Rebuilding Daddy


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"I love you so much, Cass," Rebecca moaned softly, ensuring her finger were also between her sisters' legs, "Promise me that it will work with daddy."

"It will work and we'll show him how much we love him."

Sliding off her sister, the pair stripped nude and did something they had done together plenty of times by now. Masturbated through more than one orgasm, spending half the time kissing to cover their moans. They both knew that they would eventually give into temptation and make love. Cassandra still remembered the day Rebecca had walked into her room while she was masturbating, and without any hesitation, walked over to her bed and kissed her, professing her attraction, her bisexuality, and wanting to be intimate.

Good thing that Cassandra returned the attraction for her sister, but she had to confess other feelings. Rebecca blushed, admitting she felt the same, and from that moment on, they discussed how it could possibly work.

After enjoying a number of orgasms, the two young women lay side by side, Rebecca eventually spooning back against her older sister, Cassandra gently grasping one of her breasts, both of them giggling as, despite the masturbating, they were both still incredibly horny.

"How do you think he'll react to you?" Rebecca had to ask. It was the one thing that scared them both about admitting their feelings.

"I honestly don't know. I just hope he doesn't freak out."

"We just have to reassure him that it's only about our love for him. We're not replacing..."

Cassandra hugged her sister as Rebecca turned around and wept. Even after all this time, there were times that they still needed a little cry when thinking about their mother. "Of course we're not replacing Mum, Becca," she whispered, "We'll always love her, so will daddy. But he's been alone for too long now. We need to show him that he's still a handsome man with a lot to offer."

"But what if we do that and he... What if he chooses someone else?"

"Not a chance. Once he's enjoyed us, he'll never leave us. We just have to be careful with our sisters for the time being. When they're old enough, we'll explain everything to them."

"Hopefully tomorrow goes off without a hitch."

"As long as daddy is happy by the end. That's all that matters."



I knew my daughters were trying to make me feel better and I could only love them even more for it. Losing my wife so young had been difficult for all of us. No parents should have to bury their child, and I made sure Caroline's parents were as involved with their granddaughters as possible. We were still incredibly close but I knew losing their only daughter had broken their hearts as much as mine had shattered.

Having lost my wife, I'd had to throw myself into my work to ensure I could keep a roof over their heads and made enough so that we remained comfortable. I had eventually relented to the pressure and hired a part-time nanny, while my mother and Caroline's mother also offered help with childcare whenever I was too busy. I rarely missed coming home for dinner, but there were the occasional events I simply couldn't make. Thankfully, it wasn't just myself that had explained the situation to my daughters, both sets of parents also letting them know that daddy needed to work hard to make sure my daughters got everything they wanted.

As they got older, Cassandra and Rebecca started to help out a lot more. They ensure their three sisters were up and ready for school each day and helped organise all the chores, at least inside the house, all agreeing that outside was daddy's responsibility. We had a pool that we used for two-thirds of the year, and I always enjoyed looking after the lawns. My wife had loved her flower garden, and each spring, I made sure her favourites were in bloom.

I'd been a regular gym goer until my wife's passing. Though I still did go occasionally, I preferred working out at home as at least I'd be near my girls, and they could come keep me company if they wanted. That Friday, I managed to escape the office at a reasonable time, arriving home to my five daughters lazing about in the living room. They had their moments, like all siblings, but they generally made my life easier.

"Going to work out, Daddy?" Cassandra asked.

"Just a few weights to feel the burn, then I'll have a shower and get ready. You should all get ready for going out."

They'd all need a shower, thankful I'd installed an enormous hot water tank so there was enough for the six of us to enjoy a wash. Getting changed in my bedroom first, I wandered into the garage where I had all the gear set up. I was in the middle of a set when I sensed a presence, glancing to see Cassandra watching me quite intently from the couch I'd had placed there. I'd usually sit on it after I cooled down.

Completing my final set, I glanced her way again and could see she was a little flushed, even her breathing seemed to be a little more rapid than usual. I might not have been intimate with a woman in a few years, but I remembered how my wife would behave when she was turned on, and I was left thinking my oldest daughter was rather aroused at that moment.

"You okay, Cassie?"

"I'm fine, Daddy. Workout complete?"

"I'll have a quick cycle then I'll start getting ready."

Wiping myself down with the towel, Cassandra stood up and walked towards me. She smiled as her soft hand rested on my bicep before running down my arm. "You look good, Daddy," she whispered.

"Thanks, sweetie. I do like keeping fit. You going for a shower now?"

"I will soon, but I have to look pretty for my daddy, right?"

Kissing her cheek, I whispered, "You're always pretty in my eyes, Cassie."

She practically beamed at me in reply. "Thank you, Daddy!" she exclaimed, giving me a quick hug, before she disappeared inside. I watched her leave before shaking my head, chuckling to myself. The fact she was quite obviously aroused by watching her father workout maybe didn't completely surprise me. I'd done enough reading over the years to know that some girls did have crushes on their fathers. I would always be her first great love, but she would eventually find a man, perhaps similar to me, for herself.

My bedroom had the only en-suite in the house. It meant five girls had to share the only other bathroom. I'd occasionally let the oldest use mine if they were in a rush, but the five were good about keeping their own bathroom clean. After a hot shower, helping soothe aching muscles, I dried off before selecting clothes for the evening. I had no idea where Cassandra was planning on taking all of us, but I figured wearing trousers and a nice shirt would be the order of the day. I went so far as to select a shirt requiring cuff-links, and one of my excellent pair of black leather shoes. I'd only used an electric shaver, as I liked stubble. I'd considered growing a beard but all my daughters had said no.

I took their advice.

Heading out to the living room, what greeted me brought me to a halt. My three youngest all wore gorgeous dresses, appropriate for a night out. Carolina, my youngest, was ever so excited, bounding towards me before giving me a hug. "Thank you, Daddy," she whispered.

"Thank your sister. She's the one organising tonight."

My two oldest daughters proved, in one evening, that they were now mature, young women. Cassandra was already a heartbreaker. Rebecca was simply beautiful. Recognising my silence as acceptance, they both slowly approached me, amused that their heels meant they could kiss my cheek far easier than normal.

"We've done this for you, Daddy," Cassandra whispered.

"You have two hot dates tonight, Daddy," Rebecca added.

Glancing from one pair of eyes to the other, I knew what she was trying to say. I couldn't help but smile at how beautiful they were, but also the fact they simply cared and wanted me to feel better. "Well, I'm going to have an absolutely gorgeous young woman on each arm tonight," I stated, "And then another three beautiful young girls following us inside wherever we go. Where are we going?"

"That's a surprise, Daddy," Cassandra replied, "I'm driving, so I'll need to take my heels off until we arrive."

Cassandra would be driving me in my car. Only she was on the insurance to drive it. Rebecca had worked hard to buy her own second hand car, so she would drive her sisters. I had no idea where Cassandra was taking me until we ended up somewhere familiar. But it was when she pulled into a car park and I saw the restaurant across the road, I couldn't help get choked up. Cassandra switched off the engine before taking my hand.

"I remember all your stories about dating our mother, Daddy," she stated, "This was where you had your first date."

"I remember."

"Well, now it's time for your first date with someone else. In fact, it's your first date with two people." I glanced at her, seeing complete innocence on her face but determination in her eyes. "You're taking your two oldest daughters on a date tonight, Daddy. You're going to be a gentleman and treat us like ladies, while also ensuring your other three daughters have a good time."

"Rebecca has agreed to this?"

"Of course she has. She loves you as much as I do, Daddy. You've sacrificed so much for us."

"I'm your father. It's not a sacrifice if I do it willingly. You're my girls and I will always love you."

"Daddy," she whispered, and I was left thinking she was going to cry. Thankfully, she smiled and leaned over to kiss my cheek. "Let's go because I'm hungry!"

Rebecca parked her car next to us, and as soon as they were assembled, I escorted Cassandra and Rebecca into the restaurant while my three other daughters followed closely behind. The restaurant was the sight of our first date, but Caroline and I would visit at least once every six months. But I hadn't been back since her death.

The owner, Carlo, recognised me immediate, as did his wife, Gina. She was almost crying as she hugged me. Both knew the story of my wife. She would message me every so often, just making sure I was doing okay.

"Marco," he stated. He always called me that, "It is wonderful to see you again." Then his eyes moved across my daughter. "Mama Mia, are these your five daughters?"

I made introductions. Gina started weeping again, particularly when introducing her to Carolina, who was a spitting image of her mother. Thankfully, Cassandra had organised a reservation, not that it mattered. I was considered guest of honour, Carlo ensuring we had the best table in the restaurant, and we were soon inundated by waitresses and drinks, Gina stating that the first round was free. She kissed my cheek and whispered how much she missed seeing me, and also missed my wife.

"Thank you, Gina," I whispered back, "I miss her too."

Dinner was fantastic. I ordered three courses, the girls had a main and dessert. As the oldest two were driving, they couldn't drink, but Cassandra made sure I always had a new glass of scotch as soon as the empty glass hit the table. The service was as great as I remembered, recognising that Carlo and Gina were spending plenty of time hovering around our table. When it came to settle the bill, I was ready to take out my wallet when my two eldest demanded I put it away.

"It's our treat, Daddy," Cassandra stated, "Rebecca and I have been saving for tonight. Your money is worthless."

"And we've taken select items off the bill too," Carlo added, "Our way of saying thank you for coming back, and our condolences as we're aware of the date."

Heading outside into the cool air, I did wonder what else they had planned, but as we had the three youngsters, we agreed that heading home to relax would be best. As soon as I walked in the door, I had the top couple of buttons of my shirt undone, and happily kicked off my shoes. Cassandra and Rebecca made sure I was on the lounge, stating they'd take care of the others, making sure I had another glass of scotch, warning me to drink it slow. After they'd turned on the radio, they disappeared with the other three.

Feeling rather relaxed, I sipped at the glass while enjoying the tunes. It was a station I'd usually listen to while on the way to work. Closing my eyes, I couldn't help smile. For the first time I could remember, I wasn't feeling sad on this date. When I thought about Caroline, I felt good. It was probably the three scotches and shot I'd had with dinner, but it was nice to think about the great years we'd had.

The only disappointment would be heading to bed alone with only the memories of how we would have celebrated had she still been with me.

"Daddy," Cassandra whispered.

I opened my eyes to see Cassandra and Rebecca standing before me. I'm fairly sure my jaw dropped immediately. My oldest was five-five, strawberry blonde hair, green eyes, what I'd call classical curves, a C-cup chest, aware because I did buy her bras until recently... I couldn't help look up and down her nineteen-year-old body, her breasts covered by a sheer black bra, lowering my eyes towards a pair of panties that left little to the imagination, a pair of black thigh highs and heels.

The fact I was getting hard rather quickly had me feeling a little uncomfortable. Then I turned my eyes to Rebecca and any chance of reining in my erection ended. She was two inches shorter than her sister, sandy blonde hair with brown eyes, a little slimmer as she was more athletic, perky B-cup breasts, she was wearing a similar ensemble to her older sister, except hers was red.

My eyes moved to the coffee table between us. In addition to the bottle of scotch was a bottle of lube and two dildos. I actually felt myself blush as my daughters walked around the coffee table and kneeled on the floor in front of me.

"Don't freak out, Daddy," Cassandra said softly, feeling of her hands move up my thigh, my other thigh being felt up by Rebecca, "We're here to look after you."

"We love you so much, Daddy," Rebecca added, "And we want you to know how special you are to us."

I couldn't find my voice. In fact, I couldn't even move. The fact I was rock hard had me feeling no end of guilt. They were my little girls, but the thoughts running through my head in that moment... I put down to the alcohol. They both leaned up as their hands moved up over my abs to my chest.

"Daddy works out," Cassandra whispered. With rather deft fingers, I found my shirt rather quickly undone, Cassandra telling me to lean forward. Without thinking, I did so, my shirt quickly but neatly folded by Rebecca, as I leaned back. Their hands immediately returned to my chest. I had a thin covering of dark hair. Caroline had always loved my chest hair. Said it made me more masculine.

When their hands moved down to my belt, I moved my hand to stop them. Cassandra slapped it away and glared at me. "No, Daddy!" she stated firmly.

I finally found my voice. Sort of... "But..."

"Daddy, we're looking after you," Rebecca insisted, "We're going to show you all the love you deserve. Don't make it weird."

I almost laughed at that last sentence. How was it not already weird? But they undid the belt before undoing the button of my trousers and lowering the fly. Rebecca told me to lift. I thought about refusing, but the hard look in both sets of eyes suggested I should just comply for now. I almost laughed as, for a moment, they reminded me of their mother when I would say no to something.

Then it was my underwear and the fact I was erect would have been obvious.

"Wow," Rebecca whispered, noticing colour come to her cheeks.

"Daddy has a big cock!" Cassandra stated excitedly. When I felt a hand of theirs each caress the tent in my underwear, I couldn't hold back the light groan that escaped me, causing both girls to giggle. "Daddy, we're going to take off your underwear. Lift up."

I met their eyes again. This time, I could almost see the pleading in their eyes. "Don't make us beg, Daddy," Rebecca whispered, "We love you so much. We want to do this for you."

I put it down to the booze for the reason I complied, lifting up so they could slide off my underwear. And that's how I ended up sitting on the lounge completely nude with my two oldest daughters gazing up and down my body. And the unconditional love in their eyes was soon joined by a healthy dose of lust.

Without a word, Cassandra turned and grabbed the lube. Pouring some into the hands of her sister, she poured more on her own hands, and added a little to my cock. "Girls," I managed to ask, "What are you going to do?"

"We're virgins, Daddy," Cassandra replied, "You will be our first."

"And our one and only," Rebecca added.

"Not tonight though, Daddy. Tonight, we're going to make you cum."

"We've never stroked a real cock before. We've seen a few in porn."

"You do have a big cock, Daddy. We've been thinking about doing this for so long."

"We're going to make you cum at least twice. Next time, we're both going to suck you off."

"Though we're hoping you'll eat our hot little pussies too." My cock jumped at the idea. I had always loved going down on Caroline. I'd spend an entire night just eating her out. Cassandra grinned as she figured it out quickly. "Did you like that thought, Daddy? Eating my tight little virgin pussy?"

"Fuck," I grunted.

"You can eat us out together, Daddy," Rebecca stated, "Though once you've done that, Cassandra will also like to do it. Eat my pussy, that is."

"And I can't wait to feel Rebecca licking my pussy too."

I found that idea even hotter than doing it myself. I needed to take a deep breath. "You're serious?" I managed to ask.

"Of course, Daddy. We love you so much, but we also want to fool around with each other. We want to put on a show for you after we stroke you off. We're going to masturbate on the floor together."

Then I felt one of their soft hands gently grasp my cock. Feeling my eyes widen slightly, they both returned a smile I'd seen a million times before. One of their unconditional love for their father. Then they started to move their hands in unison and, to be honest, I was putty in their paws from that moment on. I couldn't have asked them to stop if I tried. It had been far too long since someone else had touched my cock.

I'm not sure how they learned, maybe from porn, but they soon had a system working and I could see they were mesmerised by how I was reacting. I guess they gave into temptation rather quickly, because when I felt a tongue run along my shaft, I released such a groan, they both started to giggle. Soon, fingers were being joined by tongues, opening my eyes to see Cassandra gazing up at me as her tongue licked around the head of my cock.

"I'm close, Cassie," I murmured.

"Cum for us, Daddy," Cassandra whispered, "Then we'll get you nice and hard again."

"We need to suck him next time, Cass," Rebecca moaned, "I want to suck his big cock."

"I do too, Becca."

Their hands were soon working my shaft quickly and I knew I was close. I warned them both again, hearing them giggle as I felt them start to aim my cock. When I groaned a last time, I couldn't hold back any longer, moaning as I felt that first spurt erupt from my cock. I heard giggles again, but my head was relaxing back as I felt blast after blast of cum just erupt. It was the best orgasm I'd enjoyed in years. When I finally caught my breath and opened my eyes, I glanced down to see my daughters gazing up at me, their faces coated in my cum.

I should have been disgusted with myself. They were my daughters, but there was something in that moment where I saw them as the mature young women they were, and they were utterly gorgeous. "How was that, Daddy?" Cassandra asked before she turned to her sister and they made out.

Watching them kiss had my cock immediately throbbing with excitement. Breaking their kiss, they lifted their hands and started licking each other's clean before they used the same fingers to clean each other's face. Turning towards me, they smiled again as they both leaned down to kiss my cock.