Page Ch. 06


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Reba starts right in, "Ryan, we don't know why multiple groups are focused upon you, but the Russian group has been at work in the US for decades. The documents that Page captured from bpodq point to a conspiracy to promote candidates with very specific agendas. Namely, they are long term plans aimed at funding candidates that oppose science in some fashion either for religious or commercial reasons. We believe that one of their primary goals is the crippling of science education and further promotion of global warming."

"You really believe that? They are signatory to several treaties to reduce emissions."

"That's all global politics. They want warm water ports and open shipping lanes in the Arctic," Mom offers.

"So you know this as a fact or these are educated guesses?"

"The document spell out groups of candidates to promote and deter. Analysis of the backers and policies of each candidate has led us to believe that is their goal," Reba states flatly.

"Their loss to us in the space race hurt their national pride and they've been pursuing a variety of strategies to regain an advantage ever since," Mom adds.

"So, because I'm a pro-education candidate, I'm out. I guess I can see that, but I'm already out, why would they continue to pursue me like this?"

"They seem to understand that once out, politicians obtain power through alternate pathways like becoming a lobbyist or even pursuit of a different office," Reba says.

"So, they're fucking up my life as an insurance policy?"

"Maybe, we don't know for certain."

"What about the Asian woman Page saw planting devices?"

"We don't have much on that angle yet, but the Chinese government has stepped up their espionage across the board. They spy on government and corporations with equal perniciousness," Mom says.

Page adds, "The Chinese have the means of production for so much of the technology that the entire world uses. It could be for competitive advantage in trade or plans of global domination."

"That seems pretty far-fetched," I say. "Don't they just want us to buy more of their stuff?"

Reba answers, "Yes, but take the case of wireless WAPI protocol they insist are in all mobile products to be sold in China. Both U.S. government and tech industry specialists agree that its use is really about trade discrimination, but since the Chinese government owns the source code and the chips are solely made in China; it may well have back-doors that haven't been detected yet."

"None of this explains why anyone might try to abduct or kill Page and me."

"There is definitely a third element here," Mom says. "Page was being sought by one of the groups with whom she worked."

"I'm so sorry, Ryan," Page says hugging me.

"Do we know who the guy I shot was working for?"

"Not yet. He was Russian, so we believe he might be a contractor for them, but it might be something else," Mom says. "We're still working to put the pieces together, where he's been, who he's been talking to and the lab is working on his phone as we speak."

The three of them start conversing more as I just listen. It starts to get way too technical for me to follow. The lab has given them details about the five different manufactures of devices they found throughout the condo. I can't see out the window but my stomach takes this moment to gurgle loudly telling me that evening is upon us. My head begins throbbing again and I notice the conversation has come to an abrupt halt.

"I think we need to eat," Page says. "Have either of you made plans?" she asks Mom and Reba.

Mom responds quickly, "Yes, but look, we just wanted you to see we're making a good faith effort to include Ryan on as much information as we can. The path forward is to make the condo secure and hardened with a panic room. We're going to have to maintain a low profile for a while, since there are still news vehicles on the street. We'll need to come up with a narrative that fits the shooting event and your marriage. Eating out won't make that any easier, so I've ordered in groceries to make dinners for several nights and I plan to do that until this dies down."

"So the both of you are staying until this has blown over in the news?" I ask.

"Your mom is staying here. I have a room in town. However, I'll be heading back to Stanford to prepare for a course shortly after the New Year."

"Well, that may change," Mom interjects. "You have more expertise on the tech side of this, I can cover for the first couple weeks of your course."

My mind is officially blown as I envision my Mom teaching for Reba at Stanford. I hear them bantering back and forth about how that might work and stop abruptly, when Page opens the door to the room.

"I guess she meant it," Mom laughs following her out toward the kitchen.

I tag along behind and offer, "I can cook, you know?"

"Yes, but your aunt and I are here and you're still recovering."

Those words remind me of my head throbbing and I detour into the bathroom to get one of my pills. I join the three of them but sit outside the kitchen on a stool at the counter. Page hands me a glass of water and sits beside me, letting Mom and Reba work on dinner. It is somewhat reminiscent of childhood memories I have during Reba's visits to our home.

I down my pill and whisper to Page, "It'll be pretty nice to have a home cooked meal from them, my cooking never has compared to either one of them."

"We heard that," Mom and Reba say in perfectly matched stereo.

Their voices sound so similar, that the slight delay between them speaking had a harmonic quality and we all have a short chuckle while they continue to fix dinner with Page and me looking on. Over the next half hour, they quickly prepare two of my favorite dishes, meat-stuffed Kibbeh and a fresh zesty Israeli salad. Evidently Mom had already formed the meatballs, so they just have to be cooked. The ingredients of the salad just had to be minced and mixed to set together while the meat cooked. They also set a nice pot of mint tea to brew and add some honey as they served us at the table in the small eating area.

When we finish, I take over cleaning up, loading dishes and putting the leftovers away, despite Mom's disapproval. Page helps me with the pans and it was almost back to the condition Mom had it when we finish. We continue sitting around the table drinking honey and mint tea and our conversation turns away from meal related topics.

"So, is it okay to speak here?"

"Let's move this back," Mom says taking her cup with her to the family room.

We all follow and she closes the door once we're inside. I sit on the sofa with Page and Reba takes a seat on one easy chair and Mom sits in the other.

Mom continues, "The devices are gone, but certain topics should be reserved for this room. The rest of the condo is low security. People can listen at the windows or from the floor above. So, in general, don't discuss anything that isn't in the public realm of knowing."

"We can discuss the upcoming party and daily plans, but nothing regarding the spying and ongoing investigation," Page adds.

"You want to be careful what you say about going out," Reba cautions. "We have to assume that they are still trying to surveil you."

"Okay, I think I've got it. We need to guard what we say outside this room. I need to call Gary and let him know everything is okay so he doesn't worry."

"You can call him from this room," Reba says.

"How long will the panic hole take?" Page asks.

"I think they'll have all the dirt removed by the time you're home New Year's morn. They'll be blowing in concrete over steel reinforcement one day next week. It should be done a week from now," Mom tells us.

With everything kind of settled, Reba says, "Well, I think we can call that a good day. There's more to do tomorrow, but I think we all need a good night's rest."

She stands to offer me a hug. Page and Mom take turns as well. She dons her blond wig and hooded coat while Mom opens the door.

"You two go to bed, let me walk her out and see if Donald is out here yet."

"I wondered when she was going to sleep," I say to Page. "I'm going to call Gary now, is there anything I shouldn't say?"

"Just keep things minimal, with the door open."

I call him and let him know Page has returned and things are mostly back to normal. While I'm on the phone he tells me he's e-mailed details about the party and some information about the special election. He knows I'm probably not up to it, but wants me to think about it seriously. I tell him that I will. When I'm done, we head back into our room and close the door.

"You think they were ever an item?" she asks.

"You got that vibe too? Wait, when did you meet -"

"I haven't, but I got up while you slept. You know I don't always sleep well," she says stripping down. "I wanted to make sure Mom runs the newest secure wireless protocol and put in cabled network jacks so we can work from here. Anyway, she called him to ask if he'd cover while she got some rest."

"You are too much, but I love you with all of my heart," I respond.

"Okay, well if I'm too much, I guess we can just go to sleep then."

I frown, but continue undressing as I watch her. She's keeping her back to me, but I suspect she's got a big grin on her face. My cock seems very certain that she wants to see him, but I'm going to let her decide, so I head to the restroom to brush my teeth and use the can. As I finish my teeth, she joins me at the counter to brush hers. If she was smiling before, there is no sign of it now and I sit down to void my bladder. Watching her from behind combined with my earlier excitement makes it difficult to urinate initially. The curve of her hips, the fleshy but firm muscles of her buttocks and the cleft of her puffy vulva all conspire to inhibit me.

As she continues brushing her teeth, she turns to study me for a moment and then back to finish up and rinse her mouth. Finally, I am able to go, but have to hold myself down, so I don't piss on the floor.

"Are you about done or am I going to have to have the workers put in another toilet?" she asks slightly mocking me.

"The delay is partially due to your beauty," I protest.

"Oh, sorry," she says exaggeratedly.

I finish up and let her have a turn as I watch her intently. The tinkling noise she makes seems to be embarrassing her a little as she becomes red around her neck and face. She wipes, gets up and flushes only to scamper from the restroom. I quickly follow her closing the bathroom door. She's in bed waiting for me on her knees and wiggling her behind at me playfully.

"I see," I say as I kneel behind her examining her shapely behind.

I know she wants it doggy, but I haven't tasted her for a few days and I press my face into her while I bathe her vulva and lips with my moist tongue. Page emits a gasp as my nose wiggles and rocks on her pink puckered ring as I continue licking and sucking her. Her pelvis tilts downward to offer me better access and she presses back against me enjoying the treatment. I find the little horseshoe barb in her clit and suck both into my mouth as she begins bucking.

Wanting better access, I lay flat and bring her pussy closer by pulling her hips downward to meet my mouth. There is no protest from her and she grinds herself against me as I can feel the stubble of her mons against my beard and nose. Within a few minutes I feel her trying to climax, so I slow my licking to make it last. Her cream is starting to flow and I've missed the taste of her. Finally, she can contain herself no longer and emits a little yelp of pleasure and quickly covers her mouth. Her breathing through her nose becomes louder as I continue to lick her through her bucking climax.

When she finishes, I wriggle my tongue against her pink pucker and she whispers, "Mom's in the other room, don't make me squeal."

I release her hips and resume my previous position behind her whispering, "Don't you dare squeal, while your husband does you from behind Mrs. Levik."

She presses herself onto me just as the tip of my cock meets the velvety wet entrance. The pleasure we both get from it is audible and we giggle a little as we continue copulating like sex starved animals, unable to sate their lust. The noise of my hips meeting her backside seems loud but we proceed unabated and Page begins whispering naughtily to me.

"Does Mr. Levik like fucking his wife or little sister more?"

"He likes fucking them at the same time," I reply reaching for her left breast to tweak her pierced nipple.

"Oh, yeah, twist it like that, um hum."

I feel myself almost at the point of no return when we both hear Mom go into the bathroom. I know Page hears because she clenches me tightly and a little giggle escapes her mouth. We slow our movements, so that we aren't making much noise, but continue quietly. For some reason fucking with Mom right beyond the door turns her on wildly and her hand cups my balls as we continue. After several moments, there's a flushing sound followed by water running at the sink. Then the light goes out, and I expect to hear the door close.

Instead I hear Mom mumble, "I wish I could remember getting fucked twice in one day," which is followed almost instantly by the door closing.

Another giggle from Page is followed by encouragement, "Why does my dirty brother like fucking me so much?"

"Because you love it," I say resuming the pounding I'd been giving her before the distraction.

"You love it too."

"Fill me with it Ry. Pump it inside me."

My cock collides with her cervix on every stroke and I know she wants me to cum, but I haven't felt her climax on me yet. I don't know how she really feels about me messing with her butt, but she's had her fingers inside me, so I wet my pinky and slip just the first joint inside her.

She responds positively saying, "Uf - oh - fuck - yeah - a little deeper."

Moving it out and back in slightly deeper, I time moving it with my thrusts, all of which push her over the edge. The stream of utterings from her would make a sailor blush. Thick ropes of cum erupt within her as ripples of her orgasm pulse through her vaginal muscles. Soon the sounds become sloppy and wet as her fluid joins mine. I bury myself completely as I shiver to a stop. Her quimm is still quaking and as I wait for her to finish, I stroke her back and hips lightly. Finally we lie next to one another on the bed.

"I really do love you. I wish we could have had a wedding," I say.

"I'm glad you're okay and I love you more."

"How much more do you think?"

"Enough to have your babies of course."

To be continued. Let us know what you think.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A wonderful story! But there was one little irritation and that was the Crass statement their mom made here toward the end as she came out of the bathroom. Regardless that she knows what her son and daughter are doing together, i felt the statement was "awkward", unnecessary and Definitely a mood breaker for the couple. Jmo. But still a 5🌟 read.

ScottishTexanScottishTexanover 1 year ago

Okay, so I like that when he smells the cigarette smoke in Page's hair that it was Aunt Reba who indulged and not Page. That pushed your score up to five. Then I had a flashback to more than 45 years ago after I read this:

"They spy on government and corporations with equal perniciousness," Mom says."

Reading Anne McCaffrey in High School was how I came to learn the definition of the word Pernicious. Thank you Dragon Riders Of Pern novels!!!


Rancher46Rancher46almost 2 years ago

Wow, he grew up with a mother and an aunt who were both involved in clandestine government spying. This one of those stories that keeps you on the edge of your seat. The writing is excellent, and the storyline is superb. Well Done 5/5

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

So we still don't know who's behind this eh'. And it's pre Trump and all that talk of Russian interference in U.S. elections and mistrust of Chinese electronics (5G) and whilst we are aportioning blame the big con perpetrated by north Korea or the attempt to con Trump. ( Life imitating art/erotica). Is that too fanciful . 5 stars.

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