Pizza Boy Back at the Door Ch. 01


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"Did you say, 'Josh meet Josh,' Cody?" was the question he poised as his head snapped back and forth between his old friend and the cute young guy he was being assigned for the night.

Cody grinned at him and replied, "Yeah. That's his name, but he will be on the schedule as 'JJ' so you guys don't get confused. I know how easy that happens with you blond boys."

"Good to meet you, Josh," came with an offered hand. "Cody says you are the best." The comment also came with an extensive scan of Josh's body by the new guy.

As they shook hands Josh thought to himself that the squeeze went far longer than needed and the eye contact between them came with more than a hint of unrestrained lust. Quickly breaking the handshake, Josh said, "Let's get to it, JJ."

A second rapid scan of Josh's body and a wink came along with the next words. "I like the way you think, Josh."

Josh didn't miss the meaning and gave Cody a 'Why the hell me?' stare. Cody only pinched his lips together to hold in the laugh that was showing all over his face. "Be sure to show him all the 'ins and outs' of making a hot delivery," he deadpanned as the two guys left the office. Josh flipped him the bird and shot back an expression that said he was not at all amused.

Josh spent time explaining how to clock delivery runs in and out on the computer and going over the huge delivery area map covering one entire wall. More than once, this new guy had sided up against him as he talked, and Josh was beginning to feel like a new piece of meat in a gay bar. As he had JJ bag up the two pizzas ready to go out, he loudly stated to Cody, "Kyle will probably be calling in an order later. Make sure you know which 'Josh' he wants."

Before he doubled over laughing, Cody sputtered out, "But what if he requests a 'twofer' special? You both gonna deliver it?" That only got him a double middle finger salute as Josh nudged the new guy to the exit door.

As fate would have it, the delivery was going to one of the customers on the far edge of the shop's service area. One that was on a nearly secluded, heavily tree-lined, dusty side road where the suburbs morphed into countryside. Josh did his best to control the conversation as he drove, but JJ managed to constantly slip in less-than-subtle sexual connotations with his comments and questions. It didn't help any when the door at the house was opened by a youthful shirtless guy in skin-tight running shorts, and Josh saw his trainee's eyes spend too much time checking out the bulge of the young guy's package. 'This clown is going to end up being trouble,' he thought to himself.

"You ever do him?" were the completely sudden and abrupt words from JJ as he jerked his head back towards the driveway they had just pulled out of.

Josh instantly answered with an equally brusque, "Um, no."

As he snaked his hand over Josh's leg, JJ murmured, "Come on buddy. Tell the truth. It's obvious you are into cock just like I am." The hand moved at the speed of light and moved up to cup Josh's box.

Josh not-too-politely removed JJ's hand from his crotch and managed to hold back his anger as he spoke. "Look man. Yeah. I'm gay. I like dick too." Thrusting his left hand towards JJ and almost pushing his ring finger to an eyeball, he went on. "But I am also very married and you need to keep your hands to yourself." He pulled his hand back and then added, "You need to use a hell of a lot more discretion with customers too, if you wanna send them vibes. That one may have looked older, but he is only seventeen and still in high school. Geeze, dude. Save the slut act for the frat guys or the freshman dorm deliveries."

JJ crossed his arms and whined, "Don't have a fucking cow, Mary. Sheesh! Isn't half the deal of being a pizza boy the amount of action you can get?"

"If that's what gets you off, sure, it's available all the time. You don't need to wear a flashing neon sign on your chest though. I went through a stage when I first started and came out, but I have grown up since then too. The only 'extra tips' I take now are from my husband."

"You are really married? I mean like REALLY really?"

"Yep. Kyle and I got hitched legal and everything two weeks ago in New York."

JJ's hand suddenly returned to Josh's leg. "Well you are still on the honeymoon then. When the novelty wears off, I bet we could heat up the sheets pretty damn good." With a squeeze to Josh's thigh, he went on. "So you a top or bottom?"

Josh pushed the encroaching hand away again and stated icily, "Depends on who is in what if it is any of your business. And the only way you will ever be 'heating up my sheets' is if Kyle and I hire you to do our laundry and you leave them in the dryer too long."

"You are too serious to be any fun, dude. I just thought we might be able to..."

Josh cut him off with, "Well you thought wrong when it comes to me. Pardon the expression, but get that straight!"

The rest of the shift went by with no more passes from JJ, but Josh couldn't help but notice that he had traded phone numbers with two different guys on deliveries to the dorms. That was topped off with being the one to have to tactfully decline when one of the rich frat guys waved an extra $50 at them to come back after work for a threesome. He had no doubt where the new guy would be heading though, since the frat rat and him exchanged winks as he slipped the folded bill into JJ's waistband.

When he talked to Cody while checking out, he offered his impression of JJ. "He will probably be okay as a driver, but my biggest worry is he will be on his knees and back as often as he can. And probably telling every trick to 'ask for Josh' when they order. I don't need that shit, Codeman."

Cody laughed at first and then teased with, "Speaking of 'tricks' and 'being requested'...those two boxes under the heat lamp are your last delivery tonight. I know how you get lost every time you take an order there and we never see you again until your next shift."

Josh smiled. "That horn dog named Kyle that lives over on the bay?"

Cody returned the grin. "Uh huh. I am beginning to think he has a really major bone for you."

"Well if he doesn't already, I'll make sure he does thirty seconds after I get to his door." Josh picked up the boxes and looked over his shoulder as he moved towards the exit. "See ya tomorrow, Codeman. Time to go do my 'customer appreciation' duties."

* * * * *

When he walked into the house, Josh saw Kyle sitting on the couch and his cell laying on the coffee table. The display suddenly lit up and the text tone went off. Kyle leaned forward and pressed the side bar to silence it. Before Josh had the pizza boxes sat down, the cell came alive again with another incoming text message. Kyle repeated the button press and looked at Josh in frustration. "Guess who has been blowing up my phone for the last half hour, baby?"

"Do I want to know?" Josh questioned back. Before Kyle could reply, the cell announced yet another new message. "Who and what the fuck?"

Kyle looked up at him as he grabbed the phone and switched it off. "It's my fault," he sighed. "I should have known better than to think I could talk to him and get him to accept that the past is in the past and going to stay there."

Josh shook his head slowly from side to side as the answer hit him. "Joe, I take it?"

"Yeppers. I didn't think when he called the first time. All I saw was the 937 area code and answered it thinking it might be one of the relatives." He huffed out a breath before going on. "I tried to talk to him sensibly. I even told him I didn't want him to be a stranger; just that he had to respect my marriage and be willing to accept that friendship is all we could ever have again. But he wouldn't give it up. I swear he is obsessed about us getting back together. I finally lost it and told him to call me when he had a grip on reality and hung up. The text bombing began three minutes later and hasn't let up since."

Josh's brain suddenly went all evil and he grinned as he tugged Kyle's running shorts down and buried his face in his crotch. Kyle's eyes instantly snapped shut as his cock was swallowed up. "Oh yeah baby. You are in the mood too, aren't ya?"

Josh mumbled a audible 'yes' as he continued working Kyle's erection with his lips. He also did two other things: Slipped his work cargos and underwear down his thighs and stealthily reached over to the cell phone on the coffee table. He flipped it open, pressed the 'on' button, and hit redial for the last incoming call almost simultaneously...all without Kyle noticing. As he shifted his husband to his back and crawled between his legs, he thought to himself: 'Joe wants contact does he? Let him connect with listening to us getting it on then.' He stopped blowing Kyle only long enough to whisper, "Talk dirty to me while I suck your cock and beat off."

Kyle opened his eyes and caught sight of the open phone. He realized what Josh had probably done and smirked as he teasingly inquired, "Trashy porn movie, dirty?"

"As dirty as you wanna make it lover. Dirty enough to make both of us cum good. And loud enough for the neighbors to get jealous."

For the next ten minutes, they both enjoyed each other verbally and physically. The combined cries of pleasure at the end were loud enough to be heard 1,000 miles away without the phone.

For some strange reason, there were no more texts from New York that night.

* * * * *

The next few weeks flew by. Josh was working as many hours as he could grab up at the pizza shop, and Kyle was on the phone almost daily with his mother and the family attorney. So many little details with the will, setting up probate, and insurance issues...including a mortgage life policy Kyle hadn't been aware his Dad had taken out on the house in Florida. Now, when he graduated med school, he would be able to sell the big place and not only pay off the student loans, but have enough left over so he and Josh could also buy something smaller and far less ostentatious out in the country like they had talked about.

There were a lot of phone calls back and forth with Josh's family also. The tragedy of the accident and how close she had come to losing her youngest son had been the tipping point for his mom. She admitted she still was dealing with him being gay and married to another man, but the change in her was like night and day. She always asked to speak to Kyle anytime she called and really broke the ice when she told him that he and Josh were not only welcome to visit, but specifically invited them both for Thanksgiving too. "I may not completely understand, but you are family now, Kyle," she had said. "And I expect all my boys to be here with their mates." Kyle didn't even bother discussing the idea with Josh and simply told her of course they would be there.

The boys quickly settled into their new school semester schedules. Between Kyle's more intense second year med classes and Josh's new direction with a major requiring far more concentration and writing, they spent a great deal of their free time studying or working on papers. Their love didn't fade, and their spur-of-the-moment sexcapades still happened...just with less frequency. They joked with each other about becoming 'an old married couple' when they only cuddled up together to go to sleep, but both knew in their hearts even that simple intimacy was as good as full-blown sex most of the time.

JJ continued to be a thorn in Josh's side at work as he slutted his way around campus while on deliveries. At the shop, he might be 'JJ' but he used his real name with customers. As feared, he had also gotten in the habit of telling tricks to ask for Josh if they were interested in hooking up again, and more than a few times Josh had his hands full with a drunken frat boy that couldn't tell them apart. The situation got even more confounding when Josh took a requested delivery to Chris in the golf course subdivision and found out he was the wrong Josh that Chris had wanted. Turned out that Chris and JJ had been hooking up pretty regular and it took everything he could muster to keep from ripping his old friend a new asshole for playing around with someone like JJ. It also made it obvious that JJ wasn't limiting his activities to just the campus any longer.

JJ got so bad by mid-semester, that Cody had to sit him down and have a serious talk about the difference between having some occasional fun, and treating the job as if the pizzas were a sideline for a gay boy outcall service. It didn't stop JJ from playing around, but at least it got him to cease making it his priority while on the clock. Thankfully, Cody had also told him to start using 'JJ' with customers and that finally took some heat off Josh also.

* * * * *

It was the last week of October when Kyle told Josh they had an appointment the next afternoon with an attorney. When Josh questioned him about it, Kyle simply said it was to get some legal papers signed so that they would be protected since Florida didn't recognize their New York marriage. Using legalese like 'medical power of attorney' and 'simple joint wills' seemed to satisfy his curiosity. "You don't even have to say 'trust me'. You know best about all that stuff, babe," Josh conceded. Kyle smiled since that acceptance meant he could save the big surprise that would be coming for Josh about the house on the bay.

They had been sitting in front of the lawyer's desk for close to an hour, listening to the explanation of each document and then signing them. After about a dozen signatures, Josh exclaimed, "Sheesh! Is all of this really needed?"

Before Kyle could respond, the attorney did. "Actually this is only a small portion of what you would get automatically if equal marriage rights was the law in this state. What you have been signing only provides the most basic security for you both." He paused and then added, "But someday we will either get rid of that insane state constitution amendment that banned recognition of same sex couples, or the Supreme Court will declare all marriage licenses fall under the full faith and credit clause of the federal constitution. Someday soon, I hope. But until then...yes...this is necessary, Josh."

Kyle glanced at the last legal form laying in front of the attorney. Pointing at it, he asked, "Is that what I think it is?"

The lawyer nodded his head. "Yes, Kyle. I saved it for last like you asked me to. That one needs only your signature."

Josh gave Kyle a questioning look and Kyle grinned at him before speaking. "You said 'I do' back in August baby, and I just want to make sure you really meant it before I sign that particular piece of paper." The words almost seemed like a challenge.

"If you have to ask if I would say them again, then I'm not sure you deserve to hear my answer," Josh stated. The look on his face said he was being both serious and facetious at the same time. "But just in case you really don't know...yeah, you are stuck with me for life. I kinda thought you figured that out when I signed the forms for the name change so we could hyphenate our names here."

Kyle reached over and took Josh's hand. "I am just being a pain, baby. I knew what you would say." He smiled and then leaned over to plant a kiss on Josh's cheek. "It's just that piece of paper is going to come as a big surprise to you and is going to be a huge chunk of our future."


"Let me sign it and then you can see for yourself," Kyle said as he pulled the document in front of him on the desk. After quickly writing his name on the appropriate line, he handed the document to Josh and grinned.

Josh's eyes immediately glazed over from the legal words. "Okay. This is exactly what, Kyle?"

"It's the new deed to our house. With your name on the deed too. OUR house, Josh. The one we live in. And thanks to Dad planning ahead, one that is paid for."

"Say what?" Josh exclaimed with a still confused look on his face.

"Dad took out a life insurance policy to cover the mortgage. Just in case..." His words suddenly stopped as he was reminded Jack Roberts was gone. He brushed away the tear that leaked from his left eye and went on. "...just in case something happened to him."

"Oh gawd, Kyle. This is too much! That house was so you could pay off your med school loans. Now you are telling me I own half of it?"

Kyle chuckled. "Well I am assuming that when the time comes, you won't have any problem going along with selling it to pay them off...especially since we will have plenty left over to go buy a little farm out in the country."

Josh stared at the paper again before speaking. "But Kyle, this is like you just gave me a couple hundred thousand dollars."

"Well yeah. But we are married and that's the way it's suppose to work. We share everything. And that means I get half your old Honda tin can in the deal, so it is cool with me." The humongous grin on his face made Josh burst out laughing.

"What am I gonna do with you, Kyle?"

Kyle wiggled his eye brows a few times and seductively murmured, "We'll figure something out when we get home, baby."

"A-HEM," came from the other side of the desk. "It's not that I don't enjoy seeing young love in full bloom, but I do have another client waiting. So unless either of you have more questions, I really need to get you two to take any celebrating elsewhere." The smile on his face said he was far more amused by the boy's open flirting than he was bothered by it. He stood up and finalized the meeting with, "I'll get everything recorded at the courthouse and make you duplicates of the things you will need to keep with the medical power of attorney...and you can pick up those and all the originals day after tomorrow."

The boys shook hands with the lawyer and headed for the Hummer in his office parking lot. As soon as they were strapped in their seat belts, Josh reached over and grabbed Kyle's crotch. As he felt Kyle's cock go instantly hard in his dress khakis, he purred, "Get us home quick, hunk. After what you just did, it's gonna take the rest of the day and most of the night to show you just how much I really meant 'I do' when I said it to you at Niagara Falls. I'm gonna love you in ways the Kama Sutra never came up with."

Kyle reached over to let two of his fingers trace slowly up and down the now prominent bulge in Josh's cargos. He grinned as he said, "Just feed me a Reese Cup after every orgasm and I am yours all night, studpuppy."

Shortly before midnight, they finally curled up in each others' arms to find sleep instead of searching for yet another boner...and there were five empty candy wrappers on the night stand.

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bills56bills56almost 2 years ago

damn so hot I wish I was josh

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

dam I wish I was josh

JKendallDaneJKendallDaneover 9 years agoAuthor
Keep the faith fans and followers!

With any luck at all, chapter two of book two will be hitting here over the weekend or the early part of next week. Some real life things got in my road and then some other real life things created a situation that pretty much demanded a rewrite of an important part of the chapter. I think you will really enjoy it Law & Order is so famous for saying at the start of their television episodes...this chapter includes a plot twist that is "Ripped from the headlines!"

But it looks like it has all come together finally and after some polishing and a full edit, it will be ready to be submitted for publication. Thank you so much for your patience and ongoing support of the story of Josh and Kyle. They said to tell you they miss seeing you guys too. ;)


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
I'm so excited!

I can back to reread the story and I thought you dropped it until I saw the changes. I can wait for more of this story!!

GebasGebasover 9 years ago
Love the story

keep writing this, would love to red more

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