Prep School


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They played the game several more times before the women switched partners. By that time both Gail and Amy had been touched over most of their bodies. Knowing that the other was getting the same kind of action kept either one from calling it quits.

Toby did Gail just as he did Amy. He picked her up and swung her around on his shoulders. His hand held her legs where the edge rested against her cunt. She knew that he had did it on purpose but she didn't say anything as she settled on his broad shoulders. His head like Paul's was tight against her cunt and his hands were well above her knees. He not only held them tight but while they were doing battle he was constantly stroking them from knee to where they parted around his neck.

Amy had dumped Gail several more times than she had been dumped. Gail was determined that this time it was going to be Amy that went under. They reached out and grabbed for each other. Each time they would slip off from the water on them. Toby move tight against Paul and Gail reached around to pull Amy over Paul's head. When she pulled she ended up with Amy's top in her hands as Amy fell into the water.

Gail had not meant to do that. They were having a lot of fun but still this move them a little closer to the forbidden act. Amy didn't realize she was naked from the waist up until she stood up and saw the boys watching her. Looking down she saw her naked tits. Red with embarrassment she went down in the water up to her neck. She may as well have been standing. The clear water was as clear as a mirror and both boys were taking in all of her loveliness.

Gail quickly apologized and moved in front of her and handed her the top. Amy quickly put it back on but not before the boys had more than just a good look at them.

Gail spoke up." I think that is enough for today>" The boys let out a loud grown.

Paul was the first to speak, "Just when it was getting good."

Amy said, "Well you can blame Gail, it wasn't me that pulled her top off."

The incident brought the evening to a halt. It was pass time for Paul to be hitting the books and Amy and Toby dressed and left for home.

An hour at the books and Gail stuck her head in the bedroom door. "Come on and get dressed. Mike called and said he wasn't going to be home until late tonight. Let's go in to town for a movie and dinner."

This was one thing Paul had really started to like. His time with Gail on these trips were more like dates. Only she drove and paid for all the tickets And dinner later. He loved the time he had along with her during these trips. And the talk she always carried on.

The movie wasn't all that good. Mostly a lovers movies that you would see with your wife or girl friend. Paul sat close to Gail and she could feel the heat from his body pass through to hers. Sometime during the movie he had reached across and took her hand and held it in his lap. Gail didn't know just when he did it but he was rubbing her fingers across his hand when she finally noticed.

He wasn't doing anything wrong so she just let him hold it. Sometimes he would squeeze it and she would answer back. It felt like old times to her when she and Mike would set in the movie and hold hands.

The movie ended and he stood up and made for the isle. He never turned her hand loose as they left the movie. Gail felt a little self-conscious knowing the others thought she was with her date. Several girls looked at her and Paul with an envious look. The boys looked like they would like to beat him up. She let him hold her hand and lead her to the car.

At the car he opened the door for her before going around to the passenger side. When the door closed he said, "thanks for not turning my hand loose with all those people watching."

Gail knew then that he was afraid of what the other would have thought if she had dropped his hand. "It was nice, I don't mind you holding my hand." She reached across and he lifted his hand to hers. They set this way a moment before she released it and started the car.

"Let's see what we can find to eat this late."

Most of the restaurants were closed but a few clubs were open and served food. Some even had dance bands.

Gail found what looked like a nice club and pulled in the parking lot. As soon as the car stopped he was out and around to open her door. He put his hand around her waist and walked her to the club front door. Gail knew that he wanted everyone to think she was his date for the night. It no longer bothered her that people stared and whispered under their breath when they walked by.

At the front door a big burley guy stopped them. "You can't come in here, this is a private club."

Paul spoke up, "It doesn't say that on the sign/"

"Well just take my word for it. You aren't allowed in here." Gail got Paul by the arm and said, "Come on lets go somewhere else."

"Now, young lady you are more than welcome to come in. Lots of nice white men that would like to dance with you. Someone as pretty as you don't need to hang around with a nigger, ah black man."

Paul turned around but Gail was between him and the man. "Paul, get in the car. I don't want to go in here anyway."

"Bring your white ass out here and I will see who tell who what to do."

Gail kept pulling Paul towards the car. "No Paul, He is not worth it. Let him go. She had him at the door and opened it and pushed him inside. She hurried around to the driver's side and drove off before Paul decided to go back. What had been a fun evening was suddenly a disaster.

He hardly spoke at all on the way home. Mike still wasn't home when they got there. Paul slid out of the car and followed her inside where he headed straight to his bedroom. Gail didn't know what to say to him. She had never been confronted by this before. Sure, a lot of people looked at them and wondered why such a pretty woman was with a black man.

She waited to see if he would come back. When he didn't she changed from the dress she wore to the movie to shorts and pull over top, not bothering to put on a bra. She only wore one when she was going to town anyway.

She went back to the kitchen and fix a couple of sandwiches for her and Paul. She looked at the clock and saw it was still another hour before Mike would be home. She wished he were here now to help her figure out what to do. Each night they would talk about Paul and the progress he was making. She told Mike almost everything that happened between her and Paul.

He knew about the shopping trips, the dinners and even teaching him to swim and drive. That she was swimming alone with Paul didn't seem to bother him. She did leave out some of the parts that she thought he might not like. She left out the part about him looking at her breasts and her telling him it was ok. She didn't think she would tell him about the fun in the pool with Toby and Amy. The part about him holding her hand and putting his arm around her could wait until another time.

Gail picked up the sandwiches and drinks and walked down to his room. She didn't think Paul should be alone at this time. She knew that he was mad and hurt. He was probably embarrassed that she had witnessed the exchange with the doorman.

She knocked on the door. There wasn't any answer. She knocked again. This time she heard him. "Can I come in, I have you a sandwich." She didn't wait for an answer as the door wasn't locked she pushed it open and he was lying across the bed. He only had on his pants. His shoes and socks were next to the bed along with his shirt.

Gail looked at him laying on the bed with his eyes closed, his hands behind his head. She always marveled at his hard stomach and chest. Mike and he were about the same size but Mike had long ago quit trying to keep in shape. His body would make any woman, white are black wonder what it would be like to have him over them. Gail was no exception.

She set the tray beside the bed on the night table. "Come on, sat up and eat. I brought mine to eat with you."

He opened his eyes and saw her standing next to the bed. He took in the top she had on and her nipples that showed through it. His eyes dropped to firm tan legs sticking out of the shorts. She was beautiful to look at.

Gail watched his eyes as they traveled her body over and over. For a moment she thought she should have put on something else. It was plain that he liked what he was seeing. In an attempt to keep him under control she handed him his sandwich. For the time being it worked. He took the sandwich and drink she offered and slid back up with his back to the head of the bed.

She got her sandwich and sat down on the edge of the bed with her legs drawn up under her. Together they eat in silence.

When they finished she took their glasses and put them back on the tray. She leaned back on her arms and looked at him. "Paul, I am sorry about what happened tonight. There are a lot of idiots out there." He still didn't reply. "I had a good time this after noon and tonight before the club." She laughed, "I don't think we need to tell Mike about Amy losing her top today."

Her laugh brought him out of some of his trance. "Today was fun, all of it. Some of it was better than others."

"I bet Amy losing her top was what you call the best."

This time he laughed. "That was pretty good. I could think of something that would have been better."

Not thinking she asked, "What might that be?"

"If it had been your top that came off."

"Paul, shame on you, you see enough of me like it is. I don't think my husband would like it if it was my top that came off."

"I thought you weren't going to tell him about Amy. Why would you tell him if it had been yours?"

"Well you made your point. I guess I wouldn't tell him that part, but I did enjoy the movie with you. I haven't held hands in a movie in a long time." She and Mike seldom even went to a movie anymore.

"Thank you for making it seem like a date instead of you being my teacher. It has been a long time since I had a date and I was still pretty excited from the swimming this afternoon."

"Amy and I should not have did that with you. I don't think that is part of the curriculum they want us to teach you. I am sure Mike and Todd would not have like their wives to be having so much fun."

"Was it really fun for you?'

"Oh Yes. A lot more than it should have been and I am not talking about Amy's top coming off."

"Can we do it again?"

Gail looked deep in his eyes at him. "We'll see."

Paul thought to himself, "at least she didn't say no." "When will Mike get home?"

"He should be her in the next hour, why."

"Why don't we go for another swim. I don't feel like hitting the books again tonight. I need my spirits lifted after the run in with that clown."

Gail thought for a second. Mike would be here soon so she felt sure that he wouldn't try anything. She liked to swim at night with just the pool lights on. Her and Mike went skinning dipping at night during the hot summer months. "Ok, Let me go dress and I will meet you at the pool."

The suit she had on that day was still wet. She reached for the two piece she normally wore. She looked at it and put it back in the drawer. He had seen more in the other bikini and she pulled out another one that was just as revealing. Her top hadn't come off but she was going to give him a view that was almost as good. What would Mike say when he came home and saw her in this suit with Paul?

She didn't bother to pull on a cover up this time. She walked to the pool with only a towel thrown across her shoulder. He watched her come. Her big tits straining to stay covered by the thin top. His eyes traveled down her body to her waist and below. The low cut suit couldn't have been more than a couple of inches above her cunt. Her stomach was flat and her hips curved perfectly under the tiny bikini. Her legs were perfectly shaped right down to her trim ankles. His cock went hard instantly.

Gail never took her eyes from him as she walked towards him. She saw his eyes as they examined every inch of her. She took in his chest and even through the water she could see the tent in his suit. He had to be larger than Mike and almost as large as Toby. His excitement showed through his suit and radiated throughout to her. She could feel the juice begin to heat up in her body. She thought about how he had felt with his head pressing against her cunt that afternoon. Yes, she had had a really good time that afternoon.

She joined him in the pool. Together they swam to the deep end and stopped. "Hey, you are getting good at this."

He smiled at the praise." Thanks to you."

They returned to the shallow end and stood up. The water cascaded from their bodies. "Would you like to ride my shoulders again?"

"Paul, I don't think I should do that again."

"It sure was a lot of fun this afternoon. Are you afraid to do it without Amy and Todd here? Maybe you don't want to do it with a black man like the guy at the club said."

"Paul! I don't deserve that. What have I ever done to call for an answer like that?"

"I'm sorry, I should never have said that. You have been wonderful. I have never had anything as good as being here with you, and Mike." He added Mike as an afterthought.

"It has nothing to do with you being black or Amy and Todd not being here. It has to do with me. I told you this afternoon was fun. It was more than fun. I enjoyed it too much. What I am afraid off is I could get to liking it to much."

He wasn't going to give up to easy. "What did you like about this afternoon?"

"Paul, you ask to many questions."

"You always answered my questions before. Even when I was looking at your breasts you just told me to look. What did you like about this afternoon?"

Gail tried to look away but her eyes kept coming back to his face. He stood and waited for her answer. "Dam it Paul, you should be ashamed. I liked the feel of you head against me and your hands on my legs! Is that what you want to know? It was very sexy with the others doing the same thing."

"Now was that so hard to confess up to? I liked the way you wrapped your legs around my neck. See now we both know why it was so much fun. I look forward to doing it again. The next time maybe Amy will pull of your top."

Gail laughed and looked down at her top. His eyes followed hers. "This top doesn't hide much from anyone."

"Pull it off."


"Pull it off. Pull your top off. Let me see you like I saw Amy today." He didn't raise his voice. He was calm and cool as he asked her to pull off her bikini top.

"You are not joking are you? You really expect me to just take my top off for you."

He just nodded his head, "Please."

Suddenly there wasn't anything else in the world that she wanted more than to let him see her as she pulled the top loose. All thought of Mike was gone in that instant. She had been tempted to follow Amy that afternoon. She reached back behind her and pulled the string that held it together. Her hands caught it as it started to fall. Her breasts still covered with the suit and her hands.

Paul was standing only arms reach from her. He reached slowly for her hands and gently pulled them away from her breasts. He held her hands out wide to her sides as he stood looking at her completely naked breasts for the first time. "They are perfect. I have never seen any that even compared." He dropped her hands and she left them by her side. Her nipples had hardened to hard little points as his eyes traveled over them. She could feel the heat deep down in her cunt as he took in every part of them.

"Can I touch them?" There was nothing she wanted more than feel his hands on her tits. She couldn't speak but she caught his hands and brought them back to her breasts. She placed a hand over each of her big tits before turning them loose. She shut her eyes as he gently caressed them. She trembled as his hands cover them. A climax was building in her body that just had to come out.

Paul dropped his hands to cover the nipples with his thumps. Gail let out a groan and climaxed. She fell forward into his arms, her naked tits against his black chest. She continued to tremble until it was over. Her arms were around his waist as she held her naked tits against his bare body. The heat from her tits burned holes through his skin. His hands were running up and down her body when car lights swung in the drive.

The lights brought Gail to her senses. She broke away from him and looked for her top. She found it at the bottom of the pool she dove down and got it. "Quick, tie me up." Paul did as she told him. "Now start swimming laps."

"I can't swim that many laps."

"Do it now, before Mike walks out here and sees us." She moved over and set down on the edge of the pool just as Mike walked out of the house.

"I see He has learned a lot from you?"

She kissed Mike as he leaned over. "Yes he has improved a lot."

Paul stopped before he drown and talked to Mike a while before getting out and calling it a night. He told them good night and would see them in the morning.

Mike had eaten on the way home and was ready to get to bed. He and Gail walked to the bedroom with Gail in front of him. When the door shut behind them he pulled the tie from her suit and uncovered her breasts. His hands went down her body and pushed the bottom off and she kicked it in the direction of the bathroom.

Gail happed Mike strip as quick as possible. She wanted him in her as soon as possible. Undressed he climbed aboard her as she spread her legs for him. "Fuck me Mike! Make Love to me now. Harder! Harder! Oh Mike you feel so good."

As before she had started fucking Mike with an excitement that had been missing for a long time. Ever since Paul had moved in she was like a wild women. Her own cunt pushing back at him answered each plunge he made. Her legs were wrapped tight as she worked her hot cunt up and down on his hard cock. Nothing this hot could last for long and it didn't. Gail was climaxing as crying for him to move faster when he unloaded his full load deep in her wet cunt.

Her climax drove him over the edge and his hot cum shooting made her climax again. Gail wrapped her legs tightly around him so he couldn't get off and pulled him down on her naked body with her arms. She loved her husband and felt totally satisfied when he made love to her. With Paul here it was that much better and she knew Mike like it too. She was too happy and too satisfied to feel guilty for what she had let Paul talk her into. After all it was Mike that had reaped the dividends.

After several minutes of her telling him how much she love him and how good he made her feel they separated. They lay on the bed side by side with her head on his shoulder and his hand covering her tit. Her hand was holding hid soft cock.

"What went on today," he asked?

"She told him about Amy and Toby coming over and them going for a swim."

"I'm sure the guys got a lot of enjoyment from that."

She punched him in the side. "Then when they left Paul went back to studying until you called. He and I went to the movies and all was going well until we stopped get a bite to eat." She told him exactly what happened and it made Mike as angry as it had her.

"Then I brought him back here and you still hadn't got home so we decided to take a little swim. Then you came and here we are. You ready to go again?"

Her hand had been busy and he was certainly ready to go again. This time it was her that rolled over on him. She lifted her body up and let her cunt drop over his hard cock. On down she pushed until he was completely buried in her.

Gail fucked him. She had him lie still and she fucked her husband. She didn't often do him this way but when she did he just lay back and enjoyed what her cunt could do to his cock.

For a half of hour she fucked him. She would bring him almost to the edge then slow down and start building back up again. Finally she could take no more. She rolled to the side and onto her back. She brought him with her without loosing a beat. Her legs wrapped around him and her cunt lifted to him. In seconds it was over for both of them. Twice that night the sex had been as good as any that had had.