Project Tendril Ch. 03


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"Exactly what I need," she murmured as she felt him sliding over her cervix and G-spot. "Ken, you are fucking perfect."

"I would tend to agree with you," he told her with a smile, "except I thought your name was Sonja... not Perfect. But if you mean I'm fucking the epitome of perfection, I'd go with that."

Sonja blushed. And a redhead blushing can be pretty impressive. She reached back and smacked the side of his ass.

"Stop that!" she told him. "You're making me blush."

"I can see that," he grinned. "Did you want to punish me, Mistress?"

"What?" Sonja paused in her humping. His B&D reference had derailed her.

"Well, the way you smacked my ass, I thought maybe you wanted to spank me or something," he explained. "It's a subject we haven't covered. Yet."

Sonja started slowly rocking again. "Not right now," she decided. "Right now, I want this luscious cock to drive me over the edge so many times I dissolve into jelly. We can talk about 'who will do what and with what and to whom' later."

"Aha!" he chortled. "You like the idea! Dom? Or Sub?"

"Both. But right now, fuck the hell out of me!"

"Ma'am! Yes, ma'am!" Ken pulled her to him and sat, then stood, up. She was still impaled on his cock and gently grinding away.

"Okay, on your knees, bitch!" he smiled and lifted her off of him easily. His build was deceptive -- he was a lot stronger than he looked. He set her on the floor, then turned her toward the couch where she knelt down facing it, her arms resting on it, her tits against it and her butt towards Ken.

He lined up with her sopping pussy and plunged in, going straight for a medium tempo pounding. Sonja went nuts.

"Oh, fuck, yes! Oh, fuck, yes! Oh, fuck, yes!" she kept repeating as his continued stroking built her up. This was going to be the mother of all cums and the anticipation had every cell in her body on edge. Her focus was being drawn to a laser-sharp point, starting at her G-spot and emanating from there until her clit and cunt felt like they were going to explode. Her emotional tension was ramping right up there with her physical and she felt so keyed up that if she didn't get off, she was going to kill something.

Ken felt her clamping down on him and increased his speed, driving relentlessly into her, making her body respond to him. She went over like a barrel over Niagara Falls. She was crying out and convulsing like Josie had, her arms and legs shaking like she had palsy, her tits wobbling all over the place and Ken holding onto her hips to keep her where he could keep fucking her.

Sonja had always thought "multiorgasmic" meant being able to get off more than a couple of times in an hour-long soak in her tub, or playing with her Pink Rabbit before crashing out. Until the plants raped her. Then she figured it meant cumming over and over with very little break in between... the result of intense stimulation you couldn't resist... terrifying, in part. This was way more intense than that.

She couldn't stop cumming. She was out-of-control cumming her brains out. The twinkly lights and dark velvet kept dancing around the edges of her vision. And her body felt like one gigantic clit.

She held on to the couch as best she could, but her muscles didn't want to cooperate. They wanted to shake like she'd been plugged into a wall outlet. She finally gave up trying to fight it.

"Can't... stop... cumming..." she managed to breath and Ken heard her. "Oh... fuck... oh... God..."

"Do you want me to stop?" he asked, concerned. He'd never had a partner cum this hard on him before. For all he knew, the next stop was her eyes rolling up in her head and her passing out.

"Please..." she managed to whisper.

He eased up and stopped stroking, just staying in her and holding her from going anywhere... like, into the coffee table. It took awhile, but eventually her shaking subsided and some of her strength returned.

"My God, Ken..." she told him, looking over her shoulder at him. "I couldn't stop cumming. Un-fucking-believable!" When she seemed steady enough, he eased out of her, his flagpole still waving in the air.

"And you still haven't cum, yet? Jesus! What are you? Inhuman?"

"Just trying to make sure you're happy," he told her. "It isn't for lack of desire, believe me!"

He felt a hand reach under from behind him and cup his balls.

"Does that mean me, too?" Josie asked. "Are you trying to make me happy, too?"

"Of course!" he smiled without turning around. "Anything my Lady desires. 'When you have them by the short hairs, their hearts and minds will follow'... how may I make thee happy, Princess?"

"One, drop the Princess crap. Two, stick that big schlong in me and see if you can wipe me out the way you did her..."

Fairly concrete mission goals, from his point of view.

"Okay, switch!" he announced, helping Sonja move to the recliner. Then he came back to find Josie already on her hands and knees in front of the couch, her legs spread, waiting for him. And dripping.

"Okay," he smiled and lined up behind her. "Bruce was the name?"

"Yeah..." she drawled, looking back over her shoulder at him.

"Say hello to Dick," he told her and slid in.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!" That's a fair approximation of what came out of Josie's mouth. Laughter is what came out of Sonja's.

"Told ya'," Sonja chuckled.

"Bruce and Dick," Josie moaned as Ken began stroking. "Batman and Robin. Fucking lovely." Then she shut up.

Well, not exactly shut up. She stopped using words. She was too busy moaning with Ken's stroking as he tried to discover the places she liked rubbed the most. She was a small girl, relatively, but she sure seemed to want it deep. She kept pushing back on him, hard, and hnnphhh'ing as she did.

Christ, if I go any deeper, I'll be cumming out of her mouth, he thought as he stroked away. He reached around the front of her thigh and started rubbing her clit.

Here is the point where the phrase "and then the miracle occurred" is often used.

Josie started to cum. From the fucking. Apparently, Ken "filled her up" enough, and with the little bit more of the clit rubbing, it was enough. She made her prior performance with his mouth and fingers look like a shoddy dress rehearsal.

She slammed both hands into the cushions of the couch and started quivering. Vibrating. Bouncing. All at the same time. Ken grabbed her hips to keep her from thrashing off of him while he kept up a steady, powerful rhythm -- one that apparently hit Josie in all the right places.

"OH!... MY!... FUCKING!... GOD!!!" She was literally vibrating as if she were going to shake herself to pieces.


Her words deteriorated into grunts and growls and groans as Ken kept up the pounding. She hadn't said anything earlier about not continuing to play with her clit once she started cumming, so he didn't stop. Neither did Josie.

"Wow!" Sonja's voice behind him startled Ken. He looked over his shoulder to see her staring raptly at Josie's body, still in the throes of orgasmic bliss. "I didn't know somebody could cum for fifteen minutes straight and still be alive... let alone sane..."

"Well, she was complaining about never getting filled up and off at the same time," Ken commented, not slowing down. "Want to up the ante?"

"How?" Sonja asked. "I think you already broke the bank."

"Watch," Ken told her, then pulled out of Josie's pussy and eased into her ass.


Josie went into another round of intense spasms, impaled on Ken's cock. He waited patiently until the first wave passed, then calmly picked her up, laid down on the couch with her on top of him, facing up, and spread her legs with his knees as he kept fucking her.

"I think she's loosened up enough that she may need even more filling up," he told Sonja. When she looked at him blankly, he brought his hands up on top of Josie's belly, made a fist with one and pushed it through a circle he made with the other. It only took a moment for Sonja's eyes to fly wide.

It only took a couple more before the evil grin settled into place.

Josie was out of it, riding whatever orgasmic storm was ripping through her body. Sonja sat down on the end of the couch in the space Ken had made and reached forward, tentatively feeling Josie's nethers. Slick and soft and warm, they were fascinating. More than hers had ever been in all the years she'd been masturbating.

Experimentally, she slipped a finger in. Josie's cunt was hot to the touch, but excitingly so. So Sonja smeared a bit of Josie's juices on Ken's cock and balls and then went back to try two fingers. They both slid in easily, so she tried a third. Since it, too, went in easily and Josie was making whimpering little begging sounds, she tried inserting a fourth. That was quite a bit tighter, but not impossible.

She could feel Ken's cock stroking the other side of Josie's vaginal wall and became fascinated with how the lump that was his glans moved around like some kind of burrowing animal in its den.

It seemed to Sonja that the more she pushed against Josie with her four fingers, the more Josie pushed back as if trying to draw her in. Sonja wasn't particularly sure about what she was doing, but she decided to experiment. She tucked her thumb in and the next time Josie bore down on her, she pushed... hard. And popped in, all the way to the wrist.

"Oh Fuck! Oh Fuck! Oh Fuck!..." Josie was literally bouncing up and down on Sonja's hand, buried in the voracious blonde's pussy. Sonja remembered something Josie said about needing her clit stimulated when she was filled up, so she leaned forward and sucked Josie's grape-sized clit into her mouth and started sucking on it.

The howl which broke forth from Josie's lips probably had the words "oh my god I'm going to fucking die! oh god I'm going to cum (several times) and oh my god oh my god oh my god" in there somewhere. When Sonja added thrusting with her fist to the sucking and ass fucking, Josie lost it.

"Oh, fuck! Cumming! CUMMING!!! Ooooohhhh... FUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKKK!!!!"

Josie's voice rang out in her living room as her body bucked and thrashed, pinned on her back between Ken underneath her and up her ass, and Sonja's fist in her pussy, her clit sucked deeply into Sonja's mouth.

As was mentioned before, it was near dawn and the night had been very educational.

That is when the cell phone bleeped.

"DON'T ANYBODY DARE ANSWER THAT FUCKING PHONE!!!" Josie screamed out, still cumming out of control.

Ken looked at Sonja. "Not mine," he told her with a shrug.

"I think it's mine," Sonja said. "It's in my purse. Which I cannot, at the moment, reach."

"For obvious reasons," Ken grinned.

"Are you going to cum or not?" Sonja demanded as her phone kept chiming.

"What do you want me to do?" Ken asked her, still impaling Josie who had collapsed on his chest.

"I want what I can't have," Sonja told him. "I want you to cum in every orifice of my body, multiple times."

"What kind of time limit is there on that?" Ken grinned.

"Time limit?" Sonja played innocent. "What's a time limit? And why are her eyes rolling back like that?"

"Her eyes are rolling back?" Ken asked, obviously concerned and trying to look up at Josie. "I can't see from here."

"Trust me, only the whites are showing at the moment."

"I think we'd better stop," Ken frowned. "I don't want any brain damage or anything like that. I prefer to take good care of my toys."

"How do I get my hand out?" Sonja asked, looking puzzled as she stared at her hand in Josie's cunt.

"Normally, you'd wait until she was cumming again, then ease it out," Ken told her, "but if she's passed out, that's not going to happen. So just make your hand as skinny as you can and ease it out."

Sonja tried to follow his direction but it seemed that some part of Josie had to still be functional, because when Sonja's hand popped free, Josie jerked and spasmed and flailed like crazy for a few moments before collapsing back down on Ken's chest.

Sonja eased off the couch and went to her purse, pulling out her phone and looking at the missed call.

"Oh, fuck! It was Madge," she told Ken.

"Madge, your Director, Madge?" he asked.

"Yes, my Director Madge. She left a message. Hang on." She put it on speaker.

"Sonja, it's Madge. I hope you're enjoying missing this call. I need you to come in as soon as practical. There's good news and there's bad news. The bad news is what you've already written up in your report. Thank you. The good news is, Homeland Security has brought in the big guns to help us fix our problem. The bad news is, we still don't know where the ficus is. The good news is that they found Hector, the missing janitor. The bad news is, he's a blob of protoplasm, sitting in Containment. So get in when you can, and corral Josie if you can find her. She isn't any easier to reach than you. Talk to you soon. Bye."

Sonja and Ken looked at each other over the prostate body of Josie. It was a full fifteen seconds before they burst out laughing.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Let's see, government agent, classified labs, alien DNA doing a "Let's get Physical" video, and smart, horny women with attitude and inappropriate senses of humor. I certainly hope there's another chapter, or two, or three bubbling in Eidetic's brain.

Good job, wonderful story. Now come back and tell us what happened to Hector.

MajorRewriteMajorRewriteover 2 years ago

Poor Hector. This series needs more plants humping humans. Anyway, 5 stars for creativity.

DanabooksDanabooksalmost 6 years ago
Gag, need more...

So much more to say, there could be many more chapters.

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