Pete's Pub


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Tears began to run down her cheeks again. "I've never cried this much before in one day! I promise I won't let this happen again. I do love you too, Pete, and I'm pretty sure I want to be with you for a very long time. I will not let BH&H get in the way of this relationship. I promise you that, my love."

They kissed again, and then Pete reached down and picked up her bag. As they walked to the door, she laughed and said, "Do you mind being seen this late at night with someone dressed like me?"

He started laughing as well as he replied, "Let them say what they want – they'll all think I'm a lucky bastard for having such a beautiful woman at my side!" They walked together towards the pub – her arm locked in his. When they arrived, he made sure the doors were locked, and they went straight up stairs. On the way up, he whispered in her ear, "Are you too tired tonight for a little loving time together?"

She whispered back, "Maybe – but you haven't seen the entire fashion show yet!" This got Pete's attention, and he raced to the top of the stairs like he couldn't wait to see what more she had for him. Sarah unbuckled the straps on her heels and took them off, and then suggestively undid more buttons on her shirt dress. Soon the lacy white bra was showing, which Pete noticed right away. He perked up more when the final button came open and the dress opened wide, showing the matching panties as well.

She shrugged the dress off and was left standing in only her new lingerie. Pete got the clue that he was overdressed, and quickly shucked off his clothes as well, going one further than Sarah in losing his underwear. He then walked over to Sarah and kissed her, while reaching around and undoing her bra and taking it off, followed by kneeling and sliding her panties down and off. They stood there naked in front of each other until Sarah led Pete to bed, and they climbed under the covers together. Their love making was soft and gentle, and as they slept following, they held each other for the rest of the night.


Pete's alarm shrilled out a chilling tone at 8:00 the next morning. Both of them knew that four hours of sleep wasn't going to be enough, but this was the morning Daniel was coming to visit at 9:00, and they wanted to be ready when he got there. Nora was coming over as well. She hoped her brother and father could iron out their issues. But she realized it was up to Daniel whether he wanted this to work or not.

Pete jumped in the shower and quickly got dressed. At 8:30, he was ready to head downstairs to start cleaning, since he had left the mess behind to go get Sarah. He woke her up with a kiss on the forehead and gently reminded her that Daniel would be there in 30 minutes. That snapped her out of her sleepy funk, and she took a quick shower as well, before putting on casual clothes. She glanced at her phone and noticed that Nora had responded to her selfie with just one simple word – "HOT" followed by about 15 exclamation marks. It was enough to cause Sarah to smile as she headed down the stairs.

Nora walked into the pub a few minutes before 9:00. After greeting Sarah and her father, she said she had a message from Daniel that he was still coming, but would be about 15 minutes late. That gave the three of them time to get nearly all of the cleaning from the previous night done before he got there. Right at 9:15, Daniel walked in. Sarah could immediately tell he was Pete's son – he looked just like him. He was a couple of inches taller and not quite as solid as Pete was, but the face and the hair were exactly the same.

Daniel walked over and hugged Nora, and then shook Pete's hand. Pete introduced Daniel to Sarah, and the two shook hands. They all sat down at one of the tables, and an awkward silence filled the room. Finally Nora spoke up.

"Listen, this doesn't have to be difficult. We all know why we are here. Daniel, you've been mad at dad for a long time, and nobody here says that you don't have that right – even dad might agree with that. But I asked mom to talk to you about coming here and meeting because I don't want this going on forever. I'm sure if dad could go back and change things, he might do that. But we can't change the past, and this meeting is about moving forward.

"Dad, would you start, please? Can you talk to Daniel – tell him anything you want to say."

Pete looked at his son – a look that made Daniel uncomfortable. "Daniel, I want to apologize again for the lack of parenting when you were younger. I wasn't a good father and husband, and I realize that. The whole reason why I quit that job and opened up the pub was that I was tired of the law firm telling me who I was instead of me deciding on my own who I was. My mistakes cost me my wife and family, and I admit that. I'm trying to make it right. Daniel, I'd like to be a part of your life again – things are looking good for me at the moment but I need you to complete my family again."

Nora patted her dad on the hand and said, "Thank you, dad. I want to say a few things, and then Daniel, I'll let you speak. Dad, as you know, I had many of the same feelings that Daniel still does about your lack of parenting. But I would see why it would be more difficult for Daniel to get over his feelings, since the bond between a father and son is supposed to be so strong. But Daniel, dad can't go back and change, and he admits that. You're only serving to keep the pain of this alive by not forgiving him and moving on. Let him show you that from this day forward, he can be the greatest father to you. He's changed, Daniel – he knows how he screwed up, but he wants a second chance. I've given it to him, and I couldn't be happier."

They looked at Daniel to see if he was ready to speak, but before he could say anything, Sarah spoke up. "Daniel, may I say something? I realize we just met, and though I've heard a little bit, I don't really know that much about you, and you don't know anything at all about me other than now you know I'm your dad's friend.

"My father was an abusive drunk who attacked my mom all the time. The last night we ever saw him, he held a piece of broken glass to my mother's throat, waiting for her to move. She held still and finally he dropped the glass and left. From that point on, we never saw him again – I don't have any idea about where he is or even if he is still alive. I just know that it was better for us to live without him in our lives.

"But that doesn't mean I don't wish I had a dad. I grew up not trusting men for any reason. I figured if my dad was that mean to us, other men would be the same way. So instead of trusting men, I used their image as a way to get myself ahead. I made a lot of unnecessary enemies just because they were men, and I didn't trust them. If my dad had not become an alcoholic and had not abused my mother, I think I wouldn't be so distrusting of men in general.

"Your dad is the first man I've ever gotten friendly with. He's the first man I've trusted to love me and be close with me. It makes me realize how much I missed by not having a father. Daniel, I didn't have one, and I missed that. You have a father, but you choose to act like you don't, when you have one who is willing to love you unconditionally. In my eyes, what you're doing is ridiculous! You need to put this nonsense aside and grow up!"

Both Nora and Pete looked at Sarah with surprise. They didn't have any idea that was coming! Then they looked back at Daniel to see how he took Sarah's words.

He looked straight at Sarah – perhaps to see if she'd back down. Seeing that she was sitting firm, he smiled at her and said, "Nora told me you were smart, but she didn't tell me you had balls!"

Nora shrieked, "Daniel!" But she noticed Sarah was smiling back at him, so she dropped her guard a bit.

Sarah replied, "Let me tell you like it is. I've handled tougher guys than you before, so that's not going to scare me. I'm in love with your father – I know I'm not that much older than you, but I see what kind of a man your father is. I see his kindness, his outgoing personality, his drive to have the best pub possible. He's the best man I have ever met, and I have no plans of letting him go. But because he loves me, I know he loves you as well, and I hope you'll give him a chance to show you."

Daniel smiled again. "So when I come over here, now I'll have two lawyers cross-examining me." Then he looked at his dad and took a deep breath. "I can't get past all those years, dad...I want them back, and I want my dad to be there with me!"

"I know, Daniel – I want them back too," his dad replied. "You don't know the pain this has caused me – losing your mom, losing you and's more heartbreak than a man should have to suffer, considering I did it to myself. I've paid the price, Daniel – I'm ready to start again and show you I can be the dad you need"

The silence in the room that followed Pete's remarks was intense. Nora looked down at the floor, while Sarah and Pete looked at each other. Nobody wanted to look at Daniel, because they were trying to not put pressure on him to respond. But everybody knew it was his turn, so they waited.

Finally, Daniel took a deep breath, and then responded, "Sarah, will you take a quick walk with me? I have some things I feel I need to ask you. Dad, would that be okay?"

Sarah was looking at Daniel as he spoke, but now she looked quickly at Pete. He looked at her with a questioning face, and she nodded in response. She turned back to Daniel and said, "I'd love to take a walk with you, Daniel. May I go upstairs and get a jacket?"

"Yes, of course."

Sarah glanced at Nora, who looked like she had no idea what was going on either. She hurried upstairs and grabbed a jacket out of the closet in the spare bedroom – she hadn't had time to move things into Pete's room yet – before hurrying back down stairs and over to the table. Daniel stood up, and they headed out the front door and into the Sunday morning quiet of the city.

Daniel began speaking first. "Sarah, I have a confession to make, and I wanted to do it with just you present. I didn't want to like you. I didn't really want dad to be happy, and if you were making him happy, then I didn't want to like you either. I figured it would be easy to not like you – I would just have to see how you're only six years older than me and you were dating my father. That alone should have been reason enough not to like you.

"Nora told me that you were different – that you were smart, and that once she got to know you a little better, how kind you were as well. She mentioned your past, although not as extensively as you did earlier. I just figured you were a lonely young girl who found an easy mark in my dad, which would have been a second reason not to like you.

"But what you said in there earlier to me – without ever having seen me, let alone talked to me, really struck home base. I'm sorry about your father, but I'm glad it made you driven to succeed in spite of the problems you faced. You have quite a story, and I have to say I'm very impressed with how your life has turned out.

"I'm going to tell you a secret – I had come to the pub today ready to try and start all over. Most of the things you said – well, other than the part about your own life – were things I had thought about on my own for several years now. But you cemented my decision. AND – you made it impossible for me to not like you in the process. I apologize for waiting until now to judge you fairly; I hope you'll forgive me."

Sarah put her hand on his shoulder and replied, "There is nothing for which you need to be forgiven. You did wait to judge me fairly, and that's all I could ask for. As for your little secret – I'm so glad you have made that decision to let your dad back into your life. He is a wonderful man, and he knows he made a mistake – a mistake, by the way, which came back to bite him last night. I'll tell you that story later.

"I want you to know that I've fallen in love with your father, and I promise to take care of him for as long as I live. But knowing that you will be around to help is such good news! I know this is going to be a huge relief for him."

Sarah and Daniel hugged, and then headed back to the pub. On the way back, Daniel looked over at her and smiled as he said, "You're really tall, aren't you? I was surprised to see that!"

Sarah laughed and replied, "You should have seen me in my heels last night – looked your dad eye to eye, and I'm not sure he ever had a date do that before!"

They got back to the pub, and before they opened the door to go inside, Daniel turned to Sarah and said, "Let's have a little fun!" He interlocked his arms with hers, and they walked into the pub looking like a couple. Nora noticed first, and as she saw the smile on Daniel's face, she turned to look at her dad, who was also now staring at Daniel and Sarah.

Daniel laughed as he said, "Dad, if you don't hang on to this lovely girl, I'm going to get her phone number and ask her on a date!" He kissed Sarah on the cheek, satisfied that he had pulled one over on his dad. Next, he approached Pete and put out his hand as he said, "I'm ready to be your son again, dad – I'm ready to move forward."

Instead of shaking his hand, Pete grabbed his son in a giant bear hug. Nora and Sarah immediately walked over to the two Cole men and joined the hug. They held on to each other for a minute, and then parted, much to Daniel's relief, who said, "I stuck out my hand hoping to avoid the group hug! I guess I should have known not to expect too much!"

Sarah could see that Daniel was just like his father – funny sense of humor, and obviously kind hearted, which she found out on their little walk together. She felt bad for them for the years they didn't get along, and yet she felt like Daniel's attempt to start over again was genuine, and because of that, she thought it might work out just fine.

Nora was grinning like she had something important to say. "I have an idea – since this your first day of being father and son in many years, why don't you do a father and son activity? Our "boys in blue" are playing baseball at home this afternoon – why don't you two go together? Sarah and I will run the pub – and have a chance to catch up on what we missed out on yesterday!"

Pete looked at Daniel and asked, "What do you think? I love that idea!"

"Why not," Daniel replied. "It's been 10 years since we went to a game together – we've got a lot of catching up to do! But can we stop by my house on the way so I can get my mitt?"


The long Sunday finally came to an end. Pete closed the pub down at the usual 2:00 a.m. Normally he would stay to clean up so the pub would be ready for the opening of business the next morning, but tonight he was extra-tired after his early morning start to meet with Daniel. The baseball game and ended with a victory for the good guys in extra innings. He and Daniel had been able to enjoy the game while discussing some of their past differences. They both knew that their relationship wasn't perfect yet, but it was in much better shape than the previous 10 years.

Pete climbed the stairs to the apartment and was surprised to find Sarah still awake and waiting on him. She met him at the door with a kiss and a hug, and they sat down at their little table. Obviously Sarah had something on her mind, but there hadn't been time for them to talk together since Pete got back from the game. Whatever it was, it was important enough for her to miss out on sleep just to stay up and talk to him.

Pete spoke first. "Sarah, this is a lovely surprise to find you waiting up for me. To what do I owe this honor?"

Sarah paused, and then looked Pete in the eyes as she said, "I've had more time to think about standing you up for our date yesterday. It was an awful feeling, Pete – especially knowing about your past. I feel our alone time together is going to be minimal the way it is with our schedules, so to have my job take even a minute away is just not acceptable."

"Sarah," Pete replied, "I know how important it was to everyone involved that you finish that project up. There was a lot riding on the line – a huge amount of responsibility was on your shoulders. I would have felt horrible if you hadn't gone in and finished it based upon my feelings."

"I know, and I agree with what you say," she replied. "But the problem is making sure this doesn't happen again. We can't be slaves to our work, Pete. I know that you've worked in the pub nearly every day it's been open from the beginning. And yet we've proven to you that it can run without you, if we have competent people working for us. Nora can handle it – she's just as good as you are with the customers, and she knows how important this place is to you, so she's not going to let anything happen to it when you're not here."

Pete nodded in agreement. "I have to tell you, I was really looking forward to being away on Saturday so the two of us could be together. And going to the game with Daniel today was also very special. I know the pub can run without me, but now I have reasons to leave, whereas before I didn't see anything outside the doors that interested me. That's all changed, Sarah – first you, and then getting Nora and Daniel back into my life. It was more than I ever could have hoped for!"

Sarah patted the back of his hand. "I agree, Pete – I'm feeling the same way. That's why I'm not going to let my job get in the way anymore. I'm going to talk to Robert Ward first thing in the morning, and tell him I can't let my work interfere with my personal life anymore. I don't know what he will say, and truthfully, I don't know that I'll still be able to work there anymore. Hopefully they can make adjustments that will allow me to keep on. But I need to do this, Pete – I need to do this for me – for us.

"If you would have told me four weeks ago that I would be willing to alter or even discontinue my job because I'd fallen in love, I would have filed papers to have you committed. But that's what happened, and my life has changed drastically, for the better! My eyes have been opened to life outside of BH&H, and I like what I see – in fact, I love what I see. I'm extremely proud of the work I did on the project, but now that's secondary. I'm more proud of the fact that I've found the perfect man, with whom I want to spend the rest of my life.

"I'm not going to let anything screw that up, Peter Cole. You are my number one purpose in life now, and you always will be. I know couples are supposed to talk about these things together and make decisions together, but I know you're so nice that you won't encourage me to do this, so I'm making this decision for us on my own."

Pete smiled at Sarah. She was exactly right, he thought. In four short weeks, she seemed to know Pete's way pretty well. And he seemed to be figuring her out more and more every day – almost as fast as she was figuring herself out.

"So, Miss Sarah Sullivan – are you intending to be my best girl for a long time?"

"Why yes, Mr. Peter Cole. You have swept me off my feet – what's a poor girl to do anyway?"

They stood up and moved together, but before Sarah could kiss him, Pete bent down and picked her up, cradling her in his arms.

"Mr. Cole – what ever are you doing? I'll have you know that I'm not married yet!"

Pete laughed. "Well, Miss Sullivan – just practicing for the day that you are!"

Sarah blushed, and then said coyly, "Well, perhaps we should practice other wedding day traditions as well!"

They kissed, and with Sarah safely in Pete's arms, they headed to the bedroom...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Pete’s really sweet but I think he still is a workaholic

Rancher46Rancher46about 2 years ago

I really enjoyed the story, but the end left so many issues unanswered, and it really did nothing for the story. Maybe the author will return to the story to give the reader more closure. We can only hope. Well done to this point but it needs more. 5-stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Good story, 5stars but you get Brian and Daniels names mixed up Page 6 - very confusing!!

Vstar67Vstar67almost 5 years ago

I just finished this story, and I’m already missing Sarah and Pete! I loved this story.

I’d like to know if she got what she wanted from her boss, or if she kicked B,H&H to the curb as Pete did. More please!

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