Plain Jane Ch. 03


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Jane looked back at Susan, "Oh? Then what is it?" When Susan did not reply she continued. "What have you two done Susan?"

Susan sat down on a bench and motioned Jane to sit beside her. She wanted to keep Jane from seeing anything more. Biting her lip, she said finally, "Tina is Kimberly's dissertation project." She looked up at Jane and added quickly, "It's your entire fault Jane, you told her to use your panties as her project." From the look on Jane's face she had thought her mistress had been slapped, "Please don't send her away mistress." She slid off the bench and held Jane in place when the woman tried to stand, "Please Jane, I would just die if you took my sister away from me."

Jane sat down heavily, "Ok tell me what happened exactly." She listened as Susan explained what she knew and that she would be keeping an eye out and guiding Kimberly from here on out. When Susan had finished Jane nodded, "Ok I will not say anything to Kimberly or Tina for now. But I want to see the notes and be kept abreast of developments as they occur." She stroked Susan's tear streaked face and added, "I will never send Kimberly away dear, and you should know that by now." She pulled Susan up and kissed her. "I want you to do two things now. First make sure Kimberly gets everything she needs for Tina also. The second one is to let Kimberly know I know and she has my blessing to continue her research."

When Susan had hurried away Jane sat and thought a long time, she was intrigued that Kimberly was able to affect someone else. She thought back to when Kimberly was in her office bathroom with a pair of her panties and wondered if part of Kimberly's actions now were from that night. Not finding an answer she decided she would talk to Susan some more about that evening.

Walking towards the counter with another load, Jane caught sight of a heavy leather corset. Instead of it running from breasts to hips, it ran from the neck all the way down to the knees. Setting the pile down she walked over to examine the corset closer. There were slots down the sides of the corset for what could only be arms. Once someone was laced up in it, there would be no way for them to get out on their own. Looking back towards the others she smiled. It would be nice to let them enjoy their bondage fetish and corsets at the same time. She looked through the sizes but was not able to figure out which would fit who. So instead of asking them over to try on, Jane just bought a range of sizes. She wanted them to be a surprise for Susan and Kimberly.

Carrying her selections up front she proceeded to check out. Turning to the others she said loudly, "We do have other shopping to do dears." Instead of waiting and seeing what they picked, Jane arranged for everything to be delivered

Once they were in the little car, Tina said, "Where would you wish to go to next Dr. Brown?"

Jane looked at the others, before turning back to Tina sitting in the driver's seat, "Two places, first we need a store that sells dance supplies, spandex unitards and such. Also, I need some professional clothing." She looked in the mirror at Susan, "I have been told that my taste in professional attire is lacking."

Biting her lip Tina thought for a minute before putting the car in gear, "I think I know the place." She started to drive before adding, "Though their prices are a bit steep, they do have the best clothing in my opinion in the greater London area."

Jane laughed, "Well compared to what we just spent, nothing can be as bad as that was." She waited a beat before adding, "However, it was worth it." Compared to the shopping at the fetish store, the clothing store was a letdown. With Susan's expert eye Jane was able to pick out several dresses and suits in short order. While they had spent well over an hour looking at latex, the clothing was done in less than thirty minutes. She had never seen someone go through and pick from the racks as fast as Susan did. Again she arranged for everything to be delivered.

Finally, after piling back into the car, Tina drove them back towards the hotel stopping only a few doors down. In front of them was a small shop that carried dance and workout wear. Instead of waiting for Jane, the three hurried to stand outside the shop while she followed at a more sedate pace. Reaching them Jane said, "Go on in and shop until you drop." She held Susan back as the others rushed in and added to her, "I want you to pick up the same unitards we wore in collage and make sure Kimberly gets a gold leotard also."

Susan looked at her, "You're not coming in?"

Shaking her head Jane replied, "No, I need to go over to a bank really quick. I will meet you three out here."

Susan didn't want to leave Jane alone, however the allure of the spandex in the shop was pulling her that way. In a last ditch effort to fight off the need to feel the spandex she asked, "Are you sure Jane?"

Jane smiled easily, "Yes pet; now go and get what I asked and more. Surprise me with a couple things special for me to wear, something from you and something that your sister picks out." She leaned forward and pecked Susan on the cheek before turning away.

Going down the street Jane found a bank and went in. She had to get several thousand dollars in travelers' checks for tomorrow's meeting. At first the bank was reluctant to issue the checks, however she was able to sweet talk the woman at the window into allowing it.

Everything was going well when the manager came over and started to berate the poor woman bringing her to tears. Turning to Jane he said, "The bank will not allow a woman, no matter what her credit rating is, to receive ten thousand pounds in travelers' checks." He added, "Good day," and turned around to leave.

Jane having run across this attitude her whole professional career did not get mad. Instead she said, "May I speak to you in your office please about this?" When he nodded she followed him to a small office in the back. Closing the door behind her she waited until he sat down and came around the desk to stand close. "I think your attitude is all wrong for a bank manager, don't you?" Leaning over she caressed his cheek making sure her wrist was under his nose. "You should be nicer to the dominate sex, you being submissive and all."

The man just looked up at her and nodded in reply. "Now I want you to call the teller in here like a good little boy," Jane said standing back up and crossing her arms. When he did not move, "Call her in worm!" she said harshly. The man hurried to the door and in a moment was back with the frightened teller in tow. Jane looked at the woman and walked over to her.

Jane took her in her arms and said, "Its ok now pet." Before the woman could speak, Jane's mouth locked on hers and kissed her deeply. The woman only struggled for a moment and with a moan kissed Jane with burning passion. "Good girl," she said breaking off the kiss. Caressing the woman, she said, "We both know you're a dominatrix, just searching for a worm to enslave." She looked at the manager and said, "Well there he is, just begging for you to use and abuse him." Staring at him she added, "Isn't that right worm?"

The manager looked down and said "yes mistress."

Jane nodded, "That's right worm. Now I want you to go out and personally cut the checks I asked for and come right back here." As he hurried out she looked at the woman, "When he returns, make sure you teach him well."

The woman looked at Jane and nodded, "Don't worry," She looked towards the door and added, "I remember how much he used to humiliate all the girls."

Jane did not have to wait long for the manager to return with the travelers' checks. Taking them and putting them in her purse she looked at the pair and smiled, "I will let you two be alone. Looking at the woman she winked and left. As she was closing the door she could hear the woman's voice ordering him to kneel and grovel before her.

Even with four of them carrying the packages up to the room, Jane had to enlist the help of a couple of the other staff. Leading the way, she had them drop all the packages off in the living room of the suite before ushering them out. Finally turning to Tina she thanked her and added, "I hate to impose on you again dear. But would you give Susan and Kimberly a personal tour of the city tomorrow?" She looked at Kimberly and added, "I have a meeting in the morning and well, you two would be bored to tears listening to financial talk."

Kimberly looked at Tina and winked at her. Turning to glance at Susan and receiving her nod she addressed Jane, "Of course Mistress," she looked at Tina and added, "Wouldn't you like a little private time to decompress from the stress of your job?"

Tina looked at Kimberly and smiled, perhaps she could talk her college lover into a stop at her place for a little play. Looking at Jane she said, "It would be my honor." She looked back at Kimberly and added, "What time should I be here?"

Kimberly looked at Susan who in turn looked at Jane. "No later than nine am," Jane replied. She watched as Tina nodded and Kimberly escorted her to the door. Looking at Susan Jane said, "Would you please order dinner for us?" she thought for a second and added, "And make sure Kimberly updates her notes." All things considered Jane was satisfied, though she figured she had spent more in one-day shopping then she had spent all of last year on herself. "I need to rest a bit; will you wake me when dinner is here love?" she added giving Susan a tender kiss.

"Of course mistress," Susan said and watched as Jane went to lie down. Once the bedroom door was closed she turned to Kimberly, "You need to update your notes while I order dinner. Then and only then can we show each other what we picked out." A smile came across her face and she added, "If you and I finish everything before dinner arrives, we can dress up for mistress."

Kimberly giggled happily and hurried to her pad of paper. She understood that she had given herself the memories about Tina's college visit on an intellectual level, however emotionally Kimberly knew in her heart that Tina was there. Writing up the day's events went well, as a side effect she noticed that Tina was becoming much more submissive towards her when it came to making choices. She would have to address that the next time they modified her. Her plan was to see how far Tina would take it, piercings, tats, and a radical makeover were her next ideas. As she wrote she knew she would have to talk it over with Susan. Her sister knew what was best for her and would act as her mentor.

Jane lay in bed with the lights off. Instead of sleeping she needed time to think. Her mind was a whorl with questions never ending. First, was the case of Kimberly using her pheromones to affect Tina's behavior patterns. Jane had never heard of one animal using another animal's pheromones to their own advantage. The closest she had ever heard of was when her father used to cover himself with deer scent to hide his own smell when hunting. As much as she wanted to go in and ask Kimberly about it and watch first hand her conditioning of Tina, Jane knew by stepping in she would contaminate the experiment.

Next her mind turned to the question of her own behavior. Could a skunk smell its own stink? Could her own behavior be changed by her pheromones? Also was it only her cum soaked panties that allowed Kimberly to modify Tina's behavior, or would say a sweat covered washcloth work. The second one was easy to test; tonight she would wear one of the latex body suits and sit in the sauna for a while. Then she would have one or both of the girls wipe her down with a washcloth gathering her sweat and have Kimberly test it on someone else. That resolved Jane's mind centered back on how much if any it would affect her own behavior.

Jane decided it had to be one of the fetishes her girls loved. While she had a real thing for corsets and stockings, the others, bondage, spandex, shoes, and latex were nice but not all that and a bag of chips. While she enjoyed them because Susan and Kimberly did, contrary to her shopping spree today, they did not rule her world. Could she do it alone, or would she have to ask one of the two to add those fetishes into her mind?

The problem perplexed Jane, if she were changed would she even notice. She already enjoyed the things Susan and Kimberly loved. Should she pick something that she had never thought of before? Something that was foreign to her way of thinking. The longer she lay in bed thinking about it, the more she became worried that her original idea of using the girls' fetishes would lead to sure failure or at least an unsure conclusion. "No," she decided, it had to be something new and different for her. Something she would never go for on her own in a million years.

"Fur," Jane remembered. That was Susan's fetish. She thought about Susan covered from head to toe in cat fur complete with tail and whiskers and giggled. She thought it was funny instead of erotic. That would be the thing to use; if she could change her mindset then she knew it would work on herself also. Stripping down Jane lay back in bed and imagined making love to the girls. Even with her fingers working overtime she could not bring herself to the height of pleasure she wanted.

Jane had just about given up when there was a knock at the door. Susan, dressed in a royal blue bodysuit made from shinny spandex opened the door and said, "Mistress? Dinner is here." Behind her Jane could see Kimberly similarly dressed in a bodysuit, however hers was made of latex and a deep purple color Jane could see her sniffing the air as she came fully into the darkened room. "Mmmmm, smells like Mistress has desert ready," Kimberly said stepping in behind Susan. Without speaking the pair crawled into the bed from the foot and lay on either side of her.

Jane looked from one to the other and smiled, "What a delightful surprise." She moaned in pleasure feeling Susan's slinky body rub against her left side while Kimberly's latex covered hands caressed her from the right. With their hands and bodies caressing her, Jane found that in no time she was wet. What she had not been able to achieve in thirty minutes, Susan and Kimberly did in a bare five. She reached down and scooped up her honey and rubbed her upper lip with it. Eyes closed, she said huskily as she inhaled her own essence, "Tell me your desires, your fetishes so that I can make them mine."

Susan sat up and looked down at Jane not understanding. She looked at Kimberly to see if she understood any better. Receiving a confused look in reply she caressed Jane's body and said, "We don't understand mistress."

Jane opened her eyes and looked at Susan, "An experiment, can my scent affect my own mind." She looked at Kimberly, "You understand don't you?"

Kimberly thought about what Jane said, it was as if a light bulb went off. Mistress wanted to test her pheromones on herself. Of course that was her way to try things, nodding she replied, "Yes mistress." She looked at Susan and added, "Just like I did with..." Her mouth clamped shut as she remembered that she was not supposed to discuss it with Jane until the competition. "Well, you know sis," She finished lamely.

Susan got it and smiled, she reached over to caress Kimberly's face before nodding. She looked back at Jane who was now pushing her upper lip against her nose and said, "You love latex, spandex, high heels, corsets and stockings, mistress. The idea of wearing any of them or seeing your pets dressed like that fills you with pleasure."

Kimberly giggled and nodded, "Yes mistress you love them and more, visions of having your pets bound mind, body and soul to you is how things should be. She leaned in closer and said, "You love to be addressed properly, as Mistress. It is who and what you are, our mistress and you need to hear us call you by your proper title." She looked at Susan and saw her sister nodding.

Susan leaned down to whisper in her other ear, "We are your pets, living to make you happy and loving every moment of it." She reached across to take Kimberly's hand, "Loving you and each other in our bondage."

Jane felt her head spin with the words Susan and Kimberly were saying. Of course she loved all the things they mentioned. There was nothing new in their words she realized. Opening her eyes she smiled and caressed both girls, "I love you both too." She sat up and looked down at them before answering the unspoken question in their eyes, "I guess a skunk cannot smell its own perfume." Seeing their frowns she added, "Is ok pets, I still love you and the wonderful items we got today." "Thank you for trying," she added a moment later.

Getting up she walked towards the living room, "Now let's eat dinner before it gets too cold." They ate dinner in silence. When Jane finished eating she looked from one to the other, "First I want a fashion show, and then my good girls will receive a surprise gift from me." Getting up she moved over to the couch and watched as the pair hurried to the other room.

It took only a minute before Susan walked back out wearing a matching body suit to Kimberly's. After they walked back and forth and spun in place they stood waiting for Jane's permission to go change. Once she nodded they hurried back and franticly changed clothing. Over and over they went from latex to stockings and spandex and back to latex. Each time they came out from the other bedroom they were wearing different high heeled shoes. Finally, they came out nude with the exception of the locking corsets. They walked up, kneeled before Jane and offered her the keys.

Jane looked at the pair of offered keys and shook her head, "No..." When the pair looked up at her with surprise, she said calmly, "You have not earned the right to be locked in to corsets. Remove them and come back, I have something else in mind for both of you." She watched dispassionately as Susan looked at her with hurt in her eyes and Kimberly ran sobbing to the spare bedroom. Susan stared at her not speaking a long moment before standing and stalking back to the bedroom.

Once she was alone Jane rooted through her bags and pulled out the bondage corsets. Taking them to her bedroom, she laid them out on the bed by size. Even though she had taken her time, she still beat the girls back. When the girls finally returned to the living room she noticed though they were not crying, Kimberly's eyes were red while Susan looked at her as if she had just killed her dog.

Not speaking Jane pointed to the floor before her. A pair of shared glances passed between the two before they sat down. Not speaking she sat there looking at them until they both looked down. "Earlier, while we were trying our experiment you both wanted me to be more like a true mistress. Now, I try to follow your wishes and in return I get tears and a hurt look." She paused while waiting to see if they would reply, "I want you happy, however I cannot read minds. So I ask you, what do you really want?"

Kimberly looked up, her tears that had stopped were again flowing, "Jane, mistress mine, I want to be yours, your pet, your slave, or any other word you wish to call it." She swallowed and added, "I was wrong to run away crying, forgive me."

Jane looked at Susan who had not yet looked up at her, "Susan?"

Susan looked up; the tears that had been welling were now rolling down her cheeks. Sniffing loudly, she shook her head, "I don't know." She looked down again before continuing, "I thought I wanted to submit totally, but when you refused my key I was not hurt, I was mad. I felt as if you had slapped me Jane." She looked back up gulping, "I'm sorry." She reached out to take Kimberly's hand and said looking at her, "I want to submit for real, and yet, I'm afraid I will lose all that I am."

Kimberly squeezed Susan's hand as she replied, "Oh sis, it's nothing like that. You don't lose anything; you gain the ability to be free." She looked at Jane and continued, "In submission, all I have to worry about is pleasing you." She looked at Susan again, "In loving mistress, you already worry about her happiness. But you also worry about everything else. In submitting, those other worries fade away."