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The interest on her loan isn't the only interest she has.
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It was another long day at the pawn shop. I thought at least once a day about selling it or getting someone else to run the damn place, but I couldn't do it. My grandfather had started it, and then my dad kept it going. I couldn't bring myself to break the chain when he passed away.

Seeing my neighbor shut off his hose and put his hands on his hips when I pulled into the drive at home didn't brighten my mood any.

"Why don't you take care of your lawn?" he complained as I climbed out of the car.

As I walked to the door, I answered, "The grass is three inches tall."

"I'm tired of having to deal with all your dandelion seeds. You need to dig those things up like any responsible person. The whole neighborhood..."

I closed the door, cutting off the rest of his tirade and muttered, "I'll dig them up and shove them up your ass."

Another beautiful day in the neighborhood.

I took a shower, whipped up some grub, and then kicked back to watch some t.v. Same old, same old. I ended up dozing off at some point, and woke up in the middle of Fallon's monologue. The guy's better than Leno, but I was raised on Carson. There's just no comparison.

I shut him off and headed upstairs to bed. The last thing I needed was to sleep all night in the chair and wake up as stiff as a board.

Still half asleep, I stripped down to my boxers, shut off the light, and turned toward the bed. That's when something moving in my peripheral vision drew my attention to the window.

I stood there in the darkness of my room, hypnotized by the sight of my neighbor's twenty-year-old blonde daughter. She was right in front of her window with the lights on. The contrast of the darkness surrounding that window focused my attention, as if I needed any help in that.

She lifted her arms over her head, stretched, and yawned. The tight top she was wearing clung to her like a second skin, giving me a hell of a show as her breasts lifted from her stretch. She ran her fingers through her hair before letting her hands drop back to her side.

Her parents made me want to pull my hair out. Cammie made me want to pull something else.

I finally snapped out of it, and the dirty old man shame washed over me. Embarrassed by my behavior, I shook my head and closed my eyes for a second.

The mistake I made was opening them before turning away.

She grabbed the tail of her top just as my eyes opened, and in a flash, she'd pulled it over her head. I had a couple of blissful seconds to drink in the sight of her perky breasts before she tossed her top aside and walked away from the window.

I have no idea how long I stood there with my eyes bugging out and my mouth hanging open. Even after she vanished from sight, I could still see her in my mind's eye.


To say I was a little distracted at the shop the next day was an understatement. I couldn't keep her out of my head. Every time my thoughts wandered, they made a beeline to Cammie's tits. In my defense, it had been about seven months since I'd been laid. What do you expect from a guy in his forties under those circumstances?

I was finally getting a handle on it as closing time drew near. A couple of encounters with people trying to sell me shit or pick up stuff for peanuts had pushed up my frustration factor, which helped.

With the shop empty, I was planning to close up early. So, when the door chime sounded just as I was about to lock up, I wasn't especially happy about it. I looked that way, hoping it was someone coming in to make a payment and leave. The last thing I expected to see was Cammie.

The top she was wearing was every bit as tight as the one I'd watched her pull off the night before. Her skirt danced around her thighs, barely hiding anything. It certainly did nothing to conceal her long, smooth legs. She smiled as she walked toward me, carrying an iPad box.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and asked, "What can I do for you?"

Her smile widened and she waved. "I wanted to see what I could get for pawning this?"

"You do know how this works, don't you? You're paying back a good chunk of interest on a pawn loan," I warned her as she sat the box down on the counter.

"I know, but I need the money like right now. It's worth it."

I nodded and said, "Well, so long as you understand. Let's see what we've got here."

For all intents and purposes, the iPad was brand new. The box was in pristine condition. All the literature was there, and all the components. It was the latest model with all the bells and whistles as well.

"I need to make sure it works, but everything looks good so far," I told her. "Does it have a lock on it?"

"No, I turned it off before I brought it in. Go ahead. It works, and it's charged. I haven't really used it much. So, how much?"

"As long as it's working, I can go $275."

"Perfect," she said while flashing me a heart-stopping smile.

I tore my eyes away from the sight and went to work. A few quick tests confirmed that it was fully functional.

"It checks out," I told her when I finished. "We just need to do some paperwork, and make sure you know exactly how much you're paying back on that loan of $275."

I spelled everything out to the letter, stressing the interest and the final amount she'd end up paying back. The last thing I needed was for her to go to her asshole father complaining. Cammie said she understood, and seemed sincere enough, so I finished the paperwork, and got her cash.

Naturally, I had to admire her ass in that little skirt as she strutted out the front door.

I blew out a long, slow breath once she stepped out the door, giving her enough time to make it a short distance down the street. Then I walked to the front of the shop, locked the door, and flipped the sign to Closed.

Since I'd already started the end-of-night, it didn't take long to close up. After a quick stop at the bank night deposit, I rolled in at home to go through the nightly routine.

When I walked into my room at bedtime, of course I was thinking about the previous night. My eyes homed in on the window, and the one across the way, but it was dark. I'd say the best way to describe the feeling was equal parts relief and disappointment.

It didn't last long, because a new feeling — panic — shot through me when her light came on and she appeared in the window a moment later. Cammie looked right at me, smiled, and waved.

I'm sure I looked like a complete idiot as I forced a grin and stiffly waved back to her. I shut off the light and moved out of view almost immediately with my face burning. Then I dropped my head into my hand, groaned, and got ready for bed. The whole time, I could see the light shining through my window, dimming and brightening to let me know she was still in front of hers. I buried my head in my pillow, and thankfully I was tired enough to drop off before too long.


I went in early the next morning, because it was what I called default day. That's the time in the middle of the month when I processed the bulk of the delinquent loans and put the items out on the sales floor. Within an hour of opening, I'd already sold two game consoles and a flat screen. By the end of the day, the finances were sitting pretty. I was feeling good at closing time when I got hit with Deja Vu.

Once again, Cammie strutted into the store. This time, she was wearing a lacy black dress. Thin straps held it up, leaving her shoulders and arms bare. The neckline plunged in a V down to her stomach. The skirt was just as short as the one she'd worn the previous evening, and her black high heels served to make her legs look even more incredible.

I honestly don't know how she managed to walk without showing off every inch of her in that outfit.

As she walked up, she said, "I realized I left some pics on the iPad that I thought were in the cloud. Is there any chance I could transfer them to my phone?"

"Sure. The files aren't important, because I put everything back to factory settings if I have to sell it anyway. I'll go get it."

She smiled and said, "Great. Thanks."

I was thankful for the opportunity to turn away and walk into the back. It was taking everything I had not to look at what was trying to peek out of that plunging neckline. Of course, it was a short reprieve.

The moment I walked out of the back room, she took a step back and ran her hands down her sides. "This is what I bought. Isn't it amazing?"

Jesus fucking christ, I thought as the sexy display hit me like a sledgehammer. My thoughts raced and I seized on the first response that didn't sound creepy. "Well, it should for almost three hundred bucks."

"Actually, I've got a hundred left. I got a better deal on the shoes than I expected."

I put the iPad down on the counter and said, "Well, I don't usually do this, but if you want to give me that hundred back, I'll redo the loan to cut down your payments."

She nodded and said, "Sure," while reaching into her purse.

Once she put the C-note on the counter, I told her, "Go ahead and get whatever you want off there, and I'll change everything in the computer."

Cammie turned on the iPad while I went to work on my own computer. While I was bringing up her account, she asked, "Have you ever found anything interesting on a phone or computer someone has brought in?"

I chuckled, remembering stories I'd heard from other pawnbrokers, and my own father. "No, I make a point to not go digging around."

"Hmm," she said, sounding surprised. "I don't think I'd be able to resist snooping."

"You're just as likely to see something that will scar you for life as anything else," I responded.

She let out a silvery laugh and said, "I guess that's true, but I still don't think I'd be able to resist. Who knows what kind of naughty things you might find. Well, I'm done."

"That didn't take long. Give me a couple of minutes and I'll have your new ticket ready."

"Would it be okay if I picked it up later?" She glanced at her phone and continued, "I'm going out, and I'm already running late."

"That's fine. The payment date is the same, so you can come in any time between now and then."

"Sweet. Gotta run. Bye."

"Goodbye." Somehow, I said it without stammering or my voice cracking. The way her ass looked when accentuated by that tight dress and those high heels... There are no words to describe it.

"Ought to be illegal," I muttered once she was out the door.

I left the iPad on the counter while I went through the end-of-night process. Once I'd locked up, I grabbed it and headed for the back room. I was just about to put it on the shelf when the conversation with her popped into my head. More specifically, I remembered the sly, crooked smile on her face when I looked up from my computer.

Remembered, or imagined? I thought, arguing with myself.

I looked at the iPad, which was still in my hand rather than sitting on its marked place on the shelf. I knew it was a bad idea — and little more than wishful thinking — but the devil on my shoulder was screaming at me to look.

I grunted, shook my head, and defiantly put the box in its place. If anything, she was probably talking about pictures she'd just removed. That's what she had come in for, after all. Maybe there had been some risque selfies on there, but they were surely gone now.

That's what I tried to tell myself, anyway. It kept nagging me, lurking at the back of my thoughts as I gathered up the night deposit bag and turned out the lights. Standing in the darkened shop, ready to walk out the door, I found myself glancing toward the back room.

There was no getting it out of my head. If I didn't look, it was going to drive me crazy all night.

"Damn, this is stupid," I muttered as I surrendered.

I walked into the back, turned on the light, and picked up the box. Find out there's nothing on here and go home, I thought while sitting the box down on the table. I pulled out the iPad, turned it on, clicked the photos icon, and my jaw dropped.

Every thumbnail was a nude, and there was more than a full page of them. My finger was moving before my brain caught up, enlarging the first. It was a close-up shot with the front camera showing off her breasts. I stared at the perfect teardrops with rosy tips I'd seen from a distance two nights before. They weren't large, but they were easily the most perfect tits I'd ever beheld in my life.

I scrolled to the next picture, which had her sitting in a chair, again bare-breasted, and wearing a frilly pair of pink panties. The next shot was just her panties with her legs parted enough to see a faint silhouette of what lay beneath. The one that followed made me groan, because it was a nearly identical shot, but she had her hand in her panties.

Next was a shot taken in a mirror, showing her from almost the knees up, arching her back and cocking her hip out to the side. I knew they had to be recent, because she'd changed her hairstyle a few months before, and the pictures matched. Next was a shot from behind, showing off her nearly bare butt. Then one that followed had her bent over toward the mirror, and I had to reach down to adjust the swelling in my pants.

I kept scrolling through the sexy poses — all topless — though she wore different underwear in several of them. I lingered on a picture of her pulling her panties into the cleft between her legs with her labia peeking out. That's always been a big turn-on for me.

When I finally flipped to the next image, my mouth started to water. The panties were gone. She was shaved completely bare, with not a single bump or blemish. Because she was standing with her legs together, all I could really see was the cleft. A quick swipe of my finger gave me a better view.

She wasn't shy. That's for sure. The next picture had her with her legs spread wide. She had tiny little pink lips that were barely parted despite her splayed legs. Again, I got a better view in the next picture, where she parted those lips to reveal the treasure within.

I kept scrolling, burning every little detail of her young body forever into my brain. There were even pictures of her with her fingers buried inside her, and shots of them glistening with wetness. Almost any pose I could imagine was there.

By the time I hit the end of the extensive album, I was as hard as a rock. It was a bad idea by any stretch of the imagination, but damn, it was worth it. She was a sexy little minx. It took some force of will to close the photo app, and I let out a long sigh when I did.

Then my eyes fell on the video icon. I had to look. There was only one video stored, and I clicked it without a second thought.

The image was blurry at first, and the reason was her starting the recording. When she sat back into frame, she was naked on what I assume was her bed. She laughed as she lay back and parted her legs. One hand went to her right breast, and the other slid between her legs. That's when I paused it.

I knew what had to happen at that point, and it wasn't going to happen in the shop. I closed the app, shut off the iPad, and against every notion of propriety and business ethics, took the tablet with me.

It seemed to take forever to get to the bank and then home. My erection didn't droop in the slightest through the entire, torturous journey. My ears were burning as I walked toward the door with my contraband held on the side facing away from my neighbor's house. I made it safely inside, and went straight to the bedroom.

Cammie's window was dark, but I still closed the curtains for the first time in ages before proceeding to the bed. My monkey brain, which was in full command by this point, had already formulated a plan. There was a lip along the top of the nightstand. Pulling the lamp toward me formed an impromptu stand that would keep the iPad upright. I put it in place, decided that it was stable, and went back to turn off the light.

It was only when I returned to the bed that second thoughts tried to bubble to the surface. The key word there is tried. I had a video of my sexy young neighbor only a couple of clicks away, and I knew I couldn't resist the temptation. From the moment I took the first peek in my shop, I was caught in a spiral there was no escaping from.

I stripped, and ended up catching my prick on the waistband of my underwear as I tried to pull them off, because I was still hard as a steel bar. I sat down on the bed, pulled the box of tissues close, took a deep breath, and brought up the video.

After only a couple of seconds, the video was back to where I'd paused it in the shop, and she didn't waste any time. Her finger moved in circles over her clit while she squeezed her breast. She let out a really loud moan, and I had to assume nobody else was home when she shot the video.

Immediately after that, she gave the camera an intense, sultry stare, and lifted both of her legs into a V. That's when I wrapped my hand around my cock. Two fingers spread her pussy lips wide, showing the glistening pink within. Then she switched to a back and forth motion with her fingers, and her feet dropped back to the bed.

I grunted just as she let out a whimper even louder than her earlier moan. There is no way anybody else was in the house when she did that. That sound couldn't have been mistaken for anything except sexual pleasure. I started stroking when she plunged two fingers deep inside her, and brought them back out visibly wet. The slippery digits went back to her clit, and she gasped when she touched it. She paused only momentarily before her fingers kicked back into gear. I could hear the faint, almost snapping sound of them sliding over her labia.

That didn't last long, though. Her fingers dived back down and deep inside her again. This time, she thrust them in and out for several strokes, fucking herself hard before returning to her clit.

Cammie half sat up, once again looking intently into the camera. She picked up the pace, her fingers blurring in the video image. Her breasts began to jiggle from the motion of her arm, and she sucked in a high-pitched gasp. I matched her, stroking faster, and groaned as a drop of pre-cum welled up.

"Oh yeah," she whimpered. I could tell she was pressing down harder while keeping up the furious pace. Her facial features began to tighten. Whimpers and moans tumbled from her lips. I glanced down at the progress bar on the video and held back, seeing there was still quite a bit of time left. The sight of her had me already wanting to blow my load.

Her head lolled back and her fingers faltered for a fraction of a second. I could see a trail from a drop of wetness trickling from her pussy down toward the bed. She must have been soaking wet. She cried out as she jerked her head back up, and then lifted her left leg to support it on her other hand. After a few quick circuits, she let out a desperate sounding whimper and plunged her fingers inside her again — but only long enough to get them slippery.

Her face flushed and her eyes narrowed as she attacked her clit once more. She seemed to be losing control, and her fingers moved into a more diagonal motion. Her other leg straightened, splaying out wide, and trembled. She regained control, keeping her fingers moving back and forth at a furious pace for a couple of seconds, and then cried out, "Oh god!"

Both feet dropped back to the bed and she lifted a hand to her head, where her fingers slid into her hair. A yelp escaped her, and the redness of her face grew even deeper. She switched to an up and down stroke for a few seconds, dragging her abundant wetness up to her clit, and then centered over it again.

After only a couple flicks of her wrist, she said in a tight voice, "Oh, I'm right there."

I stroked faster, knowing she had to be getting close. My grunts grew in volume right alongside the sexy sounds tumbling from her lips. Her fingers slowed down, and I could tell her arm was getting tired, but her eyes narrowed as she fought the weariness. Then her eyes snapped shut, and I could tell she was pouring every ounce of energy into sating the screaming need growing within her.