Rubens & Telemann: Missing Pages


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Trish promptly draped her extended arms over Carter's back and opened her mouth, closing her luscious, thick, lips over his and warmly kissing him. Carefully, Carter stood up, bringing Trish with him out of the chair's grasp and into his own enveloping embrace. He pulled her tight to him, crushing her boobs. He dropped his hands, grabbed her broad, fleshy, ass and dug his fingers into its muscles, squeezing her hips against himself. Trish's kissing became more passionate. She thrust her tongue into Carter's mouth, worked her lips against him and moaned deep in the back of her throat.

Carter forced his face away and studied Trish, still twisting in his arms. "Thank you, Trish," he said pleasantly. "Now, we have had a break and must return to new barriers I have found. Open your eyes and look at me," he commanded. Trish expectantly riveted her blue eyes on Carter. "There's one more barrier, Trish, and you must pay close attention. Are you listening and paying attention?" he asked.

"Yes," she answered, nodding, without taking her eyes away from his face.

"Good," praised Carter. "You have a special box with important secrets. It is closed and locked." Carter raised his right hand from Trish's ass to her left breast and began fondling her rigid nipple as it stood against her out-sized, puffed up, areola. "Do you want me to look in your box... to learn your secrets... to take away your barriers?" he crooned softly, tweaking and tugging her tit.

"" Trish whimpered. "Umm.. yes... yesss... look," she answered, gasping, still in a monotone.

"Then, Trish, I need a key to unlock your box and keep your secrets safe. Will you give me the key for your box?" he asked, switching to her right breast, pulling and twisting its hard pink marble.

"Unnn...yesss... you can... have... mmmyyy key," Trish answered, leaning heavily against Carter for support.

"Good. Very Good," Carter said. "The key will be the word: SIGMA and whenever you hear me say it, your secrets box will be either unlocked and opened or it will be locked and closed. If your box is open, the key will close and lock it. If your box is already closed, the key will unlock and open it. Do you understand, Trish? Tell me about the key and how it works the box." Carter slid his left hand down along Trish's bottom and inserted his middle finger into her hot, oozing vagina, tickling its slippery orifice.

Ooo... mmmy box... is locked or unlocked... the key isss... SSSigmma... and you have it." she said, quivering in his arms.

"That's right, Trish," Carter said, approvingly, "Now, listen very closely," he stressed each of his next four words with a flick in her cunt and a twist on her nipple, "This. Is. Most. Important. When your box is open, you are mine and you will mind everything I say. You may hear other people, do other things, but, whey you hear my voice, it will be more important than anything else and your reason for being. I am your master. I decide when your box is open and what you will do. Do you understand? Tell me about your box and about us," he directed.

"When my box is open I am yours to command. You are my master. I listen for you. What you say is more important than anything else. You may open my box anytime. You are my reason for being." Trish recited her lesson.

"Perfect." Carter praised her, stroking his first knuckle in and out of her pussy and softly kneading her captured boob. "And, Trish," he added, "When your box is closed and locked, it is safe on my shelf. No one knows where it is. No one, not even you, knows it exists. I am the only person with the only key. Tell me about the closed box."

Stuttering from the constant stimulation, Trish repeated, slowly, but word perfect, the instructions about her closed, locked box.

"That's excellent, Trish," Carter concluded, and removed his hands, placing them on her shoulders. "I am going to open your box, Trish," Carter advised her. "are you ready to have fun and play with me?" Not waiting for her answer, Carter said "SIGMA" and watched her come to life and leave the trance. He let go of her body. Trish stood nude, in her socks, on her own, and smiled.

"What shall we play first, Dr. Carter?" she asked brightly. Carter loosened his tie and took it off, tossing it behind him onto the small credenza. "How about 'Barbie and Ken'?" he suggested. "I'll be Ken; You be Barbie. Barbie has her cloths off, but Ken doesn't. Do you think that is fair?" he asked. "Take off Ken's clothes," he commanded her.

Trish grinned, said "Yessir!" and hurriedly unbuttoned carter's shirt, opened his belt and unhooked and unzipped his trousers. As his slacks slipped to the floor, Carter's raging cock, angry for being ignored for so long, pushed through his boxers and shirttails.

"Oh, Ken!" Trish exclaimed, "What is that?" pointing to Carter's purple-headed, one-eyed monster.

"That, Sweet Barbie," Carter answered, "Is my pony. Take away my shirt, shoes and shorts. I will give you riding lessons." He grinned as he got into the game. "Do you want to ride my pony bareback?" he asked, laughing.

Trish, complying with her master's orders, removed Carter's shirt, then knelt, pulled his loafers off his feet, and hauled down his underwear. She stared at his bobbing prong. "I totally want to ride your pony bareback!" she exclaimed, enthusiastically, although she did not know what that meant. She craned her neck, kissed the bulbous mushroom and gazed up, waiting for her next task.

Carter thought it was odd. "This 19-year old college sophomore is acting as if she's never been with a man. Is she 'just playing Barbie' or is she that inexperienced?" he wondered. Alarm bells rang in his head. "Trish," he asked, "before you can ride my pony bareback, I must know if you are using any birth control... Do you take pills, or have an I.U.D., for instance?" he asked in a neutral tone.

"I'm not taking any pills, Dr. Carter," she answered, "I don't do drugs. What's an I.U.D.?" she asked.

"OK, never mind about that, right now." Carter pulled out all the stops and asked her plainly, "When did you have your last period and when is your next ovulation?"

"Um, my last period was a while ago." She paused. "I think I stopped bleeding, um... not last Wednesday, it was the Wednesday before that." She nodded her head, "Yes, I used my last tampon but I had to get some more because I had a coupon that expired that day." Trish looked at Carter, "How do I figure out about ovulation? I'm kinda bad about numbers..." she said apologetically.

"SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! She's probably got a fucking egg sitting in a tube right now! No wonder she looks so goddamn hot and has a pimple!" Carter said to himself. "OK, Trish, so, I need to look at you closely." Carter said aloud. "We'll still go riding, but I have to put a saddle on and I want to peek at the trail first." He guided her backward and sat her in MOnstro. "It's all good, Trish, I'm putting Barbie and Ken away and we can play doctor for a little bit." He smiled and she smiled back.

"OK, Doctor!" Trish giggled, "That should be an easy game for you to play since you are one!! she burst out with a laugh as Carter lifted her thick legs, rested them on his shoulders and hunched over her carrot-topped cunt.

Carter did not see a hymen when he spread her glistening, pink, lips, but the entrance to her vagina was so tiny it was nearly closed. "She probably broke it with her tampons, or something, but it sure doesn't look like she's had a dick in her yet." he deduced. While he was in the neighborhood, he stuck his tongue in the little hole and pushed, wondering if there was any otherwise invisible obstruction. Trish started to squirm and her cunt muscles pulled at his tongue's tip, sucking it further in. Carter pulled his head back. "OK, the exam's over, except for one last question," he said, leaning forward and kissing Trish. He tucked his tongue, basted in her pussy-juice, under her upper lip and ran it along her top teeth and gum. "Have you ever had sex with anyone?" he asked blandly but without varnish.

"Mmm," Trish murmured. "That felt really, really good!" she said, enjoying the extended tingling sensation in her pussy. "You kiss nice!" she added, before answering his question. "No! Of course not! I'm a good girl! I'm waiting for a nice boy and I don't know where to even look..." she protested before her voice faded.

Carter smiled and said, "We can work on all of that. You sit tight. I'll get the saddle" Carter stepped to his desk and fished a Trojan from a drawer. Returning, he said, "Turn around, Trish, on your knees and grab the chair back." As she did this, he opened and unrolled the condom onto his stiff, anxious dick. Reaching forward, he rubbed his right hand along her gaping pussy-lips, glad to find they were still oozing juice and slippery. Climbing up on Monstro, behind the virgin teen, he eased his sheathed head inside her outer cunt and slid it up and down, lubing himself. Trish yipped little yips and moaned throaty moans. "Ee! uhhh! EE! UHhh!" as he slipped up and down and tested her hole on each pass. Finally, he gave a small thrust, "ONHH!" Trish exclaimed as her vagina swallowed his cock's head. Pushing more, pulling back, pushing more, Carter heard her significant grunts as he gained depth, approaching the edge of her womb. He moved his hands under her chest from her fat back and seized both her tits, hard, as he shoved his piston the final inch and buried himself in her trench up to his constricting balls.

"AARGH! OOO! YES!" Trish screamed as she came before he even began his strokes. Pushing in and out, squeezing her tits, flexing his cock in her channel against her strong contractions, he pumped faster, harder and deeper. "Ayiee! Ohhh! Uuunn!" she sobbed.

Carter's own climax was upon him and he pushed a final time, holding her tight as he groaned and shot his wad into the latex sleeve, corralling his sperm, denying them a fighting chance at a ripe follicle. Carter rubbed Trish's back and neck and cooed soothingly, but he did not remain lodged in her pussy. The last thing he needed was to fall out of his semen filled rubber and spill viable seed into her likely fertile nest. Backing out, the full bulb on the end of his penis was a welcome sight.

"That's one way to ride a pony, Trish," Carter said, slapping her ass. "Turn around. I want you to see this."

Trish obeyed and sat in the chair, watching Carter, as he carefully pulled his envelope away from his staff, not spilling any of its contents. He dipped his right middle finger into the wrinkled tube and coated it with his greasy, gray semen. Pulling out, he rubbed a gob onto Trish's pimple before he stuck his finger in her mouth. "Suck on that. Lick it. Clean it all up," he told her. "That's brain food and the best acne medication going."

"It tastes funny, but it is yummy," Trish said, after he popped his wet, cleansed digit from her mouth. "I'm glad you liked it," he said with a grin. "Now, try it THIS way," he told her and pressed the remains of his jism out of the floppy prophylactic and onto his dick. "Suck it. Lick it. Clean that all up, too." he ordered.

Trish put this much, much, larger 'finger' in her mouth and followed her master's wishes. When she was done he was soft. "Oh, yes, Dr. Carter," she declared, "It tastes even better here!"

Carter just smiled and agreed, "That's right. Now get dressed again, please." Trish got into her clothes, as did Carter, and when they were finished, Carter said, "Sit down in the chair, please, Trish." As soon as she sat, Carter said "SIGMA" and watched her slump into her trance.

"Trish!" he said sharply, "Listen carefully, there will be a test later. I have a special word. It is 'PRESTO.' When your box is closed, and locked, as it is now, and you hear me say this special work, you will wake up. You will forget about your box. You will forget it was open and we played. Your aversion to mathematics will be gone and you will be happy and relaxed. Tell me what is the special word and what will happen when you hear me say it."

"The word is PRESTO", Trish answered. "I will wake up, like math, be happy and be relaxed. I will forget about my box and that we played."

"Very good," Carter said, "Now I am going to give you important instructions. When you wake up you must do two tasks. You will not know why. You will simply do them. Do you understand? Tell me what you understand."

"Yes, I understand," Trish recited, "I have two tasks to perform when I wake up. I will do them and not know why."

"Excellent, Trish," Carter praised her. "Your first task is to go to the University health center. Go tomorrow. See whoever you must see to obtain a prescription for birth control pills. Learn about them. Start to use them right away. Use them until I tell you to stop. Your second task is to look at yourself in a mirror, naked, every morning, for the next three days. Look closely for any pimples. If you see a pimple, even a very small one, you must come to my office at noon, knock on my door, and when I answer, say 'Dr. Carter I have a pimple.' Repeat your tasks for me, please, Trish."

"Tomorrow go to the health center and get birth control pills. Learn about them and start using them right away until you tell me to stop. For three days, look at myself naked in a mirror. Look for any pimples. If a pimple is seen, go to your office, at noon and tell you 'Dr. Carter I have a pimple.'" Trish accurately stated her tasks.

"Perfect. There is a final instruction, Trish" Carter added a postscript to her program. "Stop wearing blue jeans. Tomorrow and every day after that you will only wear skirts or dresses and you will never wear underpants or tights. Do you have dresses and skirts you can wear?" he asked.

"Yes, I have both dresses and skirts," Trish informed him.

"Good. Now tell me, how are you going to dress tomorrow and every day after that?"

"I will wear only dresses or skirts without panties or tights tomorrow and every day after," Trish said.

"Swear it." Carter demanded, "Swear it to your master."

"I swear it, master," Trish stated solemnly.

"Perfect!" Carter exclaimed. "PRESTO!"

Trish sat up and asked, "When are you going to hypnotize me?"

"It's done, Trish," he said, smiling benignly.

"It's done?" she asked, incredulous.

"Well, actually, Toots, for you it's just begun," he silently smirked, turning and looking at the flashing phone on his desk. "Excuse me a moment, please," he said and picked up the intercom line.

"Miss Halstead is here, Dr. Carter." Ruth Cohen's voice added, "Shall I ask her to wait?"

"No, Ruth, please send her to me straight away, thanks." he answered and cradled the receiver. Turning back, he faced Miss Dempsey. "You are a perfect subject. I believe I took away your barriers and gave you a good shot of... oh, shall we just say 'building material' and energy?" He winked and reached out a hand, helping Trish to her feet. "At any rate, I don't think math will be a problem for you," he continued. "Ill talk with the Dean in Social Science and see if you can enroll in that Psych course while you are making up the Stat class. No promises, mind you, but I will try."

"Oh! Dr. Carter!" Trish gushed, "Thank you so much! You know, I feel great!"

"Oh, indeed I do know just how great you feel, Toots," Carter said to himself. Aloud, he replied, "You're welcome, Trish. Come to me anytime."

Just then there was a rap on the door. Carter stepped over, slid back the bolt noiselessly and opened to see Peri, "Oh, Miss Halstead!" He exclaimed. "Please come right in." Ushering Peri into the office, Carter designated Trish. "Miss Periwinkle Halstead, this is Miss Patricia Dempsey. Miss Dempsey, meet Miss Halstead."

"Hi!" they each casually said to the other, practically in unison, after the formal introduction.

Carter quickly injected "You two girls have quite a bit in common and I would suggest a project, if I may." the teens nodded, showing interest in hearing his idea. "Miss Halstead is a brilliant student, newly arrived here. Miss Dempsey, until very recently, has had academic... issues. I propose a symbiotic friendship. Miss Halstead could tutor you, Miss Dempsey, in difficult courses, and Miss Dempsey could show you the ins and outs of student life on campus, Miss Halsey." Looking them up and down and beaming his most diplomatic smile, Carter asked, "Well, what do you say to that?"

Peri stuck out her hand. "That's a super idea, Dr. Carter," she said, shaking Trish's hand. Call me 'Peri'. Everyone does."

"OK, Peri, I'm 'Trish' and I think it will be fun to have a girlfriend to show around the campus."

Carter congratulated their good decision, then turned to Trish, "Say, do you have anything going this afternoon or evening that can't be cancelled?" he asked.

"Umm, not really," Trish replied, unsure of his motive. "I was just going to mess around. Why?"

"Because my motto is 'Carpe Diem' - 'Seize the Day' and I think we could all go to my house, take a swim, get to know each other as a team, and start getting you on track, Trish!"

"Good plan, Dr. Carter!" Peri exclaimed, bouncing under her dress as she rocked up on sandal toes. "Let's do it, Trish, it'll be fun!"

Trish, caught up in Peri's enthusiasm, overrode her caution flags and agreed. "Well, OK, but I don't have a suit or anything," she protested.

"Bah! Don't fret," Carter said with a dismissive shrug. "We'll find suits or make do somehow." He smiled, put his arms around their waists and pushed them out of his office. Stepping to his desk he dialed Cohen. "Ruth, I'm doing group work out of the office for the rest of the day. Please check the computer and make sure my notes for Miss Halstead's courses are entered as soon as possible. Thanks."

"Right away, Dr. Carter." she said. "Have a nice time, you dirty old man!" she sneered to herself as she hung up.

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MishaPearl2MishaPearl2less than a minute agoAuthor

Yes, I am sorry for that difficulty. "The Counselor", which concerns the adventures of Periwinkle Halstead (and others) in Southern California between September 3 and November 5, 1992, were published on between 6/4/2016 and 11/7/2016.

The first 10 chapters were not published under a single story name and are hard to search for (except by using the publishing chronology.) For your convenience, the chapters are named below in the order they should be read to enjoy the full story arc.

The New Girl

Stepping Out

Desert Overnight

Mountain Sojourn

Labor Day

Catch and Release

Rubens and Telemann (Missing Pages)

Rubens and Telemann




Chapters 1 through 3

All Saints

Chapters 1 through 5


Chapters 1 through 9

MP2 :-)

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

What is the order of the Periwinckle chronicles, the publication dates do not seem to align

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