Plushie World: Horny, Horny Hippo

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In 1926 a Hunk is hunted by living carnival prize.
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"No! Please! Let me go!" the naked man shouted.

His bare feet slid across the dew speckled grass as he ran.

"Where are you going my love?" she shouted.

He knew better than to turn back and look. He could hear her slithering along the ground after him, crinkling leaves as it went.

"Help me please! Oh God, someone please help me!"

He knew it would do no good. Everyone had long since left Curlytom's Carnival hours ago.

"Of course, I'll help you! Just stop running!"

No way in fucking hell he was doing that! There had to be a way out of here!

"I can taste your smell!"

She was too close now. He couldn't outrun her. he had to hide. The funhouse! The metal floor was cold under his bare feet as he slowly crept his way through. He dared not run in here, the noise would be a dead giveaway. He climbed the bucket steps to the second floor laying flat on his back on the second floor. There was no way in hell she could find him up here.

Thunk! Thunk! Thunk!

He shot bolt upright. It was her! He could hear her dragging her body up the steps after him. He ran through the rest of the maze and back out into the light of dawn. he could hear he coming ever closer.

He continued to run, winding around bumper cars, crawling along the ground under the tents of the game booths, past food booths and finally crouching against the far side of the supply RV. The road! Civilization! He was almost home free!

Then he heard it. The scraping against the metal. Something was sliding across the roof of the RV. Something big was right above him. He only had seconds to run. As he did he cried knowing he would never make it.

The large pink and blue boa constrictor flung it self off the roof of the RV. Mouth opened wide it turned face down making sure it landed on his head. By the time it fully hit the ground it had coiled him whole. It then carried him off, never to be seen again.


CurlyTom's Carnival is currently hiring.

Pay is $11 a night.

If interested please contact at the number bellow.

Gunnar gave the ad in the paper some thought. He scratched his short brown beard as he did so. He could use the cash. The store he worked for was cutting hours again. Hell he only worked two days this week! How could anyone live on that? Even a single guy in his twenties need more money than that. It was night shift, which he preferred. The pay was great. He did love the carnival. He grabbed his phone.

"Yes, I'm calling about the job offer ..."

"You'll be manning my ring toss game," CurlyTom told him in his southern drawl.

"Alright, seem simple enough," Gunnar replied.

CurlyTom chuckled.

"You think so? We'll see about that. Five in a row up, down or diagonally gets them a win. If it's a kid or family you give them one of the prizes you see out here. If it's a man 18 or older and alone you can offer him one of the prizes in the back."

"In the back?"

He led Gunnar through a flap in the curtain in the back of the metal game booth to a small alcove that had been constructed. He was shocked by what he found there. The space was filled with plush hippos. The anthropomorphic animals had to be twice the size of a full-grown man at least. That was not what Gunnar found so shocking. No, he was shocked by how ... sexy they were. They had massive asses, breasts, hips, so on. He noticed holes in the ass, mouth and between their legs ... they were sex toys!

"If a man wins one put it in one of these plane brown sacks. We don't wanna get sued for letting a kid see one of these babies. Besides our lucky couple deserve their privacy."

At this he winked.

Gunnar shook his head. This was too weird. If he didn't need the money so bad he would have quit then and there. Instead he worked the weeks away. All in all it was mostly uneventful. People came, they played, they won or they lost and they left. He dealt with kids or families 90% of the time. He only gave away five of the hippos. This is where things got weird.

Every time he went back there he noticed one of the hippos had been moved. He could tell it apart because it was dressed. It wore booty shorts and a babydoll tee that read 'Man eater'. He noticed a pattern. On nights he brought men back here whoever stocked the room put it in the very back. As such no one ever picked it. On nights he went back there alone it was left front and center.

On quieter, i.e. slower nights, as he stood in his booth waiting for a player he swore he felt eyes on him. No matter where he looked he saw no one. Other times he was sure he felt someone's breath on the back of his neck. Once again he saw no one. Was he going crazy? If he hadn't been he certainly felt he was the last three nights of the carnival.

Three nights left.

As he stocked the back room the hippo that kept being moved fell on him. He swore he felt it sniff him and stroke his face. What the hell? He held it up but nothing happened so he put it back. When he brought a winner back later it had moved to the back of the pile again. What the actual fuck? He hadn't moved it, had he? All throughout the night he heard someone catcall him but saw no one. OK this was getting creepy.

Two nights left.

He was sure of it this time! He felt someone pinch his ass! No, how could that be? He was all alone in the booth. Wasn't he? As he checked through the back he was sure he felt something soft but firm stroke his cock through his pants. He jumped back but only saw the lifeless hippos. What the fuck?

The Last night.

The storm has raged for hours. The rides were all shut down. Everyone had gone home. So why was Gunnar still here, still manning this stupid booth? Because one employee had to close up at closing. This night it was his turn. God, this extra money wasn't worth this was it? Bored he wandered back into backroom. Lightning flashed, illuminating the hippos' faces. One of them winked at him.

Wait, what? He watched it for a moment but nothing else happened. God, he was going crazy. His eyes wandered down to the toy's body. It shamed him to no end, but he had to admit it was a very sexy thing. No one else was around, on his last night, why not enjoy himself a little? He groped a big handful of her breasts. She sighed lustfully.

He jumped back. Nothing else happened for a minute. Yeah, he needed sleep. Checking his watch he saw it was time to go. That's when the hail started. He could wait a little longer, now that he thought about it. He looked up and saw the hippo was gone.

"What the hell?"

A loud thud sounded in the main booth. The lights flicked off. Running back into it he found the metal grate had been lowered.

"What the fuck is going on here?"

He heard something move behind him. He spun around but saw no one. He paced a bit, looking. Something soft but firm swept his legs sending him crashing onto the ground. Gunnar heard someone giggling as they ran into the backroom. He pushed himself back up onto his feet.

"Who the fuck is in here?!"

He advanced on the backroom only to have whoever was inside begin pelting him with the smaller prizes.

"Stop that!"

The giggler rushed out, spun him and ran back to the front of the stall. It happened too fast to get a good look at her but she felt ... soft? Still dizzy he stumbled back into the main tent. Was that the hippo ahead? Why was it coming closer? Hand brushing the wall he found the light switch and flipped it. The hippo plush came into view.

"Ah, you ruined my game."

"Game? What are you?!"

"Yes, game. It's not every night I get a hot little piece like you to play with. As for what I am. I'm a plushie stupid. God you're lucky you're hot."

"What do you mean I'm lucky?"

He tried to go back further but he was already against the wall.

"Well you don't seem that bright. I mean, you don't know what a plush is."

"No, I know you're a plush but why am I lucky that I'm hot?"

He tried to slide to one side or another.

"First of all racist. Second if something like us absorbs enough lustful mental energy from people it can bring us to life."

"So my feeling you and thinking about it, brought you to life?"

"Wow, someone's got an ego. No, it took years of lustful looks to do this."

"Hey, I've never met a living plushie for one and I don't know how this works!"

"You owe me a new game."

"A new game? What does this game entail?" he asked, worried.

"I want to play three games. Best two out of three wins."

"Ok but what game are we playing?" Gaining confidence

"Well since we're here, ring toss first."

This was madness. He couldn't really play her game, could he? He looked at how big and powerful she was. Did he really have a choice?

"Alright. Do you want to start or should I?"

She picked up a ring and tossed it. It landed. He gulped and tossed his own. It missed. She tossed again but this time she missed. He did not. OK, now they were tied 2-2. Maybe he could still win this. They both scored on the next two tosses. She tossed hers and it landed. That was five. If he made this they tied and kept going. If he missed it he lost. He let the ring fly. It hit the bottle. It bounced off the bottle and landed on the ground with a thud.

"I win!" she cheered, "That's Carmella 1, Slow Hottie 0!"


"That's my name."

"Huh, I didn't think the toys here had names."


It is only then did he notice the storm had stopped. He could slip away when they left to play their next game.

"Which game now?"

"Water gun race. Now before we go I have to make sure you don't try and make a run for it."

Damn. She walked into the backroom and came back with one of the big brown bags they packed the hippos in.

"In," she commanded.


She just smiled.

He kicked and screamed inside the sack as she drug him along after her. When she finally let him out they were already locked inside the next game booth.

"I hate you," he told her.

"That bulge in your pants says otherwise."

he was true, being dominated by her so easily really was turning him on.

"Let's just play."


They took their seats. They pointed their guns at the targets. Lights and buzzers on the booth told them to get ready ... get set ... GO! They pulled the triggers and fired. Gunnar's fingers gave him and advantage over his opponent. His little horse quickly outpaced hers taking him to victory.

"Well now it's a tie," Carmella said, "I guess that means whoever wins the next game wins it all."

"Then you'll let me go?"

"If you win. If you lose I keep you."


"If I win I take you away and do whatever I want with that hot little bod of yours forever more."

"You can't do that."

"Then stop me. I'll even be fair. You can pick the last game."

Oh God, this was much more serious than he ever imagined. He needed to win this last game. Which one should he choose?


"The one where you knock down the clowns!"


She held up the sack.

"Oh come on."

"Last time, I promise."

He groaned as she let him out in the last locked booth. There were four rows of five little clowns each.

"Knock down the most to win," Carmella reminded him, "you go first."

Gunnar took a deep breath. He wound up and tossed. The first clown fell.

"Nice start," she told him.

There was one ball per clown. He could do this. He tossed again and again. Down the clowns went, row by row. All in all he only missed twice. He went around the back and reset the game for Carmella.

"18, beat that."

"I will."

She tossed and missed.

"Maybe not."

"Oh yeah?"

Her next tosses landed true. He watched in shock as clown after clown met their end. The first line fell. Then the second. That was ten. Then the third. Fifteen! She only had to make four more without missing to win. No, three more, two more, one more. She had one more ball. If she made this one she won. If she made this one she won him! She tossed. He watched as it soared. It struck. The clown fell.

"Looks like I've got a new toy," she smirked.

Gunnar backed away.

"We don't have to do this."

"Oh yes we do. Clothes off, now."


She forced him onto the ground, her massive body surprisingly heavy despite being plush and partly hollow. She yanked off his shoes, socks and pants before tossing them aside. She then pulled off his underwear letting his erection pop free.


She then tore off his shirt and dragged him over to the grate. She pulled his belt from pants and bound his hands behind his back, using the grate as an anchor.

"Mama wants a taste."

He didn't understand what she meant until it was already happening. She bent over, mouth opened wide. When he felt it close around his dick he nearly jumped out of his skin. It was so soft, like a pillow, cushioning his throbbing manhood. It felt amazing, he moaned in pure pleasure. Then her tongue went to work.

It wrapped around his shaft and began to turn. The silky tongue wasn't wet but ungodly smooth. It slipped around and around running up and down his length. The strokes alternated between long and slow then quick and hard. Then it moved to his balls. He hadn't even noticed the mouth was so big it took them in as well until it started stroking them. He began to quiver in anticipation of a coming release.

She stopped.

"No," he whined.

"Someone likes his new BBW owner," Carmella teased.


"We'll finish up once I get you home. First, I have to put you someplace safe for transport."

"Not the bag again," he complained.

"No, somewhere better."

She grabbed both his feet in one hand, lifting them off the ground.

"What are you doing?"

She grabbed her stomach and pulled down to reveal a massive pouch. One big enough for a man to fit in. She shoved his feet in.


She grabbed his legs and began forcing them in too.

"What are you doing?! Stop!"

She did not. Instead she crawled forward allowing more of his legs to sink in.


She was up to his knees now.


She had reached his hips.

"I don't want this! Please!"

Her tongue returned to his cock. He was nothing but a moaning mass for the next five minutes. Satisfied she moved up to his chest.

"Why are you doing this?" he gasped.

She untied his arms but before he could respond she rebound them in front of him. Then she shoved him in up to his neck. All Gunnar could do was cry. The tongue returned, gently stroking his face. It spent several minutes just rubbing his mouth. Then he sank down completly.

It was strange. Her pouch sealed tight shoving him up against her boobs.

Carmella rubbed her belly. When she did the pouch pressed Gunnar's cock into her foam belly, jerking him off with it, making him moan.

"Perfect. Let's go home."

The next few hours were a blur. Gunnar knew there was movement but her rubbing kept him so horny he could think of nothing else. Finally the movement stopped. Light poured into the small space. Carmella pulled him out and onto a large bed. Grabbing his hands she bound them to the headboard with his belt.

"Where are we?"

"Abandoned trailer park in the middle of nowhere. Plushies live her with their men. This is going to be our new home."

"What are you going to do with me?" he asked, worried.

As a response she slid his dick into the pussy like slit on her hips. The velvety lining felt amazing. She slowly began to ride him first with short slow motions before they devolved into a bucking grunting mess. Gunnar came harder than he ever had before. Carmella seemed to orgasm as well, whatever that meant for her.

"That, more and less."

One trailer over a naked man lay in bed. He dared not move. He was far too exhausted to withstand anymore right now. He knew that if he woke the pink and blue python whose coils he now lived in the rubbing and milking would begin anew. Right now he'd let her sleep.

"Morning," she told him.

Damn. The coils around his cock began to rub.

Curlytom picked up Gunnar's clothes from the floor of the game booth and tossed them into the trash.

"Lucky bastard."

Jake read at the ad in the paper one more time.


CurlyTom's Carnival is currently hiring a temporary worker.

Will work for 2 weeks 6:00pm till closing. Pay is $100 a night.

If interested please contact at the number bellow.

He could use a little more cash.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
SatyrDickSatyrDickabout 1 year ago


My first read of this series...very good!

11/10 Plushie Hippos!!!!!

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