SA E04: Adventures in Production


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I took almost another hour to drive the bus to the mansion. By that time only Vince and I were still awake. We had 27 bodies to carry in; Vince looked at the mess and said: “You owe me for this.”

I smiled and said: “You don’t think that the last three days were a good enough payment?” I smiled and waited for his answer.

Vince had a disconcerted look and said: “Ok, you’re right. Now let’s get them in.”

Luckily enough there was a lower floor entrance through the main garage, and we only had to carry the gurneys a few feet before reaching the room. It only took us another half hour to get everybody in. Vince decided the closest bed was good enough and went to sleep with the rest of the group.

I headed upstairs, still awake, and full of strength and decided to finish writing chapter 3. It took me only a few hours before I finished, I held off publishing it, until Alicia, Annie, Vicky and Sarah could get a look at it. I went upstairs, and climbed into my old bed, and fell asleep alone for the first time in weeks.

I awoke at sun up again, but felt refreshed even though I had only gotten a few hours of sleep. I had not bothered to change out of my toga and decided to go and check on everybody. Vince was just waking up, he noticed me and said: “Morning Sean, anybody else up?” He looked at me in my toga, and before I could answer his questions, said: “You sleep in that thing?”

I smiled and said: “I did, there pretty comfortable.”

Vince stretched then said: “Are we the only ones up?”

I replied casually: “Looks like it. Wanna help me make breakfast for everybody?”

Vince smiled and said: “It’s not really my strong point, but why not.”

We climbed upstairs and went to the kitchen. I had Vince prepare the ingredients as I cooked up a storm, and in no time at all I had a simple breakfast for thirty ready. Vince was impressed at my skill, and said: “Dude, you can really cook, never seen anybody make that much food that quickly.” He paused and took a deep breath, “And god it smells good too. Let’s get everybody for breakfast.”

I nodded my agreement and we headed downstairs again. This time we were greeted by a crowd of people just waking up. Vince and I invited each to eat, and gently woke the stragglers. We soon had everybody up, and we all headed upstairs where Vince, Arthur and I served the food, coffee and Juice I had prepared with Vince’s help.

We all talked, everybody remembering the night before, and trying to fill any fuzzy details. We talked for over an hour, slowly eating. That’s when there was a ring at the front door; I knew it had to be James. I got up and opened the door for him, he was still wearing the Jeans and T-shirt he had on yesterday, except they had been washed.

I asked him: “Why are you still in those James?”

James replied: “Felt like it this morning, by the ways thanks for the DVD, it was absolutely exquisite.”

I smiled and said: “Did you watch it all?”

He replied with a smile: “Yeah, all four hours.”

I did the math quickly, and said: “That means you have had no more then five hours of sleep, right?”

He smiled: “Actually, it was closer to three, but who’s counting.”

I hugged close and said: “You’re just as nuts as me today.”

We walked to the dinning room, where everybody said hi to him. We talked for a few more minutes, Annie, Alicia, Vicky, Amanda, Michelle and Susan teased him about the Video, and had fun making him blush. Sarah just sat by my side, enjoying the friendly atmosphere. It was Monday, but none of us had to work, I had made certain of that.

Eventually the party broke up, we invited all the girls back in a few days, saying there might be job in it for each, Vince and Guido left with them, they had to drop them off, Luigi also left with them, he needed a ride back to the sound stage to get his truck. Arthur’s nieces were also invited. Arthur said: “We will have to talk before they return.” He left with them. That left only James, the triplets, Annie, Alicia, Sarah, Vicky and me.

They teased James for a few more minutes before he said: “I have to go too; I am headed out of town. I have to attend a birthday party at the Medieval Village.”

I stopped him and said: “Would that be little Eve’s party tomorrow?”

He smiled and said: “As a matter of fact yes it is, why?”

I smiled and said: “The girls and I are going to make an early appearance, to surprise her. She is going to come and stay with me for a few months.”

James smiled and said: “That’s nice of you, she has been a little lonely as of late, there is so much and construction going that she had to be moved to room in the entrance hall.”

I smiled and said: “Don’t you worry; she won’t be lonely when she’s here with us.” I held out my arms and wrapped them around Annie, Alicia, Sarah and Vicky’s necks.

James laughed and said: “When are you guys leaving?”

I looked at the girls and they huddled together. Alicia said: “Whenever you’re ready.”

I looked back at the triplets and said: “You girls want to come for the ride?”

Susan smiled and said: “Thanks, but no, we want to spend the day with Arthur, we have to catch up on things, and he agreed for us to spend the whole day with him.”

I looked back at James and said: “We’ll be ready to leave in ten minutes.”

James smiled and said: “Who’s driving?”

I looked at him and laughed then said: “I will have Guido gas up the jet; there is a small abandoned airstrip where we can land just south of the resort.”

James smiled, it was a three hour drive, and he really did not want to drive. Guido had the jet ready in record time; we all headed to the airstrip. We all boarded and we were off. The trip took only thirty minutes and we were soon landing on the abandoned airstrip.

We arrived it was about one. There was a jeep waiting for us, it was towing a horse trailer, with four horses in it. I stepped off and said: “Nice to see you got my message Adam, I take it Eve does not know I am here yet.”

He smiled and said: “That’s right, and just like you asked I brought you four steeds, each can carry two easily, they have packs with two days food, and two bedrolls a piece.”

I looked at the girls and said: “it’s a fifteen minute drive to the main structure, where Eve is staying but it’s a two hour long horse ride if we take it slowly. I want to surprise Eve tomorrow, so I am going to ride in to town on horse tomorrow morning and I am going to camp out here, just like when Alicia and I met. Anybody want to join me?”

All four girls smiled, and then each answered in turn: “I will.”

I took a horse, Alicia and Annie decided to ride together on another and Vicky and Sarah also decided that they’d share a horse. Adam and James headed back to town on in the jeep with the last horse. Guido asked me where I wanted to be picked up, and when.

I replied: “Come and get me tomorrow night at the main building, Alicia, Annie, Vicky, Sarah and Eve will be accompanying me.” He nodded his agreement. “Also see how close you can get the jet; we will take it back tomorrow night.”

Guido smiled and said: “The jet will be by the front door tomorrow night, I promise.”

I smiled and realised: ‘The road in-front of the place was actually long and straight.’ Then it hit me and I said: “Guido, don’t crash the jet.”

Guido smiled and said: “I will land her myself, don’t worry.” He had a sly look to him.

I knew I could not stop him so I just let it go and signalled to the girls then said: “Let’s head out girls.” They were already on their horses and we set out at a slow canter. We were about a hundred meters away when Guido had finished taxing and decided to take off again, I have to say it, the man could fly or drive anything. We headed off in the general direction of the main building.

We were half way there when I suggested we take a detour to a steep hill that had a small plateau on the top. It overlooked the main building, the elevation was sufficient so we could see the entire resort. You could even see the keep where I rescued Alicia in the far distance, but it was hard climb for the horses and took us almost three hours just to climb to the top. It was rapidly growing dark.

Upon reaching the top we decided to make camp, it was getting late, the sun was setting. I quickly started a fire, there was just enough wood lying around to keep it going for a few hours, it would not last till morning however. We sat around the fire talking, while I cooked supper, and made coffee. The girls were huddled together, Alicia was holding Annie, and Vicky had her arms around Sarah.

When the food was finally ready, they eat sat and ate while we continued to talk and drink our coffees. By the time we were done the night had grown cold and it was getting late. Sleeping arrangements had to be made. We were five so anyway you looked at it; there would be an odd man out. I was not too tired so I decided to keep watch over the fire, I suggested to the girls that they pair off and go to sleep; I would go to bed later.

I told them I perfectly fine sleeping alone and that they need not worry. Alicia and Annie were too tired and went to bed together, quickly falling asleep. Vicky and Sarah were not as easily dissuaded and decided to stay up with me for a while. Vicky sat between my legs with her back to my chest, while Sarah sat between her legs. We talked for a few minutes, then the two girls started to nod off, and the conversation just died.

They were soon sound Asleep in my arms. I just sat there all night with them in my arms, and meditated. It was just as good as sleep to me, even better actually. I stopped meditating as the sun rose, and Sarah started to stir. Vicky soon also woke up; they both looked at each other and kissed. Then they looked at me.

Sarah asked: “Bro, did you get any sleep?”

I smiled and said: “No, I just meditated all night.”

Vicky smiled and said: “He never changes; mind you he is very affective at keep others warm.” Sarah smiled at me, remembering the nights we spent on the mountain at the monastery. Vicky was also nostalgic about it.

I hugged close and said: “Looks like you two enjoyed our little camp out.”

They only smiled at each other, then kissed me and hugged me closer. Annie and Alicia were now waking up, also quite happy just being in each others arms. They looked at us and smiled, then said in synch: “Good morning.”

Sarah and Vicky smiled, then got up and helped the twins up. I got up myself, and we all packed up and headed done the hill. We were out of wood, so we did not have the chance to make a fire and have breakfast, or ever coffee, we were also very low on water.

We headed to the main building; we were there in a mere two hours, including the decent. We all showered and had brunch there. I suggested the girls go and find Adam, so we could arrange for me to appear just in time for Eve’s birthday party.

Annie and Alicia decided to stay with me, just in case they ran into Eve, she would most defiantly be unable to tell Annie from Alicia, especially since Eve did not know Alicia had an identical twin sister. They also wanted to surprise her. Which left Sarah and Vicky to find Adam, they were lucky enough to find him alone and got the required info, he was actually heading to the party, and it was to start in fifteen minutes. They thanked him and quickly came to get us. We headed to the party as soon as they arrived.

It was already three by the time we reached the party. Adam let me and the girls in. I walked into the room where the party was. Everybody there knew me, but had a bizarre look as Alicia and Annie walked in, then Sarah and Vicky came in, Eve was facing away from us as I entered but as everybody’s eyes were now transfix on us she turned her head to see what was so special that everybody had to look.

The second she noticed me her eyes lit up and a smile covered her face. She then noticed a pair of Alicias and paused for a second, then Sarah and Vicky grabbed her attention, she was uncertain for a few seconds but her excitement won out and she ran to me screaming my name. She jumped at me; I caught her mid air and hugged her close.

She repeatedly said she was so happy to see me again. I held her till she calmed a little then put her down. She looked again at Annie and Alicia; she looked at them for a few minutes before saying: “Ok, obviously they’re twins, now which one is Alicia?”

Alicia replied: “Hi Eve, meet my twin sister Annie.”

Eve looked at Annie and said: “Hi nice to meet you.” Then she ran to Alicia.

Alicia hugged Eve close and whispered into her ear: “Nice to see you again too. Now do me a favour and give my sister a hug too.”

Eve had a mildly scared look, but went to Annie and also hugged her, her face light up quickly as she started to feel safe in this strangers arms, they felt so familiar. Eve looked at Annie after the hug and said: “I like you, I feel safe in your arms, just like your sister.”

Annie smiled and said: “I like your style, and anybody who is a friend of Alicia or Sean, is friend of mine. And you a friend of both so there is no way we can be any but friends.”

Eve smiled and hugged Annie again. She looked at me and said: “Sean, they’re amazing, thanks for bringing them with you.” She then looked over at Vicky and Sarah and then looked at me and said: “Sean, please introduce me to your other friends.”

I smiled and replied: “Eve, meet Sarah, my sister and Vicky, The Great Elder of the order of monks that belong to.”

Eve face filled with wonder as I introduced them, then she say hi to each and shook their hands, saying: “Nice to meet you.” Sarah and Vicky each hugged her in return.

Eve then came back to my side and said: “You staying for my party?”

I replied: “Would not miss for the word birthday girls.”

Eve hugged me close and dragged me to the party. Alicia introduced Annie, Vicky and Sarah to everybody she knew, and they also mingled with the crowd. James joined us an hour later and made certain to introduce Annie and Alicia to anyone they had missed.

I spent the next three hour by Eve’s side, having fun. The last event of the evening was the opening of the gifts, which Eve made me help with. She enjoyed it greatly. After she was done she suggested we should head off. Just as we were getting ready to leave I heard Guido and the jet, we all ran to the window to witness Guido landing my jet on a small dirt road just outside the building.

Eve was amazed and asked as she saw the jet: “Is that our ride?” I nodded it was. She giggled and hugged her father goodbye, and then we all headed down to meet Guido. Eve was happy to meet him; everybody who had seen the landing shook his hand and said that was the most amazing thing they had even seen. Guido took in stride.

We all got on the jet, Guido told us to get ready for a slightly rough takeoff. We all strapped and got ready for a rough ride; it was so smooth that I barely realized we were in the air until the nose rose sharply.

We headed home with Eve, she had not seen my mansion yet, and knew nothing about me and the girls. She was in for a surprise. She was excited throughout the flight, she got to know Annie better, asking Alicia and Annie about them and really enjoyed cuddling with them as they talked. It was already dark by the time we landed.

We all climbed into one of my hummers and headed to my mansion, it was only a half hour drive but the day finally caught up with Eve and she fell asleep in my arms. We had not yet decided where Eve should sleep, but I figured for her first night, that she and I could sleep in my old bed. Alicia agreed it was probably best to talk to her about all of us before we let her see us all in one bed.

I carried her up, and placed her in bed; I removed her coat, shoes and socks, but left the rest of her clothes on. I stripped to my boxers and joined her. Annie and Alicia each kissed her goodnight and left with the rest of the girls, they went to bed later; I was not really tired but thought a few hours would do me good. This is where I end my story today. Hope you enjoyed this chapter in our lives. Until next time.

Sincerely Sean, Annie, Alicia, Vicky and Sarah.


I am sorry it took me so long to write this chapter, I appreciate all my loyal readers and will try not to be so long on my next few chapters. I will publish several more chapters in this series, I don’t know if I will ever end it, but I will eventually publish it as a book or an E-book, even if I have to pay to print it myself. Till next time.

Sincerely OmegaZone

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

Wow, one of the longest stories I've read for ages. But definitely worth it. *thumbs up*

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