Pete the Pirate Ch. 03


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I quickly helped my lover get the washroom tidied up. That earned me another smoldering kiss. We went to join the others in the dining room.

Once we had eaten, Xill and I got ourselves ready for the trip. The girls gave us hugs and lusty kisses and then we headed back to Ruby. Xill had tweaked his flying rig and we were able to move a little faster as we hurried back to the Prius.

We set the destination for Arkansas and laid back to let Ruby do the driving. I was in the front and Xill was in the back. He was soon snoring. I wasn't sure if Kuss had kept him up all night or if he'd gotten distracted setting up his workshop but I let him sleep.

Liss sent me a picture of her, lying naked on her bed with her legs spread wide. A tendril of my gooey spunk ran from her sloppy cunt to her raised finger. The next picture showed her sucking the finger clean. I was rock-hard again. I sent her a picture of my cock. Her next picture was of her face - with her tongue shoved into her cheek - like she was giving me a blowjob. I told her she was a naughty little girl and needed to stop or we were going to wake Xill up. She sent me a string of hearts and told me to rest up so that I'd be ready to fuck her hard again when I got home. She warned me not to be batting my eyelashes at the nasty old hag or she'd rip my cock off and nail it to her front door. I'm not sure why that made me even harder but her intense ferality and possessiveness always got me going. I told her 'goodnight', leaned my seat back, and closed my eyes.


Once we'd arrived at Fifty-Six, Arkansas, Xill and I made our way to the village. We didn't run into the hag. We stopped in to see the watch commander. He needed time to get a group together. We grabbed some lunch, I picked up the sandwiches we would need in Missouri, and we visited the inn to reserve rooms for the night.

We were enjoying a mug of cold ale in the common area of the inn when the watch commander came to find us. He had a collection of fighters and mages gathered together and they were ready to help us with our quest.

We arranged a set of hand-signals for communication and the commander distributed bees wax to each of his men for them to use when we got close. We headed out.

We arrived at the place where I had found the hag and the man the last time I visited. The members of the watch shoved the wax into their ears and nodded that they were ready to proceed.

Xill had been working with me to develop a tracking skill. It wasn't advanced enough to allow me to track someone who didn't want to be found - but the hag was making no attempt to mask her trail. Within a half-hour, we were approaching her rough-looking hovel.

When she noticed us, she came out and began her siren-song. I looked around at the various members of our team. So far at least, the preventative measures we'd taken seemed to be working. Whatever Xill had done with the ear-bud successfully kept me from falling under her spell as well.

Honestly, the woman wasn't THAT ugly. I approached her and she started chanting - casting some sort of spell. I pulled my harmonica up and played a little tune to disrupt her spell-casting. She hissed at me but stopped doing whatever she'd started. I told her that I just wanted to talk - and that the others were just there to make sure that I behaved because my wife was extremely jealous.

At that, she eye-fucked me from head to toe and then nodded for me to proceed. I told her that the watch was tasked with keeping the path safe and that her practice of randomly grabbing guys for sex was frowned-upon. She argued that that wasn't what was happening. I looked at her for a bit, trying to think of what else she could be up to, but gave up. I told her that - regardless of whatever it was she was doing - her actions weren't going to be well-received and that - now that the watch knew where she lived and how to keep from being affected by her siren-song, they'd probably be busting down the door if she caused problems.

She said she wanted to talk privately. I motioned for the watch members to step back, out of earshot, and they moved to comply. She looked angrily at Xill but I explained our relationship and she calmed.

She complained that she could never get a lover to stick around and she was tired of fingering herself. I told her that I thought she had a couple choices. The first was to see if she could attract willing partners. The second was for Xill to make her a magical dildo. She raised her eyes at the second option but motioned for me to explain.

I told her that most men that I knew wanted a woman who smelled nice, brushed her hair - but most importantly sucked dick like a Hoover. At that point, I had to explain what a Hoover was. She caught on quickly. I told her that simply posting a "Will Suck Dick for Food" sign near the path would probably garner a stream of repeat visitors - assuming she scrubbed the dirt from her face and brushed the twigs and leaves from her hair.

I went on to explain that I had - a few weeks earlier - been near death. I pointed out the more visible parts of my body that Xill had created. I explained to her that my reproductive parts had also been destroyed and that the artificer had created a functioning replacement for me. I told her that I would visit in a few weeks and that - if she was being a model citizen and still wasn't happy with how her love-life was going - I would bring her a sex-aid to help her take care of things.

She seemed happy - even grateful - for my words, explanations, and suggestions. She ducked into her hut and reemerged with an assortment of charms. She presented these to Xill in exchange for the promised phallus. He hesitantly accepted them.

I asked her if she had a washtub and a way to heat water. She gave me a look that suggested that she thought I was being a little too demanding, but I assured her that very few men wanted to sit in close company with a woman who hadn't bathed in several days. I advised her that soap might also be required. She said she didn't have any. I promised to bring her some the following morning. She agreed, we shook hands, and parted ways.

We rejoined the others, made our way back to the path, and headed to town. As we walked, Xill produced a squirt bottle of hand sanitizer from his pack and made me hold out my hands. He squirted an excessive amount of it into my palms and laughingly told me to make sure I covered every surface she had touched. He squirted his hands as well.

When we got back to the inn, he laid her gifts on the desk in his room and dumped the rest of the bottle over the items, bathing them in the jellied-fluid. The room smelled like rubbing alcohol. I laughed - first at the fact that he carried hand-sanitizer in his bag - and second at his obvious conclusion that everything the woman touched was tainted.

He gave me the name of a shop that sold soaps and I headed off to procure a few for the woman. When I told the merchant who they were for, her eyes got wide but she put them into a little bag and added one of her business cards.

I met Xill in the common room and we ate dinner together. I had another mug of ale - although I would have preferred something else. The look on Xill's face told me that he would have rather had something else as well.

After dinner, he led me outside and down the street to a brewer's shop. He had a few tables. We bought a few samples from his cooler and sat down to try them. He had a couple that were good, a citrusy one that I didn't care for, and a honey-mead that blew the rest away. Xill nodded his agreement and we tapped our bottles together to toast our success for the day. Before we left, I bought a few more bottles of the mead and stored them in my earring. I grinned at the thought that I had cold brew waiting whenever I pulled it from storage. My eyes shot straight to Xill's. He read my mind and nodded. I bought another dozen bottles.


Early the next morning, we took our breakfast in the inn and headed for the car. The hag didn't answer the door when I rapped lightly. I left the bag of soaps hanging from the latch and we continued on our way.

We caught a nap while Ruby took us to see the miners. She alerted us when we were getting close. Xill and I checked over our trading stocks and were ready to begin our hike as soon as Ruby had found a place to park.

I leapt along the trail and Xill followed in his flying-machine.

Once again, I was confronted with an angry voice and a loaded shotgun - which disappeared as soon as the first brother recognized me. He recognized Xill as well and we were quickly negotiating - as we shared sandwiches and honey-mead.

I left the two of them chatting together and darted off to retrieve the man's sibling. Once the two of us returned, we sat together and ate and drank. The brothers begged news from Xill as we ate. Once their stomachs were full and the air was filled with raucous belches, we got to serious haggling.

We traded the food, even up, for ore. In exchange for the mead, we got double the silver and gold that I'd gotten for the chocolate. When I brought out the chocolate as well, the brothers grinned and doubled their offer of the more precious ores. Xill readily agreed.

He loaded the first brother's ore into his storage-item and I followed the second brother back to his camp to make the exchange with him. Once that was done, I shook his hand and headed back to rejoin the others.

We took our leave from the first brother and headed back to the car. As we traveled, Xill told me that he'd gotten the brother to give him the locations of two more miners. The artificer said that we'd pretty much wiped out the remainder of what the brothers had mined. The man had reluctantly passed on the information on the other miners only after Xill promised him that we would always check in with the two of them first.

We stored our treasures in the trunk and returned to our seats, letting Ruby manage the task of getting us back to Iowa.


We arrived at Liss' house and I opened my arms to greet my lover. However, she grabbed me by the hand and led me and Xill inside her home - straight to the dining room table. Kuss and her mother disappeared into the kitchen. I raised my eyebrows at Xill but he just shrugged.

Each of them came out, carrying a loaf of bread on a plate. They set the plates on the table. Both women cut a small chunk off of the loaf and stepped back, leaving it to lie where it had fallen.

Kuss looked over at her mother - who harrumphed at her.

"Try each of the slices and tell me which one is mine and which is Kuss'," Liss ordered me.

Xill smiled - but crossed his arms over his chest and took a step back. Based on his reaction, I was on my own - and entering dangerous territory.

I tasted each of the slices of bread. The one on Liss' plate was a little sweeter.

"This one is Kuss'," I told her. "This one is yours."

"Which do you like better?" Liss asked me.

I took her into my arms, brought her face to mine, and bumped my nose to hers.

"My dear dragon, I told her. I love you dearly. I have promised myself to you and - though it may upset you - I will not lie to you. Kuss' is just a touch sweeter and I prefer hers."

My lover shot her daughter a venomous look. It didn't last long - but only because I intervened.

"Woman!" I said - loudly and firmly.

Eyes wide, she turned to look at me. "Yes, HUSBAND?" she growled.

"Your daughter shares your beauty and your intelligence," I told her, "in addition to a bit of your fiery nature. Do you think she is completely incapable of improving on your recipe?"

She thought for a minute before saying, "Well, no ..."

"Did you seduce me with vinegar or honey?" I asked her.

"Honey," she replied, after a moment, giving me a squeeze.

"I have a bit of a sweet-tooth - both for you - and for your daughter's bread. Does my taste in women disappoint you?"

"No, husband."

"Then why are you scowling at your daughter because of her masterful creation?"

"I ... I don't like to be second best," she replied.

"YOU, my fiery little beast, are second to no one, but only a fool refuses to admit that they don't know everything. You, my lovely bride, are no fool."

She stared into my eyes for several minutes, searching my soul.

Turning to her daughter, she said, "Will you teach me - so that I can prepare your bread for my husband?"

"Yes, mother," Kuss agreed, quietly.

Turning to me, she asked, "Happy now, husband?"

"I am happiest when I watch you cumming on my cock," I whispered.

"Well, then, husband," she cooed. "Let me see what I can do about that."

She shrieked with glee as I threw her under my arm and raced to her bedroom, carrying her like a prize.

I threw her onto the bed and pulled up her skirt to rip her panties from her body. She wasn't wearing any. Her reddened twat was leaking onto the cloth of her skirt. I shoved her shoulders down hard and spanked her ass until she begged me to fuck her. I grabbed the front of my pants with my enhanced arm and the room filled with the sound of clothing being torn to pieces. She growled her need at me until I shoved between her thighs - burying my iron-hard rod to the hilt within her glorious flesh-sheath.

"Whose pussy is this?" I demanded of her.

"Yours, husband," she cooed. "Remind my poor twat that you are its master."

"I love you, sweet dragon," I told her, beginning to thrust into her with as much power as I could muster.

"I love you, my powerful warhorse. Tame me. Claim me."

"You are mine," I growled, speeding up my thrusting.

Her climax came and she dragged me over the precipice with her. I flooded her vagina with my spend.

"Don't move," she ordered. "Pull the blankets over and rest with me."

We took a long nap and woke up to kiss and cuddle. We grabbed clean clothes and headed to the washroom. When we emerged, Xill was helping Kuss set the table.

"I love you, daughter," Liss told her child.

"I love you, mother. I wasn't sure about your little boy-toy before - but he's changed my mind."

Liss turned and gave me a fierce kiss. She led me to my seat and then climbed onto my lap to wrap an arm around me.

"I'm growing more fond of him as well," Liss told her daughter.


After dinner was finished, and the four of us had done the dishes, Kuss and Liss shooed Xill and I out of the kitchen so that the healer could show her mother how she had modified the bread recipe.

The artificer dragged me off to his workshop. We unloaded and stored away the items that he would be leaving here.

When it was time for bed, Kuss stuck her head in to let me know that her mother was tied to her bed and waiting for me to ravage her.

I laughed at her teasing and headed to Liss' house. There, I discovered that Kuss hadn't been kidding.

I stripped off my clothes. Then I proceeded to take at least an hour to tease and torment every inch of Liss' gorgeous little body with my lips and tongue - wrenching two intense climaxes from her - before I shoved my aching cock inside of her and fucked her through one more messy orgasm.

She used her magic-twat to summon the life-seed from my body. I collapsed onto her, exhausted, and she purred. Once I regained my strength, I untied her. Once freed, she begged me to shove my cock back inside, pull the covers over us, and keep her pinned to the mattress. It was an easy request to grant. My cock (and I) were right where we were meant to be.


End of Part 3.

There are 5 in total.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I love the characters of Kuss and Xill. Struggling with Loss, though: she's sexually voracious, but also petulant, jealous, controlling, clingy, and annoying. Her whole personality seems to be sex. I'm struggling to differentiate her meaningfully from Lolli.

Coochielover71Coochielover715 months ago

Really, really enjoyable story.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Why is it so short

And of course fighting is not even regular or detailed he just keeps on avoiding confrontations let's see the magical parts in good use

skippersdadskippersdad5 months ago

That was cool Peter is getting comfortable with Liss.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This is great. Sad to have to eat and yep 5 definitely not enough

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