Roomers Ch. 01


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'Lemme take the memory away with me, Patty. It's a long trek to the machine and I wanna remember what I'm missing.' She choked back a laugh.

'I never knew you were so laid-back,' she said. 'I thought you'd be stuttering and dribbling by now. But you better get back pretty quick or I'll start without you.' She arched her back and cupped her breasts, running her thumbs over her nipples and sighing exaggeratedly. I know when I'm beat, and I turned and made for the stairs, her panties still dangling from my cock. I plucked them off and held them to my nose. Sure enough, they were damp and fragrant, and not with OJ either.

I was back in Olympic time and the shower was running. I took a deep breath and gave another little prayer of thanks. Then a thought wormed into the back of my head. 'This is way too easy,' it muttered. The one percent of my brain that was working agreed and flagged the notion. Then I stepped into the bathroom.

Hell, the whole bathroom bit is a cliché that works. It's OK to be naked, it's OK to stand close together, it's OK to play rub-in-the-suds games, it's OK to accidentally go a little to far and it's fucking great to feel that a little too far is being appreciated and the favor returned. Our hands were sliding over each other like excited hamsters at play. At least hers were sliding. Mine were dragging a little, and she noticed straight away.

'Oh my word, I'd forgotten.' She took my hands in hers and examined my wrists and forearms. 'Those really don't look too good. Are you the sort of guy who always wants to be in charge, or are you gonna let me follow my fancy?' Click.

'I'll follow you anywhere you say as long as it doesn't involve heavy lifting. I had enough of that recently.' She raised herself onto tiptoe and kissed me.

'You say the right things, don't you?' She dropped to her knees and nuzzled my cock.

'What happened to "kinda nervous"?' I asked hoarsely.

'You're more fun to be with than I thought. I like it that you don't drool.' Her voice stopped and her lips closed over the tip of my cock, then sank over the glans and down the shaft as she drew me smoothly into her mouth. She explored my contours with her tongue and bobbed her head a couple of times experimentally. Then she stood up.

'I guess I can handle that. Not here though. If you're gonna follow my fancy then I wanna have a joint effort. Let's get dry.'

'To hell with dry. I don't care if your fancy is damp.' I reached out awkwardly and took her hand and we stumbled, dripping and giggling, to my bed. She pushed me onto my back and paused.

'Spread your arms a little so they're out of the way.' She straddled me carefully, her butt staring me in the face, her head poised over my crotch. 'Don't worry about holding me,' she murmured. 'That's nice too, but with your poor arms... I'll just move myself about and find out if Julie was right ... Hang on a minute.' She straightened up, twisting gracefully, and grabbed a pillow. 'Now lift your ass.' I did as she said and she slid the pillow under my butt then leaned forward again and licked the tip of my glans. 'Gotta get the right angle,' she explained and somehow managed to shuffle backwards and take me into her mouth again at the same time. I swear that women are double-jointed when they want to be. I was one hundred ten percent ready and as both delicate sets of lips covered me I started in on the first course.

I'd never been with a girl who took the initiative. Hell, when you're in High School you spend a lot of time worrying in case they decide to take it somewhere else. So it was the first time that I felt I was with someone who wanted to be exactly where she was, doing exactly what she was doing. It's a heady feeling, especially when what she's doing is cooing with pleasure as she licks her way down your shaft. I tilted my head upwards and extended my tongue towards the open, glistening cleft that was hovering over my face, and smelled the ever-fresh tang of clean girl and excited pheromones and urgent desire. As I drew the tip of my tongue down the slippery length of her slit I felt her shudder and tense, then she pushed herself lower.

I couldn't decide whether Julie Anderson needed to be warned about her big mouth or whether I ought to find her and give her deepest thanks. Either way, I was good and sure I didn't want Patty to think Julie had been exaggerating. As more of Patty's perfect cunt came into range I used everything I could. Lips, tongue, nose... I was excited enough to haul my poor sad-ass arms up and use my hands to hold her steady. In fact it was necessary. She was working with enthusiasm and diligence, her head rising and falling, her breasts brushing my belly as her body rocked over me, and I was returning the favor. The syrupy taste of her was making my head spin, and I flickered my tongue round her folds, brushing her clit, teasing her but not quite connecting. Hell, the problem was what was going on at the other end. Sensations were racing through me, overloading everything and finding out what she wanted was dam' near impossible.

She knew it too and raised her head, panting.

'You mind if we take turns instead?' Click.

'As long as you don't mind your turn lasting 'bout three and a half seconds.' I felt warm breath on my cock as she smothered a chuckle.

'Deal. Girls go first. Lemme turn round.' She scooted round and I watched her dark head sink over my crotch again. One hand curled gently round my balls and cupped them tenderly. Her tongue was coaxing me with featherlight touches and every third or fourth caress she'd sink onto my shaft, her full lips closing tight round it. Through the waves of pleasure I wondered where she picked up her technique. Not just horseshoes she was practicing last summer, I thought, then groaned as my balls tightened and the pleasure segued into that almost liquid feeling of approaching orgasm. She felt the change and speeded up slightly, her hand jacking my cock firmly and her tongue probing round the rim of the head. No way to stop it now.

'Uh, Patty...' Too late. Hot cream raced through me and I spurted helplessly into her warm mouth. I heard a faint squeak of surprise, then she concentrated on catching it, her cheeks bulging while I spasmed into her. As I slowed she stopped sucking and let me lie quietly in her mouth for a moment, then hopped up and headed for the bathroom. I heard her spitting and gargling, then the toilet flushed and she bounced back into the room.

'Love it in my mouth, hate swallowing. Sits in my stomach like lead. You mind?' I shook my head helplessly.

'Where the hell'd you learn how to do that?' She blushed.

'I'm a bad girl in the summer, but here I gotta rep to look after. I don't know what's come over me.' Click.

'That was me. Jeez, you chicks sure have short memories.' She snorted with laughter and dived at me, hugging me tight. I yelped with pain and she froze.

'Oh my word, I'm sorry. It's just that I'm having so much fun... I forgot.'

'I'll live. You ready for your turn?'

'Ever since you did that trick with your shades. How do you want me?'

'Every which way. Lemme get up.' Hell, my legs were still wobbling, but I managed to roll onto my feet and arrange her, her thighs splayed and her beautiful pussy open and waiting between them. I eased a pillow under her butt and she wriggled and settled onto it comfortably, then looked up at me and made loud panting noises. I grinned and sank to my knees, then blew gently on her glistening lips, and the tip of her clit. Always a good opening move. She squirmed.

'Oh my word...' Adrenalin or lust had made me forget the pain in my arms and I lifted my hands and parted her soft folds gently, then leaned forward into her.

Hell, I don't want to get lyrical or anything; I mean, pussy is pussy, right, but hers was as close to paradise as I'd ever been. It seemed like every inch of it was responsive and I lost myself in there for a while. Her fragrance, all sharp need and soft musk, filled my head, and her taste was like a whispered promise of more. My cock was throbbing again and I hoped she wasn't a one-time girl.

Her hips began to roll and she thrust her pelvis up to my mouth, straining for closer contact, and as she did I moved back slightly, leaving her gasping. A mew of complaint filtered down to me and I moved forward again, nudging the tip of her clit with my nose. It was slippery with impatience and she nearly suffocated me as she squirmed against it. Time for my party trick. I slipped my tongue into her fluttering pussy and tilted my head slightly, rolling the tip of my nose harder over her stiff clitoris, then tried to touch it with my tongue. With the length I've got I can usually manage to just stroke the base of the G spot. Sure is amazing what half an inch extra can do.

As I slipped into her she tensed and bore down on my mouth, helping the process along. Her thighs clamped over my ears and I felt her pussy walls contracting round my tongue. I slipped a finger round and massaged the rim of her ass gently. Anal penetration isn't good manners on a first date, but a little suggestive pressure often goes down well. Worked for her. She cried out and twisted, grabbing another pillow and pushing it against her mouth as her climax arrived.

Jeez, how that girl did squeal. She sounded like a shoat being beaten, and the more she thrashed and squeezed with her thighs the more I tried to push my tongue and my nose clear through her, and the more she howled again. Luckily she ran out of energy in a while and her body slumped back down, her thighs falling away from my ears, and I was able to take my first proper breath for a while. Truth to tell I was feeling pretty pleased with myself. Julie Anderson sure hadn't made that much fuss. I gave her dripping gates one more loving swipe with my tongue and straightened up. She lifted the pillow from her mouth and our eyes met.

'Holy fucking shit,' she said. 'What the fuck did you do?' I couldn't believe my ears.

'What happened to "oh my word"?' She rolled her eyes.

'Jesus Christ, Doug, "oh my word" is for every day, and it stops me being a complete potty mouth, but that was "Holy fucking shit" territory. Like being caught in a vise.' She squirmed forward and drew me into a kiss, twining her arms round my neck and searching out her own taste as our tongues flickered against each other. Then one hand crept down my chest and wrapped round my cock.

'Already?' Her voice was pleased. 'You got any rubbers?' I shook my head, trying not to burst into tears, and she looked annoyed for a moment.

'Me neither. Well, hell, I like the taste. C'mere.' She hopped up and pushed me back onto the bed. 'Ready? You manage to twiddle your poor fingers where it matters while I'm seeing to this, that'd be good too.' Hell, anything for a lady.

And that was how I realized that I had something going. After Patty had left, I sat and thought a while. Yesterday my body went into overdrive and I nearly killed myself, and it took my mind with it and something happened in my head.

Or vice versa, I thought. Hard to tell.

And then today, what I'd been thinking about came true. Not exactly the way I'd imagined it: hell that would have been too corny, but pretty good all the same. No way were you gonna hear me complaining. My shoulders and arms hurt like hell and I had a hickey on my cock, but shit: small price to pay.

The rest of that year was a roller-coaster. Whatever I had, I didn't know how to use it and Patty and I never hit the heights of that first time again. Hell, it was fun: mucho, mucho fun, but it wasn't ultra special. Plus, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't replicate that experience in the gym. I decided to get logical and gave myself an extra project, see if I could squeeze any hard data out of the situation.

Amount of exercise, time spent studying, intensity of wanting, quality of time with Patty. First two were easy enough to tabulate, third one was more subjective, so I created a scale that reflected my Patty fantasies. The fourth was easy. From Christmas to Easter I kept track, then looked at the results.

Bummer. The correlation was very fucking obvious. The more I worked out, the more I studied, the more I rehearsed Patty situations in my head, the better everything went. Drop any one of them and the plans never quite worked and our time together was pretty ordinary. The summer had been exceptional. Over half my time had been spent exercising either body or brain and jacking up the fantasy index, and when the three peaks had combined, I'd had my out-of-body experience and my dreams had come true in a hurry.

Motivated doesn't necessarily mean insane. I guess my slacker tendencies were there already, and once I knew what was happening it seemed like a hell of a lot of effort. Did I want to spend the rest of my life pumping iron and practicing to be Einstein and planning "how shall we fuck next time" fantasies in detail?

No. Deep down, I'm shallow. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. What's next? Plenty of girls on the horizon, college coming up. No point in closing any doors. Maybe I'd do some trial and error stuff, see if this was a gift I could control. Hell, the summer had been problem free, and that was before I peaked. Maybe there was some kind of middle road that would take me where I wanted without using up all my time.

So, reluctantly, I started experimenting. I forced myself to do an hour a day in the gym. I gritted my teeth and kept my GPA where it needed to be. I spent a little time each day consciously imagining two situations: Julie Anderson coming onto me and Patty giving me a hell of a farewell before the summer goodbyes.

And it worked, sort of. Julie started making "I'm available again" signals and Patty started hinting that ours had been a senior year thing and the Summer Prom would be the high spot and the beginning of the end. There were ups and downs, hesitations, some extra gym, or geometry, or fantasy while I tried to keep the graph lines on course, but hell, it worked. No vivid mental explosions, but there was the occasional faint click in my head that told me I was more or less on course. The night of the prom was almost as good as our first time together; afterwards she cried a little, and I almost felt despondent myself when she kissed me goodbye the night before she left for the coast. Two days later I was stretched out on the back seat of the Valiant while Julie worked on my cock and mumbled how much she'd missed me.

I realized I was still standing in my bay window staring at where Miss second floor back had been. Memories kinda creep up on you when the right buttons are pushed. I shrugged to myself. Patty was a long time ago and far, far away. Married with kids, my Mom told me, and carrying forty extra pounds where they did the most damage. Not my type any more.

I shook myself out of my dream and thought about the rest of the day. The house was full again, and the mix was gonna be alright. Two guys, three girls, all kinda serious, safe income providers till summer break. I was on course for another good year. I stretched and thought about what I wanted. Miss second floor back, obviously, but maybe cute Ellen from last year as well... I knew she was still in town, finishing her doctoral work and working part time to finance the ride. She couldn't afford her old room this year and was living way out of town, using the bus to get in and out. Hell, don't look at me like that. Business is business, and she understood. She might appreciate a few evenings in or out though. Maybe a used car too.

You ever seen a slacker looking smug? That's me. A year of High School finding out about my gift and four years of college practicing got me here, and life is sweet. I face the future with optimism.

You want to know about honing the gift and how I discovered the trick? Maybe I'll bother to write it down, maybe I won't. What the fuck does it matter anyway? It was more trouble than I wanted at the time, but I guess it worked out alright. Right now I need one small bong of good Oregon weed, and two small beers and a little down time.

More on Doug the slacker and his wasted talent soon.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Seriously. Anybody with that power would not think twice about the sacrifice to use it. It would actually be to extra bonuses...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
You Suck

Seriously, it must be really easy to manipulate the score on your own stories, because this #!@^ is both poorly written and *boring*.

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 12 years ago
Not a criticism, just a correction...

Plymouth Valiant (not Ford). I had one with about 200,000 miles on it, a 1974 model. Good story, though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Run that by me again, please...

... because it makes absolutely no sense at all. Really creative spelling though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
to much babble

to much babbling at start, could have done with out the patty duke, a lot lot of stories do not use enough discription, you used way to much got bored in first chapter

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