Past Lives

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Using hypnosis, Tom creates Lisa's past lives.
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Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/13/2020
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Lisa is the girl everyone loves. Unfortunately, she has also always been untouchable. Growing up in a small Midwest town where everyone in our high school knew each other, Lisa was the center of it all. Everyone wanted to be with her both male and female. Wherever she went a group followed. Half the movie theatre was filled with her at the center. It was tough to break the group up no matter what happened. Even for prom, everyone was paired off and Lisa made sure no one was left out.

I was just one of the average guys in the group. I loved Lisa from the moment I saw her just like everyone else in the group. I would have done anything to be with her. I tried to ask her out once, but I don't think she really understood I was asking her out. It wasn't her fault, it was mine. It wasn't much of an invitation. She was so beautiful, I couldn't think straight enough to ask anything coherent despite the many times I practiced. The lucky guys that did ask her out only ended up with the rest of the group going someplace anyway. Everyone was always invited and rarely did we pair off.

After high school, it all changed as it always does. Everyone went their separate ways. I was one of the few that went to college and came back to town. I started a finance and insurance business and became very successful. For a small town, I built a pretty good reputation.

Now, I suppose I should get right to the good parts. It was about 10 years after I'd last seen her, when Lisa came back to town. The old group was called back together, but only 5 including Lisa and I were in town to show up. We met at the local hang out for food and drink and talked into the night. Lisa had traveled the world and found a great job in the big city. Of course, she did. Who wouldn't hire her? She was as beautiful as ever and her body had only gotten better. She had that sweet pure model next door look and the curves of a porn star. Her long curly dark hair and bright green eyes helped a little to keep from staring at her huge tits. In high school, she tried to hide them but not now. The cleavage was captivating. Lisa was going to be in town for 2 weeks and we made plans to get as much of the old group together as possible.

It might have just been another night and I'd go home dreaming about her again, but with a little drink in us the conversation got deep. Lisa brought up some things she had heard on her travels and when she brought up how a monk had told her about having a past life the conversation got even deeper. I thought it was silly, but Lisa was really into it. We laughed and had a fun night. It wasn't until later that night as I was dreaming about her that I remembered a lesson from one of my old Psychology classes that I loved in college. Hypnosis could use the subconscious mind to discover past lives. It kept me up studying all night. By mid-morning and after a nice cold shower, I called Lisa up.

"Hi Lisa, I hope you don't have too bad a headache." I said as I had rehearsed.

"I'm OK, Tom." She still sounded tired. "That was a lot of fun last night. It was great seeing everyone. Too bad everyone in the old gang is gone."

"Yeah, I had a great time. There are even fewer of us here when you're gone."

"What's up?"

"Well, I got thinking. Remember we were talking about past lives and stuff?" I waited. This was the moment I'd either jump or fall.


"Well, you said you'd really love to know all about your past lives and I've been really thinking about it when I remembered that hypnosis can be used to access past lives and bring them to the conscience mind." I paused as I planned. This was the moment.


"I studied a lot of Psychology in college. I didn't focus on past lives or anything, but I did learn a lot about hypnosis. If you want, maybe we can meet for lunch and talk about it." It was the moment of truth.

"That would be great!" Not only was she willing, but she was excited about it. I practiced till it was time to go and I picked her up for lunch. I drove a nice car and she commented on it. We had a good lunch and I told her everything. We had a great time just her and I. I tried to keep focused on her face, but she caught me a couple times. I told her everything I new and whatever I could to sell her on the benefits of hypnosis. Eventually she asked.

"Do you think it would work on me?"

"Yes, you're smart and have a great imagination. That helps. We could go to my place and try it out if you'd like." In that moment, my life changed forever.

Thirty minutes later we were at my house and I was about to start the induction. We spent the whole drive discussing the possibilities of her many adventures in her other lives. She was really excited about it. The monk that mentioned it to her had really left an impact on her. Little did she know that it would lead to her complete enslavement.

I told her how she'd need to really let go in order for me to take her deep enough to access her other lives and it may take a while. She was more than willing to try and told me she didn't have any plans for the rest of the day. I couldn't believe it. Here the most beautiful woman in the world was in my home ready to submit her mind to me for the rest of the day. I hid my excitement by being excited about what life we'd discover for her. Was she a queen or princess? She laughed, what about a slave or an animal. She laughed again. My mind went crazy. She was open to having it be anything.

I spent twice as long as I would have to make sure she was relaxed and under. I went through ever exercise I'd researched about to take her deeper and deeper. I was so nervous, I kept testing and testing and each time she responded positive. Finally, I was convinced she was hypnotized deep enough to try.

"Lisa, how do you feel?"

"Relaxed." She answered in a sexy monotone voice

"Yes, you feel very relaxed and peaceful. You feel so happy that you are going to find out about you past lives, don't you?"

"Yes." She smiled.

"Finding everything about you past life is really important to you isn't it?"


"It's very important. You want to find out about each life and know as much as you can about them. You want to relate to them to learn how those past lives can help you in this life too, don't you."


"It's so important, almost an obsession for you to find out all you can. You're doing so well, so relaxed and peaceful. It's a wonderful feeling to relax and learn more about your past lives isn't it?"


This was going better than I could hope for. I would make Lisa mine. I knew if I could get her excited enough to learn about her past lives and then make her believe that only I could help her do that through hypnosis and make her enjoy each hypnosis session, she'd want to do it more and more. Each time I could make her more and more mine and have her become exactly what I want.

I love history and that would be an advantage for me because I could strengthen each past life with real information. I also was a bit of a pervert and the only thing better than having Lisa be mine would be to have her be mine completely. I've had plenty of girlfriends. I learned with each one that I'm more of a dominant person. It's made me very successful in business and much more attractive to women, but it means I have to have the right woman for our relationship to succeed.

I spent another hour cementing in her mind the importance of finding her past lives and how I'd discovered the only way for her to do it through hypnosis. All the time cementing how wonderful it felt and how she'd want to do it more and more. I made sure she felt an increasing need to relate to each life she discovered and how it would help in her current life that way. I would have her coming back again and again to relate and become more the person I wanted her to become. Then I would show her how I too have past lives and I that my past lives intertwined with her past lives just as mine does in her current life only my past lives had much more influence on her past lives and now with our new discovery could have increased influence on her current life. It was a foolproof plan.

I checked again how deep she was with success. Finally, I felt it was time. I'd done all I could to set the stage. Now, it was time to give her the first life. I had planned this all too. Lisa was already a queen. She'd lived a blessed life from the start. I was going to make her a slave, but not just that. I was going to be her owner. I told her she had many past lives, but her last life was before the revolution. She was a black slave girl born by her slave parents on a South Carolina cotton plantation. I didn't want to give her too much to start. How she took to her new life would be key.

I repeated everything to confirm her new needs and desires to learn and relate and that I'd be the only one to help her. I confirmed that she loved the feeling of being hypnotized and she'd want to do it again very soon. Then I gave her a trigger to bring her back to the deepest state so it wouldn't take as much time to hypnotize her again. She excepted it all with a smile. Then I started waking her up.

Once she was out, I was a little worried about a couple things. Would she remember everything? Would she care how much time it took? Would she want to do it again? Would the trigger work? I knew I needed to reassure her immediately.

"How do you feel?"

"Great! I feel That felt really good."

"It worked. It really worked. Isn't that amazing? What do you remember?"

"Ahh... I don't really remember a lot. I remember relaxing a lot and you talking to me, but I can't really remember anything. Did it really work."

"Yes, that's good that you can't remember. That means you went deep enough in your subconscious to connect with your past life."

"I did!"

"Yes, it was hard and took a little time, but it worked."

"Wow, It's already dinner time. What did you find out?"

"I don't know how to say it. I was hoping for something grand like someone famous or something."

"Tell me. I want to know."

"Are you sure you want to know? It surprised me a bit."

"Yes. I'm ok with whoever it is."

I told tell her that she was a slave. She took it great and wanted to know all the details. I told her that it took a while to get that information, but next time we would be able to go quicker to that life and find out all she needed to know and she wanted to do it right away. It couldn't have gone better. She was excited to have me hypnotize her right away, she didn't mind being a slave, she didn't mind the time it took, and she didn't remember anything. This was going to be Amazing.

I thought I'd keep her excited and said we ought to take a break for dinner. She practically begged to have me hypnotize her again right there but agreed to do it after dinner. I told her it might be late if she needed to call anyone and let them know. She was home staying with her parents and texted them that she would be out late with the gang. I couldn't believe how good this was going.

At dinner, I used the time to ask her what she thought life as a slave would be like. We wondered if she was treated well or not. How hard her life was and perhaps it was for that reason that she was so blessed in this life. I told her how I believed that all lives are connected in some way and there must be some connection from this slave girl to her. We had a great dinner. I joked about her hard life as a slave saying she was probably always whipped for being bad. She laughed and agreed. Was she already becoming more docile and submissive? I couldn't help thinking of punishing her beautiful ass as we left.

Lisa wanted to go right to my place to start again. So, we did. I got her ready and relaxed again before using the trigger and to my happy surprise it worked. Within 10 min, I knew I had her as deep as before. I cemented everything from before and then brought up the slave girl. She had a hard life as a slave. She worked hard and was punished hard. Her only happiness came from the owners only son. He was her again born just a few months ahead of her. He did his best to protect her and ask his father for her to be the one to help him with his chores. He protected her and fed her. The other slaves told her how lucky she was and how she should do anything to keep the young master happy. She did and they fell deeply in love, but this was no fairy tale. The father thought the boy too soft and made sure he punished the girl regularly. The young master did his best to make it bearable, but his slave was tough. She knew he did it to protect her and after the punishments they would make love. Their bond was inseparable. She was his. She loved him unconditionally.

His happiness was all she cared for. His touch drove her crazy with anticipation. She began to love being punished because afterwards they'd have the most time together to make love. She loved it so much that years later even after the father died and the young master was the Master of all, she'd still beg to be tied up and spanked even whipped before they made love. While the father was alive, he watched her closely. She made sure to be overly attentive to his son's needs. The father made sure his son humiliated her to keep her in her place. This too she began to enjoy. Each harsh name or humiliating task he only did to protect her. The names became terms of endearment. The tasks became games. Creativity led the games to include sex and soon they were having all kinds of kinky fun.

I didn't want to give too much away or get into too many details. I just wanted her to know that this life she was a submissive slave. I wanted to make sure sex and all things related were included so we could talk more about it later. Most of all, I wanted her to start craving this new Master. I gave her a desire to find out more about him and what it was like to relate to this poor slave girl who had an amazing love filled wonderful life thanks to her Master.

I was tempted to try to have the slave girl come out in our session and have her take over, but thought it too soon. I was so horny, I could have just destroyed my chances, but I kept it cool. After cementing everything again, I started to wake her up.

We talked for an hour afterwards. I teased her about being a sex slave. The more I teased the more submissive and excited she seemed to get. Where her nipples hardening under her shirt? With more teasing, they most certainly were. She asked a few times during the hour to go under again. It was only around 9pm. Plenty of time. I ignored the first few times and kept teasing her and asking her questions about her slave life. She started imagining and making up answers. She had to do anything to survive. I teased her about the love story and how any man would love to have a slave that would take care of anything how he just wanted the sex. She defended with how pure their love was. I teased back that he was having sex with all the pretty slave girls. When she defended, I said his father wouldn't have let him get to close to one. He probably made him have sex with others and even have her watch. I waited for her reaction. Would she be so submissive to allow other women in. I never thought about a harem, but now my mind was going crazy. I couldn't believe I was alone with Lisa talking about sex.

"All kidding aside, it must have been a tough life back then. Can you imagine being a slave now? I mean trying to relate to being a slave and having to try so hard to keep one person happy. I mean could you relate to that?"

"It was a hard life back then and we still live in men's world."

"I wonder what my past lives were like, maybe I was you Master. You must obey me, or I'll tie you down and spank you right here." Silence. She wouldn't even meet my gaze. I took the time to look over her beautiful body. Perfection. Her breasts swelling with each deep breath. "OK if you really want to try it. We can this one last time."

"Thank you!" She reached out and took my hand. "I really appreciate this. I'm learning so much about myself. It's strange. I feel so connected to her."

She went down even faster. I guess the third time really is the charm. I cemented her desire to find out more, enjoy and need to be hypnotized again very soon, and the need to relate more in her current life. I cemented the trigger phrase and when she was down even further. I asked her question about her new past life.

"Do you love knowing you had a past life?"


I asked her everything I needed to know for the next phase. Then I tested her depth again just to make sure and took her back to her slave girl life. I started simple. Repeated what she already knew, adding what she said in our conversations. Then I got into the good stuff. Your Master loved you as much as you loved him. His father was cruel. He threatened that if his son wouldn't have sex with other slave girls he'd take you away from his son and take you for himself. His father picked out a couple pretty slaves and gave them to his son. Obligated to take care of them, he did. It didn't take long for this to even become a blessing. With the father appeased, his son could take them to bed all night long. The young master always made sure there was plenty of time for her to be with him. She wasn't jealous because even as he made love to another women while she laid next to him it was to keep her safe. The women all became friends and when the father require they were punished or humiliated, they turned them into fun games they all ended up enjoying.

As I told her more and more about her life as a slave, again I saw how it affected her in real life. I could tell she was getting more and more excited. Then I impressed on her the need to find this master that he was a destiny in all her lives, the slave girl, her current life and all past lives. She needed to be his now. She didn't need to look far, he was always close in her life. I placed in her an incredible need to find him and love him as she had in past lives. To find and serve him and use him to relate more and more to her past lives that he would be the one that can help her understand all her past lives.

"Would you like to become this slave girl in your current life for a while to help you relate to her?"


"Then any time I say, "My Carolina Cotton Slave!" you will transform to become your past life as the slave girl."

I confirmed it and she agreed again.

"Now you must find your young Master. You need to find him don't you? You know he's close. He's always been close. He's the one that will help you find all your past lives and help you learn about them and relate to them. He is in your life now helping you, close to you. Do you know who it is?""You." Without any hesitation.

"Tom is your Master. You live to serve and please him. His touch makes you feel amazing. You are tied to him in this life and all others. He will guide you and help you to discover more of your lives and only him, won't he?

"Yes." With a smile.

"You would not deny him anything will you?"


I couldn't wait any longer. I cemented everything quickly in her mind and woke Lisa up.

"I can't believe it. Do you remember anything?"


"That's good because we know it worked, but I found out who your master is. Do you want to know who?"

"Yes." Lisa pleaded.

"Me." I said and gave her a hug. For a split second I wondered if it worked, but she began kissing me like a woman possessed. We were naked in seconds. She was passionate and aggressive attacking me kissing me everywhere. I picked her up off the sofa and carried her into my bedroom. I threw her down and admired her naked body in all its glory. It was perfect. I'd dreamed for so long to see it and her she was and in my bed.

"Will you be my little slave girl, Lisa?"