Party of Five Ch. 11


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“What do you want from me, Josh?” Dawn asked again, lowering her eyes to look at his chest, then flicking her hair behind her and looking back up at him in one swift motion.Oh my God.


“You what?” Her lips were so full and her eyes so deep, like wells of liquefied emeralds.


Dawn’s hand reached out and cupped his crotch gently. “Is this what you want? You want me to suck it again?”

Josh felt like someone had used his spine as a piano, running their fingers up it and back down again. His heart was thumping along at a mile a minute, banging painfully against his ribcage. And her hand, her hand felt so…

Almost in response to his thoughts, Dawn tightened her grip on Josh’s crotch, leaned in closer, stood on her toes, looked him in the eye and said, “Go to hell, Josh.” She released him with a satisfied sneer and walked back to her bed.

“You…bitch!” Josh whispered as loudly as he dared.

“Life’s a bitch, Josh…not me.”

He wanted to scream at her, to grab her by the shoulders and shake her until her head exploded, but most of all he wanted her to grab his cock again. The way she was smirking at him, looking so superior and arrogant – it was infuriating.God, she’s a bitch.

“Didn’t come her for that, huh?” said Dawn.

“No!” Josh spat.

“The cock never lies, Josh. You were hard as a rock.”

Well, what the fuck does she expect? “What do you expect?” Josh said, voicing his thoughts. He gestured towards her body. “Look what you’re wearing.”

“I could’ve been wearing a lot less for you, Josh.”

“And saying things like that – that doesn’t help either.”

“You told me the things I said were hot, remember? I had your cock in my mouth at the time.”

“Yeah, but you were different then,” Josh said. He was running out of things to say that might appease her anger, so he started saying whatever came into his head, whatever he felt.

“Really?” said Dawn. “How was I different?”

“Well…we were friends then. I saw you crying.”

“You saw me crying?” said Dawn, her eyebrows raised. “That’s how I was different.”

“I’d never seen you cry before,” Josh continued. “Not once. Ever. I’ve called you some of the foulest names imaginable, play the worst practical jokes I could think of on you, and not once did you cry. It was just…different, seeing that side of you.”

Josh hoped his speech was moving, as he was feeling extremely stupid and humiliated saying it. Dawn, however, remained as stoic as ever.

“So what? You like vulnerable women? I think that classifies as a fetish.”

“I don’t like vulnerable women!” Josh spat back. It was like talking a wall…that had spikes on it and cannons and things that breathed fire.

“Well, that’s good news for the female population out there, then, isn’t it?”

Josh dug his nails into his palms and set his jaw tightly, hoping the pressure of his joints would relieve the pressure his brain was putting on his mouth to yell at Dawn at the top of his lungs. He decided to continue, to ignore her distracting retorts that were branching the conversation off in a million directions.

“I saw you crying, and I liked it – because I realized there was actually aperson underneath all those snide remarks and vicious abuse. I thought: maybe she’s not as superficial as I thought she was. Obviously though, I was wrong.”

Dawn sighed, finally looking wearied. Had he done it? Had he broken through her resolve? “Look, Josh,” she said, rubbing her temple, “I’mreally tired. I’ve been out all day and I need to get some sleep. So justtell me what you want.”

Josh, initially startled by her directness and complete lack of sarcasm, took a deep breath and said, “I want us to be friends again. Or, at least, like we were before.”

“Before we were enemies,” said Dawn.

“After that.”

“We’re enemies now as well.”

“Before that,” said Josh exasperatedly. “You know what I mean.”

Dawn just looked at him – just looked, with unblinking eyes and an unmoving body. She wore a tiny smile on her face that, hopefully, hinted at a positive outcome to the relentless emotional battle she was no doubt waging in her head. She finally blinked and her smile broadened.

“I guess I got a bit crazy, huh?”

Josh frowned. “Crazy?”

“After you told me about Valerie.”

“Oh, well…I’d probably go with insane; but, you know, whatever.”

Dawn’s smile reached her eyes, lighting up her face and the entire room. She stood up. “Maybe wecan be friends again,” she said. “As long as you promise not to hold all the things I said over me.” Josh smiled. “Because I was just really horny, and I wasn’t, uh…thinking straight.”

“Deal,” said Josh.

“I have to admit though,” said Dawn, “I didn’t think I’d get so jealous.”

“You were jealous?” Josh asked, surprised.

“Oh, yeah,” replied Dawn, taking a step forward. “I wanted you inmy bed, not hers.”

Josh’s smile faded. “Right – the sex.”

Dawn took another step forward. Josh noticed she was running a finger around her belly and inclining her head in that playful way she sometimes did. “Not just the sex,” she said. “I don’t know what love is – because I’ve never felt it for anyone before – but,” she took another step forward, “it was different with you. More passionate.”

“Maybe that was just because we’re brother and sister. You know, the taboo factor.”

“Maybe,” said Dawn. “Or maybe I really like you.”

“You…do?” said Josh.

“Well,” another step forward, “we are pretty similar. And I never have found a guy who can argue with me the way you can. Not to mention eat me out like you can.” A shiver ran through Josh’s body. Dawn was now only three or four feet away from him. She looked down at the ground and then back up at him. “I’m sorry about Valerie,” she said, surprising Josh by both the use of her name and the genuine sympathy in her voice. That was…new. “I’m probably supposed to say something to make it better.”

“You don’t have to say anything,” said Josh, his voice wavering.

“What if I do this instead?” She closed the gap between them, placed her palms flat on Josh’s chest and sucked his right ear lobe into her mouth. Josh gasped and shut his eyes. Dawn did her thing for a minute or so before coming back to look into Josh’s eyes. “Is that better?”

“Much,” Josh whispered, though not out of concern for the other people in the house.

“You know,” said Dawn, her gaze on her brother’s chest, and her finger circling it, “everyone’s asleep.” She looked back up into Josh’s eyes, smiling.

“We can’t,” he said, not wanting to say it at all. “They might wake up.”

“No they won’t,” said Dawn, running her nose up the side of Josh’s neck. “We’ll be really quiet.”

“You’re never quiet, Dawn. You screamed last time and I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard you with other guys.”

“I promise I won’t make a lot of noise,” she said, tracing the path of her nose with her tongue. Josh felt her hand clamp around his cock. “You can put this in my mouth to muffle my screams.”

It was too much – way, way too much. Josh grabbed her shoulders and shut his eyes and felt himself cum all over his underwear and his pubes and his belly. Dawn quickly sensed what was going on and pulled back slightly, looking amused.

“Couldn’t wait for me, could you?”

“I’m sorry,” said Josh. And he was – very, very sorry.

“Don’t worry,” said Dawn. “It’s better this way; you’ll last longer.”

“You still want to…”

“Oh, yeah,” said Dawn. “We’ll have you hard again in no time.”

“But I’m…I’m not horny anymore.”

“We’ll make you that, too,” said Dawn. “Just come and sit down.” She took Josh’s hand in hers and led him towards the bed. They sat down together and faced each other. Dawn, her hand still holding one of Josh’s, leant closer and kissed him on the lips. Josh returned the kiss and then the second one, and the one after that, parting his lips eventually so that Dawn could twist her tongue down his mouth. Josh had only ever kissed two girls, at present count, but he knew that Dawn’s kissing was one of the most sensual he would ever feel. He had downloaded enough movies of lesbians kissing each other to know that she was doing things with her mouth that other girls didn’t even think of. She sucked and nibbled on every part of his mouth, both inside and out; she varied her pace and her angle; and the way she used her hands was unbelievable. They were rubbing his thighs one minute, then run along his spine the next; they were wrapped tightly around his neck or tangled in his hair; it was amazing.

Pretty soon Dawn was beginning to undo the buttons of Josh’s pajama top. She pushed it open and ran her hands up the middle of his body, fanning them out once she reached his pecks, sliding them around the back and gripping him tightly as she sucked on his bottom lip.

“Isn’t this much better than arguing?” she said with her mouth buried in the ridge of Josh’s shoulder. Josh nodded in agreement. “We could’ve been doing this all along.”

Dawn, finished with Josh’s shoulder, climbed down from the bed and knelt between his legs. She was much too close to do what Josh thought she was going to do, though. Instead, she pushed his top off his arms and began to lick his stomach. Her hair shone in the moonlight, spread over her shoulders like a veil of silk.

The first few degrees of stiffness returned to Josh’s cock as Dawn planted kisses all over his torso. She dragged her bottom lip all the way up to his collarbone and then nibbled on it with her teeth. Overcome by the desire to feel her hair, Josh ran his fingers through it and realized he was spot on with the silk metaphor.

“You’re hair’s so soft,” Josh told her. Dawn looked up at him, affording him a perfect view of the cleavage her top revealed. She smiled, and turned back to orally pleasuring his chest. She began to speak in between kisses.

“It’s too bad…we’re not alone. We could do some…much wilder things if we were.”

“Such as?”

“Well,” said Dawn, prying her lips from Josh’s skin, and leaning back on her haunches, “I was just thinking what it would be like to have you spank me.” She grinned mirthfully.

“Are you serious?”

Yeah!” said Dawn. “Make me bend over and spank me like a naughty girl. I’d love that.” Josh’s cock hardened some more. She really knew how to get his blood going, both frustratingly and erotically. She ran her hands up and down the inside of Josh’s thighs. “Would you like that?” Josh nodded. “Next time, then,” said Dawn, reaching her arms out so that Josh could pull her back up on the bed.

She was now sitting on his lap, facing him with her arms around his neck, their heads angled together and their noses rubbing in an Eskimo kiss.

“I had no idea you could be so…sensual,” Josh said, wondering whether it was safe to do so.

“What – you thought I’d be just a fuck and suck girl?”


“You can say it, Josh. It doesn’t matter.” She looked intensely into his eyes. “I’m not like this with many of the guys I fuck. But I do like it better. And, seeing as this is…your third time? – I thought I’d make it extra special.”

Josh wrapped his arms around Dawn’s lower back, the skin their feeling astonishingly soft against his hands.

“You’re being kinda slow tonight, though,” said Dawn. She touched her temple to Josh’s again. “Take my bra off.”

Marveling at her beauty, her passion, everything about her, Josh reached up and started fiddling with the clasp. He tried it one way, then another, and then began to feel his ears get hot.Damn it.

“Let me show you,” said Dawn, surprising Josh with her patience. She took his hands in hers, and showed him how to undo the clasp. It was hard, with both their hands on it, but it eventually came loose. Josh ran his hands up the length of her back, the smooth skin no longer interrupted by the bra strap.

“Now off the shoulders,” Dawn said with an amused smile.

“I know,” Josh replied with mild exasperation. He reached up – as Dawn was no kneeling on either side of his waist and therefore sitting taller than Josh was – and slipped the loops off her shoulders. Dawn clamped her arms to her sides so that the cups stayed where they were. She was looking at her brother with something like delight or amused curiosity in her eyes. Obviously she was enjoying watching him explore her body and fumble his way around.

Josh slid his fingers inside the top of the cups and pulled them away from Dawn’s breasts, exposing those gorgeous mounds of flesh that suited her so well. Their size was perfect; enormous breasts just would not have suited Dawn, as they did Jacquie. Dawn had the slim physique that Josh liked to look at on the teen porn stars on the net. They always had toned legs and flat stomachs; they normally wore white panties and their breasts were the perfect size to hold in the palm of your hands. The main difference, Josh thought, was that on girls like that – girls like Dawn – it was like the breasts were upturned cups or halves of fleshy spheres. With girls like Jacquie, it was as though you have over three-quarters of the spheres protruding from the chest. It was a wonder that they had been gifted with pairs of tits that matched their bodies so well.

“Are you gonna suck on them or not?” Dawn asked impatiently.

Josh took first one, then the other breast into his mouth, paying them the same amount of attention that he had Jacquie’s. Dawn rested a hand on his head and was inclining her neck to look down at Josh’s display. “That’s it, Josh,” she said encouragingly. “Suck my titties.”

Josh laughed into his sister’s right breast. He continued to alternate between them, sucking and licking and nibbling and using his hands to stimulate them. Dawn sighed contentedly and left Josh to his own instruments.

He finished on his own, prying his mouth off Dawn’s nipple and licking his lips. Dawn looked down at her chest – it was almost glowing in the moonlight.

“You got saliva all over me,” she said.

“Is that a problem?” Josh asked, confused.

“Of course not,” said Dawn, sweeping down for a kiss. “So what…position did you have in mind?” she asked.

“Position? I don’t know.”

“Well,” said Dawn, kneeling back to her full height and looking down into Josh’s eyes. “Are you a fan of doggy style?”

“I don’t know,” Josh replied.

“We’ll do that next time, ‘cuz I wanna be looking into your eyes when I cum.” Josh was still having trouble grasping her incessantly erotic vocabulary, as well as the fact that this was a certainty – hewould be having sex with his sister, it was only a matter of time.

“Do you remember what I said to you last night?” said Dawn.

“Which part?”

“About how you could cum inside me…”

“Oh. Were you serious?”

“Uh-huh,” said Dawn. “And trust me – it’ll feel alot better than spoofing in a condom.”

Josh kissed her neck. “You’re so hot.”

Dawn smiled. She swung her leg over Josh’s lap so that she was no longer kneeling on him. She took his hands and drew him further up the bed. “Come on, tiger,” she said, “time to make Dawny wet.”

“Wet?” Josh inquired.

“Yeah,” said Dawn. “I’ve gotta be nice and wet so you can penetrate me.” Josh groaned and Dawn giggled.

“How do we do that?” Josh asked.

“I’ll show you,” said Dawn, and she began to wriggle out of her boxers. She wasn’t wearing anything underneath, and her pussy was immediately visible in all its sexy, shaven glory. Dawn swept her boxers across Josh’s face before tossing them to the floor. “Lie down,” she said, placing a hand on his chest and pushing him gently back, so that he was lying on the bed, perpendicular to the way he would sleep. His legs rested on the floor but his head was on Dawn’s pale blue coverlet.

“Did you know I had silk sheets?” she asked Josh.


Dawn grinned. “Wait till you feel them wrapped around your cock.”

Josh lay perfectly still, looking over at her, and then,up at her, as she raised one leg and lowered her hips onto Josh’s face. “Wriggle further down the bed,” she said, and Josh obliged, so that Dawn could kneel on either side of his torso and brace her hands on the bed while her pussy hovered above Josh’s face. “Tongue out, lover,” she said. Josh stuck out his tongue and Dawn lowered her pussy onto his face, immediately moaning. “Lick me,” she groaned.

Josh tongued the outside of her pussy until Dawn lowered herself some more and allowed Josh to use more of his mouth. He brought his fingers up to push the lips apart, but Dawn stopped him. “No hands,” she said. “Just your mouth for now.” Josh obeyed, using his hands instead to hold onto Dawn’s ass cheeks, which fit perfectly into them.

Dawn began to do most of the work, dragging her crotch back and forth over Josh’s face, pulling it up when it got too sensitive and mashing it down again when she wanted more. Josh didn’t get much of a chance to revel in the experience of tasting Dawn’s pussy again, but the smell was another thing entirely. It was intoxicating; filling his nostrils up and seeping into his brain.God, she smells good.

He had heard the stories and the reasons why some guys didn’t like eating girls out; but then this was Dawn, so he was pretty much guaranteed he was eating the most hygienic pussy in the world, not to mention the tastiest.

Dawn raised herself up after a while, resting her weight on her knees. In this position, Josh was able to look up at her, and see that she was cupping her breasts and rubbing them together. She smiled down at him. “Having fun?”

“Mmm,” Josh muttered.

Dawn threw her head back and sighed deeply, then smiled again and looked down at Josh. “I am going to cum so hard when we fuck,” she said. She scooted down Josh’s body and leaned down so that she was face-to-face with him, her naked body pressed up against his. “So will you,” she said, smiling and kissing him. “Are you hard yet?”

Josh nodded. Dawn licked her lips and wriggled further down the bed. “Pull your underpants down,” she said. Josh reached down and took hold of the waistband of his pajama pants. “Not your pants,” said Dawn, “just the underwear.”

Puzzled, but certainly willing to comply, Josh reached his hands inside his pants and worked his underwear down to his knees. Dawn smiled and wriggled even further down the bed. She slid her hand up Josh’s bare foot, the right one, and then under the edge of his pant leg.

“What are you doing?” Josh asked, looking down at her. Dawn just smiled back and within another second Josh could feel her hand – her entire arm – snaking its way up his leg. Eventually, she reached his cock and took it in her hand.

“You said you were hard,” she said disappointedly.

“I am,” said Josh.

“You can be harder than that,” Dawn replied, withdrawing her hand. She wriggled back up the bed and yanked Josh’s pants down to his ankles. She drew them off his feet, bundled them up and brought them up to her face. She took a deep breath and smiled at Josh. “My brother’s crotch,” she said in a wistful voice. She threw the pants aside and positioned herself over Josh’s body, her eyes on his cock, which was hard, though not as hard as it could be. Dawn wrapped her fingers around it.

“I think he needs some stimulation,” she said, and began to slowly pump her hand up and down. Josh, once again, was completely overcome by the feeling of Dawn’s hand on his cock. It seemed like such an unlikely event to take place, in the great scheme of things. Not only were he and Dawn siblings, but they were once vicious mortal enemies. And now…now she was jacking him off with her expert hand. Josh found that if he kept reminding himself, over and over, that this was his sister, ripples of inexplicable pleasure ran through his entire body.

Dawn lowered her mouth and took Josh’s semi-hard cock into her mouth. Josh saw it pushing out her cheek and wondered whether she was doing that on purpose. She pulled her mouth off with a popping sound. “God I love having you in there,” she said, then lowered her mouth again.