Rachel's Daddy

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Rachel rummaged through her closet, trying to find that damned dress. She'd spent the past half hour looking for a tight low-cut dress that she'd bought a few months ago. She had only worn it once and that was for her asshole ex-boyfriend, but now she meant to wear it for Nick. He was coming back and she had to find it.

Her mother had passed away when she was a seventeen and she was left in his care since he was their only family friend. Rachel had no other family to speak of. Her father had never been in the picture and left her mother when she was only three years old. They'd fallen on hard times since then and things were just starting to look up. Nick had been her mother's employer and had helped them to get back on their feet.

Now, at the age of 21, Rachel enjoyed her life with him. He was a wealthy business man and without her mother to nag at her, she had the freedom to do whatever, whenever. She drank, partied late and had all the exclusive clothes and jewelry that made other girls envy her. Life was great...until Nick started getting pissy about everything. At first he only scolded her here and there. She would always dismiss him with a "Yeah, yeah I know."

That used to be enough to shut him up. Rachel wondered why he wasn't out having fun like she was. He was very handsome, well-spoken and a kind man to boot. A good catch in her eyes.

"He should be going out with women and having fun. Not standing there staring at me!" she would think.

One time she even asked him his reasons for staying in so much. He hadn't answered her and walked away instead. It took some time before she found out his true motives for not finding other women.

...two months ago.

Rachel came home late from a club and Nick just wouldn't let her go to her room. She was tired, tipsy and wanted to lie down, but he was strong and snatched her by the arm before she could escape. He pushed her down onto the couch and was about to give her the lecture again. He was quiet for a few minutes and just stared at her with his cobalt blue eyes. She glared at him in anger as his 6 foot frame towered over her. He was pacing back and forth as if contemplating what to say and she was way too tired for this.

She grew impatient and rose from the couch, but he turned to her and ordered, "Sit down Rachel!"

He wasn't loud but he had never spoken to her in that tone of voice before. Her head was pounding and she didn't feel like fighting, so she did as he commanded.

"What's wrong? Why are you upset?" she asked as she slipped the white strap of her dress back onto her shoulder.

The dress was a bit loose and from time to time the straps would slip from her shoulder. Nick's eyes fell to her brown neck and followed her fingers as they repositioned the strap.

"We need to talk Rachel." he said in a calm, yet firm voice.

She grimaced at his words and sighed.

"What about? If this is about me clubbin' and going out, don't you get tired of bugging me?"

"Listen...your grades are going down, you spend all the money you want, you run up my credit cards and I don't even get a decent conversation in return anymore. I'm cutting you off!"

She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "You're cutting me off? W-what do you mean?"

"Exactly what I just said. Your mom wouldn't like where things are going with you."

"Oh God Nick...can't we talk about this later? I have a headache." she said, annoyed.

"No we're talking about it now. You're so beautiful Rachel and you're wasting your life away."

She smirked at him and released her bun, letting her dark curly hair fall to her broad shoulders.

"Look Nick...I'm young and I'm sure when you were my age you did the same things."

"No, you're wrong. I didn't. I had responsibilities back then and you seem to have no idea what that is."

"You're not really serious about cutting me off are you? I mean this is just a joke...right?"

"No I'm serious. I'm removing you from the will and everything. The paperwork is right here!"

For the second time in her life, Rachel's entire body went cold with fear and uncertainty. The first time had been when her mom died and now that ominous feeling made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

"How can you just cut me off? What am I gonna do? Where am I gonna stay?"

"That's your problem and not mine!" he replied coldly.

"But...but...Nick...you're like a father to me. You can't." she said, almost on the verge of crying. "Are you saying you don't want anything to do with me?"

"Well..." and he was quiet while Rachel looked up at him with her glazed, bloodshot eyes. "...we can make a deal."

"Whatever you want ...just please don't do this." she pleaded.

Her lips quivered as she tried to hold back her tears and he sat down next to her.

"Rachel...I want something from you."

"What?" she asked and wiped her tears.

"Are you on the pill?"

"Yes I am."

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"I did...but we broke up last month."

"Are you sleeping with anyone?"

"No...why?" she frowned, while trying to figure out where this was going.

"I'll give you access to money, credit cards and all the stuff you're used to... if you become mine."

"Yours?" she asked, sounding both upset and a little frightened.

"MINE. No boyfriends, no fuck buddies, I get to have you any way I want, anytime I want. No negotiations." and his fingers trailed up her naked thigh, making her shiver.

"A-are you serious? I-I can't you're like my dad."

"I know that Rach and I do want the best for you...but I've wanted you for a long time. I can't take it anymore. So...that's the deal. Take it or leave it. Either you lose everything now, or you become mine exclusively and keep everything you have... maybe even get a little more."

Rachel's head was swimming. It was the combination of the liquor and his proposal.

"Nick I-I can't. I don't know..." and before she could say another word he pinned her down on the couch and forced his tongue into her mouth.

At first she struggled against his large frame, but slowly she began to accept his kiss and the way his tongue gently explored her mouth. His hand clutched her breast and she moaned as he began to pinch her nipple through the fabric. She couldn't breathe and her heart was thumping in her chest as he held her down. He hiked up her dress and slowly trailed his fingers up her smooth thigh. His tongue was still in her mouth and she was squealing and thrashing against him.

"No...no." she tried to say.

She didn't want him to touch her down there. He shouldn't...he couldn't know that she was getting wet for him. She pressed her thighs together but he forcefully spread them apart and stuck his finger into her wet snatch.

"Rachel...you're so wet." he muffled against her mouth.

"I can't do this...please stop." she whimpered.

"No Rachel...I can't. You want me too. Admit it. You're dripping for me baby. How would you like to ride daddy's cock? Would that get you wetter for me?"

Before she could reply he sat up and pulled her up with him. He held her wrist with one hand and unzipped his fly with the other.

"Come on Rach, ride me." and he pulled his lengthy, thick cock out.

She was too surprised at the sheer size of it to focus on breaking away and just stood there as if in a trance. Nick didn't give her the time to get her head straight. He lifted her and placed her mound over his cock. He slid her thong aside and lowered her pussy onto the large bulbous tip.

"Oh my god. Why are you... ahhh!" she gasped before she could finish.

His cock was stretching out the opening of her pussy and she shivered as he impaled her slowly.

"Damn Rachel, you're so fucking tight. I'll bet you haven't had anyone as big as me... huh sweetheart?"

She twisted on top of him in defiance but he held her hips firmly and pushed her down on top of him. The unexpected pleasure of being filled to the brim made Rachel shiver and she dug her fingernails into his forearms as he guided her on top of him. Her wetness lubricated his shaft well and slowly her center began to open up for him. She had stopped the struggling and he eased his grip on her. He slid the strap of her dress below her shoulders and exposed the rounded breast. The dark tip was stiff and his tongue reached out to flick at it.

"Fuck!" she gasped, as he teased the hard bud.

His mouth enclosed over it and he nipped at it with his teeth. Rachel threw her head back as he suckled her slowly. She knew this was all wrong but it felt more than right. What was wrong with her? She shouldn't be enjoying this. She should be screaming for him to stop. Instead, she was screaming incomprehensible words as he ravaged her.

"You like daddy's fat cock don't you?" he asked as he slammed up inside her wet cunt.

She couldn't answer him and just gasped as he pummeled into her deepest core.

"Your pussy is so sweet baby girl and it's all mine." he rasped.

He began to ram his pelvis into her faster and harder, slamming into her tender walls while she held onto him. She was weak and her body jerked to and fro as he fucked her harder than any man had before. He was sweating bullets but none of that seemed to matter as he pounded into her. All these thoughts were entering her head while all this was going on.

Could she really go through with this? She'd never had anyone so good. None of her sexual experiences could ever compare to this quick yet pleasurable fuck. Just the thought of having him do all this to her every night got her even wetter. Still she didn't know what to do and was frightened of what would happen next.

Tears sprang into her eyes as he reached the sweet spot which sent jolts of pleasure throughout every nerve in her body. She screamed and arched her back as she suddenly came on top of him. He was still moving inside her but he too was close. He was groaning and gripping the soft flesh of her plump ass as she held onto him tightly for support.

She realized that it was too late to fight it. Her body gave her away and she really did want him. It had all happened so fast, yet she couldn't see herself with another guy right now. She didn't know why she was thinking all this right now. Her mind should have been blank but she was weighing out every option. As he bucked inside her for the last time and released, she made her decision. She would be his until she was able to be on her own.

"It can't be that bad." she thought to herself.


Since that time she had grown used to the idea of being his lover. It did take her a while to adjust to everything. Up until that fateful night she had just seen him as her guardian. Now his role in her life had changed dramatically and it may have been for the better. She gave him all the control he desired and she found that she enjoyed it immensely.

Tonight she had to find that dress. She loved the way it fit on her body and she wanted to impress him. He was at work now and would be coming home in an hour. They hadn't had sex in two weeks because he'd been out of town. She found herself craving him, more so than usual. After the deal, they'd fucked almost every night, three times a day when he was off. Now her pussy was throbbing and dripping as she thought of him tasting her, fingering her and ravaging her till he was spent. He was rather the experienced lover and she loved everything he did to her body.

She found the dress finally and tried it on. In the mirror she took a look at her image. Her cappuccino skin contrasted well with the dress and her curves looked absolutely gorgeous. She remembered what Nick said when she began to question him after that night.

Rachel wanted to know when his attraction for her began. For the entire time she'd been with him, there was never a hint to give him away.

"Well a year after your mom died, you began to gain weight. Maybe it was the stress or sadness but your breasts got bigger and so did your thighs...and your butt. I didn't think anything of it at first but I began to like the weight on your body. Those curves would get me hard in zero to three seconds and I just tried to hide it from you."

Those were his exact words.

His explanation made sense. She had gained a lot of weight since her teen years and was now a size 18. To hear that he wanted her so badly was such a turn on. She became even more excited as she imagined him slipping the dress off to lick her tits. She loved when he did that.

All of a sudden she heard the front for slam and knew that he was home. He was early and she hadn't made herself up yet. She could hear his footsteps climbing up the stairs to her room and she took a deep breath. She knew that he was about to rock her world.

"Hey baby." Nick smiled as he entered and closed the door behind him.

"Hey daddy." she said provocatively with a smile.

He walked up to her and put his arms around her as she stood in front of the mirror.

"That dress looks gorgeous on you little lady!"

"Thanks it was supposed to be a surprise...but you walked up on me. I should punish you for that."

"I think it is I who will be doing the punishing!" he sneered and spanked her behind.

"Ooh, missed me that much huh?" she giggled.

"You have no idea! Come downstairs. I got you something."

"You did? Hmmm I want to be happy, but knowing you it might be something out of the ordinary."

He laughed and winked at her before he let her go and exited the room. Rachel straightened the dress over her thigh and followed him down to the living room. In it were a few shopping bags from some designer stores.

"What's all this? You didn't have to..."

"I wanted to Rach."

His prior threat had changed her perspective on things and she was beginning to take responsibility for her actions as well as her spending. It had been a while since she'd bought anything and she honestly wasn't expecting any presents.

"Thank you but I probably don't need any of this."

"No...you do. I recognize a change and I think you deserve it. Plus your birthday's comings up .I wanna see you in one of these dresses. Whichever you pick would be fine with me."

"Before I do any of that..." and she pushed him down to the couch. "I want you. I've waited too long and I can't take it anymore."

"And I thought I'd be the impatient one!" he chuckled.

"You don't want me daddy?" she teased.

"You know I do. I wanna feel that pretty mouth on my cock." and he unzipped his fly and pulled out his semi hard organ.

Rachel fell to her knees and began to wrap her fingers around his prick. Almost instantly, his member sprang up and rose higher with every stroke of her hand.

"Ooh I love to watch you get hard." she said in a deep throaty voice. She lowered her head to lick on the pink mushroom-like tip.

Nick's heard fell back against the couch and he reveled in the moment as her soft hands continued to stroke him. He loosened his tie and unbuttoned his shirt, exposing his naked chest and well-defined abdomen.

She had always given him control to fuck her, spank her and do anything he wanted. But this time it was her turn. She wanted to conquer his libido. His organ was fully erect now and the tiny veins bulged against the length of his manhood. Slowly she lapped at the tip, only in a teasing manner while she jerked the length of it.

"Oh God Rach!" he hissed. "Put it in your mouth baby."

She did as he said and sucked the tip into her mouth. She loved the salty sweet taste of him and began to take more of him into her hot mouth. Back and forth she cocked her head over him as his fingers ran through her hair. She began to suck harder and twirl her tongue over his shaft as her fingers still gripped him. He was now exactly how she wanted him; hard, erect and lubed up.

"Fuck me Big Daddy" she said as she rose to her feet.

"Not yet Rach! Take those panties off and come here."

She did as he asked and slipped her underwear off. She knew what he wanted and sat down on top of him, ready to be spanked. His hand caressed the smooth flesh of her ass as he lifted the hem of her dress. Rachel shuddered from the feel of his strong hands gliding over her skin. Her nipples grew hard instantly and her body began to tingle from the goose bumps.




Every time his hand met her bottom she bit her lip as the pain reverberated into her pussy and ended in extreme pleasure. She began to grow wetter and started squirming over his knees.

"Mmmm spank me daddy. Harder!"



He continued till her bottom was a rusty red and imprints of his hands could be seen all over her flesh. His final spank fell on her lower pussy lips and she squirted on his trousers from the surprise of it. His cock was still erect next to her pussy and became drenched in her warm juices when she released.

"You bad girl! Look at the mess you've made!" he teased. "More punishment is in order young lady! Stand up for me."

She stood and now he could see how much of her mess she'd made. Against the dark polyester trousers, her wetness glistened and darkened the material. He got up and led her to the kitchen. On the counter was a glass of brandy with melting chunks of ice. He took a swig of the drink before lifting her body to the counter.

His pink lips were wet with the whiskey and she could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"I want a taste." she whispered.

He smiled and stirred the drink with his finger. Slowly he lifted the dripping finger to her soft lips as he gazed at her intently. Her lips parted and accepted the wet finger, her tongue darting out to meet it.

"Mmm." she moaned as she sucked on the flavorful finger.

Nick's swollen member was still jutting out of his trousers and he pressed the organ against her clothed labia.

"Lay back baby." he breathed.

Rachel moved back, propping her weight on her elbows and opened her legs wider for him. Nick was busy removing his clothes yet his eyes never left her body while he did so. She loved that about him. Nothing ever seemed to distract him from her charms. She followed his lead and pulled the dress over her head with one hand, while the other still held her body up against the granite counter. All she had on now was a lavender bra which held her 42DDs in place and matching lace panties, already soaked at the crotch.

Nick was already in the nude and he stroked his glistening cock as he stared at her body.

"I know you like what you see, but come on I need you now." she pleaded.

His blue eyes glinted and he smiled as he came forward. Without breaking his gaze he dipped between her legs and bit her labia through the filigree patterned underwear. Rachel's throat emitted a sound which was similar to sobbing and she bit her lip as he continued on. Nip after nip, followed by tiny grazes of his teeth caused more of her wetness to come forth and she could barely keep quiet. Suddenly a sharp tearing caused her to raise her head. He had punched a hole through her underwear and was now tearing off the thin material away from her smooth mound.

"Hey, that was my favorite pair!"

"I'll get you some new ones." he smiled devilishly and pulled the shredded panties away from her thighs.

Nick quickly reached for the glass once more and downed the rest of the strong amber liquid. Only the melting chunks of ice remained and he snatched a cube out of the glass. Rachel had an idea of what he would do next and braced herself for it.

He spread her legs apart till the pink folds of her pussy protruded from within her center. Slowly, he traced the ice along the pink flesh. She was feverish and the ice was quickly melting away but he only grabbed a second cube and slipped it inside of her. He shoved it against her clit and the electric shock caused her nipples to stiffen even more.

Rachel's head fell back as he massaged her clit with the cube, only to follow with his hot tongue. The contrast of hot and cold was close to making her cream on the counter, but she held on.