Paid to Seduce His Mother V. 01 Ch. 01


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When it was finally fully embedded in his ass, she started fucking him with it. The odor of the fresh residue on it caused her to gag a little, but she swallowed her gorge and continued pumping the artificial penis in and out of her father's ass. After several minutes, she saw him beginning to push back. "I guess that's enough of that," she said, extracting it in a single long tug. Harry groaned, missing the most pleasurable experience of his afternoon so far.

Holding the slimy item away from her, she walked to Harry's head and ordered him to open his mouth. Realizing what she had in mind, he closed them firmly and shook his head. She grabbed him by his hair and held his head up so she could look him in the eyes."Listen to me, you motherfucking piece of shit, I'm not doing anything to you, or making you do anything that I didn't experience four times worse, at a minimum, at the hands of the manyouset me up for. Now open your fucking mouth to clean this before I shove it so far up your ass you won't shit for a month." Her voice was thick with anger and passion.

Harry looked at his daughter, recognizing her anger, and realized for the first time how much she had been hurt by his actions. "Can you pinch my nose?" he asked, timidly. He wasn't surprised when she shook her head. Slowly, he opened his mouth, expecting her to fuck his face with the shitty object. Instead, she ran the length of it across his mouth, horizontally, smearing the residue on his lips, chin and nose.

"Tongue," she ordered tersely, and repeated the action until the object was more or less clean of his dirt. She stood up and went behind her father and released the velcro holding his thighs together. "Stand up, Pop, as much as you can. It'll be easier on you."

Harry watched her, fearfully, as she came into view, pulling on a pair of blue surgical gloves. When she began to smear the lubricating jelly on her arm, his eyes widened in fear. "No, Ellie, no, you can't! I'm your father, for god's sake. I might be the rottenest father on earth, but you can't..."

"I told you, Dad, I'm not doing anything to you that wasn't done to me. Worse. If you don't believe me, compare your hand with mine. Easily half again, wouldn't you say. Well the guy who fisted my ass had hands bigger than yours, and I swear, he had arms like Popeye. Try to relax now; we're almost done."

It was all Harry could do to not scream out his agony as Ellie's hand forced his anus open. That she did not hurry to force her hand into him did not help, but, they both knew, such force was both counterproductive and dangerous. She worked her hand in until she reached the thickest part of her arm. Going in, she had worked her way past some solid lumps, stretching Harry's bowel, causing him very painful cramps.

When she reached her limit, Ellie formed a fist and flexed it as much as she could, to the point of contorting her shoulder in both directions. Harry was feeling nauseous and sweating like a furnace pit worker in a steel mill. "Enough, Ellie, please. For god's sake. Enough. I'm sorry, I honestly didn't know. Please."

Instead of answering, she began to slowly withdraw. Because of the tightness of Harry's asshole, it was necessary to use a pumping motion, two inches out, one back in, and repeat. It took nearly five minutes of such fucking for her hand to reach his back gate. Along the way, she had pushed the stools she encountered down, toward his rectum. "This is going to hurt like hell, Dad. Almost the worst."

He felt her straighten out her fingers, and then brace her other hand against his ass, to hold him in place. Then came a sustained tug, forcing his anus more open than it had ever been. The resulting pain dropped him to his knees, gasping.

Finally able to breathe, he heaved himself to his feet and then noticed the brown pile between his feet, lying in his shorts. "Oh, fuck," he muttered. "Ellie! Ellie! Where the fuck are you? Come and uncuff me, you bitch!"

He heard the swishing sound a millisecond before the pain registered as the wooden switch cut across his tortured asshole. He fell forward onto his elbows, presenting a perfect target for Ellie to use. "Not too sorry, are you, Daddy." There were three more quick cuts with the switch, all centered on the pain in his butt. After a brief respite, he felt her spreading some soothing ointment on the area, including his balls and cock, still sore from the cat.

"I'll be back in a few minutes," she said and left him there, chained to the chair.

She walked around to the front of the house and began searching in his bags of clothes for the silk shirt she had given him last Christmas. By the time she found it, most of the shit was removed from her arm, but there was enough for her purpose. In addition, she pissed on it, needing to go again. Then she replaced it at the bottom of the bag and piled his clothes in the trunk of his T-bird and walked into the house to shower and dress. Maggie and Mike were due back soon.

Part XXI

His daughter hadn't much more than disappeared around the corner of the garage when Harry began to notice the heat beginning in his asshole and the small abrasions from the switch. But the strongest was the pain on the head of his cock. Ellie had hoped to expand the area with the capsicum inside his bowel, but that area doesn't register heat or pain. But it wasn't wasted effort. The anus responds to both, and he would experience both for a few days since the oil couldn't be washed away by water, but would be abraded and transported out by the solid matter passing over it.

She could hear him cursing her as she got out of the shower. She dressed, picked up her lap top, grabbed a soda from the fridge and sat down in the kitchen to wait for her mother and brother.

They showed up about fifteen minutes later. By that time Harry's cursing had been reduced to silent whimpers as he realized he wasn't going to escape the unrelenting burn from the lube.

Maggie walked into the kitchen from the garage. "Your father's car..."

Ellie took a drag on her soda, followed by a bit of cracker and cheese. "Yeah. He's out by the pool, recovering."


"Mmhmm. We had our talk. I'm sure he understands. Where's Mike?"

"He'll be right here; he wanted to grab some groceries. I came ahead to see why Harry's still here."

"I thought he should stick around in case I forget something you and Mike should know."

"Ellie? Is there something I should know that you haven't told me?" Ellie looked at her mother and slowly nodded.

"But don't worry, Momma. I just needed to fill Dad in first. Here's Mike. Why don't you two grab something to drink. Something hard."

"Momma, Mike, I'm sorry, but yesterday, when I told you about my awful threesome, that was a lie. I'm sorry I lied to you, but it was necessary. I had to do this my way, and I knew if I told you what had really happened, you would have made me go to the police or ...I don't know, butIhad to punish Dad for what he did to me, and I had to do it my way." The family was gathered out by the pool. Ellie was sitting on the table, with her mother and brother close by in lawn chairs. Harry was still chained to the Adirondack chair, still complaining loudly.

"What did happen, Sweetie? What was so bad you had to do this to your father?"

"Do you want to tell her, Dad; I only know about half of it?"

"I don't know either, Ellie. Now, will you let me go, so I can get my sh...stuff and get out of here?"

"I'll let you go, as soon as...Mike says you've been asking Mom for a divorce? And you asked him to come up with a fair settlement?"

"Yeah; so?" Harry looked at his daughter, suddenly wary.

"Have you come up with any ideas yet, Mike?" she queried, looking at brother.

"A few. Pretty much a 50-50 split, with you and me getting the cabin and property it's on. The big question is what to do about Mom's company stock. She's willing to sell it at what it might go for on the stock market, but Dad seems to think, since it's his company, he should get it for what he was paid twenty years ago."

"What was that?"

"What did you tell me, Mom? A buck a share." She nodded, wondering where this was going, and what in hell did Harry do?

"Do either of you remember what the representational value of the stock was at that time, the total value of the company divided by the number of outstanding shares?"

Maggie answered. "It couldn't have been but pennies. We didn't have anything but a rented office, and some leased machines. At the time of the transfer, we hadn't started even keeping inventory on hand. We were having suppliers ship direct. If we had $500 worth of office supplies, it was right after we purchased them."

"So, five, six cents as a rep value. Sound right, Dad?"

"Yeah, I suppose. Why?"

"And now? What would rep value be for the stock. No more has been issued, has it?" Maggie and Harry looked at each other.

"No, just the original 10,000 shares we created when your mother got her stock and you kids..."

"We have stock in the company?" Mike asked, surprised. "Did you know?" he asked his sister. She shook her head.

Maggie interrupted. "According to the last audit, the value of the physical plant, inventory, machines, stock and financial accounts is around $750K. What are you getting at, Ellie?"

Well, Dad wanted 20 times the rep value of each stock when he sold it to you. It's only fair that he pays you 20 times the rep value back. Don't you think so, Dad, or should I show Mom and Mike the video of our party with Dave McCallister?"

"Video?" he swallowed hard. "Uh, uh. Ellie, let me go, now. You and Mike, and your mom, you write up what you three think is fair and I'll sign it. Just let me go now. Please."

Ellie nodded and climbed down from the table. She walked over behind her father, and smacked his ass. "Stand up, Daddy," she said. When he was upright, she reached down, wrinkling her nose at the odor, grabbed his shorts, and pulled them up to his waist. After fastening them, she reached in her pocket for the key to the handcuffs and released him. When he started for the house, she stopped him.

"Unh uh,Daddy, that way," she said, pointing at the path around the garage. With his head down, waddling like a duck, Harry made his way back to his T-Bird. In a few minutes, Ellie smiled as she heard his car start and drive away.

She turned to see her mother and brother, looking shocked and sickened, watching the video on her lap top. "No!" she shouted, "Don't..."

Without saying a word Maggie went to her and folded Ellie in her arms. "Oh, my baby," she said softly, her voice husky with emotion. "I am so sorry that happened to you. What do you need?"

"Just this, Momma. Just this," she said, relaxing into and returning the hug. "When I woke up, I was so sore, I couldn't feel any pain until they used the cat on my vulva. After that, I was so numb, I didn't know what was happening."

Mike joined them in their embrace. "Ellie, I...I... Is there anything..."

"No, big brother. I sent a copy of that to the police in P' town. Dave's face is clearly identifiable. Unfortunately, so is Dad's, but mine and the other three men aren't sufficiently exposed to be identified.

"Luckily for Dad, there's nothing in the video which shows him participating in the assault, but it's also pretty clear he didn't try to interfere or stop it. If McCallister is arrested, Dad's in for a rough time."

"If he's arrested? Why..." Mike started to ask.

"The last few minutes of the video show them offering and someone who looks sort of like me from the back accepting a large amount of cash, making it look like they are using a professional prostitute in a consensual act. Fortunately, no face is shown in that sequence either." She straightened up and looked at her mother and brother.

"Hey, it was bad, but, thankfully, I was unconscious for most of it, and I survived. Along the way, I learned some valuable lessons. Never accept an open drink from a stranger, and sometimes, you find friends when you are in the worst circumstances; you just have stay open to possibilities."

"What do you mean, baby?" Maggie asked.

"Syd, the blonde prostitute in the video, who McCallister introduced to me as his son, is the guy who gave me the video. Somehow, he was able to get into the dorm and up to the rooms without paging me. He had my clutch, and was returning it. Inside was the money, over two thousand dollars, and the memory stick from the digital video camera they had used.

"After they piled me into a cab and sent me back to the dorm, he said they had convinced Dave that it might not be a real good idea to post a video of them fucking a woman who was obviously unconscious, especially since he was clearly visible in several shots. Dave agreed and told Syd to destroy the stick. Instead, he gave it to me, to do with as I saw fit.

"I watched it, and after I was done being sick, watched it again because I thought I saw Dad in the video. He's there, fucking the two male prostitutes he thinks are McCallister's sons, but that's his only participation, that and watching them all abuse me." Ellie tightened her grip around Maggie's waist and looked at her.

"You'll understand if I think your husband is a complete and total asshole, and I never want to have anything to do with him again. I refuse to acknowledge that he's my father. No man worthy of that title would do what he did." Maggie simply nodded and hugged her daughter more tightly.

"Are you still coming to the cabin with us?" Mike asked his sister.

"You bet your fucking ass! And as soon as the clinic calls with their results, I'm going to challenge you to a game of who comes first, then who comes most, and then who comes hardest. And if you win any of them, you win a ten minute rest. I'm only sorry that until I get word that I'm HIV negative, I can't fuck you, Momma. My roommate this year was a very talented bisexual who liked to teach her oral skills to both sexes."


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sbmcruisesbmcruiseabout 1 month ago

I wanted MUCH more seduction instead of the Mim just agreeing

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Well, it started out ok. Then the "Seduction" was literally the son telling the mom he wants to have sex, and the mom agreeing to it, and then it's done. I'm amazed it took 5 pages to get to that point. Then the last 2 pages are the author unloading all his daddy issues on us, and not even trying to convince us that what the daughter did is justified.

Seriously, you go on a date with a man who you know is going to try to rape you, and then you are surprised when he rapes you? How in the world did you not see THAT coming? And instead of making the responsible party pay for it (you know, the ones who raped you), you rape your father who wasn't even a part of it? Honestly if this were real life the whole family would need to be euthanized to prevent further degradation of the gene pool.

I'd leave it as negative stars if that were possible.

Foxterot7aFoxterot7aalmost 2 years ago

Enjoy the story but founf it completely different from what I am use to. The incestuous love story between mother and son as well as brother and sister completely understandable and experted. The character of the Harry clearly demonstrates that some males should never be husbands nor fathers. Although this story is fiction, men like Harry really exist. With the preceeding said, can not wait to starton version 2.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Absolutely superb! Oh how I would like you to USE ME PLEASE!!!

CybersnowCybersnowabout 4 years ago

Awesome story, a lot of thought went into it. Can’t wait to read more!

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