Rise of the Cat Women Ch. 06


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"Honey don't know. She is confused." She paused and looked at him, "Time and time again John said we stick together no matter what. Now you want to leave our family." She moved up to him and rested her hand on his chest, "I don't understand why you want to die John." She touched his temple, "I can read it here and feel it in your heart. If you die, we die and family is no more." Mentally she begged someone to make him understand.

"John, can Daisy and I talk to you alone for a minute," Kitten finally said. She hated it that it fell to her and even more that Daisy had to help her.

He nodded and went outside. Walking about a hundred meters he stopped under a massive evergreen and sat down with his back to it. While it troubled him that Kitten and Daisy wanted to talk to him, that she dropped into first person really worried him. He waited until they sat before saying, "Kitten please tell me you understand I am only trying to keep us safe."

"Kitten understands John means well but Master does not understand what he is doing." Kitten said. She closed her eyes as she continued, "John, we, Daisy and I have discussed with other researchers about what is happening to us. So understand we are not just blowing smoke." Opening her eyes, she said, "It is hard for Kitten to talk in first person and question Master. But she... I must to save us."

"Let me try sister," Daisy said. "John, our minds are intertwined so deeply that what one feels all in the family feels. Remember the night you brought me home? You made the rest of the pack yours? Well you almost killed me with pleasure. I lived each one of them and orgasmed each time. We all did." She took a breath and said, "You are bound to us too. You feel our pain and pleasure. If you die, it will kill us also."

"Just like your mind killed the bad wolf, your death will kill us.... Even the children," Kitten added

John was stunned. "Before I commit myself, I want to do a test," He paused and then added, "No cheating allowed." Mentally he said to Candy, "Since we are at an impasse, feel like dancing squid?"

"I've been looking forward to this for a long time grunt. Taking Baby Girl was a low blow and I want my revenge," Candy replied. She came out and walked towards John.

Standing John said aloud, "I said I was sorry for that. Had the roles been reversed I would have killed you or died trying. I guess squids are really pussy's after all."

"Nice try, but I have lots of practice not losing my cool. Unlike a grunt I can name." Candy said easily.

"If you two are done with your pissing contest, I would like to set a rule or two. No broken bones or dislocated joints. I am not going to operate again," Daisy said from one side.

Looking at her John said, "Agreed." He expected Candy to rush him when he looked away but she was in the same place smiling at him. "First move is yours," he said finally.

Laughing Candy walked up and licked his breast slowly. Standing back up she said, "There, your turn."

"Oh so it is that kind of dance," John said moving forward and hugging her. As he nuzzled and licked her neck his arms tightened. Hearing Candy moan he asked, "Giving up so soon?"

Since her arms were pinned low, Candy wrapped her legs around John's legs and bent his knees with her heels. At the same time, she began tickling his sides just below his ribs. Between the two caused him to lose balance and fall backwards with her on top. When he hit the ground his arms loosened and she broke free. "Come on grunt, you have to do better than a little hug."

"You tickled me," John accused. He got up and looked at Kitten, "Did you see that?"

"She got free, I say first round to Candy," Kitten said.

"Now are you ready to really dance or shall we see who can write their name in the snow?" Candy asked. She smiled, "Or you could just give up and accept that SEALs are better than Rangers."

"It will be a cold day in hell," John replied. He rushed forward to grab Candy's wrists so he could throw her and be done with it. However, at the last moment she jerked them out of his reach and did a sweeping kick and dropped him on his back.

Instead of taking advantage of it she moved back and smiled down at John. "My turn to go first?" she asked with a sweet smile.

"Why didn't you press the attack home?" John said not getting up.

"Because hurting you hurts me. We all felt like we were suffocating when the man was on your back." Candy paused, "I know I can mess you up but it would mess us and more importantly the children up. I can't risk that John."

John looked at Kitten," You felt it too?"

"And the snow melting and refreezing around our faces," Kitten said.

"We had to react John, if we didn't draw their attention, we all would have died together." Honey said in his mind.

"So me asking you to take the shot would condemn you too." John said looking at Candy.

"Yes, but at least it would be fast. I will make sure of that." Candy replied.

He looked at her for a long moment before saying, "At least I only have to give out one spanking." John went over and sat with Kitten and Daisy against the tree and asked, "How long before we can travel? More importantly, how long before the pack gives birth?"

"If John commands, we can travel now," Kitten replied.

A moment later Daisy added, "Tomorrow would be better. Give daughters time to rest properly."

"What about the pack? How long before we will have to stop for a month or so?"

It was Sly who answered, "Two full moons Alpha."

"So about four weeks to travel and then another month to find and build a long term camp," John said to himself. He gestured for Candy to join them, "Anyone know what is to the North of all three? We need to get way outside of the United States. Then we will be out of sight and mind."

"Sandra would know," Kitten said.

"Sandra, can you talk?" John mind talked.

"How can I help you John?" Sandra asked.

"What is to the north of where you first found Kitty? Is there good game and a lack of people?"

"Once you get about ten miles out, other than the occasional small town, it is all wilderness. Plenty of large game and cover until you hit the arctic tundra." Sandra replied. She paused and then asked, "John, can we... all of us, join you? We are not safe here."

"One sec." John looked at Kitten and Daisy, "Kitten are you and Daisy ready to fully forgive Kitty for her actions?"

They looked at each other for a long moment before Daisy said softly, "Daisy and Kitten are ready."

He felt out Sandra, "Gather everything you think you need and head north at least ten clicks before turning east find a deep forest with good hunting we will link up. Bring any extra 50 cal ammo you can carry." He paused and then said, "Be careful, Honey would never forgive me if I get all of you killed."

He went inside with the others following him, "We have a moon to get the hell out of Dodge and somewhere we can hole up. That means we go north and then west from here." He went into the little kitchen and rummaged around until he found some flower. Dusting the dining table with it John said, "We are here." He put a dot on the map. "Nameless is here about 10 clicks due north as best I can figure." He added a dot above the first one then one to the right, "Tammy over this way about 25 clicks." Over on the left side he put an X and said, "Kitty and crew are here. They will leave go north at least 20 clicks before turning east and start looking for heavy cover and game."

Pausing John looked around the table and said, "We have somewhat under a month to link up with them and find somewhere safe." He looked at Honey, "Talk to Francine and see if your sister, Nameless has been forgiven. I would really like to pick her up before we continue on." Turning to Baby Girl, "You find out if Tammy can be ready in a few days. If worse comes to worse, I will come back for her alone once the rest of you are safe."

"Nameless can go with her Master and sisters' north," Honey replied.

A moment later Baby Girl added, "Tammy will be ready."

"Baby Girl, you Little Bit and I will go get her, we leave first thing in the morning." John looked at Candy, "You and everyone else head north and get Nameless, then head north west so we can link up with Kitty. We will pick up Francine and then catch up with you."

"Honey go with John," Honey replied crossing her arms.

"Honey go with Candy It is not fair to ask Daisy to care for two young ones so you can go." Mentally he asked, "Is my Honey girl's pride worth doing that to her for a few hours or a day at most? If Candy gets into trouble, I need you with her, you can fight, Daisy can't."

"Honey go with others," Honey said looking down.

John turned to Sly who was sitting with Little Bit off to one side, "The rest of the pack will stay with Candy." He went over and nuzzled her and licked her face, "Be a good girl for me and listen to Candy's instructions."

"Yes Alpha, we will listen." Sly replied licking John's face back. She added to Little Bit, "Sister do you want help?"

Little Bit thought a long moment. She said slowly, "It would help both Master and Candy if a few of our sisters ranged towards the north and the rising sun to find if there are any humans between here and the river. I will take Slow One and three others with me to act as outer guard for John."

Wiping the map away John said, "One more thing, every kill from now on, we save the hide."

"John, Tammy said there is a human with them under guard who is looking for you." Baby Girl said late at night when they were settled down. "She and the clans think it is a trap." She paused and then added, "Wouldn't you rather have Candy or Kitten? Both are better fighters then Baby Girl."

"No Baby Girl, I want you. You are better at defense and talking than I and know Tammy from before. I want you." John paused and nuzzled her mentally, "If you not feel safe, you stay here and Little Bit and I go alone."

"It not that, Baby Girl not afraid. She worries about John not herself." Baby Girl replied softly.

Going over to Candy, John touched her and motioned her to join him. "Baby Girl and I may be walking into a trap. If I call, I need you to rally the others to come rescue us." He felt Candy's panic and nuzzled her, "Calm yourself. Little Bit, Baby Girl and I are leaving now, I can use the last of my night scope to find heat signatures on the way."

"Be careful grunt," Candy said softly licking his face and neck. She would have pushed him to the floor but they too needed to move out soon as the sun came up.

"Baby Girl, give daughter to Daisy and meet me outside. Little Bit, let's go." John said mentally and got his rifle and went outside to wait and let his eyes get acclimated to the darkness. While waiting he decided they would do a hook maneuver. Go between the two villages and come back around from the north side.

And now for my disclaimers which were inspired by JimBob44 and acup. Thanks for the inspiration.

Yes, I never met a comma or ellipse I didn't like.

Yes, it jumps around too much.

Yes, it's in the wrong category.

Yes, it's too long.

Yes, it's too short.

Yes, this is stupid shit.

If you want a perfect story go find one written by Mr. Data.

And, yes, I suck.

Go have yourself a warm and fuzzy day.

BTW, you only get to comment on spelling and grammar if you are volunteering to be an editor. Those comments and rants will be deleted, you've been warned.

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LevindlLevindlabout 1 month ago

I have been hooked on this story since the very first page of the very first chapter. It has been written in such a way that I was not able to put it down.

What do I find out after reading these chapters? Six years have gone by and you have not come back to it to conclude the story. It pisses me off to no end when an author writes so many stories ends leaves them in completes when they obviously have the challenge, ability, etc., to do the job that they started.

Yes, I know that you are giving this story to us voluntarily and without compensation, and for that I am very grateful, but to leave a story halfway finished is extremely upsetting, and I would not have started it if I would have known that it would not have been completed After a six year hiatus.

Every chapter I have given it five stars, I would have given this chapter 5 stars also, but gave it only one star because of my disappointment that you have left the story Uncompleted! Thank you for your writing. No thanks for leaving us hanging.



Ramjet57Ramjet57over 2 years ago

Awesome story so far. Am glad I checked your bio and see this story will get updated next. I was going to send: Please it has been years since you added to this story, but I understand you had a block, that truly sucks but glad to hear you got thru it vs just dropped off the radar.



3yes i too would like to see more of this story so please write more of it.

ed1austed1austabout 3 years ago

I really enjoyed the story PLEASE continue it!

ZydrasthorneZydrasthornealmost 4 years ago
Good read

Please continue this story I enjoyed it a lot and would love to see it continue.

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