't get a word in. She looked like she was getting royally chewed up. "She wants to talk to you," said a visibly chastised Gwen quietly, handing me her phone.

"Hello, Jill," I said flatly.

"Matt, I am so sorry again for what Gwen has done. It's not how we raised her. I admit we weren't sure about you when you got her pregnant with Charlotte, but you stepped up and became a man. You became the best thing to happen to Gwen. I am sorry you didn't get the same in return."

"I think Gwen realizes that now. Charlotte doesn't want to see her again. I think it would be best if Jake comes home tomorrow once we both have calmed down. I'm sure that his mom will try and explain it away. I know he was upset when I went through it all with him."

"Good luck, Matt. Please stay in touch; I would be sad not to see you again."

"Goodbye, Jill and thank you."

I gave Gwen a hard stare, "I want you to know that I haven't told your work about your affair. I know they have a strict no-fraternization policy. I was all up for telling them, but Clarissa persuaded me not to because she was worried about losing child support and any alimony in her divorce," Gwen breathed a sigh of relief at that. "I was also all set for moving you into the spare room but I'm not sure I can face sleeping in our bedroom again because you've tarnished our bed and yourself. It's been a shit show of a Valentine's Day. Thank you for ruining our special night!"

Gwen just stared at me blankly looking completely alone and broken.

I never celebrated Valentine's Day again. It became just a bitter reminder of what Gwen did to me. She completely ruined that special night for me.

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InForIt2InForIt29 minutes ago

Don't know why others don't like the finish of the story. It is one of the better ones out here.

Good short story, covering everything that needs to be coverd and still being believable.

desecrationdesecration22 days ago

This nicely summarizes a few years of other stories. The point is that once the cheater decides to choose the new guy over the husband, the die is cast.

InfosaugerInfosauger28 days ago

Good story, but unfinished.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Not bad. It obviously leaves unanswered question, but that is not bad in this case. Four stars from me.



gprevgprevabout 2 months ago

Started with a decent story line, but a stronger finish would have been nice.

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