Part 5: Lea, Hot in Pink and Brown

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Lea takes off: stage name, webshop, 30 minute scat movie!
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Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 05/18/2024
Created 03/01/2024
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DEAR READER! Since this is a novel, I ask for your understanding that not every chapter is packed with sex scenes. Characters and plot need to be developed, this takes some time... It is about people with deviant sexual desires, with whom they get along more or less well. They help each other to cope with it, if necessary. There will be just about all deviations! The main character is Lea, a beautiful lesbian professional dancer, who has to give up dancing for health reasons and wants to start a new career as a model on the Internet.

A film professional helps her with this, and like Lea, he has, amongst others, a very special desire: scat! Every now and then there are scenes in this regard, if it gets too much for you, please click away!

Part 1: Helga, Lea's future mother, as a teenager on the farm. She's so sweet with her dear parents, but she follows a sinful plan.

Part 2: Lea is crazy about her friends' dirty panties. She even messes with her best friend Greta's family's laundry! But that's not all!

Part 3: Lea masturbated to Gretas poop. Back home, she wants to secretly go to her room and sleep. Unfortunatly, she runs into her mom, Helga, and has to burst out into tears immediately. She confesses everything. But her dear mother also has a lot to confess

Part 4: Lea invites one of her biggest fans to her home. He is a film professional and is supposed to support her in her new career as a scatmodel on the Internet. He suggests to do fashion shows and photo shoots instead. But that wonderful woman is just too voluptous for fashion shows!

Part 5: The film professional grows more and more in love with Lea. With some luck and the help from his best friend, he manages to establish a webshop where Lea can sell her scat porn. Lea comes up with a cheeky stage name for herself and they create their first sellable scat porn movie.

*** Scat warning! *** Non-Fans: Read as far as you can. And then stop by again later. In further chapters there will also be other sexual deviations that you might like better... If you only like vanilla sex anyway: you are to be envied! Life would be so much easier without mess. But would it be nicer as well?

Fans: I read a lot of scat stories here on this pages. Very often, these are action packed start to end. If you're into that, You probably won't like my writing. You'd have to wait for Chapter 8, where things get really nasty. On top of a dung heap on the farm, beautiful mom and beautiful daughter...

Hope You like it, one way or the other!

Lea got a hint from a friend. A new commercial is to be filmed, for an automobile club. They are looking for a beautiful, happy mom, who adores her hubby, because he managed to fully insure the family car and its occupants at a very low price. Finally an interesting opportunity for Lea.

This morning at ten o'clock my buddy called to say he had time now, to discuss our project. I went to his office. And just now I came home again, after eight hours, and I'm so excited. I must call Lea at once!

"Hi sweetie, have you ever thought about the dangers in todays road traffic? And do you think about your responsibility for your fellow passengers? And that you can cripple them, if you don't pay attention for just five seconds? And what then, without personal accident insurance? You're screwed."

"I gather from your wise words, that you got hired for the automobile club spot."

"You can say that again! Or could you imagine an even more beautiful and caring mom than me? But I almost immediately screwed it up again."

"What happened?"

"Our dear family dad was unable to take his greasy paws of me. I almost slugged him a good one. That would have been it. But 'our' two dear little children saved the day. They saw it all. They were constantly smirking and took every opportunity to heat up Dad even more. The little boy went: 'Daddy, how did you manage to get us such a beautiful mommy?' The girl: 'Yes, and she's so sweet too, we love her much, much more than you, hehe.' That's how it went in a tour between the individual takes. Completely unnerved, the guy then gave up to grope myself at every opportunity. But in terms of acting, all three of them were flawless. I hardly had any text myself, I only had to adore my dear family. We did almost all the takes only once, that's why I'm already on my way home."

"Lea, that's great, congratulations! But my day was also great. I would like to tell you everything personally, are you going to have dinner with me? "

"Good idea, I only had coffee all day. In our favourite restaurant, at seven?"

"Okay, see you then." Fine, but now I have to hurry. After all, one of Lea's strengths is punctuality. If you're just two minutes late, she'll get upset. I've never experienced that with a woman before. We've met a few times lately, to have lunch, and to get to know each other better. We chat about all kinds of topics, also about 'men's stuff', like cars, or sports. With her wonderful alto voice, she often comments the events of the day. She likes to get upset with politicians, she can really get angry sometimes. She is very smart and quick-witted. She often provides off-the-cuff comments that make me laugh heartily. In the restaurant she eats only fish or meat and green salad. She likes to drink alcohol. She never orders water, no matter, what time of day it is. When I asked her about it once, she said with the mock indignation of a real princess: 'My dear friend, I just need something tastier than water!'

I enjoy her company so much, and yes, I also enjoy to be seen in company with this gorgeous woman. Sometimes, this can be quite funny too. The other day in 'our' restaurant, a guy was staring at her, his jaw actually dropped. There was food in his mouth, I could see the noodles. They came out slowly, he didn't care. But his wife didn't like it, she was sitting across from him. She glanced over at us for a moment, and now she knew what was going on. She kicked him so hard under the table that his spaghetti flew out of his face! That was so good, I was afraid to piss myself. Unfortunately, everything happened so fast, I could only tell Lea afterwards.

Once, a guy tried to hit on her when she came back from the toilet, although he must have noticed that she sat at the table with me. Just as I was getting up and about to get rough, she had already disarmed the guy with her rhetoric. It must have been bad, he looked like a schoolboy in a large department store, forgotten by his mother who had a buing spree.

In short: She is simply a dream woman, for every man, certainly also for many women, but first and foremost, of course, for me. But unfortunately, as far as she's concerned, I'm severely handycapped. I have a penis!


It was delicious again, I think this will become our regular place.

"Sweetie, after having our little small talk before dinner, I didn't show my curiousity, but now, that we've finally finished eating, please tell me: are there any news from your computerloving friend? What do we need, how much will it cost?"

"Oh, there's a lot of news, very good news! This morning I'm sitting in my buddy's office and we are just starting with the first concrete ideas for our webshop. That's when his salesman snows into the office. The guy was born in Italy and has just arrived back from there. He was at an Internet trade fair. He beams all over his face and says: "Boss, have new customer! And is here!" I just adore to hear an Italian speak english.

The new client to be owns the largest Italian porn portal. His IT staff was weak and neglected their duties, and now almost everything has collapsed. The customers leave, no one wants to wait a minute or more just to start a clip. Who's going to buy anything when he has to restart filling the shopping cart three times or even more often, because it crashes in the middle of the buying process again and again?

The salesman explained to the owner that he could solve his problems immediately, as he works for a company, that provides IT outsourcing services to customers who want to focus on their businesses. Then he bought the plane tickets, and now he's here, with the head of one of Europe's largest porn portals, who's sitting at the frontdesk with the company assistant now, she pumps him full of espresso and shows him her legs.

Everything has to happen very quickly now, before even more customers drop out. Because they won't be coming back anytime soon. My buddy immediately fetches his two best technicians, his salesman is already there, and then he kicks me out, but I'm supposed to be available on my mobile phone. After some hours I am called back. I get to know the guy, he's very likeable and visibly relieved, apparently they already developed a suitable solution for his problem. My friend now tells me that he has offered to migrate the portal from Italy to the infrastructure of his own company. It just needs more capacity and some updates, however, this can be achieved rather quickly. Then the portal can take off again.

My friend told me this is going to be his biggest customer so far. They already agreed on the price, he will be paying more than a hundred thousand euros a month, starting from the day the store is up and running again, and providing that he doesn't have to worry about technology issues in the future anymore. This shows you what's going on on this portal, if it's up and running."

"Sweetie, now take a breath! That's all well and good, but what, for pete's sake, do we get out of it?"

"Lea, don't you get it? It is one of the largest porn portals in Europe. It's going to run on my best friend's servers, in his own company! Well, what do you think we did right away?"

"Did you mutually stroke your dicks, 'cause all of a sudden everyone was happy and wanted to have a happy end too?"

"No, of course NOT! My buddy and I have negotiated that our start-up webshop will be hosted in this new portal. We don't have to care about technology, as everything would already be there, we only deliver clips, and earn money with it. The boss asks for only ten percent of our revenues as a cost sharing for the technology. Because he kind of liked me, and also because he is still in need of a decent channel for our special area of expertise ... hehehe ... and it also helped a lot, that I showed him a few of your old clips. Then I showed him a picture of You, that I took in the restaurant lately, he said the same that I said to you, when I first met you. We both never saw a more beautiful woman than you in our lifes. And I promised a lot of new material coming soon and showing you in all your glory. Tax issues are such as that we will establish a new 'Adult Entertainment' division within my own company. You're going to be my employee in charge of this new division, and that's it. Your salary will be the income from the webshop, minus the ten percent, after taxes and other charges."

"That sounds really great, and we can start right away?"

"Very soon, anyway. The restart is planned for the end of next month. So we should shoot new clips of you as soon as possible. But then there's still an important thing we have to do"

"What, what ist it?" she asks, startled.

"Well, first of all I want to install some cameras in your apartment."

"Are you out of your mind? I have not reached the point where I might consider to work as a camwhore, are you crazy, what makes you think ..."

I wave it off, "Listen, listen to me! The vast majority of the clips, that we're going to do in the future will be interior shots, mainly here with you, in your large bedroom. And it is this room only that I want to equip with cameras. These, in turn, are connected to a central control system. I'm not going to bother you with details but I'm sure you've heard of "AI", artificial intelligence. Such software is in the central control system, it can then pan the cameras, zoom in and out, depending on my specifications. I can teach the system, the results then get better and better, the system can even do the film editing. I've already seen this at a trade fair, I was blown away, now I finally have a good reason to buy that stuff."

"Does that mean you don't do the camera work yourself anymore?"

"Of course not, nothing can replace a good handheld camera. But once it's all done, you can make a film here yourself, without my help. And I don't have to set up and dismantle everything every time. We would always be ready to go."

"You seem to think of everything, brilliant, but what's this AI thing and the rest going to cost?"

"Well, this stuff is brand new, of course, it will cost a small fortune. My piggy bank is already scared to death! But it's dying for a good cause. Don't worry about it. My financial year has been going so well so far that I have to invest in the company, otherwise I'll pay too much tax."

"Okay, but I insist that you take your investment back as quickly as possible."

"I will, and Lea, do you know what we need most?"

"Sure, a bisexual pretty slut who licks me until I cry with lust, while you fuck her cunt and ass. And AI makes a nice movie out of it."

"Yes, that too, but I meant something even more important. You'll need a stage name. Short and sweet! Still, what you're doing has to come across, hehe."

"So witty, giggle! But yes, I've thought about it too. I want my real name to be part of my stagename. How do you like 'Scatlea'?"

"I like it! But it is too similar to a scatmodel, which is already famous on the internet, her name is 'Scatlina', I'm pretty sure, you've seen her."

"Well, to be honest, I cannot tell how many times I squirted to her performances. She is my favourite girl on the web, and you are right, it sounds very similar, and I don't want to cause any commotion."

We both sip our wine and ponder. Suddenly Lea says: "I've got it! I used to know a stagehand, he was such a nice guy. But he had a lot of tics, sometimes you could hardly look at him, you got nervous yourself. And he often cursed, utterly obscenely, completely inappropriate for the situation at hand. After that, he was completely normal again for some time."

"I heard about it in high school, in psychology. He probably had Tourette's syndrome. People have numerous tic's and they're ranting for no reason."

"That's right, that's what he told me. I had to google it, wanted to know what exactly is going on with him. And then I found that the technical term for this cursing is called 'coprolalia'. And 'Kopros' comes from the Greek, meaning 'feces'!"

The two of us in duet: "KOPROLEA!"

And after a short pause she says: "Yes, Koprolea, that's me!"


I take the call, of course, it's Lea. "This is the automatic answering machine of the Koprolea fan club. At the moment, all our lines are occupied. Please leave your message after the fart."

"You're sooo stupid."

"Hello, my dear new business partner. What's going on? Any interesting news, that you would like to share?"

"Interesting news... nah, I don't think so. My news are on the shitty side, I would say. I had to go to the employment office today, they want to retrain me because I'm no longer employable as a dancer. They are looking for a costume designer. Their client is the local opera house. I would be trained there. However, the salary is quite low, especially during the first three years. I would definitely need a second job until the end of my training. And then: the opera! Man, how they whine all the time! Normally I only listen to rock and heavy metal. I've never taken that risk, but I'm afraid my ears might fall off if I had to listen to Wagner's music for more than 20 minutes."

"Wow, I can think of an interesting teaser for our web shop: Visit our website and take a look at the beautiful and evil Lea! She has no shame, she has no pubic hair and she has no ears either!"

"Well, I can only repeat myself: you are sooo stupid! Alternatively, I could attend an evening class 'Decoration and window dressing'. From nine to five they want me to do an internship at the exhibition centre. The salary would also be small, of course. There, I would have to team up with some idiots who couldn't find better jobs, and we would set up and dismantle the exhibition stands in all weather conditions and move decoration shit from pavilion A to pavilion B. Dressed in overalls and rubber boots, probably. For lunch, there's bratwurst at the kiosk. And in the evening we would have a few cozy beers, at 'The Famous Cock' where we would argue about 2nd league football and bitch about the old missus back home. That doesn't wow me at all."

"Why not? You might very well bitch about the old missus back home too, hehehe."

"Very funny indeed. You know exactly that I'm single right now."

"And YOU know, I would love nothing more than to get you out of this predicament. But you don't want me to. But seriously, my message the other day, in which I asked you to take your clips off that website? Did you do that?"

"Yes, I did, I erased all my clips, and it was the right thing to do. The content on that site gets worse every day. I used to put my clips there, because there were so many other nice amateur movies. Now there are almost only professional teasers and fake's. Something should really be done about it."

"That's right. Pretending to love poop and then playing with fake poop is just cheating, and it's miserable."

"Exactly! When I want to relax with a good glass of wine, watching a beautiful girl poop while I gently stroke my pussy: Then I don't want to have to ask myself every now and then, whether that's actually poop, or just a dough from powdered sugar, cocoa, milk and peanut butter. It just spoils all the fun."

"And also consider the clips that people have to pay for! That's when it gets really criminal. It's like you're going to a rock concert, buy a bag of weed, and then, when you're in the stadium, you find it's oregano. Talking about fake scat, I think I've got a great idea right now. I'm going to look for a few locations, for outdoor shots. Then I'll come to you, and we talk about the first clip of your new career, okay?"

"Yes, great, I'll be home from 7 p.m."

"Fine, see you then. And Lea, you know that you have to present yourself completely in the future, not just your sweet butt? Please consider covering your face, or not. And one more thing, from now on you should only take shits in front of my camera, I need every ounce of you for your new career."

After spending the whole day looking for suitable locations, I'm now sitting with Lea again.

"This is the idea: We need a sensible hook anyway for your first new film. And that's when I thought, we'll present you to the audience as the great revealer. You're showing them how many fake scat movies are in circulation, and how to recognize them. You're doing something good for our cause, and thus also increase your sympathy ratings. By the way, this clip will be the last one which will be on display for free. However, we will also offer it for download, I was thinking of five euros, introductory offer."

"Wait a minute, take it easy now. I need a beer, I'll bring one for you too." Only when she's back with our beer, she notices the bag. "What's in there, in the shopping bag?"

"The ingredients I need for the chicken filling."

"Oh, you're cooking something nice for us today? But where's the chicken?"

"That's blonde, 172 centimeters tall, beautiful, and stands right here in front of me!"

Lea agrees with my suggestions for the film, especially with the "stuffed chicken", she laughed herself half to death. "It does make sense! When these idiots see this two scenes in a row, they're bound to get it."

"Well, maybe they're not all idiots. Some of them are probably newcomers to the scene. And many others are just thrilled with the HD quality, and they surely love the beautiful exotic models. And I'm sure they're also into the huge amounts of poop, that these girls supposedly push out. Probably no one thinks much about it, that these poor girls would have to save for a week, to produce such huge piles and turds. And that those could not always look completely the same. But soon the nonsense will be over. We will educate them."