Page Ch. 03


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"Bite a little harder," she whispers, as she quivers against me. "Oh, fuck, yes like that!"

I continue pumping inside her until her climax becomes a continuous shudder. She pulls herself up to hug me tightly and I'm supporting her full body again. While she's like this I lift her with strength I didn't know I had to hammer her down onto me for a finale that looses both of our daemons.

"I'm cumming - oh fuck - I'm cumming inside you," I say, as I shoot blast after blast into my beautiful sister's pussy.

"Please - oh fuck yesss - so fucking nice," she says gripping me tighter with her legs. "I love how it feels when you erupt inside me."

When our tremors finally stop, I set her back on the rough slate floor. Her feet next to mine, she releases the bar and hugs me tightly under the water. Puddles of our combined fluids drip from her onto the floor and wash away.

"That was the best one yet," she whispers to me.

"You're making me crazy, you know?" I ask.

"In a good way, though, right?"

"Yeah. I think so."

We break the embrace and I rewash Page a bit just as the water starts to turn cool. I turn off the water and open the shower door to collect our towels. I hand her one and step off the mat to allow her to exit as well.

"That was pretty amazing, Page. What a great stress breaker," I say, as I continue to dry.

Her face beaming with happiness she says, "I'm glad -"

It seems like she wants to say more, but it goes unspoken as she continues to dry and then proceeds into her room to dress. I hang my towel and start to brush my teeth at the sink when she reappears at the door wearing a pair of sexy panties. She's got a blue shirt in her hands and she watches me watching her. Slowly she pulls the long-sleeve shirt over her head and finally down her body covering her naked breasts. I'm still watching her intently and disappointment must have appeared on my face as she'd covered them.

"You can have more later," she says, as she smiles, shakes her head and walks away.

She's back in her room and I can't see her. I feel warmth in my groin again and my penis twitches involuntarily, perhaps thinking it could have another go. However, I feel the need to get dressed and figure out what we're going to do. I finish up and head to my closet to pick out some clothes to wear and for travel. Jeans and a flannel shirt seem like a good idea for today as I think about the snow outside. I grab another set for travel and some long sleeve polo style shirts. Back in my room at the dresser I pull out several pair of boxers and all five pair of white socks that I own. Then I go to the restroom and grab a toiletry bag from under the sink and pack a spare toothbrush for Page.

Back at my bed I neatly pack the items into the duffel as my mind wanders to the possibility that my wardrobe is going to need to change. I'm going to need some more casual clothing if I do go back to school. I don't want to be that guy that's always wearing suits to class. I get dressed and sit on the bed to put on my socks and some hiking boots. I've no idea where we might go or what Page thinks we're going to do, but I have a bad feeling and a chill runs up my spine as I consider what kind of trouble might be headed for us.

Those worries propel me back into the closet for a larger duffel bag that contains my two matching handgun cases. I unzip the duffel and remove the cases and carry them to the bed. A buddy of mine had helped me select the guns for ease of use and practicality; he'd actually been the one to prompt me to run for office in the first place. Back at the bed I packed all the clothing neatly into my duffel and decide I should check the guns.

Laying the hard cases side by side on the bed, I open up each of the hardcover cases for inspection. The contents were nearly identical, and inside them were a Glock 19, three clips and four new boxes of ammo, and one had a fifth partial box. The guns were in nearly the same condition as they'd come from the store, since I'd only ever fired them at the range and cleaned them after every use. I picked up and inspected each clip to insure it was fully loaded with the fifteen rounds it could carry. Two were a little short from the last use and I took some shells from the partially used box and slipped them into the clip. When I'd gotten these, I was fairly sure I'd never use them for my own defense, but tonight that feeling was changing. In fact, I found myself worrying that they might actually be needed in the near future.

I close the cases back up, sling the duffel bag strap over my shoulder and take the lot into the office, where I find Page has been busy as well. She's at the desk again examining two identical phones. They look new and I'm a little confused. I drop the duffel and set the cases next to them, as Page eyes them with suspicion.

"Where'd you get the phones?" I ask.

"I got them a little before I got the laptop."

"You were busy this morning; did you have them couriered too?"

"No, I just paid cash at the Target up the street. They're no contract deals with re-loadable minutes, texting and data."

"So they're burner phones?"

"Yeah, I guess you could call them that," she says, with a smirk.

"What have you got in those cases?" she asks pointing.

"Well, I'm just taking a precaution," I say. "I got these a while ago."

I pick up a case and bring it over to the desk to show her the contents. As I open it, Page's eyebrows raise, her forehead furrows a bit and a little frown appears on her face. I feel like maybe I've made a mistake and I close the lid back.

"What? You don't think we need them?"

"I - um - I - don't - know," she says, her words coming out staccato as she seems to be reconsidering. "Do you know how to use them?" she asks after several moments.

"Yeah, well, I'm decent with targets. Do you?"

"Yeah, I've used a Glock."

I'm kind of surprised that she not only knows exactly what they are, but also how to use one. She continues to amaze me and I stand there looking at her.

"Okay, I guess we can take them. Anyway, this phone is yours," she continues, as she hands it to me. "I've got these two set up so they can call each other on speed dial. No names, just press the second entry, the first one is a dummy."

"Are you planning on leaving me?" I blurt my worry out loud.

"Not right now, no, but we might get separated and I just thought..."

"Okay, I was worried when I saw your bag earlier."

"Oh, well, we do need to get going soon," she says. "You're all packed, right?"

"Yeah, we can go anytime."

"Well, I'm done with the laptops, I just need to finish putting a couple more of these up."

Then she holds up a little plastic case of wafer looking devices. Inside the plastic is blue foam that separates them into twelve circular spots. Looking at it I can see that one slot is empty.

"Are they microphones?"

"Actually, yes, but there's also a camera and I've configured a few of them to randomly Wi-Fi hop and piggy-back off several of your neighbor's, so the traffic won't be seen on yours. The slightly increased traffic probably won't be noticed on their networks, and it leaves your network the same. Having extra devices show up might tip off whoever is behind this and we don't want that or they might not go for the honeypot I've configured," she says pointing to the computer she's reassembled and presumably wiped in preparation for her trap.

"Whoa," I say aloud. "That's like some kind of spy shit. Where'd you -" I cut myself short, because I see Page shaking her head 'no' again. "Oh, you can't say..." I wonder when she's going to loop me into her web.

"I've already put one up in here, but we should cover the front and side doors," she says, as she gets up and then practically prances off toward the hall.

I follow her to the main hall and watch her stick one in the center of the thermostat which had a direct line of sight to the front door. If I didn't know it was there, I would not even see it since it blended in with the circular temperature gauge. Then Page walks past me to the kitchen and places one on the refrigerator brand logo so it has a full view of the side door. Back in the office she examines the video streams from both and there's a third one with us in the frame.

"What do you think? Good enough?"

"Yeah," I say looking at myself, trying to figure out where she's put the one in here.

"It's here," she says pointing at the digital clock on the book shelf that overlooks my desk.

"This is some fucked up spook shit, where do they get power?"

"They pick up power from things they're near with coils that expand outward from the center," she says, as she hands me the case of them to inspect.

"The more I see, the less I know who you are."

Page is giving me a queer smile and says, "Well, we need to pack the car and go."

"You have some place in mind?" I ask.

"We just need a place that isn't too wired up. Something that's got electricity and cell reception. Some place we can have time to analyze things without any unexpected interruptions..."

"I don't know why I hadn't already thought of this, but I might actually have a place we can go to like that. A buddy of mine has given me access to his cabin up in Front Royal. It's in the mountains about an hour west of here."

"Sounds like a plan then."

"I think we might still have some interruptions..." I say hopefully.

"Only if you're a good boy," she teases me. "Have you got a backpack or something we can put these laptops in?" she asks, as she powers them off and closes the lids.

"Yeah, I'll get one, you need anything else?"

"No, I'll just get on my boots and coat."

Back in my closet I pull down an old back pack. I stuff one of my sweaters inside to help cushion the laptops and head back out to the office, where I find page is all ready to go. She's zipped her duffel, and got one of the hard cases in her hand.

"Where are the keys?" she asks.

"Hanging by the cabinet," I say pointing.

She goes to the hall and plucks them off of the hook. She clicks the trunk unlock, hands me the keys and heads for the front door. I put the back pack on the desk, grab my stuff and follow her out. We get the first load in the trunk, close the lid and go back inside. Inside I grab my leather coat from the rack and put it on, while Page goes to pack the laptops.

"Nice sweater, dude. But it's not really necessary, these things are all solid state, even the drives."

"Oh, well, I might need it anyway, it's getting colder. Let me carry those. You need anything else?"

"No, we're good to go, I think. We might need to stop and pick up some groceries along the way."

As we get outside, I lock the door and deadbolt it as well. I open the trunk to place the backpack there with the other items and we climb in my A6 Quattro and begin the trip out of town. The city streets aren't very busy and we get to the I-495 loop fairly quickly. Within another ten minutes I'm merging on to I-66 and we're well under way.

The snow has been cleared from these roads but is still visible as we pass through the suburban sprawl and eventually into rural Virginia. In just another forty minutes or so, I see the sign for Front Royal.

"It's just another ten miles."

"Okay, we should get gas and I want you to do something for me," Page says oddly.


"Get off at the next exit and get back on the interstate for the gas station we just passed."

"Okay, any particular reason?"

"Just checking something," she says looking out the back window.

I do as she's asked and get off at the next exit. I wait for a big truck to pass and then merge onto the county road and prepare to get back on the interstate. Page is crouched down using the mirror to peep out the window behind us and has a concerned look upon her face as another car waits behind us. As I make the left turn back onto the on ramp, her concern disappears and she sits forward again.

At the gas station she gets out saying, "Wait here until they turn the pump on," and disappears inside.

After a few moments, the pump activates and I pump exactly twenty bucks worth of gas into the car and the pump cuts off.

Page is back at the car and says, "I think we're good." Then climbs in the car.

I get back into the car with her and ask, "What's going on?"

"We're just being cautious."

Another cold chill runs up my spine as I pull out of the gas station and head back out on the highway. Page has her head on a swivel the whole time, checking mirrors and watching cars near us with and eye of suspicion. We reach the Front Royal exit and I sort of remember my way to a Martin's grocery store. I pull into their parking lot after a couple of wrong turns and a miss due to being in the wrong lane to make the turn.

As we get out of the car Page seems a lot more relaxed. I go to the trunk and retrieve some cloth sacks for the items we might need. She takes my arm as we push a cart from the bin in the parking lot through the automated front doors. Inside we pick several fresh items to fix, but I want to make sure we have some quick meals and I head over to the frozen section right after we finish there. We grab some dairy items and finally head to the register to check out.

Heading out to the car, we find it is snowing again and we quickly load the groceries into the trunk. I feel a little pressure to get through the winding road to the cabin quickly, but resolve to 'remain calm' and take my time. Along the way, I find an icy spot as we cross a bridge. Page jumps a little as the car slips a bit before the traction control takes over. We only have one more of those before we reach the turn off for the cabin, where the road is a little more covered in snow.

The road to my buddy's cabin comes up behind Skyline Drive, but doesn't connect to it and the last part is gravel. The snow had obviously fallen thicker here than it had in the DC area. As I start down the road, I realize getting up the drive would have been nearly impossible without the all-wheel drive on my A6. It isn't a great car, but occasionally I appreciate this feature. I pull up to the cabin at just about 8:00 PM and it's almost totally dark with the exception of the headlights.

Page hops out of the car and excitedly packs a snowball to toss at me. I just stand there and let her hit me. The snow isn't tightly packed and just falls from my coat. As I'm chuckling at this, the lights on the car timeout and click off. In the total darkness, I hear her creeping around behind me and I know she's close, so I click the trunk and unlock buttons so that the lights in the car come back on.

"Hey, no fair," she says, as I whirl and catch her.

We playfully scuffle and suddenly I'm on my back in the snow with Page standing over me, offering her outstretched hand. I take it and observe her smiling in the light coming from the interior of the car for a split second and then she's gone again as the timer expires.

"Are you okay?" she asks, as she continues to help me up.

"Yeah, but did you get the license of that truck?"

She's giggling at me in the dark, "Let's get our stuff and get inside, big brother."

The cloudy sky, moonless night and complete solitude of the location are making things difficult without some help. I click the unlock again so we can get to the trunk and eventually the door. We each grab a duffel and one of the gun cases and head to the door. I punch in the combination on the door lock and it clicks open.

Thinking about Gary as I pushed the heavy metal door inward, I remember him giving me my own combination for the door and how he'd told me to hold up here anytime I needed to 'get away from it all'. He owns several 'crash pads' in various states and a couple with survival bunkers. I'd been to this place a couple times now and it'd always felt safe. The guest room and master bedroom are nearly identical, although I suspect he probably had some tweaks put in somewhere. He was the one who'd invited me to go fishing for silvers in Alaska. Those four months seem like a lifetime ago at this surreal moment.

Gary had invited me to go with him to Louisiana for his annual hunting trip while we'd been in Alaska. I'd declined at the time thinking I be getting ready for my new term, but now, I was using the information to help our situation. The timing of his trip left this place available. Earlier at my flat I'd decided in a flash that Page and I could use this remote location safely.

Inside Page flips the light switch at the door and indirect lighting comes on, giving the large entry room a nice glow. I follow her in and we place our bags inside the guest bedroom door. As I return to get the remainder of the items from the car, I flip on the front porch light. Back at the trunk I gather a backpack with the two laptops and one of the sacks of groceries. Page grabs the other two, closes the trunk and follows me back inside the house.

"For a cabin, it's kind of high tech inside," Page observes, as I close the door.

"Yeah. My buddy, Gary, is a bit of an eccentric recluse. His dad helped fund my first political campaign."

"Where'd you meet him again?"

"We met in college; he was kind of cool. We were taking all the same classes plus I liked hanging out and listening to his latest tinfoil-hat theories. I guess that's why he claimed me as one of his few friends."

"Oh? What kind of conspiracy theories were those?"

"Well, come to think of it, what's been happening to me - uh - or us lately, would be right up his alley."

I put the backpack beside a long table that served as a desk but had no drawers and headed to the kitchen with the grocery sack. "The kitchen is in here," I say, as I flip on the light.

Page comes in right behind me and plops the two sacks she's carrying on another long wooden table and starts unpacking them. While she's putting things away, I look for the thermostat. It isn't bitter cold, but it's a bit nippy. I locate it back in the main room and set the temperature to 22 C. Gary's use of metric still confuses me, I only know a few key numbers in metric, like room temperature.

Back in the kitchen I help put away the rest of the items. We've got some fresh stuff, but I'd insisted on getting several frozen food items so we could have a quick meal if need be. As I'm putting away the last of the frozen food, I hold out two pot pies since I am already feeling tired from the drive. I crack open the side flap and place the whole boxes into the microwave for fifteen minutes. While I wait for those to cook, I take advantage of the nice automated espresso machine Gary has. Once I have it full with fresh coffee beans we got from the store and fresh spring water from the tap, I turn it on.

"You want an espresso with cream?"

"Sure if you're buying," she replies from her seat at the table.

I make her a double espresso and pour in some half and half when it's done and hand it to her. I add cream to my cup and start the next one. Page has her coat pulled tight and is taking a sip.

"Mmmm, this is good," she says with a smile forming.

My cup finishes and I join her at the table saying, "Just a little longer on the pot pies. Sorry it's nothing fancy, we can do a nicer meal tomorrow."

"It's fine, the place is amazing really and kind of romantic; don't you think?" she asks, as she takes my hand and looks around the kitchen.

"Yeah, not bad for free, right?"

Her little fingers are tracing over mine and it reminds me of when she'd been smaller. She'd always compared her tiny hands with mine. Now her hands are larger, but they're still a bit smaller than mine. I'm feeling a bit deprived of her company from when our parents split up. I fully realize I wouldn't have gotten to watch her grow up much more since I would have still gone to college, but I feel like things might have been different.