Possessing Bella Ch. 06

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Bella world continues to change.
13.9k words

Part 6 of the 24 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/06/2014
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Bella smiled as Lincoln held the door open for her. It had been a wonderful afternoon with her friends. She was so glad Dorothea had begun what she hoped would be a monthly gathering of friends at her home. They had all been so enthusiastic about her decision to start a small business venture within the company and of course had fabulous ideas about the kind of merchandise she should carry. They had also been very accepting of her choice to learn more about the lifestyle by spending time with each of their masters and their friends, though there were some reservations.

Mostly Bella was happy that this lunch was not all about her and she enjoyed the glimpses she got into her friends lives as they talked about the things that were important to them. She had not realised how little she had known about them all.

"I am sorry I have ruined your Sunday with having to drive me around," Bella spoke into the silence of the car as the drive home began. "I'm sure you have better things to do on the weekends."

"I don't mind at all and I get the weekends off when you're out of town," he winked at her. "If I am honest, this is a pretty good gig. You're hardly demanding of my time; you don't often go out in the evenings and when you do I am hardly ever needed. You have so many men willing to escort you," Lincoln teased.

"Still, I wouldn't mind having a small car for just little shopping trips or going home on the weekends, it's such a long way for you to go and a boring place for you to stay and wait until I am ready to go back," Bella laughed.

"Don't worry about that," he said with a soft chuckle to match hers, "I am writing my own epic novel, so I enjoy the quiet times and the opportunity to write while being paid to watch the car gather dust."

"Well in that case I think I will introduce you as an author the next time I go home," she laughed, "It just seems so pretentious to go home to my very ordinary family with my own driver."

"And it wouldn't sound pretentious to be hobnobbing with a best selling author?" His chuckle was warm and friendly, "I'm sure they would just be happy to know you are safe after..." He paused "That you are being safe."

"I guess," she admitted and they lapsed back into silence, Bella lost in her own thoughts and Lincoln feeling guilt for bringing up the worst time of her young life.

They pulled into the parking garage and Bella smiled. "Thank you," she said softly and got out of the car walking to the elevators. Lincoln took an extra thirty seconds to text Stephen that Bella had returned and got out of the car following her to the elevator doors.

"Don't over think everything Bella," Lincoln said. "Most of us just want you to be happy and safe, there is no ulterior motivation or secret plan. It's okay to be happy you know." Bella raised an eyebrow at him, so he continued, "I enjoy driving for you. Never feel bad about calling for me. I didn't mean to make you feel bad in the car..." he said finally getting to his point and Bella understood.

"I'm sorry too. Sometimes it just hits me again, then I forget how my reactions affect everyone else," she smiled crookedly. It seemed Lincoln was about to speak again but at that moment the elevator opened revealing Stephen who looked at them questioningly.

"See you in the morning, Miss Biancotti," Lincoln said formally and turned back to his car.

She gave Lincoln a small wave and stepped onto the elevator, "Hello Sir Stephen, how nice of you to escort me up to my apartment. But it's only really the trip down to the club that makes me anxious when I am on my own." She explained, "I don't want to monopolise too much of your time."

"How was your lunch?" Stephen ignored her comment and watched as a smile changed her whole demeanour.

"It was wonderful, I love those girls like they're sisters and honestly, I really don't know them that well. They're all so..." she searched for the right word and was at a loss. "There is just no ego involved when we are all together. No judgement," she tried again. "They are all just so accepting of each other and me.." She finished lamely knowing that wasn't what she wanted to say but couldn't find the right words.

"They are," Stephen nodded seeing her struggle to explain the relationship she had with the small group of women. As the manager of the club and having Mel as his mentor meant that he knew this group of women very well, as he did their Master's. They were the best of the best and passionate about their Master's and the lifestyle they chose to lead. "Accepting is a good word to use to describe them, they are also passionate and beautiful, loyal and loving and a host of other adjectives. As are you," He let a smile tilt the corners of his mouth.

She looked up at him surprised that he had given her a compliment. He was always so stern and authoritative with her. She was saved from having to respond immediately by the elevator door opening. She didn't question that he too got off the elevator with her and walked her to the small apartment and opened the door for her.

"Thank you for walking me up," Bella smiled at the door, "I know its part of your job now, but I do appreciate that you do so much for me."

"You're welcome little one," he said pleasantly but Bella noted that it was like a cloud had come over his features and his mouth tightened into a straight line. "Enjoy your evening, call if you wish to come down for dinner tonight," he turned to leave but added over his shoulder, "Jake would love to see you, you could eat in the kitchen or my office, with us."

Bella was confused, as she watched him step onto the elevator that had not moved from their floor. His mood had changed so quickly, she wasn't sure exactly what she had said to have caused the change. Did he not like being reminded that looking after her had become part of his job? He had no trouble reminding her of the fact when it came to disciplining her or instructing her on proper etiquette and behaviour. He was always so stern and uncompromising with her, as if holding her up to some impossibly high standard she didn't know about.

Stephen had been quiet and moody as they had left the party last night as well. After stopping discreetly some distance away to remove the tail she had been wearing, he had allowed her to sleep as they drove in silence through the early hours of the morning. He had carried her upstairs, even after she woke fully in his arms, saying that she weighed no more than a small pet would. He was a big man and his strong arms had made her feel so safe that she had not protested, instead leaning into his broad chest and taking in his scent. She smiled at the memory of the rare tender moment with Stephen as she kicked off her shoes and went to get her laptop.

After putting in a couple of hours work, Bella called her parents and spent a long time on the phone catching up with her mother. She had begun emailing her father this week about the business and her plans and found him an easy sounding board outside of the company. Feeling guilty for not having seen them this fortnight that she had been in the city, she wondered whether she would be going to stay with Hunter on the Friday or the Saturday; she would have to ask Sir Stephen and maybe see if she could go home on Friday night or Saturday even if only for a few hours because she didn't know when she would have the chance again. It could be another month or two the way things were going and she knew her parents worried about her even more so recently with her return to work.

She picked up her phone after a few moments thought about going home and decided to called Stephen, "Hello Bella," he answered on the second ring, his moodiness of earlier seemingly vanished.

"Hello, Sir Stephen," she greeted him in return, "I was wondering if you could spare me a few minutes tonight, I have a few questions you might be able to answer?" Bella asked hopefully.

"Sure, why don't I come and bring you down for dinner in about," he drew out the word and Bella could imagine him checking his watch, "thirty minutes." He paused and she froze momentarily. She hadn't planned on dinner; she had had such a late lunch but she couldn't expect him to just drop everything for her, so she agreed.

"Will that give you enough time to dress appropriately for the club?" He guessed at her hesitation reminding her gently of the club expectations.

"Yes Sir," she said hesitantly. "I will be ready."

"Good," he said and hung up. Bella looked at her phone; it was frustrating that she never knew if his abruptness was directed at her or it was just his natural way. She found his constant serious manner disconcerting at times but coupled with the abruptness she could never quite place if she had done something to offend him or make him angry in just a few simple words.

Bella went into her closet and ran a finger over the clothes hanging there. So many things she hadn't even tried on yet. She pulled out a corset style bodice with thin straps and matching short skirt and considered them. It was not her usual style but then none of her current wardrobe had been her style a year ago. Mel had changed her world completely but she felt as if her life before becoming his had been a lie and he had only shown her where she truly belonged.

She smiled at the memory of him as she changed. Back in this world of her own choice had eased the pain a little, especially this week with the changes she was making in her role and place in the company. She silently thanked him once again for all he had given her which included the courage to make hard choices. She laughed to herself; the little choices didn't matter much, she still had people around her influencing those if not making them for her, at the club, at work and even here. She knew she would never find a love like his again, but she felt happy, she had the constant watchful eyes of many Masters to look after her and she still had the freedom to choose her life's path.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror and admitted the black and red ensemble looked a little severe, so she softened the look by leaving her hair loose around her shoulders. She wore it up so often that she hadn't realised just how long it had become. Satisfied she took her phone and put it in the small suede pouch attached to a garter that could sit high on her thigh under the skirt. She loved its simplicity and smiled thinking of the day she had spent with Sire when he had created the garter for her. She was waiting at the door when Stephen arrived. He smiled and inclined his head as she hurried toward the elevator not wanting to hold him up any more than necessary.

"You look lovely, Bella," he said in a voice softer than his usual stern tone making her look at him quizzically. "I have a fondness for corsetry," he said easily, "and those colours suit you." He was pleased and surprised to see her hair left loose to curl around her face, almost changing her features as the curls caressed her cheeks and neck.

"Thank you, Sir Stephen. And you as always look very debonair," she grinned.

The lift pinged its arrival at the club entrance and Bella felt Stephen's large hand wrap around the back of her neck. She didn't shiver this time but rather let herself feel the protection of it and give her confidence as she stepped into the lobby. The girls at the desk smiled at her as they walked past, she didn't have a jacket and they were not required to sign in upon arrival.

They stepped into the salon and several faces turned toward her to appraise the new girl entering the room only to look away again after seeing her with Stephen protectively steering her towards the office rooms. "Was that Bella?" She heard a quizzical voice ask just before she stepped into the office and the door was shut.

"Bella!" Rob looked up from his desk, "Stephen said you had called to come down," he smiled as he walked over to embrace her. "Last night went well I hear, seems you made an impression on Hunter. He's not an easy man to impress at the best of times," he gave a chuckle and led her over to a chair.

"Well I don't really know how it went, I was waiting for Sir Stephen to tell me what I must do in that regard, so I was hoping he might tell me if I asked him directly over dinner," she replied honestly making Rob raise an eyebrow at Stephen.

Stephen frowned, not realising she had been so worried about the outcome. "I wanted to speak to Rob about Hunter's demands first as your guardian it is ultimately his decision to make and I have informed Hunter as much," he said in a hard voice. "You had already given your consent at the arrangement last night." Bella watched him with her big greens eyes trained on his and chewing on her bottom lip in thought. And again Stephen found himself counting backwards from ten before continuing. "If you have questions, please ask them."

"Well life has been so busy this week and with the next week promising to be the same and then leaving to spend time with Hunter," she paused and turned to Rob. "Maybe, I mean if you approve, it will just be another month before I have the opportunity to get home to see my mother and show her how well I am doing." The men both looked at her as if they were unsure what she was saying, so she finally asked her question.

"I was wondering if this arrangement as you put it with Hunter started on the Friday evening or if it could begin on the Sunday evening so I could make a quick trip home this weekend. Lincoln said he wouldn't mind the drive," she hastened to add to show it would not be an inconvenience to either of them.

"I don't see why you couldn't do that," Stephen said slowly, once again struck by the thoughtfulness of the girl and the consideration she gave to those she cared for. Hers would never be a life of blind obedience; Mel had taught her well in that respect. Since her return, she had asked for what she needed and while she was not given all she had asked for, she seemed to accept the reasons why with a natural deference to those given her guardianship.

"I wouldn't mind a rematch with Joe and his chess board," Stephen said after a moment's pause, "I could take her down on Saturday morning." He said predominantly to Rob before turning to Bella, "If you don't mind the company of course."

"I am sure Dad would like that," Bella tilted her head, she hadn't thought much about Stephen's last visit to her home when she had decided to return to the city and work. So much had happened since then, beginning with her drunken confession to Stephen about what she had been doing during her time at the beach shack.

"I think I should talk with Hunter before you go to him, regardless," Rob said, "I will let you know what he says as soon as I can contact him." He smiled, "You look too beautiful tonight, I like your hair down. Can I join you and Stephen for dinner?"

"I had thought to just eat with Jake in the kitchen. I had such a late lunch I was actually hoping just to sneak in one of his fabulous desserts," Bella grinned.

"I think that could be arranged but let's see if he will join us in the dining room," Rob suggested. "You are not seen here often enough."

"I will go tell Jake and get us a table," Stephen offered.

"Great that'll give us a few minutes to catch up," Rob looked at Bella and beckoned her closer.

"How is everything going really, little brat?" Rob gathered her into his arms as he had begun doing since she returned to the city.

"A lot happened in the last week and I am a little..." Bella settled onto his lap and leaned into his chest as she spoke, "Not overwhelmed really more just..." again she sought for the right word, "I don't know it's just a lot to take in and do and..." she let out a sigh, feeling Rob's arms tighten around her protectively. "Everything is just happening so fast, but I am happy." She looked up and smiled.

"Are you taking on too much?" He asked, "It would not be hard to slow things down, take another week or two before going to stay with Hunter maybe?" He watched her face as she seemed to consider his words.

"No, I have made the commitment now and I wouldn't like to think he had changed his schedule to accommodate me and then have me not show up," she grimaced, "I don't want to be that flaky girl who wigs out all the time. I did enough of that over the last six months." She said softly.

"You don't want to burn yourself out by doing too much either" Rob frowned at her. "Mel would haunt me to me dying day if I let that happen."

"My new assistant, Andrew, is great and Dorothea is around to handle things while I am gone, so that is less stress in my world right off the bat," she said confidently.

"Ah yes, he seems like a good man, I have seen him a few times this week. Stephen has taken on mentoring him. I am glad you found someone strong and steady to help you with your business plan," Rob nodded his approval. "If things start to get too much though, you will not disappointment me in any way as long as you tell me, honesty above everything else little one."

"Yes, Master Rob," she leaned up and kissed his cheek whispering, "I love you too." Rob chuckled and held her tightly for a moment before letting her go and walking her out into the vast restaurant area.

They walked through the dining room to their table and people greeted Bella as if they knew her well but she was sure she had not ever seen let alone met them before. Jake and Stephen were at the table waiting for them.

Jake smiled as he unveiled a platter of miniature sized desserts for her and looking around the table she saw that the men all had main meals. She had to admit sometimes it was good to be looked after so well, as she picked up her spoon the conversation went on to everyday life in their worlds.

As the night wore on Bella became more aware that Jake spoke differently to Stephen and in turn Stephen dropped some of his austere composure and let forth a rare laugh that seemed to rumble with good humour. He looked different when he relaxed a little. Bella began to enjoy the banter between the men at the table as she silently ate the exquisite morsels of sweetness Jake had prepared for her.

Jake like Rob had an easy going side, unlike the serious sternness of Stephen, who was much like Mel. She could see why each of the men had chosen the other to mentor. She wondered at Andrew's choice to be mentored by Stephen; he did not seem to have that arrogant, controlling nature that she associated with Stephen, but then she did not know him very well yet either. It was odd to think of a man similar to Stephen being her assistant. She guessed in his role at the company she would not really see the dominant side of his personality as much the more human side that she was just now getting a glimpse of in Sir Stephen. It wasn't that he hadn't been caring or thoughtful toward her, but there had always been those well-defined lines between Dominant and submissive. He commanded and she obeyed.

The men took her thoughtfulness for exhaustion, though that was only partially true she didn't mind when Stephen said he would walk her up to her room so she could rest. His hand curled about the back of her neck as they walked through the club but once in the lift and alone the pressure of his hand diminished and he rubbed her neck gently in a soothing manner.

"It's been a busy week for you. Are you sure you're not taking on too much?" He asked, his voice laced with concern.

"I am enjoying it, being so busy I mean. But it would be nice to go home and let Mum look after me even if only for a few hours," she smiled. "I hope Master Hunter doesn't mind the delay."

"Your stay with Sire began and ended on a Sunday evening, so I do not believe it will be an issue," he said with an air of authority. "Would you like to go down Friday night or Saturday morning?"