Out of the Bag

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A college freshmen transforms into a catgirl at a full moon.
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Ellin left her Calc 1 class as the bell rang overhead, book bag slung over her side. The guidance counselor's told her she had to apply herself more once she was in college, but these first two weeks were a breeze. She didn't have to interact with anyone she didn't want to, ate whenever she wanted, and studied things that interested her.

Well, except for Calc 1. Curse be that thing called gen ed requirements.

Ellin had only been eighteen for three weeks, but it was going fine... except for the "making friends" thing. She couldn't help it. She didn't like drinking; if she was going to pass out, better to do it in the middle of the day between classes.

At five-five, blonde with blue eyes with a lean figure and ample breasts, she attracted enough attention. Sadly, none of it interested her. It was hard to shed the hopeless romantics from the poon-hounds. None of them had what she was looking for.

She passed the bulletin board near the entrance and saw something that grabbed her attention. It must not have been posted when she entered the first time. It was a flier for something called the Cat Lovers Club. None of the little slips were torn from it. Apparently, nobody wanted to be part of the Cat Lovers Club.

That was a shame. Ellin loved cats. This was the first time in her entire life she hadn't lived with at least one cat in her life. She could recall all their names, their colors, and their temperaments. Even the notoriously grumpy Toby warmed up to her charms. Ellin was the only one to successfully deliver unto Toby a belly rub without getting all four claws in that hand.

Pets were not allowed on campus, of course. Except for fish. What a silly thing, to own a fish as a pet. You can't snuggle a fish. You could EAT a fish, possibly even dropping it straight down your throat like Top Cat, pulling out a perfectly clean fish skeleton. Ellin's stomach rumbled at the thought, but the only fish at the cafeteria came in stick form. It would have to do.

Ellin took the first slip off the flier. The meeting was tonight, at eight in this very building, in a classroom in the basement. Ellin had no other plans, other than homework.

She slipped the note in her jeans pocket and stepped outside. The sun had dimmed, and a shower had started.

Ellin growled to herself, picturing the pocket umbrella she owned, sitting in the closet of her dorm room right now, doing her no good. Ellin put the hood of her sweatshirt up and stomped out into the rain.

She hated the rain.


It was eight-o'-clock. Thankfully, the rain had not lasted into the evening. It was refreshing to walk around campus without carrying a bag full of expensive books of dubious education value. Ellin returned to the building where she'd taken her Calc 1 class. The slip said this inaugural Cat Lovers Club meeting room said 113, the room at the very end of the hall.

Inside, it was just a classroom. An empty classroom, shades lowered, two boxes of pizza and a bottle of store brand soda on the desk, a unopened bag of Solo cups nearby, and one person, presumably the President of the Cat Lovers Club.

She was a little taller than Ellin, though perhaps that was all in her kick-ass boots. She had ink black hair, blue eyes and a frayed white T-shirt that barely reached her midsection. Her nipples were barely visible under it. If she was cold, she could zip up her jean jacket or wear longer jean shorts. Her body was exquisite, the soft milky skin of her midriff visible and her legs long and lean.

The president was occupied on her phone and barely heard as Ellin entered. She looked up and lit up immediately. "Welcome!" She put her phone away. "You're here for the Cat Lovers Club?"

"I am." Ellin said. "Am I early?"

"Nope!" The president jumped up and passed through the center aisle, throwing her arms around and hugging Ellin.

Ellin's face went red. She wasn't used to someone so beautiful being excited to see her. She hesitantly put her arms around her to reciprocate the hug. The president released her and brought her up to the teacher's desk, gesturing to the bounty of pizza.

"I'm Catherine, by the way." The president said, opening the top box of pizza, the five-eighths of pizza remaining looking like an enthusiastic Pac-Man.

Ellin ruined the Pac-Man by taking one slice of the cheese pizza. "I'm Ellin. It's spelled with an I, because my parents apparently never had anyone misspell their name at Starbucks."

"That's cool." Catherine took another slice for herself. "So... do you love cats?"

"Well, yeah." Ellin said between a bite. "Why else would I be here on this lovely Wednesday night? I'm surprised nobody else is here."

"I'm just happy you're here." Catherine said, taking a seat next to Ellin on the teacher's desk. "I'd hate to eat all this by myself. Oh... Speedy and Polly would be so ashamed of me if they knew I couldn't eat the whole thing by myself."

There was a pause as Catherine reached her crust. "Was that a... Samurai Pizza Cats joke?"

Catherine turned her head slowly towards Ellin. "You got that joke?" She asked, a gentle surprised tremor in her voice.

Ellin felt cornered by Catherine's intense stare, but was not prepared as Catherine's head sprang forward and planted a long kiss on Ellin's lips. Too shocked to even move her head back, she allowed the kiss to terminate slowly, a few specks of the spiced salt they sprinkle on the crusts moved from Catherine's lips to Ellin's.

Ellin was blushing brightly, caught completely off-guard. Catherine looked at her with intense admiration and warmth. "Catherine... short for 'Cat.' Is this club about... loving you?"

"If you want it to be." Catherine purred, putting her hand on Ellin's and kissing her neck.

"How did you know I was a lesbian?" Ellin huffed, her leg shaking a bit as Catherine slipped in closer.

"I think I know more about you than you think." Catherine whispered.

"What are you talking about?" Ellin tried to inch away.

Catherine looked at her sideways. "You don't know? Oh, my god, you've never transformed before?"


"The reason nobody else is here is because that piece of paper I wrote the flier on is special. It can only be read properly with special eyes." Catherine explained. "Apparently, you were the only felanthrope on campus who saw it."

"What?!" Ellin repeated. "Can we just go back to making out? I understood that."

"If you insist." Catherine grabbed her shoulders and they kissed. Catherine pushed her off the desk, knocking the bottle of soda off the desk. Ellin's hand went under it and caught it before it hit the ground.

Catherine pried her lips off Ellin's and saw the evidence of these amazing reflexes. She was certain now. "Nice moves." Catherine took the bottle from Ellin's hand and advanced on her, leaving the desk and pinning Ellin against the shaded window. "You can feel it, can't you?" Catherine grinned, leaning her forehead against Ellin's. "That feeling inside you... building up inside of you..." She shook the bottle of soda up and down forcefully, the interior of the bottle now a storm of agitated cola foam. "Like this."

"This isn't my first time, Catherine."

"Please. Call me Kitty."

"OK, Kitty... I might be a freshman, but I've been around the block once or twice."

"You think I'm talking about sex?" Catherine's smile got wider. "Wow, you really haven't transformed before..." Catherine let her go and went about the classroom, throwing up every shade on that side of the room. The night was visible through the windows, as was the moon...

Ellin suddenly felt a gentle warmth in her heart. The blush that was on her cheeks grew a little into a fever. "Whoo." Ellin huffed. "It's getting hot in here."

"It wasn't hot until you showed up." Catherine cooed. "Can I take that coat?" She slid behind her and pulled Ellin's sweatshirt off. A gentle glimmer of sweat appeared on her arms. Catherine's hands went into Ellin's shirt and landed on her breasts.

Ellin gasped, no bra present to shield them from her hands. Ellin's breasts filled Catherine's hands perfectly, with just a little spilling between her fingers. She squeezed them twice and gently ran her fingertips down Ellin's abdomen. "We need to do this first. The claws come first. Do it to me, quick."

Ellin didn't know what Catherine was talking about, but she spun around and planted a flurry of intense kisses on Catherine's mouth. Ellin threw off Catherine's jacket and pulled her torn shirt over her head, liberating her beautiful breasts. Foregoing the grope she had received, Ellin buried her face between them, licking the soft tit flesh, teasing the nipple with her tongue. Breasts were the reason she decided she was a lesbian. She loved playing with them, feeling them on her face, pressing her ear up to them, hearing the heart beat under it and the milk potentially flowing within.

Catherine's flesh felt unbelievably hot, and Ellin felt the fever grow into something more. The room suddenly felt like it was 100 degrees. She wasn't sweating any more than normal, but the heat was inescapable. She fanned herself weakly with her hands until they started to tingle. She shook them about until the tingle stopped.

She looked down. Where her fingernails were before... now were ten long pointed claws.

"I told you they'd come first." Catherine held out her hand, identical claws on her fingers.

"What's happening?" Ellin panted. "What have you done to me? What was in that pizza?!"

"I haven't done anything." Ellin set her hands on her shoulders. "It's the moon. It's full tonight. That's why I set the meeting for today. I'm really glad I found you. What if you were going through this alone?"

"Why am I so hot?!" Ellin said, billowing her shirt out to rush some air between her breasts, putting a hole in the bottom of her shirt with her claws.

"The body temperature of a cat is about 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit." Catherine explained. "But while transforming... your body will run up to about 115. So... trust me, you don't want all that on."

Huffing uncomfortably, Ellin threw her shirt off. She looked down and felt a sense of vertigo. Her hand covered her mouth, and Catherine reached forward to support her.

"It's your eyes." Catherine said. "Your field of view just changed. It's wider than your normal eyes." Ellin looked up and saw Catherine's pupils were now wide slits. Moreso, the light in the room had a slightly different color, and the pitch-black outdoors were now illuminated in red-purple light.

"Trust me, I've done this before." Catherine continued. "Let me help you out of those clothes." She hooked one finger into the fly of Ellin's jeans and pulled straight down, somehow ripping the pants all the way down the middle, leaving Ellin nude except for her shoes.

"Hey!" Ellin covered herself with her hands.

"Whoa." Catherine chuckled. "I didn't expect you to be... shaved."

Ellin moved her hands away from her body. "I told you... it's not my first time."

"It's just your first transformation. See, don't you feel better without all them clothes?"

She did. She sighed, stepping out of her shredded jeans, feeling something like hair brush against her rear. She turned and found a tail emerging from the base of her spine, right above her butt. It had the same color hair (fur?) as that on her head, a golden blonde.

Startled by it, she stumbled trying to walk away from it, but it followed her. Catherine didn't bother explaining what it was to her, but she reached out and touched the soft fur. She wrapped her hand around the base of it and gave it a gentle tug, pulling Ellin in closer.

Ellin cried out, almost a musical ululation. "You know..." Ellin protested. "My kitties didn't like getting their tails pulled."

Catherine's claws gently slipped around Ellin's bare torso, ever so lightly raking them on Ellin's soft skin. "And you?" She asked.

"I'm counting the seconds until you do it again." She moaned breathlessly, feeling the heat rise again.

"Help me out of these." Catherine spun Ellin around to face her, pointing down at her jean shorts. Rather than make a single swipe like Catherine did, Ellin worked a single finger on the side of one leg of Catherine's shorts. She gently pulled her claw along the denim, ripping it like a zipper until she reached the end, where the end of the pocket hung below the frayed edge. She moved over to the other side and did the same move, freeing from Catherine's jeans her newly-formed black tail, the only part of her body with hair.

Ellin ducked down to cut Catherine's boots with her claw, but she backed off. "No way." Catherine shook her head. "Rip jeans all you want, but these were like a hundred dollars."

The end of the sentence dropped off, as all the sound in the room faded. Ellin's ears tickled, and all sound disappeared for just a moment. Something pushed up her hair at the top of her head. Her hands went up to her cranium, and found two points of soft flesh sticking out the top. The range of her hearing had increased as well, as the thumping heart she was hearing wasn't her own, but Catherine's.

"I need a mirror." Ellin demanded. Catherine was ready, opening a small compact mirror. Two triangular cat ears stuck out of Ellin's head, each turning towards sound or flattening against her head at her will. "Are these permanent?"


"That's too bad." Ellin's eyes fell on Catherine again. Not only could she see and hear things she couldn't before... there was this intoxicating smell that blocked out even the strong smell of pizza. Something irresistible, the smell of Kitty's pheremones. Even if her body language didn't clearly indicate she was in heat... the signals here were unmistakable.

Catherine cocked a single eyebrow and spun around, her tail drifting between Ellin's legs, tickling the inner thigh before rubbing delicately against Ellin's mound. Ellin whimpered and stroked the fur on Catherine's tail. Catherine moved the pizza off to one of the student's desks and brought her arms around Ellin's shoulders. "You ready?"

Ellin nodded, walking in as Catherine spread herself onto the desk, Ellin climbing on top of her. Their hands wove together as their tits squished against each other, legs slightly off-center so their thighs could rub their mounds as they kissed. Their bodies burned with amazing heat, nothing hotter than their hands. Catherine blew into Ellin's ear and made her giggle and twitch involuntarily. Ellin's face returned between the wonderful soft orbs of Catherine's breasts, the transformation thankfully not rendering them six flat nipples on her underside.

Catherine rubbed her temple on Ellin's neck and licked the neck from breast to near her eye. She repeated this a few times as Ellin bucked her head back and released a long meow.

Ellin clapped her hand over her mouth. She had not done that on purpose. Ellin's tongue felt thinner and less agile in her mouth than she was used to. She looked down at Catherine, who smiled, opened her mouth and let out a soft meow herself.

Even stranger, Ellin understood it. She said, "mmMMmrowww," but to her ears, it translated immediately as "Don't be embarrassed. This is part of the transformation as well." Such latitude of language the meow had, greater than even English. Why was Ellin taking an English class when all she needed were a few meows to express everything she would ever feel?

"Mmeeow." Ellin said. Approximately translated into English, it was "My goodness, what a new world of amazing things you've shown me on this Wednesday evening." Or perhaps more succinctly, "I love you. Let's fuck."

Catherine smiled and grabbed Ellin's head, delivering more kisses between their altered tongues. It didn't last long, as a very distant door opening made them both look up. Catherine hissed a bit, hearing distant conversation.

"Mwow?" Ellin asked. "What is it?"

"mmrRRow." Catherine answered. "I hear someone coming. I think they're the students who signed up this room after our meeting."

"Mmmow?" Ellin looked out at the open door. The sound was still a few floors away. "Who are they?"

"Mmmroow." Catherine growled. "The anime club."

They looked at each other severely. Approaching were that variety of geeky dude who definitely liked what they might obscenely call a 'cat-girl.'

"Mmeeow." Said Ellin. "We need to leave right now."

"mrowWw." Catherine agreed. They jumped up from the desk. Catherine jumped up to the window and climbed out to the outdoors.

Ellin hesitated, hearing the footsteps get louder as they got closer. She grabbed her purse, stood on one of the desks and barely got out the window before the Anime Club members arrived.

The largest one was a man of about four hundred pounds. No wonder they could hear his footsteps. "Hey, who left pizza here?" He said.

"The itinerary says this was the Cat Lovers Club meeting before this." Said the somewhat slimmer one who trailed behind.

"Well, hey. Finders keepers." He opened the box and removed a slice. "Eww... anchovies." The anime fan sneered, and nevertheless took a bite of the pizza. Ellin guessed you don't get to four hundred pounds if you're that picky about pizza.

Catherine looked from a short distance away. To those inside, they'd be cloaked in shadow without their special eyes. She salivated at that anchovy pizza, wishing she'd had a bite with her new nose and tongue. Ellin respectfully intervened, reminded her they were both still totally naked in the middle of campus.

Catherine responded with a quick kiss. "Mmmroww..." She said. "I know where we should go."


Henceforth, while transformed, Ellin and Catherine communicate to each other only in Cat. Rather than translate it every time, this story will proceed as though they were speaking English for the benefit of the reader. The management apologizes to any cat readers out there who are slighted by this editorial decision.


Catherine and Ellin scurried across the campus, avoiding the brightly lit areas where they could. Ellin was amazed at how accurate her assumptions on how far people were away based on hearing them could be. Catherine was running all fours, which Ellin had to try to get used to. It turned out to be faster. Catherine had done this much longer than she had, of course.

Dodging passersby and other late-night denizens of the campus, Catherine brought Ellin to somewhere she hadn't been before; a brand-new building of glass and beige brick, shaped like a lopsided letter U. A few mews from Catherine explained it was the new engineering building, dedicated to Dr. Erwin McDonnel, who taught at the university for thirty years before he was killed in a robbery. Maybe that was too much information, but within those four letters that spell M-E-O-W, entire novels could be spoken.

There were very few cars out front, indicating a lack of staff on the premises, though not necessarily a lack of students. They hid behind a poorly maintained bush near the front door, where a sign in the window that guaranteed this bare spot of pavement where smokers might congregate was, in fact, the parking spot for a certain professor's motorcycle.

Ellin was surprised how comfortable she was running around naked. Less comfortable were her feet. Maybe the claws in her shoes were digging into the interior of the shoe. While still hidden behind the bush, Ellin took off her shoes and socks and tucked them into the bush, where nobody would likely disturb them.

"How can you move so well in those boots?" Ellin said.

"Practice." Catherine responded. "Let's go inside." Catherine and Ellin darted to the door, staying on their legs so they could pull the door handle. They got inside. Catherine pointed the way they should go, and Ellin ran off ahead, encouraging Catherine to catch her.

Ellin sprinted off. She went through the halls, past classroom doors, not hearing any nearby voices. She entered an open area with overhead walkways and a receptionist desk... and immediately slipped on the freshly washed floor. Her feet skittered out from under her, trying to regain traction with her nails without success until she slammed into the opposite wall, her ass in the air.