Pure Slut


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As Martha arranged the food on the serving tray, Barbara got out a bottle of tequila and cut up a couple of limes, grabbing a box of salt as they left the kitchen and went back into the other room. While Barbara set up the tequila and got out shot glasses, Martha moved around the table serving the appetizers. Barbara smiled to herself as she heard some compliments that were being paid to Martha. Gathering up the filled shot glasses, Barbara moved around the table setting one glass down in front of each of the men, then handed one of them to Martha.

"What's this?" Martha asked, looking at the shot glass.

"Tequila," Barbara replied, picking up one for herself.

"Oh, I never drink," Martha said, holding it out to Barbara.

"Oh, just drink it," Barbara said, lifting hers to her mouth and dumping it in. "It's delicious," she said, biting into a piece of lime. "Go on, try it," she insisted, staring at Martha.

Reluctantly Martha brought the glass to her mouth, and at Barbara's urging tilted it all the way up, dumping the entire contents into her mouth. Swallowing reflexively, Martha began to choke as the tequila burned its way down her throat. Barbara handed her a lime wedge and Martha gratefully bit into it, feeling it instantly sooth her throat.

"That's something else," she said, shaking her head, feeling some tears in the corners of her eyes.

"It's easy to get used to," Barbara said. "You'll see."

In the next half hour they all had two more shots of tequila and Barbara could see from the permanent flush on Martha's cheeks that she was feeling the effects. Everyone was laughing now, feeling loosened up, the men because they felt the finale to their evening approaching, and Martha from the tequila. Barbara was just excited anyway. Barbara started walking slowly around the table, stopping at each man's position for several minutes before moving on. Each time Martha could see that they took advantage of Barbara's closeness to let their hands wander up under her skirt. She knew that they were playing with her and she couldn't believe it. She knew she was a little drunk, but she couldn't understand why she felt so alive, so excited.

Then the game started getting louder as the stakes began to increase. Al was the first one to run into a deficit of chips during a hand.

"What am I going to do?" he asked.

"You should have brought Hillary," Fred laughed. "Then you could use her for a chip."

"Why don't you use us?" Barbara said, smiling from her seat on the sofa next to Martha.

"What do you mean?" Martha asked, a little slurred but understanding what was said.

"Well, they run out of chips and they don't have anything to bet," Barbara explained. "So, they bet us, or our clothes or something."

"Really!" Martha exclaimed. "You'd do that, Harry?" she asked.

"Only if you didn't object," Harry said nervously.

"What do I do?" Al asked.

"Barbara and Martha should cut the cards to see who you use for your betting," John suggested.

"That sounds fair," Fred said. "Are you two game?" he asked, looking at them.

"Oh, I don't mind," Barbara said. "What about you, Martha? Shall we join them in their little game?"

"But I don't know how to play poker," Martha said. "What would I do?"

"Oh, we won't play the cards, we'll be the betting chips," Barbara explained. "Come on, let's do it. It will be fun."

"I don't know," Martha said. "I'm not sure."

"Well, at least try it," Barbara insisted. "If you don't like it, then stop playing, okay?"

"Well, since you put it that way," Martha said, a slightly drunken smile on her face. "Okay."

"Well, I'll be," Harry exclaimed, staring at Martha. "I never would have thought it."

"Huh, you think you know everything," Martha said, getting unsteadily to her feet. "That tequila made me a little drunk, I think. Can I have one more?"

"Sure you can," Barbara replied, quickly filling two shot glasses and handing one of them to Martha. "Bottoms up," she said, quaffing hers.

Martha followed suit, not coughing anymore, and bit into the slice of lime.

"Okay, cut the cards, then," John said, his eyes glinting.

Barbara reached over and picked up a card from the table and turned it over. It was a 9. Then she turned to Martha and encouraged her to do the same. When Martha turned her card over, it was a 10.

"What's that mean?" she asked.

"Well, that means you win and Al will use you for a betting chip," Barbara explained. "Okay?"

"I guess so," Martha said, giggling. "This is funny."

"Okay, I'm in," Al said. "Let's see your cards."

When they turned the cards over, Al had lost and he cursed, throwing his cards down on the table.

"What happened?" Martha asked, not understanding.

"Al lost," Barbara explained.

"So, what happens now?" she asked.

"Now he has to pay up, with you," Barbara told her.

"What do I do?" Martha asked, looking first at Barbara and then at Al.

"Give John a piece of your clothing," Al said, shaking his head. "I thought I had that hand won for sure."

"A piece of my clothing?" Martha asked, her mouth hanging open. "Are you kidding?"

"No, that's how it works," Barbara explained. "If Al had won, you would have gotten a share of his pot. This way, he pays his debt with you."

"I'm not giving anyone any of my clothes," Martha said, hugging her arms around herself.

"Then you won't be able to play and I'll have to play every hand," Barbara said, shaking her head. "I can't believe you'd do that to me."

"Really? You mean..."

"I'd have to give John a piece of my clothes," Barbara said. "And it wasn't even my turn."

"But what would you give him?" Martha asked, knowing that she didn't have much on.

"Either my shirt or my skirt," Barbara said.

"You wouldn't!" Martha said, shocked.

"I don't have any choice if you're not going to play," Barbara said. "If I want to play, that's what I have to do."

"But what could I take off?" Martha asked. "I'm not really wearing much and they'd all see me."

"That's part of the fun," Barbara laughed. "But you need to make up your mind now. Are you playing or not?"

Martha just stood there, seeing everyone staring at them, including Harry.

"Harry, what do you say?" she asked, her eyes imploring him.

"It's your decision to make," Harry said. "Whatever you want, that's okay with me."

"Well, I don't want to be unfair to you," she said to Barbara. "Are you sure this is all right?"

"I'm sure," Barbara replied. "What do you want to do?"

"If you want, I'll take you home," Harry volunteered.

"No, I don't want to go home," Martha said. "This is fun. I'm just not sure...well, I guess I could play this one," she finally said.

"Great," Barbara said. "What do you want to pay with?"

"Oh, that," Martha giggled. "I better use my pants or I'll be naked, sort of," she said with a nervous laugh.

"Well, go over to John and let him take them off you, then," Barbara said.

"Really?" Martha asked.

"That's how they do it," Barbara smiled. "He won, so he takes. It's simple."

"This is so strange," Martha said, slowly walking around the table to John.

"It's no big deal," John said, reaching out an arm and pulling her close to him, standing her between his spread legs. "It's just a poker chip now," he said, reaching up and beginning to undo her pants.

"Oh, this is so strange," Martha giggled as John slid the zipper down.

Everyone watched with bated breath as John slipped her pants down over her hips, bending forward so that his face was just inches from her pussy beneath her white, cotton underwear. As she stepped out of her pants and John sat back up, he smiled at her.

"You smell nice," he said, holding her pants in his hand.

Martha blushed as the rest of the men stared at her. She could feel her nipples getting even harder and she was self-conscious. Quickly she went back to the sofa and sat down, hugging her knees to her chest, not realizing that this afforded everyone at the table a view of her pussy with her underwear pulled up tightly against her pussy lips, outlining her pussy. After a couple more hands they needed another "chip" and Barbara got to her feet. When John lost the hand, everyone laughed. Shrugging, Barbara walked around the table to Harry where he pulled her T-shirt off over her head. There were whistles from the table and Barbara pulled her nipples and rubbed her breasts as she went back to the sofa and sat down next to Martha.

"God, I can't believe you took your shirt off," Martha said. "Your breasts are so big and I can't believe how hard your nipples are."

"I'll bet your nipples are just as hard," Barbara laughed. "And look out, you may have to take your shirt off, too. Besides, should I have taken off my skirt?"

"Well, I guess not, not at first anyway," Martha laughed.

"Martha, I need you again," Al called. "Do you mind?"

"Oh, god, what do I do if he loses?" she asked Barbara, her eyes panicked.

"You'll have to decide that," Barbara said. "But here's another shot for courage," she said, handing Martha a glass.

"Um, thanks," Martha said, quickly drinking down the tequila and then going to stand next to Al.

But again Al lost and everyone looked at Martha. She looked down at Harry and saw that he was smiling, encouraging her. Taking a deep breath, Martha walked around the table to John and stood in front of him. Gently John reached up and pulled the T-shirt off over her head, releasing her breasts to everyone's view. It took all of her strength, even though she was feeling quite drunk, not to cover herself with her hands. There were several whistles of appreciation and some comments. But the most surprising to her was when he reached up and cupped her breasts, squeezing them and then pinching her nipples and pulling on them.

"Nice breasts, Martha," John said, squeezing again.

Martha blushed and pulled away, moving over to sit on the sofa beside Barbara while the men dealt another hand.

"You were great," Barbara said as Martha sat down close to her.

"I'm so embarrassed," she said. "And the way John touched me."

"Did you like it?" Barbara asked.

"Of course...well, sort of," Martha giggled. "But right in front of everyone!"

"I think you have beautiful breasts," Barbara said. "You shouldn't cover them."

"Barbara, come here," John said suddenly, tension in his voice.

"Here we go," Barbara said as she got up. "He's a terrible poker player. I'll probably lose everything tonight, even my self-respect," she said with a laugh as she walked over to John.

The hand was played out, and true to Barbara's prediction, John lost. Barbara walked around the table to Fred and stood in front of him. Everyone held their breath as Fred reached around behind her and unzipped her skirt, then slowly slipped it to the floor, leaving her standing there naked, her bald pussy just inches from his face. As Fred sat up with Barbara's skirt in one hand, his other hand slid up her thigh and onto her pussy, a couple of fingers disappearing between her pussy lips as he felt her up. Then he removed his hand and brought his fingers to his mouth, sucking on them as Barbara slowly walked back to the sofa and sat down next to Martha, her knees apart so that everyone could see her pussy.

"I can't believe you did that," Martha said to her when she sat down. "And the way he felt you in front of everyone."

"I'll bet you can't wait," Barbara said with a laugh. "Isn't it exciting?"

"Oh, and so wicked," Martha said, shaking her head. "I really can't believe this. I think I want some more tequila," she said.

"You'd better watch that stuff," Barbara warned. "People get pretty crazy drinking it sometimes."

"This is crazy," Martha observed, reaching for one of the two full shot glasses that Barbara was now holding. "Look how you're sitting," she said as she drank her glass. "They can all see right between your legs."

"Yes, and it distracts them so maybe John will have a better chance," Barbara explained with a laugh.

"Why, you," Martha started, then began to laugh. "That's smart, I guess."

"And it's fun, and wicked," Barbara added, laughing with her.

"Martha," Harry suddenly said, his voice hesitant. "I need you here for a minute, please."

"Me? Why?" she asked.

"Because I'm out of chips," Harry explained.

"Oh, you're going to bet me?" she asked, her face flushed.

"Do you mind?" he asked.

"Oh, no, of course not," Martha replied in exaggerated manner, bursting out laughing. "Are you going to win?" she asked, getting to her feet.

"I think so," Harry said, "otherwise I wouldn't bet anything, especially not you."

"How sweet," Martha said, bending over and kissing him. "Go ahead."

The hand played out and Harry, well, Harry lost and Bill won. Harry just sat there staring at his cards, not believing that he hadn't won. The color drained a bit from Martha's face when Bill asked her to come over to where he was sitting. Like in a fog, Martha moved around the table to stand in between Bill's legs, goose bumps on her arms and her nipples hard.

"Relax," Bill said, reaching up and placing his hands on her hips and gently rubbing her. "I'm not going to hurt you," he said, letting his hands slide down to her ass where he rubbed and caressed her, squeezing her cheeks before sliding his hands back up to the waistband of her panties, hooking his thumbs.

Everyone was holding their breath as Bill slowly slid Martha's panties down over her hips, now exposing some light blonde pubic hair and then her entire pussy as he pulled her panties down her legs to the floor where she stepped out of them, one hand on Bill's shoulder for balance while his nose was pressing into her pussy. When he sat back up, he slowly and deliberately cupped her pussy with his hand, letting one finger slip in between her pussy lips to rest there. She thought she would faint as he dragged his finger through her pussy lips and across her clit before removing it and putting it in his mouth, gently sucking on it.

"Now, that's tasty," he said, letting his hands softly rub her ass, sliding again between her legs to rub her pussy.

"Hmm, we should deal the cards," Harry said, interrupting.

"Sure, deal," Bill said, releasing Martha.

As Martha stumbled back towards the sofa to sit with Barbara, Barbara got to her feet and met her half way.

"Let's watch them play now," she suggested, putting an arm around her shoulders to steady her.

Martha was too drunk and too much in shock to resist as Barbara steered her back towards the table where they stood behind the men, watching as they played. Suddenly it got very quiet at the table and John looked up at Barbara. Without a word being exchanged, Barbara left Martha standing next to Harry while she went and stood next to John. Barbara and Martha were facing each other across the table.

"What happens now?" Martha asked. "We don't have any more clothes."

"The winner of the hand, if he wins one of us, gets to do whatever he wants," Barbara explained. "Within reason, of course."

"What's within reason?" Martha asked, shaking her head to clear it.

"That's up to you to decide," Barbara replied. "I haven't found any of their requests not within reason yet."

"You've played this before?" Martha asked, realizing.

"Just once," Barbara replied. "It was a lot of fun."

"I'll say," Bill said, showing his cards. "Beat that, John."

"Shit, I don't know how you do it," John said, throwing down his cards in disgust.

"I like the stakes," Bill said, smiling at Barbara. "And I'm feeling hungry right about now."

"This is the interesting part of the game," Barbara said to Martha as she walked around the table to Bill, who was sitting right next to Harry. "If you're lucky, Harry will lose you in a hand, too."

"What do you mean?" Martha asked as Barbara moved around in front of Bill and sat on the edge of the table, her knees wide apart and her feet up on the edge.

Martha gasped when she saw Barbara sitting with her pussy so totally exposed. Bill turned and grinned at her, then turned towards Barbara's pussy, licking his lips as he leaned forward. Martha felt her knees getting weak when she saw Bill slide his tongue in between Barbara's parted pussy lips right into her hole. Barbara took a deep breath when she felt Bill's tongue move inside of her, then she sighed when he began to eat her pussy. He would suck on her pussy lips, run his tongue up and down, sticking it into her hole and gluing his mouth to her as he sucked her juices.

Martha felt herself getting wet between the legs, which was unusual enough for her, just from watching Bill eat Barbara's pussy right there on the table in front of her and all the other men. When Barbara groaned and clutched the back of Bill's head as she came in his mouth, Martha was beyond belief. She didn't know if she had ever had an orgasm in her entire life, and here Barbara was having one on a poker table while her husband and everyone else watched. She looked down at Harry and saw that he was licking his lips as he watched.

Finally, Bill licked Barbara's pussy one more time and sat up, her pussy juice smeared across his face.

"God, you've got one sweet pussy, Barbara," he said. "I could eat you all day long."

"And I'd let you, too," Barbara said, sitting up and sliding down off the table. "I love to cum like that."

"Let's deal the cards," John said irritably, though in truth he had a big hard-on in his pants.

Barbara moved back around the table to stand next to John, her hand on his shoulder as they played. Martha was staring at her, wondering how she could do what she had done. She didn't look like that sort of woman, she thought. But then I'm standing here naked right next to my husband, too, and if he bets me, oh, my god, what will I do? she thought.

They played a hand, then another, and the tension in the room was rising noticeably. Then they played a hand and the betting was heavy and soon Harry had no chips left in front of him. He looked at his cards, looked again, then stared at the table. Finally, he looked up at Martha, a lost look in his eyes.

"I need your help," he said.

"How? Why?" Martha asked.

"This is my hand and I'm out of chips," he explained.

"Are you going to bet me?" Martha asked, her worst nightmare about to come true.

"Only if you say it's okay," Harry said, a strange look on his face.

"You really want to bet me?" Martha said, looking him in the eyes, then looking down at her own nakedness.

"Only if you say it's all right with you," Harry said.

"You do what you want to, Harry," Martha said. "I trust you."

Harry turned back to the table, his hands trembling as he thought about what he was about to do and what Martha had just said to him. Was he willing to risk it? Finally, he looked up, staring at John, remembering last week.

"I call you," he said, his heart in his throat.

"Straight," John said, laying down his cards. "What do you have?"

"Three 10s," Harry said, laying his cards down, his face ashen, not daring to look up at Martha.

"Who won?" Martha asked, not understanding.

"I did," John said, looking at her with a smile on his face.

"Oh, my god," Martha whispered, the color draining from her face. She felt more numb than she did with the alcohol as she digested what John had just told her. "What do I do?" she asked in almost a whisper.

"Well, you could come over here," John said. "Nobody's going to hurt you."

As though from a distance, Martha saw herself slowly shuffle around the table until she was standing in front of John with Barbara standing next to him.

"Come stand here," John said, moving his seat back from the table so that Martha could stand with her back to it.

Her eyes for some reason fixed on Barbara's naked slit, Martha moved so that she was standing with her back to the table facing John.